What is Positive Stress?

Stress does not always mean something negative. It need not be an awful experience always. There are times that stress can be a positive thing. In fact, there are two types of stress—Distress that is the negative stress, and Eustress, which is the positive stress. As one author wrote, two individuals may perceive a situation differently. One may see it as stressful at a certain point, while the other may not see it as such.

Normally, any situation that is perceived as threatening, or testing, or obliging for a quick change is downright stressful. However, people respond differently. They may see it either as “challenging” or “threatening.” Stress, apparently, does not affect everyone in the same way because experiencing stress is something that is subjective. Many factors contribute to how people perceive things.

The study of stress and coping resources tells us that skills and experience are not man’s only resources to cope with stress. Another available resource that plays a significant role in buffering the ill effects of stress is our social relationships. The claim that the effects of stress in people’s lives are influenced by how deep and how much they are active in terms of socializing with people. Stress is an everyday phenomenon that individuals have to face. Stress is everywhere; it either comes from the environment or within the individual himself. And everyone regardless of age experiences it.

Eustress, as defined earlier, is the type, which is actually good. It is the desirable kind, which actually helps one’s health and allows someone to feel content, and keeps one’s optimism in life.

There are various instances wherein a person experiences Eustress. One may experience it while seeing a suspense thriller movie. It can also be experienced when one gets excited out of winning a game, a sport, or the lottery perhaps. One may experience eustress whenever one feels he has accomplished a challenge. When he feels ecstatic out of riding a rollercoaster. When one feels euphoric when a baby is born, or when he is in one of those momentous occasions such as a wedding, a house purchase, graduation, job promotion, etc. These instances give to a person a tinge of nervousness and stress albeit in a good kind of way. So from now on, look at stress in two different light. It may mean negative most of the time, but not all the time.

The author is a health care specialist that deals studies on the subject of alternative medicine.

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