What You Resist Persists #Nando25 Challenge: Self Improvement Tips

Dating + Relationship Coach Nando from http://nandoism.com teams up with Jazmin Chavez to explain the concept of what you resists persists. Do your homework and let me know how it goes!

To register + participate in the #Nando25 Day Challenge visits
http://nandoism.com for details!
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3 Responses to What You Resist Persists #Nando25 Challenge: Self Improvement Tips

  1. nandoism says:

    Thanks for the heads up–I can't credit or cite him because this video wasn't from his work–and I had no idea that his focus was "what you resist persists" but I will totally check him out now and look for that. The video was based on a series of fundamental learnings that humans in general share yet are blind-sided by. And that's what the entire #Nando25 challenge is based on. Thanks again for watching + allowing me to share! Rock on!

  2. Jazmin Chavez says:

    I never read his stuff, but I definitely heard of him so I will check it out too! Thanks arendir! :)

  3. arendir says:

    I love your vids! but, If you got this saying from Eckhart Tolle (or possible another author) I think its important that you cite their credit for it :S

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