Choose a Positive Environment

I used to have a sign on my face that said “Fools come to me.” I can remember a time in my life when gossip was a form of entertainment for me. I would thrive on the negative gossip of who was doing what, where and how. I couldn’t wait to go to the next person and tell the story. It was like living in a constant soap opera. The more I got caught up in the gossip, the more I attracted it from other people. Eventually I realized how wrong I was to participate in this behavior and it is still hard for me at times to remove myself from it. Recently, I have lost some close friends because I no longer choose to participate in the negative talk about other people.

Many times I have been stung by gossip myself. People talking about me, telling lies and sometimes telling the hurtful truth behind my back but in the end it is a suffering pain to feel people talking negatively about you.

As the Bible states, “Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.” This is a very true statement. When you walk with the positive, faithful people you will attract a positive faithful life and when you run with the negative, destructive people you will attract a negative life. Spend time with positive, successful people who will encourage you to reach for new heights. Make sure that people are building you up instead of tearing you down. And don’t be jealous of other people’s success and happiness. I always love to hear peoples positive stories, whether they have received a promotion, gotten their dream home or had a great event occur in their lives; whatever it may be positive, I want to hear it. It reconfirms the same positive experience can happen to me.

Although I have lost some negative people in my life, I would rather have fewer friends who are positive, loving influences than be influenced by a large group of negative friends. Everyone does have love in them, and it is not my place to judge, I just do not want to be involved in anything that could hurt someone else. Some people like my old self do not understand the repercussions of gossip and negative energy. They have not been taught or they might not be open to it in their lives at the moment. I want the best life for me and everyone else in this world! And if each of us pursues a positive life the better the world will be.

Make a difference and choose a positive pathway everyday!

Melissa Carter Brewster Trying to make a difference in this world one word at a time!

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