Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Memory

From drinking more milk to clenching your first, we take a look at the top 10 ways to improve your memory.

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20 Responses to Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Memory

  1. Church Tabor says:

    my memory is almost gone I will be going in for brain surgery in 7 days

  2. E LOC says:

    This guy sounds like Chris from a "How to drive" channel.

  3. Amogh Patwardhan says:

    can practising to write with ur nondominant hand help in increasing brain power???any1???

  4. Amogh Patwardhan says:

    can any1 suggest me some brain games

  5. Irene Osagiede says:

    How i remeber things that happened a long time ago? I take screenshots in my mind. What I mean is find a connect that memory in my brain so it will be permanent and last forever it is kinda hard to explain and hard to understand but that is how i remebered most of my childhood :)

  6. Fu SuSu says:

    The best way to improve memory is to create yourself a memory system.
    You can try my cool system here

  7. Barry Allen says:

    I just record a video of me talking before to my 'future self' about what I need to do

  8. ?? ?? says:

    Haven't had more than 3 hours of sleep a day in over three years… Maybe ill try sleeping can't believe I didn't think about that before..

  9. oldguy8177able says:

    me again i have found now this is my own theory my own experience,i have always had bad memory since i was very young ,and its to do with fear,mine was fear of my dad,i have found that not been afraid face your fears,my memory its a lot better,not 100% but 50% better

  10. kyle miller says:

    just learn how to solve all kinds of Rubik' s cubes

  11. Health tv says:

    wow i love this video :)
    it gives a a lot of information-
    and hopefully it will work for me because my memory is too week.
    that for this i just love it:

  12. John Miller says:

    Nice tips. Thanks for the video. I found another website that helps to improve our memory using mental photography. Just google search "Linda brain power system"

  13. Erik Duchamp says:

    "Electronic planner."

  14. Angelina Ava says:

    Reading a good book is what improved my memory lol :3

  15. Keshav Agrawal says:


  16. mark plower says:

    "get enough sleep" watching this at 11:46 pm lol

  17. oldguy8177able says:

    this is my theory how to improve memory just do it,let me explain for me i have many issues or examples of bad memory here's one when i go shopping if i don't write it down i forget,so this sounds crazy but just got in the habit of not forgetting it works not immediately but over time definately works for me.

  18. Huda TA says:

    Excellent I like it and it really works thank you ✌️👑

  19. OSaV says:

    Hm, 4444th like, 440,464th view.

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