How to Stay Positive All the Time? 5 Tips to Stay Happy :)


How to Stay Positive All the Time? 5 Tips to Stay Happy :)

How to Stay Positive All the Time?
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This is my “Ask Celes” series where I answer your questions! Today’s question is a question I got from my recent client on how I stay positive all the time. Watch for my response!

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How to Meditate in 5 Simple Steps:
Brain Dumping Exercise:
The Day I Quit My Job to Pursue My Passion:
How To Be Happy: 10 Timeless Principles for Lasting Happiness:
How To Be Unhappy: 10 Surefire Ways To Be Unhappy in Life:

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Music: Do It Right, Secret Conversations (YouTube Library)
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Oprah Winfrey explains how she keeps positive.
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20 Responses to How to Stay Positive All the Time? 5 Tips to Stay Happy :)

  1. Sushil Kashyap says:

    i really liked your video very much…it is very simple and given soltuions are very simple to apply in real life…i had shown your video to my younger sister also…she also liked it. thank you so much for making my life simple and happy…god bless you. tc

  2. Lydia Chin says:

    It's a good video. Keep it up!

  3. Daiona Garner says:

    I watch this everytime I feel down ❤️

  4. Amaka Okpata says:

    thanks alot Celes. God bless you and keep adding to lives of people. Am glad to know you. love you

  5. SHS .ALHOUSANI says:

    thank you, you really made my day ^^

  6. Steven Paradise says:

    Thank you, Celes. Glad I found this.

  7. Emmy Nyange says:

    Absolutely God Bless You.

  8. Agnes Keszthelyi says:

    Thank you ! first mind dump session done big relevations :)

  9. Jenifer Roman says:

    thank you…

  10. Ngullie Lotha says:

    Thank you dearest sister Celes for this wonderful inspiring video. Keep up the good work and may God bless you…Love you so much sister

  11. Chinzie Español says:

    thank you so much

  12. Sudip Rai says:

    Hi! Celestine,
    You are awesome. Thank you for such a helpful speech and points to focus on. I am already feeling positive after watching this video, I will start being positive. Thank you :)

  13. Uzma Hussain says:

    Celestine Chua I love your videos it's very inspiring!
    I use to get extremely upset about my skin conditions, and eczema until I've realised it could've been much worse. For instance , I could've been chronic eczema, and being blind is worse than having an eye impairment.Therefore , I am grateful for everything, whilst still believing it will improve regardless of the fact there's no cure yet 😘😘😘

  14. DEVI SHEETAL says:

    You Singaporean ah

  15. Abishek Surya says:

    I do the brain dumping exercise..its so cool! I am able to manage my emotions better.I choose Positive and Abundant Thinking! I surround myself with positive people and I am grateful for all that I have! Thank you so much Celestine! Always a pleasure listening to you!

  16. Aperaamy Loves says:

    Ur awesome! U speak from the heart, and just have such a great passion! Yes, I can clearly see that you strive for excellence with ur excellent plans, vision boards, work ethic, consistent articles and videos! God Bless You Celestine!

  17. Freeman says:

    very good video and very inspiring, thank you

  18. Cristian Vergara says:

    Very good video Celestine, thank you.

  19. Plancom Inc says:

    Thank you, Celestine Chua.

  20. bellairis29 says:

    Thanks Celes, this video is something I really needed right now, as I'm going through a bout of depression. A lot of people react with hostility to advice to focus on mindset saying "you can't will your problems away" "Thinking positive doesn't do anything" I think that's a false conclusion. In the context of depression, which is a kind of emotional numbness, the opposite of depression is not happiness. The opposite of depression is wellness, and the opposite of happiness is misery. So, for example, while depressed, I don't have to wallow in misery. Even when I feel numb, and happier emotions seem watered down, I can choose to mentally acknowledge that they ARE positive, and the positivity exists, even though it seems distant. The problem is not solved, but I'm better equipped to deal with it and can work at it, even if it's just a stone at a time!

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