How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

It’s hard to stay positive in the tough world of today. Every day we come across situations and people who remind us of the harsh realities of life. No one can avoid problems, but they can definitely determine how to face them. As famous graphic artist Mary Engelbreit said, ‘If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.’ Here are some tips to stay positive in a negative world.

Tips to Staying Positive in A Negative World

Surround yourself with positivity: Feelings and attitudes are infectious. That’s how the company of some people automatically lifts up your spirits. Seek positive friends who are happy and hopeful. Surround your home and office with quotes on positivity.

Nurture your mind: Consciously avoid television programs and films that are negative. They always have an impact at the subconscious level. Read positive books with happy stories and the inspiring lives and thoughts of great people. Spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing helps you stay happy even in the worst environments.

See hardship as an opportunity: Your view determines everything. The world is the same for everyone. How is it that some make it while others don’t? It’s because the former saw possibilities where others only saw hardship and pain.

Do something: When plagued with negativity, don’t brood. You will only feel worse. Do something you love. Your spirit will be uplifted as your mind is diverted towards the new activity. Like every other organ, the brain has to be fed. Give it light instead of the darkness that comes from pondering over something bitter.

View the positive side of things: Even negative things have a positive side to them. Train your mind to concentrate on those. Losing your job is not all about losing your only source of income. It also means free time for family and all the things you always planned to do but never found the time for.

Appreciate and be grateful: Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts to man. Learn to be grateful not just for something good but even for the negative because it teaches you something. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘If you don’t get everything you want, think of the things you don’t get that you don’t want.’

Forge a strong belief system: Everything starts with you. What are the values you treasure? What is your attitude to people and the world in general? Consciously work on a program of self development that cultivates hope, optimism, faith and your own unique potential.

Learn to let go: Accept that there is only so much that you can do. The rest is outside your control. So just shut out those things and forget about them. Remember that you cannot please all the people all the time. As George Bernard Shaw said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

Follow these tips as a basis for a more positive life and you will surely see a change. There is no time like NOW to make a fresh start.

Doug Dvorak is a motivational speaker with vast experience in helping a wide range of companies and employees. His captivating style and humor have made him a popular speaker for a huge variety of issues.

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