Think Positive and Get rid of Negativity

Dear Readers,


Positive thinking is very important whether you are a business, manager, or employee. You will be slow if you think negative.



Last week I found myself listening to the TV news shows more than usual, reading newspaper articles I usually ignore, and listening to radio shows I don’t normally listen to.


It was a week where my mood was off and nothing seemed to work right. My behavior certainly affected my family, business and friends. What was I doing differently? What was making my energy spiral down? Why was I feeling so low?


You guessed it! It was the constant diet of negative news, negative articles and negative radio shows that had me in a place that did not feel good. I certainly wasn’t walking my talk last week and I’m admitting it to you.


When I realized what I was doing it was easy to revert back to my ole self. Watching my sons’ wrestling match and my daughters’ basketball game, watching great movies, reading positive articles in the paper (I LOVE my comics especially Zits, Family Circle and For Better or For Worse) and listening to CDs and mp3 files that sharpen my skills and help me stay positive, got me back on track. The key was shifting back into my gratitude routine.


What a difference it makes to appreciate and focus on what’s right with the world instead of what’s wrong with it. It certainly has improved my mood and those around me are much happier. I feel better, am more focused and ready to take on the world.


In regards to my business I’m clearer on what I want and what needs to be done to attract it. Geez, it feels good just writing it!!!


So, how can you shift from focusing on what’s wrong with your world to what’s right with it? It’s about appreciating the good things in your life.


Try this simple exercise. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On one side write down the first ten challenging things that pop into your head. On the right side write what you appreciate about each item. For example, on the left side you write “My boss drives me crazy!” On the right side you write “I’m grateful that I have a job.”


Once you’re finished writing, shift your attention to your chest and breathe deeply and slowly. Really focus on and appreciate those positive things you wrote. Relax your body with each breath and begin to feel the difference as little by little the stress begins to leave your body. If you can, go outside and take a walk and breathe in fresh air.


If you try this exercise, and it works for you, please let me know about it.


Sarah Breathnach said it best…


“When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present… We experience heaven on earth.”


To your positive success!


Terry Wildemann, CEC, CPBA, CPCC
Success Coach
Professional Development Trainer
EFT Practitioner

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