Abraham Hicks – How to Stay Positive In This Negative World

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3 Responses to Abraham Hicks – How to Stay Positive In This Negative World

  1. DanArmaniBeats says:

    loven this :)

  2. Teisha Thomas says:

    These videos are helping so sooo much! I think after listening for over a year… I am JUST NOW starting to "get it"! She will be here this month and unfortunately I can't afford to go and see her – but thank goodness for Youtube. I don't know who is monitoring this page – but I want to believe that the people who comment on these vids have some knowledge of what these videos are about and have had some degree of experience " experiencing" this "happening". After almost 2 months of self inflicted solitude, I have cleaned my slate – so to speak. I am "dealing with myself". I am accepting my past and what I can't change. I am learning how to deal when things are going wrong for myself or my family and I can't do anything and for a while _ felt like I was covered alive. Then over the past 4 days.. something happened. In the midst of the darkness…. I saw light. It is a distant light but it is there. Every day I feel better and better and I don't question it. I don't try to figure it out. I don't do allot of stuff that I think I am supposed to do to make something happen because I am afraid that I may not have things be like I want them to be or still can't help my kids or whatever. If someone asked me – so describe where you are – I have no explanaition because I don't get it. I know I purposely chose not to speak of or indulge in anything that activates bad feelings. There are things I want – Like to move into a house – help my daughter in college or the other one in LA and I am here alone in Texas… not working and living in a hotel. So I was like.. well what if nothing changes by christmas… so I stopped. I told myself I am not going to do that. I am going to take this one day at a time and enjoy what the day brings. I am going to laugh and smile because I want to. Im not gonna pity myself because of what I don't have. I am going to let go of what I USED to have> I actually BELIEVE I am going to be okay. I felt flooded with bad things from my child hood to current bad things.. to being alone with never having real love and the list goes on… so it's like how can I EVER get past all of this. I am 42 and the most I can muster up is that I refuse to die an unhappy person still suffering from what I don't have, can't do and what what happened to me. I realize there will always be some opposing force. I mean something happens almost every day that litterally is like WTF! But then I respond – however that is… then I let it go. I do realize I do have these feelings that feel good. I have none of what I feel good about… but it feels good to imagine it and it just feels good that I am getting closer to this light. I have never gone though this so I have no idea what this is. I am noticing however that I can choose how I am affected. It almost seems like avoidance, but I know I am not avoiding anything – I am just choosing to feel good a bit longer. I may not get all of the answers from these recordings but then – I REALLY don't know. I am just happy to BE existing right now, If anyone has anything to share – Im all EYES! If not, it;s okay. I think it (whatever it is) will find me regardless.

    I am very much thankful and appreciative of these videos. In some way that I cannot explain – they are helping me.

  3. Chris Weathers says:

    Another great one…
    long pauses in the video though

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