How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

You record what you think about, and your thoughts CREATE your life. Change your subconscious mind and CREATE ANYTHING. Your subconscious mind power and brain power will work with the law of attraction to draw wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power.

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Growing Forever Playlist –

By Robert Anthony. All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us if there is a copyright concern.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

Thank you for watching GrowingForever

The Brain Unlocked – How to Use Your Brain Power

The Secret Law Of Attraction Step You Are Missing

The Mind Tricks of Muhammad Ali.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind and Change Your Life

2,500 POWERFUL Abundance Affirmations

The Secret To Clearing Your Subconscious Mind

Money Tree Meditation

The Short Cut To Riches

1,000 POWERFUL Self Confidence Affirmations

Relaxing Deep Meditation To Attract Wealth & Prosperity

The Secret To Controlling Your Subconscious Mind

We (Growing Forever) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. The law of attraction has enriched my life greatly, and my goal is to share the science of deliberate creation with as many people as possible. There is an art to creating what you want thru the law of attraction, and you can learn all about it here! I am very passionate about teaching this information. This is a positive place for positive people! On this channel, you’ll find videos about: subconscious mind power, brain power, law of attraction, universal law, consciousness, personal development, how the law of attraction works, affirmation videos, quantum physics, subconscious behavior, inspirational, motivational, binaural beats, meditation, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Stuart Wilde, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John Kehoe, and Jack Canfield. ENJOY !!

Use your subconscious mind power to attract anything. Control your subconscious mind and brain power, and change what you receive. Your subconscious mind power and brain power work with the law of attraction to draw wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Law Of Attraction, Brain Power.

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Growing Forever Playlist –

By Stuart Wilde. All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us if there is a copyright concern.

Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Law Of Attraction, Brain Power

Thank you for watching GrowingForever

The Brain Unlocked – How to Use Your Brain Power

The Secret Law Of Attraction Step You Are Missing

The Mind Tricks of Muhammad Ali.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind and Change Your Life

2,500 POWERFUL Abundance Affirmations

The Secret To Clearing Your Subconscious Mind Power

Money Tree Meditation

The Short Cut To Riches

1,000 POWERFUL Self Confidence Affirmations

Relaxing Deep Meditation To Attract Wealth & Prosperity

The Secret To Controlling Your Subconscious Mind Power

We (Growing Forever) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. The law of attraction has enriched my life greatly, and my goal is to share the science of deliberate creation with as many people as possible. There is an art to creating what you want thru the law of attraction, and you can learn all about it here! I am very passionate about teaching this information. This is a positive place for positive people! On this channel, you’ll find videos about: subconscious mind power, brain power, law of attraction, universal law, consciousness, personal development, how the law of attraction works, affirmation videos, quantum physics, subconscious behavior, inspirational, motivational, binaural beats, meditation, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Stuart Wilde, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John Kehoe, and Jack Canfield. ENJOY !!

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18 Responses to How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

  1. PETER Avergun says:

    In order to reach the Infinite Mind and enlist its aid, your belief must be laser focused in your own mind. There cannot be multiple distracting thoughts sending their vibrations into the Universe. This is similar to only placing one battery into a flashlight that requires two batteries. You cannot generate the power to illuminate your way through the darkness, and find the correct path to follow, if there is not a connection with enough “juice.”
    The prohibiting challenge to overcome is similar to my challenge to maximize the use of the computer. In order to solve more problems with the computer, I must first solve the problem of how to use the computer. It becomes a question of value. Is it worth my time to receive instruction in “computereeze” to make use of this most useful tool? The answer is a resounding “YES” because it allows me to access more information and solutions.
    The real issue is the answer to the following question: How can you convince your conscious mind that your vision is real, i.e. that you have a true and strong belief, when logic tells you otherwise? This is the crux of the matter because the conscious mind is the GATEKEEPER to the unconscious mind. A hypnotist cannot make you perform acts that your conscious mind knows are wrong because hypnosis works through the subconscious. The conscious mind is the filter that delivers or prevents a connection to your subconscious through your belief in the accuracy of the thought in question. The conscious mind will ask: Is it true and logical? Is it morally correct? If the answer to either question is no, there will be no admittance to the subconscious mind. How, then, can you give the conscious mind the slip? How do you solve the problem of connection, i.e. to enable you to use the ultimate tool, collaboration with the Infinite Mind, to facilitate the solving of more problems?
    The answer is that you use the conscious mind, to activate the subconscious mind, to control the conscious mind, to give you access to the subconscious mind. SAY WHAT? Perhaps I’d better explain. Let’s say that you are an athlete. If your coach wanted to teach you some footwork to improve your performance (which is frequently the scenario), he would have you repeat the desired footwork over and over until you were able to master it. This would be accomplished through “muscle memory.” When you practice the desired procedure every day, it becomes part of your subconscious. It is similar to driving your car, walking to the next room, or blinking your eyes. These are all acts that you may consciously control if you choose to, but they are, for the most part, performed subconsciously. Any athlete will tell you that until you can perform a function subconsciously, you will never be truly proficient in its execution. So, you are consciously performing an action until it becomes muscle memory. Then you are able to perform the action subconsciously, without a conscious effort.
    Once you have accomplished the ability to subconsciously create a belief that, on its surface seems illogical, you then consciously insert that belief into your conscious mind, bypassing the GATEKEEPER. Only then will your subconscious mind accept that belief and allow the Infinite Intelligence to collaborate and create a solution.
    Thus, in order to produce a strong enough belief to entice the Infinite Mind to collaborate with your subconscious, the first order of business is to learn to concentrate, focus, and remove all other distractions from your mind. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice. Practice. Practice. Create this skill in yourself until it becomes “muscle memory.” Here are a few suggestions to help you:
    1) Choose a room where you will be undisturbed in silence. Sit comfortably erect in a comfortable chair but do not lounge. Allow your thoughts to wander where they may but, sit perfectly still. Repeat for three or four days.
    2) Repeat as above except try and inhibit all thought. It will be difficult to do for more than a few minutes. In doing this exercise, you will realize the great number of thoughts that will enter your mind. Repeat for four or five days.
    3) Repeat as above but mentally allow each part of your body to completely relax. Start with your toes and work your way north to your feet, ankles, calves, knees, etc. Don’t forget your shoulders, neck, jaw and eyes. Total relaxation is the objective because this allows your mental faculties to exert their greatest freedom. Relieving all physical tension. Four or five days.
    4) Repeat as above relieving all physical tension and then mentally let go of all adverse conditions such as hatred, anger, worry, jealousy, envy, sorrow, trouble or any kind of disappointment. You may find it difficult to do this but you can. It takes practice and concentration of your intellect over your emotions. The length of time it takes to achieve the dismissal and elimination of all negative thoughts will vary. Relieving all mental tension. Practice makes perfect.
    5) Repeat as above relieving all physical and mental tension. Then, picture in your mind a beautiful and ideal place and put yourself there mentally. It can be urban or rural. Make your vision very detailed by your effort to concentrate. See the buildings, grounds, vegetation, associations, and friends as you would like to see them. When I do this, I am sitting on a dock on a lake in Maine. I can see the sun rising, the shimmering water, fish occasionally jumping above the water. I can feel the subtle breezes of the lake and hear the friendly voices of my friends and the sounds of the birds (loons) talking to each other. I can see the shore of the lake and the multitude of trees that surround the lake. My strongest part of the vision is the mirror-like image created by the reflection of the smooth-as-glass surface of the water. This is my favorite spot and it is my pleasure to recreate it in my mind. Do this exercise for at least a week for ten to fifteen minutes.
    6) Repeat as above to relieve all tension. Visualize yourself talking to a close friend (living or not). Swap stories with your friend and engage in friendly conversation. Pay particular notice to changing facial expressions and variations of tone in voice and laughter. I speak to my father often, as well as a variety of friends. Success here is a good measurement of progress.
    7) Repeat as above to relieve all tension. Your new exercise is to visualize a finished product and work backwards until you have the rawest of materials. For example, I visualize a man walking on the moon. I work backwards in my mind to how the lunar module landed on the moon then I see it separate from the mothership; how the mothership traveled through space. How the stages of the rocket separated after the rocketship was launched. The launch. Moving the rocket from its location at Cape Canaveral to the launch pad. The piecing together of the rocket at the Cape. The parts of the rocket being constructed and assembled. Gathering the steel, the screws, from the trucks to the assembly plant, etc. The value of this exercise is to get you to look below the surface and envision details that when changed make the insignificant significant, the uninteresting interesting, and the unimportant important. It illuminates how things that are supposedly unimportant are seen to be the only vital things in existence.
    8) Repeat as above to relieve all tension. The next exercise is to visualize your favorite plant or flower and bring it from the unseen to the seen. Plant the seed, water it, care for it, place it where it will receive direct sunlight, see the seed burst and SEE your plant become a living thing. See the roots develop and shoot out in all directions and subdividing into millions of living cells. Watch the branches form and then the leaves. See the small buds develop and unfold as your favorite flower takes it shape. Smell its fragrance. When you have created your vision and it becomes a part of your spirit and becomes very real to you, you are creating an impassioned belief. You are learning to concentrate, and by repetition, the process will become a part of your subconscious. You will be able to get to the quiet, relaxed concentration thinking aspect easily (mental muscle memory) and you will recognize that the process is the same whether you are concentrating on a flower or a health issue or a business problem. Do remember, however, that speed is not your objective. Getting yourself to concentrate and believe is your aim.
    9) Remember to do this daily or the skills will erode. You will find that it will become a time of day that you look forward to very much. Mornings work best. Do a revisualization as your last conscious act before falling asleep. It takes discipline to build your mental muscles just as it takes persistence and resolve to build your physical muscles. Just as looking in the mirror will not reveal results after your first visit to the gym, it takes time to put yourself in mental shape to create a belief that your conscious mind would ordinarily reject. This is because it does not fit logically into the accepted pattern of belief held by the masses. Your objective is to get past the gatekeeper, the conscious mind, and activate the assistance of the subconscious mind and its partner, the Infinite Mind. Through repetition you will become mentally skilled and be able to slip past the conscious mind and enter the venue that allows you to access your superpowers.

  2. Magz Sara says:

    does the natal astrological position govern how we perceive our reality. Water signs =emotional Fire signs = happy etc..Otherwise we would all perceive the same thing and be happy..

  3. M. Harrison says:


  4. Michael Garza says:

    THIS!! ALL DAY, THIS! So well put and in-depth; covered self talk and the subconscious in the most easily understood terms I've come across yet. Well done! and thank you.

  5. Odane Taylor says:

    thank you

  6. Claudia Reid says:


  7. Shaai Kamaha says:

    I needed this perfect timing

  8. zookababy says:


  9. Growing Forever says:

    How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Enjoy!!

  10. rohint says:

    Great. Just would appreciate less ads! I can see you may have a few but this is too many! It interrupts the flow

  11. Melanin Beauty says:


  12. Open Mind says:

    Thank you

  13. Rita I. says:

    Beautiful. Thank you.

  14. Amia's Kids Video says:

    very well said

  15. phillyohG says:

    Thank you

  16. Keishanna Michele says:

    Great stuff!

  17. Rinnah william says:

    Thank you

  18. Growing Forever says:

    Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Enjoy!!

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