Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Online Dating Hints- The Power Of Positive Attitude – How To Keep A Positive Attitude

Have you ever heard that “Our Attitude Determines Our Altitude!” I think that nothing could be more accurate, especially when it comes to our love life. Many of us have had so many bad experiences we are just fed up. So how do we keep a smile on our face when everything around us seems to crumble? Perspective is the key when you are dealing with life’s problems. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger. Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

I heard a story once about a kid who wanted with all his heart to have a pony. The boy’s father thought it would be funny so he gave him a shovel. He took the boy to the barn and put him in a room that was filled four feet high with horse manure. The boy was told that he needed to shovel out all the horse dung. Several hours later the Dad came back only to find the boy with a smile on his face and happily still in the room shoveling away at the mess. When the Dad asked him why he was so happy the boy said, “With all this manure, I know my pony is in there somewhere!” Life’s problems are all about perspective.

I have met a guy who spent seven long years in a prison for something that he didn’t even do. He told me that he made a vow to himself during his first week in there that he would redeem his time. He used his time wisely by spending it reading books, writing and going to college classes. By the time he went through all that he was well educated. He even had a college degree. No matter what your struggle is you can choose whether to let it master you, or you be the master of it. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger.

I heard a very wealthy man in response to someone saying how “lucky” he is say this, “It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get!” Everyone gets knocked down. Life is a battle for everyone, some face tougher challenges but none of us are without pain. If you want to be truly successful in anything remember Winston Churchill’s famous quote, “Never, ever, ever, ever give up!” Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

When you are just about ready to throw in the towel on your dating life, when you want to give up remember what has been said here. I cannot think of a single thing that is more important than who you spend your life with. There is no greater task that you can be given than to find the right partner. Don’t give up! Make the best out of bad times, and remember that life is all about perspective.

When it seems hard to smile, just remember I am on your side. I think you are a winner and I want to make you a champion. Visit Seduction Secrets today Receive a free 7 day E-course on seduction principles, normally valued at

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Positive Thinking And Weight Loss: Is Positive Thinking Really Necessary To Losing Weight?

If you honestly want to reach any objective in your own health and weight loss cause, you need and to have to be Positive. This is true not just of Weight Loss goals but of every particular of goal you can have. Be it a business or a personal goal, you may not accomplish it unless you do the job in overpowering negativity. Once you set a goal, there will also be tangible roadblocks on your plan in the form of scattered convictions and sentimentsthat will render you disheartened and de-motivated. Your requirement is to weed out those unfavorable ideas from yourheart and replace them with more positive ones. I understand that undertaking so is not so easy as itappears, but then again, if you desire to reach a destination very badly, it isn’t crazy either! In this article I’ll tell you how changing your thoughts can help you lose body weight.

When you launch your Fat Reduction approach your conscience will become buried in thought with ideas such as ‘I’ll never be skinny’, ‘I’m not strong enough to lose weight’, ‘I hate to do exercises’, etc. Instead of being cowed down by such ideas, you need to have to fight them! If these frustrating ideas keep you from reaching your Weight Loss purpose, you are not alone! Most folks be unsuccessful to lose weight because they start with a scattered thoughts; instead of Thinking what will happen When they lose weight, they have an idea about what will probably happen if they don’t! But then again, some of these people actually end up losing weight, when they make the decision to struggle with these stressful ideas, when they be aware of that they have to to lead a healthy life as much as others, when they accept that they can slim down only by harboring more positive ideas in their subconscious.

It is a fact that many of us know how to lose weight but very few of us bother to try to put that knowledge into action because we don’t have the mental strength needed to obtain our goals. When we start making an effort towards the achievement of a objective, we tend to get overpowered by demons such as anger, sadness and depression. As soon as you get control of your life and weed out those stressful ideas, you will see that losing weight is much more easier than you think.

In order to harbor more positive thoughts in your subconscious, you need to have tohave an idea about the future: about the kind of life you will lead The moment you slim down. For instance, when you become skinnier, you will get free of a host of diseases and illnesses, appear sexier and accomplish an increase in virility, or maybe that you will feel more comfortable with yourself, etc. Take a paper and pencil and take a note on the reasons behind your desire to slim down, and then stick it on the wall so that you can see it many times! This way it will be easier for you to grab your negative ideas by the horns and throw them out!

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Positive Parenting Tips: You Won’t Believe This Positive Parenting Tip!

Are you in need of positive parenting tips?  Are you having trouble with your children, and you are beginning to believe that nothing will help you?  Read along to see how this one tip can help change your life!

Before we get to the positive parenting tip that we believe will change your life, let us first identify the three main reasons why children act out, to see if this tip would apply or not!

The first reason a child will act out is because they don’t understand something.  Sometimes when a child doesn’t understand what is going on, or what is expected of them in a situation, they may, for a variety of reasons, act out.  For some reason, they don’t feel comfortable communicating what it is they don’t understand, or they may be just too young to be able to effectively communicate to you what the problem is.  In any case, it is good to keep this in mind when dealing with children, especially if they are very young.

The second reason a child will act out is if they need something.  This could pertain to something that they actually want, but it may very well be about some basic need.  They may be hungry, thirsty, cold, or too hot.  The same rule applies here.  The younger the child, the more difficult they may find it to let you know exactly what is going on with them.

This leads us to the final reason, and the positive parenting tip that has already been hyped.  A child will act out when they are afraid.  On the surface, this makes sense, and it may seem to not mean that much.  However, we need to take a deeper look at this potentially serious problem.

When a child is fearful, their stress levels go up.  When this happens, extra cortisol is sent to the brain, and they become disoriented.  This causes them to act out even more.  There are two very important reasons that we need to be careful about this scenario!

First of all, it has been proven that almost all regularly practiced forms of child discipline that parents use, cause increases of fear in children.  This includes yelling and screaming, punishing, belittling, lecturing, and much more.  Even using rewards causes fear because children become fearful of not being able to complete the task in which they would get the reward for.

The second major thing to note is that long term effects of increased exposure to extra cortisol causes teenage delinquency and sociopathic behaviors.  So it is ever so important, if you use the most commonly practiced discipline techniques, that you consider learning, and trying new methods.

To get information that will help you focus on the roots of bad behavior in order to make a deep and lasting change, visit this site, or go to positive parenting tips to learn more helpful ways to deal with your children.

If you liked this article, go to my blog, at positive parenting tips for u, to read more and to get more helpful links.  No matter what you decide to do, now that you are moving in the right direction, hopefully you will keep going until you find the solutions that work for you.  Good luck, and God Bless!

For lots of great ideas about how to be a more effective parent, visit positive parenting tips to get help with your family situation. There you can find lots of positive parenting tips.

Register Here and Receive This FREE Report-“Respect & Cooperation with Children” to get you going in the Right Direction!

Paul Donahue has been a parent for over twenty years, and shares with you many of the positive parenting tips that have worked for him, as well as some things that haven’t. No matter the age of your children, there’s always a chance to turn things around. Don’t put off the chance to start over.

If you liked this article, you can read more at my blog at parent effectivness training!

If you need any further assistance, or would like to share some of your story with me, please e-mail me at


You can also click on my picture and go to my profile page to get more resources!


No matter what you try, just remember to be consistent, and persistent, and you will, day by day, reach your goal of gaining control of your household. Now that you have started to do the footwork, don’t stop until you’ve found what works for you. Thanks for taking the time to read my article and profile. Good luck, and God Bless!

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Long Live the “Soft Stuff”: Skipping “Business as Usual” to Ignite Purpose and Optimize Mindset in Today’s Economy

We are in the midst of an exciting, nerve racking and pivotal time right now. I see this in the economy, in business, in leadership, in politics, in families, and in peoples’ senses of purpose and personal values. There’s a lot happening. On one hand I notice a lot of complaining, blaming, making excuses, and fear. And on the other hand, I see a lot of positive and productive percolation, reflection, and action. I notice a lot of dismissing “hype” and inauthenticity, and instead, see people really looking at what matters, what’s real and what’s the bigger purpose – in business and in life. And I feel the buzz. Can you feel it?

I see it as a real opportunity right now. 2010 has been referred to as the year of “making it or breaking it” – meaning it’s the year to DECIDE what will happen for each of us. Do we “give in” and succumb to “more challenging times,” do we get sucked in to “story”, do we blend in, go “beige”? OR do we get into action, ask different questions, work our mindsets and create a new way of “being” in business, a new way of engaging with people, and a new level of energy and success? It’s a decision point year. How and what are you deciding?

Using 3 very different and specific examples of people choosing how to move through their lives and businesses right now, I’ve written an article sharing 3 things to help you explore these questions and your own situation in order to help move your mindset and your organization in the right direction.

A while back, on a flight between New York and Chicago, I sat next to a gentleman who had worked for a major financial firm on Wall Street, and was now unemployed and exploring options. While talking to this gentleman, I was moved by his attitude. He saw this “horrible” situation, which was stressful and would likely have a significant impact on his family (including a possible relocation), as an opportunity to stop, breathe, reassess, and reinvigorate. He said, “I was so caught up in all of this for so many years, in many ways I lost view of what was most important and what I really wanted. I got sucked into the machine. Although I’m scared, I’m secretly excited by what lies ahead. I feel I have a new beginning.” That’s quite a mindset.

Another one of my clients, a senior leader in her organization, recently shared that this is one of the most stressful periods her company has ever known; business is slower, revenues are lower, stress is high. But in many ways, it has also been one of the most rewarding and bonding times, despite layoffs and cuts in spending. How is this possible?

First, she is keenly aware of her mindset and her impact on her team, and does her best to use it all in supportive and productive ways. She and her team proactively seek ways to learn and connect as well as to be more efficient, competitive, and just better. Finally, they’ve made use of their extra time by nurturing customer relationships and taking more personal time for themselves (that they can’t get as easily when they’re really busy.) The result? A more focused and bonded team, a higher and more “awake” level of creativity, recharged employees, advanced solutions for customers, and a higher level of hunger, satisfaction, joy, and appreciation for closing deals and connecting with customers. Once again, a matter of mindset.

Oddly, as I write this article, and prepare to share more examples from clients’ stories, sitting in the car dealership waiting for my brakes to be fixed, I meet Adam, a gentleman back from his second tour in Iraq. Talking to him for over an hour, I discover that what has gotten him through one of the most challenging, horrible, and, unimaginable to many, things a person could ever endure, seems to be, mindset and purpose. Our conversation goes without agenda and by the time his car is ready, I’ve learned new things about his mindset, the mindset of people who meet him (myself included) and what they make up about his experience, as well as what makes him and his fellow troopers feel good and appreciated. Learning a lot about his experience, and more than I’d ever want to know about Camel Spiders (although I couldn’t stop myself from asking or pulling up a picture – which I’ve opted NOT to include here), I get in touch with an even deeper level of awareness for myself that puts me back in touch with the importance of purpose, gratitude, and mindset. (And, of course quickly have to restrain myself from tripling the size of this article.)

These first two scenarios, and the unexpected third, are real examples of people dealing with the stress of business, life, war, the economy, and all things human. How are they doing it? Shared themes are: mindset, gratitude, forward thinking, connection, purpose, and “hunger.” And it’s inspiring, moving, and provocative all at the same time. What a gift.

What I notice with all of these is that it’s the “softer” stuff, the less tangible stuff, that is making better results possible and getting people through their challenges. Gratitude, connection, purpose, mindset, attitude, positive energy, and a “hunger” to be a part of, and make an impact, on something that is even bigger than us…It works, and it offers us an even more powerful and new way of thinking about business and leadership. (I’m waving my “soft stuff” flag over here – can you feel it?) Yes, of course you need the action and the strategic plans and the numbers to work, AND, you need the soft stuff too…now…I’d argue…more than ever.

What are you (and your team, family, children, partners, etc.) doing right now to “work your mindset” and create opportunity in our current economic, political, and business environment? How are you contributing to “helping things go better?” Is your mindset supporting progress, or slowing it down? The opportunities truly are limitless here and do not just come in the form of increasing revenues or productivity, but rather in other meaningful ways such as bonding with and strengthening teams and relationships, igniting higher purpose, connecting with customers, spending more time with family, taking a physical and mental pause to truly check in with yourself, and acknowledging the gifts in all of it.

What’s the first step to doing all this? Decide. Decide to make it work for you. Decide that you want it to be different (of course, only if you do). Get your mindset in order. Tap into your sense of purpose. Connect with your gratitude. Get hungry and go.

Anese Cavanaugh, President of Dare To Engage, Inc., Founder of Bootist Leadership®, and mother of two, gets people “in their boots.” Using energy, mindset, mission, and action, cornerstones of her “Bootist” philosophy, she helps forward-thinking individuals and organizations create positive energy, successful relationships, congruent leadership, and joyful results – wherever they go. 

For more about Anese, Bootist Leadership, or Dare To Engage, Inc., or to receive a complimentary copy of Anese’s latest publication, go to

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Proper Mindset and Weight Loss

All weight loss methods and programs require a lot of resisting urges, motivating oneself to work out, to eat right, or simply to do the right thing. However, did it ever occur to you that they are not exactly the most important things? Or that perhaps, there’s a better way to start a fat loss regime? In this article, you will learn about an equally important factor when it comes to losing weight: having the right mindset.

Many people fail to realize that the easiest and simplest technique to lose weight is not really supposed to come from one specific exercise routine or a particular diet. It actually comes from a positive attitude. A proper frame of mind can lead you to a life-changing event. In fact, when this happens, losing weight may come naturally.

The very first thing to do in order to create the right weight loss mindset is to muster the strong desire to succeed. Obviously, desire is what urges us to do something. It is the threshold of the growth process. If you don’t have it, then you probably wouldn’t go anywhere.

Now, to spark your desire, it would help to know and decide what you want to achieve. Whether it is to lose five pounds or 30, you need to make up your mind. On a piece of paper, make a list of why you wish to lose such weight. Seeing the reasons right in front of you can greatly help in keeping your motivated and focused. This is especially true when the time gets rough.

After sparking that desire and knowing what you want to achieve, commit yourself to reaching the goal. Make a solemn promise that you will work as hard as you can. If you are better off working with someone, look for a partner who’s as interested in losing weight and who may just be looking for a partner like you too. A partner can serve two excellent purposes: he or she can support you and he or she can challenge you. Either way, your partner can play a crucial role in motivating you throughout the pursuit. Of course, you play the same crucial role in his or her challenge.

Now, it is expected that during the course of your weight loss regime, you will experience getting off the track every now and then. When this happens, you should never ever beat yourself up. Remind yourself that everyone goes astray and that the solution is to get over it and move on. The scale may not be showing the numbers you want to see, but hey, you are currently working to change them! Give yourself time. No reason to be hard on yourself.

Finally, you should always be realistic and flexible with your weight loss goals. Time is not going to slow down or fasten up for you. When things don’t go according to plan, make the necessary adjustments and remain focused on your goals. Don’t let small mishaps and failures discourage you.

Are you looking for more information regarding weight loss? Visit today!

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The mindset of an entrepreneur

What exactly is the mindset or a entrepreneur? An entrepreneur thinks about business and expanding all the time. There is nothing that they would not do in order for them to get to the next level, whatever that may be. People like this are not just focused on money like most people may think, they are focused on power and sell fulfillment. Here are the 4 things that make the mindset of an entrepreneur different from that of an average person.

Think big and long term

Most average people don’t think long term but they do think big. This is a recipe for disaster because thinking big requires that you think long term. What successful people understand is that building an empire doesn’t happen overnight, you have to work at it, and perfect every aspect of the business. Just remember that thinking big and long term means you understand the work needed to be done.

24/7 advancing

What is 24/7 advancing? Well it is when you are thinking about what you can do to help advance your life or your business all day every day. For most people this would be an exhausting task, but for an entrepreneur it is part of what makes them who they are and gives them the ideas to move forward.

Micro gains

Everybody knows selling a cooking for .01 profit is a waste of time, right? Well not always, successful people understand the importance of a micro gain and how it will affect them down the line. People think that making a .01 profit is just a waste of time, but is it? Entrepreneurs know that a .01 profit is just the start, but they think about instead of pumping up the price to pump out more cookies which will bring in more profit.


When it comes to success you can’t be 100% sure you will be successful, but you can make sure you are pretty close every time, right? Planning is the key to any success story, and those who don’t plan fail more than 50% of the time. Did you know that 98% of all successful people have a day planner of some kind that they carry around? The reason they carry around a day planner is because they know that in order to be successful they have to use every minute of every day wisely. It doesn’t matter if you are planning for a big company or just planning out your day, it needs to be done and done right.

These are the 4 things that successful entrepreneurs have in common with each other and that most average people lack. If you would like to become an entrepreneur someday then check out these ideas to make money.

Adam Snyder is also the creator and designer or many small coffee tables.

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Growth Or Fixed Mindset

The basics of success if beautifully define as continuous growth. We do not have to be better than anybody else, but ourselves.

One of the books I am reading is Mindset: the New Psychology of Success, by Carol S Dweck. She has been studying motivation and has found a key distinction that I just found fascinating!

I wish I had known this before.

Let me give you MY interpretation of the differences by asking you to chose amongst options A and B.

A. Your partner loves you the way you are
B. Your partner stimulates you to change and improve

A. You chose your work based on your natural abilities
B. You chose your work based on what challenges you to grow

A. You think your potential is linked to your genes or fixed in some way.
B. You think one never really knows what one’s potential is

A. You prefer an easier game that makes you feel accomplished
B. You prefer a game that you are not sure you will complete.

So well, people who think mostly in As, have a fixed or finite mindset. That means, choosing to leverage on ones’ natural abilities, being appreciated for one’s achievements, feeling special in a kind of superior way. May I expand on my own thinking here: These people measure themselves with others and feel important for what they’ve done. Thus, any criticism is taken personally and perceived as diminishing.

People who think mostly in Bs, have a growth oriented mindset. That means leveraging one’s capacity to keep learning and growing, or developing in new areas. These people feel appreciated by their efforts, enjoy the uncertainty and challenges with a love for learning, and don’t even think about feeling superior or inferior to anybody. To put it in my own words: these people thrive on doing, not being.

For a fixed mind person, external feedback is very important, validating or invalidating the person. For a growth mind person, the feeling on one’s effort is what matters. The result is less important than the effort.

Fixed minded people look for things that make them feel secure, powerful, superior and, unbeatable. Growth minded people look for things where they are not safe, secure, where they feel uncertain about the outcome and risk failing because of the learning it provides them. They welcome questioning, criticism, and separate it from their value as individuals.

Some people are what they do or have done -the public image of John McEnroe. If I am aware of -and work to be in- the growth mindset, I liberate myself from being right, I am open for questioning and growth .. and explorations that who knows would lead to -the public image of Michael Jordan… There are many examples, and I don’t like stereotyping but I do hope the message gets to you. This ties in perfectly with an attitude towards wealth, and I tie it with external or internal locus of control. To be aware of your mindset style allows you to move through hard times using the growth mindset, to stretch beyond your limits and to take risks. Of course people with fixed mindsets will believe that you cannot change your mindset, and people with the growth mindset will believe that you can!

Certainly how you view your life affects your wealth, and much more your happiness. This reminds me of coaching, a technique I like so much. In my view, coaching helps you focus on how you get to where you want to be, instead of therapy that focuses on how on earth did you get to where you are! (and that’s exactly what I’ve felt when I’ve used both)

If you believe that your life is built around your journey, and that your learning is more important than your end results, you allow yourself to enjoy a walk, hold someone hands, sing out loud in the shower, blink at a bird, and indulge yourself on a special treat.. and walk away from doing things so the others can see how wealthy or not you are.

If you believe that you can change the way you manage your wealth learning form your mistakes and NOT feeling uneasy about your state right now, you will be empowered to move forward, without wasting one single minute in feeling sorry for yourself… and that is the first of the un wealthy habits too!

The best learning from this reflection is that we do not have to be better than anybody else, but ourselves.

Here is to your continuous growth.

Alicia Castillo Holley is an international expert on entrepreneurship and innovation. She has started 9 companies and one not-for-profit, raised millions of dollars and trained thousands of people. She’s a recognized author and speaker and travels around the world twice a year as a speaker /trainer.

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Overcoming the Victim Mindset

Through the years, I have met with many people who have experienced various struggles in their relationships, careers, self-esteem, as well as other areas of their lives.

Something that had taken place in the past had become their justification for their present. Their conversations centered on reasons such as, “I will never find Mr. or Mrs. Right because I have been hurt before”, or, “I should have received that promotion, but the boss doesn’t like me” Our discussions revealed the focus of their thinking. They had settled into the Victim Mindset.

The only thing that is keeping you from happiness, success, and the right relationship is you! The Victim Mindset that so many carry around with them is like a huge cowboy hat with blinking lights that scream out, “I’m a victim!”

Bad things do happen to good people. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to each situation. Individuals who struggle with the Victim Mindset usually expect bad things to happen, because that has been the pattern in their lives, or somehow they feel that’s what they deserve.

Here are some guidelines to assist you in moving from being a victim to becoming a victor:

1) Take Responsibility: You are the one who must take responsibility for your life-past, present and future. You must take responsibility for your own actions. Accept the fact that your life today is, in part, a result of your choices and ensuing actions. Taking responsibility is recognizing that today your life is what it is, but you are now ready to move on and live again. Own the fact that mistakes have been made but learn from them, make the changes necessary and get back on track. Whether things have been done to you, directly or indirectly, or you have made poor choices yourself, take ownership and get ready to win again.

2) Pity Party for One: Few things are more embarrassing than showing up at a party and discovering you are the only one present. Overcoming the Victim Mindset requires getting up and leaving! There is a reason no one else is there. More than likely, those who have hurt or disappointed you in the past are not giving you a single thought. Stop reliving the past, and start preparing for your future. Forgive those who have hurt you, and forgive yourself for allowing the past to confine you. It is time to move on.

3) Take Back Control: The final key is to take back control of your life. It is time to get out of the back seat, move to the front, take hold of the steering wheel and start driving again. The life of the victim is controlled by circumstance and experience. If you want to change your life, you must regain control.

Life is too short to be living in your past. Perhaps your memories are full of hurt, disappointment and regret. You can’t change what has already occurred; however, you can shape your future. Take the positive, leave the negative, start enjoying today and planning for your tomorrow.

Get your head up, straighten your shoulders, look forward and start to smile again. Your future is bright, and there is much more for you to experience!

Developing Champions!

Life Coach

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How to Be Positive in Life – Simple Ways to Develop Positive Thinking

Our mind is powerful and so are our thoughts. The more we think about one thing, the more we are drawn to put it into action – that is why we need to be careful with our thoughts and we should get rid of negative thoughts to learn how to be positive in life.

Being positive brings wonderful results in your life. It will bring you peace within yourself, it will allow you to be a desirable person towards others and build wonderful relationships, and maintaining a positive energy around you will help a lot in living a good and life of abundance.

Learning how to be positive in life can be a little difficult for some especially if troubles and frustrations are looming but you can gradually start with it so that little by little, you will be able to conquer and take command of your life and stay positive. Here are some things you can start with.

– Learn positive affirmations. Learn positive thinking exercises that will focus yourself into the positives in life.

– Believe in yourself. Eliminate self-doubt and build confidence that you can achieve what you are aiming for.

– Think positive. Speak positive. Feel positive. Be optimistic and think about the positive side of things. If you are feeling low, think about something that is happy or create a happy picture in your mind. Be conscious also of the words that come out of your mouth. Avoid negative words as much as possible. Get away from negative feelings as well. Try to remain focused on being positive.

– Visualize. This will give you the motivation to get what you want or overcome whatever it is that is troubling you. Think about the things you want and the life you want to live. Think that you are there and feel the emotions that you would feel if you have reached your goals. Being able to picture out what you want to accomplish will give you the positive drive to work towards your goals.

– Take action on your goals. Of course, if you want something done, you have to put an effort to achieve it. Your dreams and aspirations will never be realized by just thinking about it. Make a plan on how you will achieve it. Start from small and manageable tasks and seize opportunities that may come your way.

– Help others. Volunteer your time or your abilities. The more you share and help those who need it, the more you will feel positive in yourself. Try helping out or volunteering in a charity if you have difficulties in life and you will feel a surge of positive feeling afterwards.

– Be with positive people. Stay away from those who draw you to negative thoughts and discouragements. One simple way to learn how to be positive in life is to surround yourself with positive people.

– Be thankful. Even if there are troubles in your way, you can always find things that you will be grateful for. Many things in life are valued only if we lost them or we badly needed them, so take time to appreciate and be thankful for them. Don’t look at your life through the troubles you have met. Instead, look at it through the things that worked well, through your successes in life and the positive things that happened to you. Always outweigh the negative thoughts with the good ones.

Learning how to be positive in life is indeed one way to make better relationships, good health, success and a happier life. So take time to cultivate positive thinking.

Carolyn Anderson loves to use subliminal videos to help her stay positive. For subliminal videos that you can watch everyday, check out Intelligent Warrior Subliminal Video Series. Also check out Subliminal Video Message System, a subliminal video series that will help your realize your goals and increase your income.

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Focus on Positive Thinking – Turning Negative Statements Into Positive Statements

The Universe delivers what you ask for. And you ask for these things via your thoughts. So, suffice it to say, if you are thinking negatively, the Universe is going to deliver negative things. Don’t you think it’s about time to start changing your thinking patterns right now?

You might say that’s easier said than done. Well, I am here to help you gain a better perspective. It’s easier to do thank you think.

We are trained from a young age to think things are hard and that to get anything and anywhere in life, you have to work hard at it. While in a sense that can be true, but it’s not entirely true. Things only have to be hard if you make them hard. If you think that it takes hard work, then it WILL take hard work. Have you ever noticed people who things just come easily to? Guess what? They don’t have the thought that things need to be hard in order to achieve results. They think thoughts that things are easy to do.

It’s interesting how some people can pick up skills very easily, and others can’t seem to put two and two together in the same skill. Take me for example. I am a natural computer user. I have no fear of the computer. Computers come very easily to me. I am pretty much self-taught on computers. From formatting Word and Excel documents, to playing online computer games, to hand-coding HTML, it all comes very easy and natural to me. And I’m not even entirely sure why. It just does. And I embrace that. To me, my thoughts are computers are easy, they are natural, and they are nothing to be afraid of. Others who can’t seem to pick up computer skills to save their lives have thoughts of computers are hard, difficult, and unfriendly. So, naturally, the Universe is going to deliver to them, a hard time grasping those computer skills.

Now let’s talk next about turning negative thinking or statements into positive thinking or statements. Many people think that they are thinking positively, but they aren’t. And let me share with you why they are not really thinking positively. They make one big mistake. They follow up their thought or statement with a caveat, or a negative twist. Something like, “I feel great… I am in no pain”. Well, guess what, there’s that negative – there’s that “pain” that they thought they were getting rid of.

So, let’s do a little footwork to try to learn how to turn negative statements into positive statements. We need to totally get rid of the negative and keep it completely positive. Let’s start with some examples.

Say someone has a blood clot, or they have heart problems (blocked or clogged arteries). Instead of saying “I want to be free from any blockages or clogging”, let’s try something like “My blood flows through my arteries and veins freely, easily, and effortlessly”. See how that was completely positive, and actually said what the person wanted, and not what they don’t want? That’s what you have to do. Get away from thinking about what you don’t want because the more you focus on what you don’t want, the more you will get what you don’t want. Whether you want it or not, it’s what you are focused on that you will get. Let’s try another example. Say someone wants more money. Instead of saying “I want more money so that I can get out of debt” (see the negative on the end of that statement – debt?). Try something like “I have more than enough cash to provide me the services and goods that I want”. There, that’s completely positive and focuses entirely on what the person wants, instead of what they don’t want. Let’s try one more, just so that you have the idea down pat. Instead of “I feel great today… I’m not having any pain in my back” try “I feel great today… I can move my back freely and easily and have complete flexibility”. Bingo! Completely positive and focused on what the person wants.

I hope you’ve gotten the idea here. Take one thought, right now, that you have been thinking and take all negativity away from it and turn it totally positive. Focus on that positive statement. Give yourself a chance to succeed.

Do not fear success, fear failure. You can only fail if you let yourself. You are the creator of your life, so live well, my friends.

Kelli Jacobson
Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer
Live Abundantly Successful

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