Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Express anger in positive way

Anger is one of the most powerful emotion governing our attitude and behavior. We all have certain degree of anger in our self and it is not all bad. Sometime it is good to express your anger but it should be done in more productive way. If the state of anger last longer and it start effecting your behavior, then it is time to take some serious action. If people are avoiding you just to avoid your anger then it is alarming sign and it is a time to follow some anger management techniques. One can seek the advice of professional counselor to learn the anger management tricks.

Some people are mature enough and they can handle their anger well, they can find the solution of the problem whereas some people are so overwhelmed with anger that either they abuse people who are around them or hurt themselves. Shouting, blaming other for problems, hurting others emotionally and physically are the common signs that depicts uncontrolled anger. If such situation last for longer or they are recurrent then a person needs anger management therapy to control his temper.
Anger management therapy is a combination of tools and techniques. It is introduced by counselor with the purpose to help the individual in controlling his negative emotions. With Anger management techniques individual would learn how to effectively deal in stressful situation.

One of the best ways to deal with anger is meditation and relaxation. Spend some quite time near nature, relax and meditate it will give you inner strength to cope with all kind of negativity spread all around you.

When you feel angry drink water, go for a walk, listen to music or just do your favorite activity and divert your attention from the situation causing anger. Once your anger is under control you can think rationally and find some significant solution of the problem.

Deal with your anger positively with anger management techniques and make your life happy and peaceful.

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Positive Relationships and Your Health

Building positive relationships with your family, friends and dating partners can give you more than just excitement and thrill. These vital relationships with other people can actually help you live a healthier life!

How do healthy relationships keep you strong and healthy? Here are some of the reasons why.

Physiological wear and tear

According to research, people’s bodies function better when they experience positive events from their relationships with other people. Meanwhile, those who experience negative relation experiences are more likely to suffer from disorders such as high blood pressure, depression and poor mental health.

Fun and laughter

Having positive relationships with other people give you days of endless fun and laughter. By enjoying plain old fun with your friends and family, you can forget all your worries from work and laugh your way out of the most stressful situations.

Laughter, which is associated with positive relationships, is a strong medicine for the body and the mind. It serves as the perfect antidote for conflict, stress and painful experiences. By laughing at your friends’ jokes and funny antics, you will find your whole body relaxing. It also increases the flow of endorphins in your body, allowing you to experience an overall sense of well-being.

Lessens the pain

Here is another good way to demonstrate how positive relationships can keep you healthy.

Try to imagine yourself lying down on a hospital bed with broken arms and legs. The pain from the accident is killing you, and the painkillers you have taken are not yet working.

All of a sudden, your friends and family arrive to cheer you up. Within a few minutes of their stay, you magically forget about your painful legs and arms. You started chatting with them as if you were perfectly normal and you were not feeling any pain at all. Is it possible for pain to suddenly disappear just like that?

Of course, the pain will come back after your friends leave your room. Nevertheless, the positive feelings you experienced from their visit are actually enough to make you forget about all the pain and to make you feel better about your situation. Sometimes, the happiness from seeing the people who are closest to your heart can work even better than painkillers do.

As you can see healthy relationships has an effect on our overall health.  Even if you do have health problems, the positive energy that comes from having close friends and family can help you deal with it better. In fact, you may find that having these positive relationship can give you something to live for and that will help you heal faster.

There is no doubt that positive relationships with others can be beneficial in so many ways. Take some time today to renew your ties with family and friends. Your life and theirs will be better because of it.

Jamie spends a lot of time with her children enjoying a nice warm fire, so a good fireplace safety gate is important to her. Jamie loves to have her home look beautiful and be functional so she really like decorative fireplace rugs to dress up her fireplace!

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Positive and Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak out loud. When you say to somebody, “What a stunning day,” you had the thought first and then spoke the words. Your thoughts also become the actions. When you get out of bed in the morning, you had the thoughts of getting out of bed before you took action. You can’t take any action without thinking the thought first.

It’s your thoughts that decide whether your words and actions will be positive or negative. But how do you know whether your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when they are thoughts of what you want and love! And negative thoughts are thoughts of what you don’t want and don’t love. It is as simple as that!

Whatever you want in your life, you want it because you love it. Take a moment and think about it. You don’t want things you don’t love, do you? Every person only wants what they love; nobody wants what they don’t love.

When you think or talk about the things you want and love, such as, “I love those shoes, they’re beautiful.” Your thoughts are positive, and those positive thoughts will come back to you as the things you love – beautiful shoes. When you think or talk about the things you don’t want and don’t love, such as “Look at the price of those shoes, that’s highway robbery,” your thoughts are negative, and those negative thoughts will come back to you as the things you don’t love – things that are too expensive for you.

Most people think and talk about what they don’t love more than they think and talk about what they love. They give out more negativity than love, and in doing so they are inadvertently depriving themselves of all the good things in life.

It’s impossible to have a great life without love. People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don’t love! And people who are struggling think and talk about what they don’t love more than what they do love!

If you parrot negative things and squawk about the things you don’t love, you are literally jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage. Every time you talk about what you don’t love, you are adding another bar to the cage and you are locking yourself away from all the good. People who have great lives talk more about what they love. By doing so, they gain unlimited access to all the good in life, and they are as free as the birds that soar in the sky. To have a great life, break the bars of the cage that is jailing you; give love, talk only about what you love, and love will set you free!

Academic instruction isn’t the only responsibility teachers have in today’s classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values … things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude.  It’s a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.

Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing” is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis David

Francis helps parents, administrators and teachers learn about Character Education and how the Just Do The Right Thing Program can help kids of all levels find success both in and outside the Classroom.

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Totally Positive Vibes

So many studies have shown that positivity is the key to a healthy and happy life. But do you really know what is means to be positive and how to incorporate that great attitude into your daily life? It’s a process, indeed, but you’ll be amazed when you do, that each little positive trait you adapt will improve your life so much…Here are some of my positivity faves:

• Get centered. Take a few moments to meditate, deep breathe or to reflect on your life. Try keeping a gratitude journal and write a few lines in it each morning.

• Smile: Just think that something that brings you joy, can be passed along with a smile to someone else. And a smile can really brighten someone’s day. Wake up with a smile, and it may be your day that gets better. Try it regardless of how tired you are, no matter how little sleep you got, no matter how much you’re dreading some aspect of your day.

• Think of something that makes you happy and you’ll have a reason to put a smile on your face. Again, what brings you joy could become contagious!

• Think of your personal goal or intention and come up with an image or phrase that reminds you of it and tape it to the ceiling or place it beside your bed; here every morning, your first act is looking at it and feeling it.

• Pass along a positive thought to someone else like a prayer or other positive thought.

• Just give thanks for what you have: experience gratitude. Instead of allowing your mind to focus on all you have to get done, why not guide your mind to express gratitude for all the wonderful things that you have.

• Watch the movie, “Patch Adams” or some other movie about laughter and positivity in life…

Rocha is a natural health and beauty specialist. To read more of her tips and advice visit her at

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Corporate Umbrella a Positive Outlook

Umbrellas have a long history as a mainstream of the promotional merchandise industry. Regularly fluctuating among the list of top ten products, they have – if you will forgive the expression weathered recessionary times and fought back to meet the demands of corporate call time and time again.

The recent tough climate has been no different – yes, there’s been a down turn, but the signs are that this particular product – which re invested itself on numerous occasions – will continue to prosper. That’s certainly the view of promotional companies.

Increasingly though the promotional products market – as in retail sector – competition got tougher and the whole business model had to change. Change is a word which Promotional companies are very familiar, particularly in respect of how the umbrella as a product has developed over the years. The modern umbrella is bright, vibrant and user friendly product, with the recycling aspect looming ever larger with our customers.

Materials have changed over the years. In the old days it would have been whalebone, wood, silk or cotton whereas now they are all synthetic materials – fibre glass, Kevlar, polypropylene and polyester, so almost all materials are now man made. Increasingly , the materials are recycled, and that is a growing trend. In the future we will be selling umbrellas which is 100 per cent recycled and 100 percent recyclable.

This is ground breaking move. At present, when the umbrella comes to the end of it’s life the tendency is for it to end up in the bin. The new umbrella, however can be unscrewed. People can put the plastic component in the plastic bin, metal in the appropriate bin and so on – every part will be recycled.

A broader range of umbrellas and frames has also had to be developed over the years. Technology makes it possible light weight and stronger materials to work with. Most frames with medium to upper quality are 100 per cent fibre glass as opposed to steel. Wood is still popular and distinguishing. It’s warm and familiar and nice, but it now also has to be sustainable.

Children’s umbrella’s which has have been an incredible hit. Whilst last autumn we suffered in terms of our traditional markets – financial, automotive and property – the opposite was true in the public sector. It seems the children’s umbrellas were popular with schools, universities, colleges and hospitals, particularly because they are exposed to the market.

Come rain or shine FT Promotions will continue to prosper long in to the future, because of low prices and quality umbrellas.

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Positive Thinking Techniques

If you do, in fact, believe that your thoughts will shape your life, then positive thinking techniques are obviously going to be seen by you as being rather important. So much of success with the Law of Attraction depends upon having a positive outlook and believing that you can manifest what you want in life.

For if you believe that accomplishing something is impossible, then at the moment and instance it does for all practical purposes become impossible.

Embracing positive thinking techniques can do nothing less than change your life forever. If you find that you are plagued by negative thoughts, you may be wondering how you can use positive thinking techniques to reshape your way of thinking.

It may be particularly difficult to imagine reshaping your thought patterns if you are a very difficult person. However, by using the positive thinking techniques we are discussing here, it is quite possible to alter your way of thinking and to do so forever.

Monitor Your Thoughts Throughout The Day

Your starting point for embracing and using positive thinking techniques in your own life is to make a commitment. You must commit to monitoring your thoughts throughout the day.

At first, you may slip up and fall back into old patterns of negativity, but this is fine. The goal is to have your thoughts become increasingly less negative over time. Think of it this way; you are chipping away at your negative thoughts bit by bit until they are gone.

Establish A Check-In Time

Think of your negative thoughts as something that must be periodically checked on. You can envision that you are a security guard who periodically makes his rounds.

Only instead of guarding a warehouse full of valuable gems and precious metals, your security guard is guarding your mind, which is much more valuable. So once an hour check in and think about how you have been thinking recently.

Have your thoughts been negative?

Don’t be afraid to shine a light on those negative thoughts!

Improvement Over Time

Just as you can improve your cardiovascular stamina as you ride a bike or jog, you can also improve your positive thinking techniques stamina.

Over time you will find that the number of negative thoughts you are experiencing every day slowly begin to dwindle and dwindle.

While the rate of success will vary from person to person, it is safe to state that in time you will see real and substantial progress and will find that you thinking more positively.

Tricks For Breaking Up Your Rut

From time to time, you may find that you are just having too many negative thoughts for your own good. At those moments, it might very well be necessary for you to take steps to “snap” yourself out of your negative spiral.

This might be as simple as taking a walk or focusing in on something that you find beautiful such as a flower or a work of art. Whatever the trick is for you- do it! Make sure that you shift your mind out of thinking negatively and towards being positive.

Be Patient And You Will Be Positive

It may take some time to switch your thinking over, but people all over the world have done it successfully. If you feel that your resolve is faltering, just keep reminding yourself that your thoughts shape what you will manifest in your life.

Get more Positive Thinking Techniques Here!

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Stay Positive With Teeth Whitening

There are many things in life that can happen. During a young age and adolescence many of those things are influenced by parents but once a person gets past the age of 18 it is often up to them to decide where they want to take their life.

Staying positive is extremely important to maintaining a good healthy lifestyle. Many things in life can get people down and a perhaps disheartened but there are other things in life that can keep a person happy. Many people take to eating and drinking to stay positive. Eating foods such as chocolate and sweets can be extremely tasty and can cheer people up enormously. Other people like drinking coffee whilst some take to slightly stronger drinks such as beers and spirits.

Whatever people end up eating and drinking to keep themselves positive, you can bet your bottom dollar that many of these things become harmful to your teeth. That is why many people are starting to take to teeth whitening. People always want to look good but more importantly having teeth whitening can certainly go a long way to adding to a person’s positive outlook on life.

Teeth whitening in the UK is growing rapidly. This is mainly because people want to look and feel good and walking around day in day out with nice shiny white teeth can certainly go a long way. Having had the teeth whitening service many people can safely say they feel far more confident when they go out as their teeth are sparkle. Having teeth whitening may also lead to other people looking in your direction more often which can also be nice thing to have.

Teeth whitening is certainly something that can add to a person’s wellbeing and can help make a person feel much more confident, not to mention a much brighter smile!

For that positive feel and shiny white teeth visit

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Empowering Yourself With Positive Talk

Many people thought of communication, they immediately thinking of communicating with someone else. And if the person they like or respect, they will communicate in a manner that projects a positive image to the receiving party, if not, they behave otherwise. Before we start communicating with others, there is one very important person that you need to constantly communicate positive with at all time and to convince that you idea works. That very person is YOU!

Do you know “What to say when you talk to yourself?” You may asked, ‘Why should I know what to say when I talk to myself. Only crazy people do that!’ Well, it matter most on what you have been talking to yourself all this while..

Our success is life is very much depend on what we say to our self, more often than not, we always talk our self out not to do something that is out of our comfort zone. Most people seldom talk themselves into venturing in something new that can make our life better. That’s why few millionaires than commoners. We all constantly talking to our self mentally, negotiating whether to do this or do that, to take the job offer or not, to start or not to start building your own business, even a simple thing like drinking hot, warm or cold water. But do you realize what did you say when you talk to yourself? My guess is you don’t; either you are too busy making ends meet or “it’s just a thought and I can’t never achieve it.” You see, the Pain Little Giant has won.

Every one of us has two little giants in our mind, every time when you have an idea, the two little giants will fight against each other, the first one if you like call it, Pleasure Little Giant will come out with all the wonderful things that you will have when you successfully implement the idea; The Pleasure part or the Positive part. The other little giant; The Pain Little Giant will come out with all the argument why you should not do it, what if you fail, what would happens when you fail? The Pain part or Negative part of it. You will be constantly struggling with the feeling of which of these two little giants won their fight among each other to get control of you. If you Pain Little Giant win most of the time, you will find that your progress in life is dragging and awful. If your Pleasure Little Giant wins most of the time, your life is mostly pleasant and full of energy.

So what do you say when you talk to your self? You need to learn how to help your Pleasure Little Giant win all the time by using the correct language, feeling and action. Never underestimate Your Mind Power. Learn how to do the right and powerful Self talk that will propel you to a higher level. Why settle for mediocre when you can easily be a champion?

SK Wong, A Chartered Marketer of The Chartered Institute of Marketing UK; graduated with an MBA in Finance. He is a Certified NLP Sales Trainer and also Certified Member Trainer and a Senate Member of Junior Chamber International. Currently working as Manager of a Risk Management & Insurance company in charge of Business Development, Operation and Management of his unit. He has conducted numerous training seminars on Motivation, Goal setting, Leadership Development, Marketing & Sales and Management Effectiveness for his groups of financial consultants and agents. His website/blogs Inspire Success Action provides insights, ideas, strategies and tools for personal motivation and success!

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7 Ways to Stay Positive

BBC News on 24th July carried a piece with the catchy title:

‘Uk Economy continues to contract’.

Headlines like this make great fodder for driving traffic to news sites, but do little for the mental well-being of your typical business owner. Also, if you had taken the time to read the article, you would have found that no real conclusions were drawn.

So since reporters won’t take the responsible line, you are faced with task of managing your own internal focus in spite of the endless buffeting you receive from the economic clairvoyants. The Philosopher James Allen stated:

‘Situations do not make a man. They reveal him’

We are not our circumstances, but the more we believe they define us the more they control us. We can literally undo our own better future by a consistent line of wrong thinking.

Some negatively will get through. It always will, but the key is what you choose to focus on consistently – remember, failure is a few errors repeated every day while success is a few positive actions repeated everyday.

We must choose to respond and not be made to react to the negative influences we encounter everyday. The following are 7 favourites of mine which I regularly use to push through down days and keep a more positive outlook on daily happenings.

1. Take news Sabbaticals

Our minds are like gardens. They need to be tended and cared for or the weeds take over. We need to watch closely the ideas and information we allow to take root, as both positivity and negativity can easily flourish here.

Don’t read or watch anything news related until very late on in your working day. If you can abstain completely you’ll see better results. You will find that your mind is clearer and you will find it much easier to remain on track.

2. Practice Consistent Goal Setting.

If you don’t know where you’re going you’re probably not going to get there. A strong set of goals paint a compelling picture of your desired future. If well defined they will pull you through the most difficult of times.

Its easier to get through dark days when we have something to look forward to. So make the practice of defining and then redefining your daily, weekly and yearly goals on a consistent basis.

3. Keep fit and well.

It has been said if you don’t make time for being healthy then you better make time for being ill. Exercising at least 20 minutes everyday will greatly increase your level of fitness and reduce your susceptibility to illness.

Exercise releases endorphins which make us feel good. So if you can fit in 20 minutes running or walking every morning you will find it easier to remain positive once the rigours of the day have begun.
You will also find that the time spent exercising is returned to you. You will need less sleep as you become healthier and your energy levels will stabilise throughout the day. Drink at least 2 litres of water everyday and settle for just one cup of fresh coffee.

4. Be thankful

Begin your day by taking 5 minutes to be thankful for what you already have and achieved. Think of your children, your family and friends and how truly blessed your are to have them in your life.

Be grateful for your pass successes and acknowledge their importance in making you who you are. Also be thankful for the past trials you have suffered – they have made you who you are today.

Most of all, be thankful that you have been born into a nation which affords you more opportunity than 98 percent of the population of the globe. Be thankful that you are you.

5. Watch the power of negative association

If your worst enemy was to poison your drink you would die. If your best friend accidently did the same it would make no difference if he was your best friend, you would still die from the poison.

Your level of mental positivity is the average of the 5 closet associations which you enjoy today. Never underestimate the power of a negative influence. Negative people can destroy your dreams and ambition. The problem is most negativity in our lives comes from those that are supposed to be loving and supporting us.

The solution is to limit your negative associations or better still remove them completely. It is hard to do but you must protect the well-being of your positive attitude.

6. Feed your mind.

If a void is left, a negative influence can rush into the gap. We must therefore consciously select what we focus on, or it will be selected for us by default.

Rather than reading and listening to negative news stories why not replace that time with more positive influences. Listen to your favourite music. Take a walk in the countryside with a portable mp3 player filled with your favourite business biographies.

What is important though, is that a conscious selection is made as to the direction of your focus.

7. Just Decide.

No Excuses, no pondering, just decide. Are you going to make the very best of your life and the opportunities it presents or are you going to make excuses?

This is a big responsibility but once taken you will feel a sense of relief. You are finally in control. Decide and commit to treading the future path you have designed for yourself.

Once you accept, these challenges will hurt but not cripple you. You will be quiet in the knowing that you are going to make it no matter what.

The next time you think of reading a headline witch catches your eye make a decision not to focus on it. Instead replace the time with one or more of the suggested positive activities listed above. I’d love to hear how you get on.

Mr Anthony Hartley Denton is author of the popular eBook ‘The Diamond Principles’ Coal face case studies to recession proof your business & survive a downturn.
Click to for more information and your free chapter sample.

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Positive Thinking – No Sweat

Karl Jung famously said “What you resist, persists”. You might not have heard of or know much about the Law of Attraction, but this basic statement demonstrates one of the Law’s key principles – whatever you think about you attract. And when this is something you really don’t want, you tend to think about it even more and with real feeling – which means you attract more of it, more quickly.

So how does this apply to the problem of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis as it’s scientifically known? Well, if you suffer from this problem you probably don’t need me to tell you that when you start to sweat, you get stressed…which can make you sweat even more.

You become so conscious of your sweating that it is all you can think about, and you’re thinking about it with such intensity that, according to the Law of Attraction, it’s inevitable that you will sweat more.

Think about it, even when you’re not sweating, if you are going to work in an office all day, or are on your way out for a date, you probably have in your mind the worry that you will start sweating – even though it hasn’t actually happened yet.

So what does this worrying about sweating do? It keeps the problem in your mind and attaches a really strong emotion to it so in the end, you start to sweat.

The Law of Attraction would probably take a lot more than the space on this page to explain in detail, but if you can believe that thinking about the problem makes it worse, you can use the Law to your benefit. If you give some feeling to more positive thoughts the Law says that this is what you will get.

If what you are wanting is to be sweat-free, confident and dry all day, then give some focus to that. Visualise yourself in the office sat back in your chair with your arms behind your head and not a hint of perspiration showing on your shirt or blouse. Picture yourself on a fantastic date where you are able to get really close to your partner because you know your underarms are dry and fresh.

If you’ve ever heard of or used affirmations, these are a big part of using the Law to your benefit. By affirming, saying out loud or in your head, what you want the positive outcome to be, the Law will take notice and bring this outcome to you.

Affirmations should always be positive and in the present tense to be really effective, for example you could try saying this every morning before you go off to work. “I am confident and comfortable and my underarms are dry and fresh all day”.

If this is the first time you are hearing about the Law of Attraction it might be a bit difficult to believe that these principles will have any affect, but if you have faith in what you are saying and try it repeatedly, you should see an improvement. Even if you are a little bit skeptical, what have you got to lose?

If you are keen to understand a bit more about how this approach and the Law of Attraction works you might want to check out a book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Secret”. If you want a more practical approach to curing your excessive sweating problem naturally and permanently, further information is available on my website.

Matthew Johnson promotes only natural and effective cures for excessive sweating and other problems that can drastically improve sufferers’ lives. For more information and a preview of how to cure hyperhidrosis naturally and permanently please visit

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