Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret Power of Positive Thinking

Earl Nightingale Reveals the Secret of the ages

How to became successful and how to get more happiness in your life by changing your mindset.

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This is an introduction into a Life Changing experience on Self-Help with Elijah Morgano. I’m bringing a fresh attitude actually I’m bringing the only Attitude I know which is ME. I’m getting Real on things that will definitely Improve Your Life

View this speakers Website here: http://www.remoteviewingtraining.com/freestuff.html

We (YouAreCreators) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. One of these laws is known as the “Law Of Attraction”, or the law of “Reaping and Sowing”. This law simply states, whatever you give out in Thought, Word, Feeling, and Action is returned to you. Whether the return is negative, or positive, failure or success, is all up to what you give out. Many authors and celebrities such as, Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Rhonda Byrne, and many others has testified to this amazing Law Of Attraction. Its time you learn this wonderful secret…
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21 Responses to Earl Nightingale The Strangest Secret Power of Positive Thinking

  1. Motivational Morgano says:

    This Video Ids amazing Please Like and Subscribe to Amazing Videos!!

  2. Pagan Samuel says:

    gofundme.com/vbph2u78 <~~~~Federal Reserve Notes affirmations.

  3. Charles Hawthorn says:

    Did he record this in his bathroom?

  4. tuco albert says:

    I have always cried when I was young and wishing for my life to change because I had the shitest life I use to cry when I was young and I use to feel something telling me something but hard to understand what it was like a voice behind me while I was walking that feeling and smell now that I have grown up and many times when I was let down In life or people upsetted me in my life time I always I had this feeling that something has told me something like a whisper and made me a stronger person in life and I have always be patient in anything but many things that I wished for it came true like say i liked a girl and she was so beautiful but I never got to have her I wished for her and some one else came in my life with the same face many other things not just wish I prayed to God you don't have to be religious just pray to God some times I asked God for strength and to make me stronger in life I did become stronger

  5. JoeBee9 says:

    I have actively decided to go beyond popular dreams such as fame, money, or a better career. As far as I know, there is no limit as to what the law of attraction can provide for your life. Given the excessive amount of negativity in the world, I have been dreaming up a special sanctuary with all my greatest dreams and desires collectively including the ability to meet people I remember fondly but lost touch long ago; a place to profoundly relax and recharge. I can't tell you what form this may appear to me but it will be just what I need.

  6. sunshine2049 says:

    hello everyone,  this is my 5th time listening to this video as Dane recommended.  As I listened to it with headphones I heard these subliminal messages,  did anyone else experience this too?  If so, what are they saying.

  7. All men Must die says:

    You know, there are examples where it works, and there are examples where it doesn't. You are getting something wrong, Thoughts don't create reality, reality creates thoughts. I think I know what you misunderstood. I turn to this kind of thinking in my despair and I find it attractive, sounds nice, looks nice, but then I realize how smart I am and I start to see flaws in your thought. Common sense transformed into an unicorn. You say think about stuff and they will come, then you continue; take action on what you think about. Are you fucking serious, don't tell me to eat when I'm hungry. Then you pick straws on scientific discoveries or words to enforce your belief, you are selling your beliefs, you don't want to be crazy or alone, you are a flawed being. I tried your instructions, when it failed you already have an improvable logic why it failed. I am now giving it a last chance, I am looking forward for a weed I'm gonna smoke.
    If you are right, virgins should stay that way forever. Unless ofc if you invent something to explain that, which you will to defend your sanity. Wish me luck.

  8. ivek777 says:

    thank you my good man

  9. Halopunk90 says:


  10. joo han says:

    Friends I am going to share with you the same secret that a small
    handful of other lucky people have used to win lottery…heres the link ==> https://plus.google.com/115926967675121653122/posts/DNqwJngNqVH?pidid=a08c0778-0a88-4b04-88ef-d751188cd5b1 Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Circumstances! (Law Of Attraction) Powerful!

  11. midsmafia34 says:

    its hard to visualise things with this prick banging on

  12. Yelena Richy says:

    To the hard goals workers with boldness!
    Is there a like-minded people based in London, UK?!!
    Let's become the next best version of ourselves together as a purple community!
    It is so much easier to keep walking on a dream path with a like-minded.

  13. Mohamed Amine Draiouiy says:

    background music please?

  14. bald headrasta says:

    Thank you so much..really connected Da dots….

  15. Dig Diig says:

    I've been studying attraction then we discovered an awesome website at Max Miracle Method (google it if you are interested)

  16. Johanne Demers says:

    So true thanks for the wonderful tips I will be happy everyday why NOT. And lead the life I envision.

  17. Ivan Zivkovic says:

    I'm not sure but ,if anyone else trying to find out attract abundance affirmations try Corbandy Easy Miracle Crusher( search on google ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my colleague got excellent results with it.

  18. martin martinez says:

    Is the Placebo effect proof for the Law of Attraction?

  19. jerry giannatos says:

    The best of the best videos THX YouareCreators2!!

  20. Zohraish Virani says:

    I am a college student suffering from depression, and it always seems like I can't "achieve" happiness or do anything successfully. I am tired of feeling this way, and I will work to become a happy individual and appreciate myself. This video has enlightened me on how to make my life better, and from this day forward my number one goal is to like myself and be happy. Because even though it has been hard for me to believe, I deserve to be happy and I deserve to accomplish my goals.

  21. Catherine Printziou says:

    Did you know that an add came on, right in the middle of a process ???? How irresponsible is that !!! It not only put me off, it shocked me !!!

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