How to Make Positive Affirmations Work in Your Life

Positive affirmations work. Period. They change lives. They displace negativity. They remove limiting beliefs. They open us to possibilities, change the way we view ourselves and create a happier, more forward thinking outlook. They’re extremely powerful and their accessible to everyone.

That doesn’t mean they work automatically, though. It’s entirely possible to try to utilize affirmations unsuccessfully. That generally stems from misunderstanding the process or not having a full sense of what makes the right kind of positive self-talk sufficiently powerful to overcome negative subconscious defenses. Here are a few pointers that can really take your affirmations to the next level.

First, retain credibility. You’re not going to experience the desired effect if your positive affirmations ring hollow on either a conscious or subconscious level. If the content of your affirming comments seems like pure fiction, the message just isn’t going to get through the way you’d like it to.

Second, be mindful of the power of repetition. It’s a key to successful affirmation. If you repeat a given affirmation once a week, it isn’t going to have the power or resonance of one used repeatedly every day. Remember, you’re trying to displace and reconfigure negative thinking that’s been part of your life for quite some time. That requires a consistency and frequency in your efforts.

Third, have a little patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The artifice of negativity that has unfortunate repercussions for your life wasn’t built in a day, either. You’re not going to tear it down in the course of a single week. Commit yourself to getting the job done and follow through with your positive self-talk for the long run. At some point (probably sooner than you might really think), you’ll notice a change coming over you.

Fourth, tone matters. You aren’t doing your affirmations out loud, but your internal “voice” has a tone of its own and you control it. If your affirmation is dripping with contempt or wrapped in sarcasm, it isn’t going to have the desired effect. If it’s desperate, angry or insincere, you can’t expect to experience a change. Use a sincere, forward, calm and clear voice when you deliver your positive affirmations.

You can change the way you think and feel. Positive self-talk is a great way to do it. You just need to engage in the activity with a knowledge of what makes the approach successful. That includes repetition, patience, credibility and the right tone.

So, you want to know more about positive affirmations. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more postive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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