It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? – MAGIC TRICKS


It's possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? - MAGIC TRICKS

E’ possibile piegare un cucchiaio di acciaio con la sola forza del pensiero??
It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power??
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20 Responses to It’s possible to bend a spoon with mind power?? – MAGIC TRICKS

  1. Ced “LiveForever” ric says:


  2. king riri says:

    thankyou so much…your one video could save thousands of people suffering…

  3. Ste Hampson says:

    You had me until the blister

  4. Notorious B.I.Z. says:

    our subconscious mind has associations to pleasure or pain we persue the pleasure and avoid thr pain all done on auto pilot

  5. AK Beatz says:

    God bless you 2!

  6. I77AGIC says:

    people who don't think video games and movies have negative effects on us really don't understand what the brain is doing

  7. Ub P says:

    Very enlightening these explanations

  8. jatipiturun says:

    its true about the car, now I am thingking about ferari

  9. !POTATO says:

    just want to throw this out tehre. anxiety is also caused by the adrenal glands, not the brain. just sayin. but like in the vid when its talking about the thoughts creating anxiety. its true. you get stressed you burn more nutrients and vitamins and when you become depleted of them then the adrenals suffer. so basically it all goes hand in hand.

  10. Louis Shaw says:

    = Lucky chemical reactions! No? Not scientific? Superstitious? All is CONSCIOUSNESS as quantum physics show clearly (empirical method not used anymore in modern sci….).
    "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter." – Max Planck

  11. Vladimir Ćopić says:

    Dear God i dont know how i ended up here,but i clicked on the link below, and after 3 seconds of hearing the voice of this guy i knew he was gonna talk some bullshit that you allrdy knew for about 15 minutes and then give you a discount for his "life solving uber success technique". This is bullshit,do your shit you and you will make it.

  12. wifirs dan says:

    The Amazing You Discount

  13. Francina Mike says:

    Thank you! I needed this.

  14. Rachida Kalada says:

    Tanks a lot! Quick and deep.

  15. Brijesh Akkawar says:

    gr8 information

  16. Alex-michael Mosby says:

    Wow. Yea. Nice

  17. Alex-michael Mosby says:

    Wow. Yea. Nice

  18. Matrice Jackson says:

    This was one of the most valuable message I've heard in 16 years!

  19. Mathew Beeke says:

    Why can’t these Sales Men get to the bloody point? It’s all rhetoric, product
    pitching, a spiel. I'm sorry but I'm over being sold too. There are plenty of people
    out there giving up life changing information for FREE.

    My loss I guess.

  20. Arthur Falcone says:

    Jeremy I completely agree with you. this goes deeper into the matrix of illusion and how 

    If you have a golf ball sized consciousness, when you read a book you’ll have a golf ball sized understanding, when you look out a golf ball sized awareness and when you wake up in the morning a golf ball sized wakefulness. But if you could expand that consciousness then you would read the book with more understanding and when you look out more awareness and when you wake up more wakefulness – it’s consciousness, and there is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. It is right at the source and base of the mind, right at the source of thought and it’s also at the source of all matter.

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