Magic Trick #1: The Magic Pencil

How to move a pencil with the power of your mind! A slight of hand magic trick.
This is the sort of trick that you can win a free drink from a bartender with.
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20 Responses to Magic Trick #1: The Magic Pencil

  1. Noreen Ara says:

    Tf by blowing it

  2. Mohd Najib Abd Rahman says:

    This not magic but sains

  3. isaiah Credle says:

    magic76767676you dumb my family said its stupid😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤smarty mcdummy🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

  4. Jakobe Barnes says:

    u blew on it duh

  5. captain Giannis says:

    i cant do it

  6. Elijah Nelson says:


  7. ZhxrkzPlxyz says:

    Thats so cool i did it to my cousin and he freaked out lol!!! He asked how and i said "Magic"

  8. Haddouche Skandar says:


  9. Haddouche Skandar says:


  10. Salman Ktk says:

    what the fuck is this its not working

  11. Leem Kum says:


  12. Cyber 2099 says:

    my big brother use this trick and trick is done no cheating its real

  13. time ideas says:

    The fool hiding face and blowing the pencil.

  14. raZa Man says:

    he blew off his nose ..was enough to move the hanging pencil ..

  15. Talal X99 says:

    Whatttttttt how the hell did you did it

  16. Vachan Singhania says:

    We usally use that trick

  17. Sameshan Devendiran says:

    this was the best video

  18. Excel Destination says:

    good one

  19. Chav Chavez says:

    thats fake because of his mouth his using air from his moutu

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