Manifestation of Positive Spiritual Energy Through Meditation

Meditation is one of the most simplest ways to manifest your positive spiritual energy. It is through meditation that you can change your life. Just one simple positive thought a day can manifest into a new life of success, love, spiritual healing and contentment. I am going to show you how these simple meditation techniques can really improve your outlook on life.

Meditation: Practice silence and mediation for 30 minutes a day. Connecting with your inner self takes time, practice and work. At first it will be difficult to meditate. The more you do it the easier it becomes. You will find that you will become so good at it, that you will be able to do it anywhere. Waiting in line at the gas station? Why not spend those few minutes in meditation? It clears your mind, provides focus and balance.

Methods: Start by concentrating on something calming and relaxing. The easy way to do this is to close your eyes and picture a relaxing tropical beach or calming beautiful forest. Try to remove all barriers from your mind. Try to make your mind go blank. Remove all worry and thoughts of anything else but this one pictures in your head. Calm your thoughts. Once you calm your mind by concentrating on a beach, forest or something similar, take it to the next level and form a box in your mind. Surround that box with white light. Remove all other thoughts from your mind. The only three things you should be seeing in your mind is your box, the white light and the gentle feeling of your breathe being taken into your body and exiting your body. Feel the warming, relaxing effect of the breathe entering your body and then the release of the breathe leaving the body.

With every refreshing breathe; more and more of the worry, noise and stress will leave your body. In just a matter of days you will start to experience spiritual healing and a sense of contentment.

Now take one single positive thought and place that positive thought inside your box. That one single positive thought is what will manifest inside you and to others. Hold that thought there in your box. Close it off from anything else in your mind. It is protected in that box and nothing or no one can remove it. It is there for you to revisit throughout the day. Maybe your thought is to be able to help someone in need. Maybe it is to find a new job so you can feed your family. Maybe it is too find a way to finance a new home.

Whatever you choose to manifest during your mediation period will become reality in your life. This is how powerful this method can be. You will truly manifest what you concentrate on. Soon you will not need the box to manifest your own destiny. The need for approval will no longer be part of your thoughts, actions or dreams. You will have brought a daily manifestation of positive energy into your life.

These words are so powerful that I have seen one good friend go from nothing to owning his own business. He did this in less than four years. Most people spend their lives trying to build a successful business. My friend did it in 4 simple years, by giving and receiving from others. Manifesting his true “Self” to the world and the Universe is what made him the person he is today. It was through these meditation techniques that he found the spiritual healing to propel him forward in life.

Practice these meditation techniques on a daily basis. Try not to miss a day. As I mentioned, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Blessings and Happiness….

Arturo D. Saborio is a long time practitioner of spiritual oneness and finding contentment in life. His free articles are very uplifting and filled with practical everyday life teachings. Come take a look at his newest website to gain knowledge and insight into your own spirituality. Find a path to contentment and happiness.

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