On the downsides of positive attitude (optimism bias), on poor people having kids [antinatalism]

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Talking about what’s wrong with being optimistic and having a “positive attitude” (giving in to our optimism bias) and on poor people having kids. [antinatalism]

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20 Responses to On the downsides of positive attitude (optimism bias), on poor people having kids [antinatalism]

  1. Geckuno says:

    We have a similar saying in Turkey. Actually not similar, the same saying; "each kid comes with his/her food"

  2. Gin Orzech says:

    Finally a woman who has the strength to speak the truth even if it's not what everyone wants to hear. It's refreshing to finally hear this side of the pro procreation propaganda I'm continually hearing and seeing. Don't have kids if you can't afford them or because of pressure.

  3. Donald says:

    It's sad this even needs tobe said. Thank for for making this I was beginning to think I was alone

  4. xIsheyx says:

    why is that kid wearing his father's right left shoe on his right foot and his mother's right on his left?

  5. hat trick says:

    It's hard to focus on your words when you look so hot! Good for you though. Solid argument.

  6. archie977 says:

    thanx for posting

  7. Jack Gullette says:

    "You're basically taking out a loan" -> made me lol. So true.

  8. Swades4ever says:

    4:40 reminds me of a Michael Jackson phrase in one of his songs: If you cant feed a baby, then dont have a baby. True.

  9. moofushu says:

    I've seen many people down on their luck. In most cases I never see a father in that photo. I think in many cases the marriage broke down and that lead to the mother and child suffering. Absent father have huge effects on the remaining family members.

  10. MikkalaTube says:

    I hear people saying things such as "the baby brings the bread", and then I get the urge to violently strike at their reproductive organs. That's striking a nerve with me. I'm really not violent, but that one makes me want to chew off genital organs, or beat them into a bloody mush of unproductive pulp. "Spay and neuter" should be a "thing" for people too…Let's face it, most kids are nothing more than "pets" to these kinds of cockroaches anyway.

  11. bizzee1 says:

    8:20 You hit the nail on the head there. The illustration depicts a "blame the victim" attitude. Shame the child for realizing that the parents did not have the means to provide for their children in a way that the parents would have liked to have been provided for if the parents where in the place of the child. Bullying and shifting responsibility is how parents of less than ideal means (no parent is capable of ideal means) rationalize how it is OK to have children that they can not provide for in a way that the parents themselves would like to be provided for. Evolution selects for survivors. If immoral, "shifting the blame," methods are necessary for survival, evolution selects for the immoral.

  12. QNTKKA says:

    So, your general premise is that all optimistic potential parents end up living in cardboard boxes on the street with diseased children?

    And you claim that the statistical data supports your belief?

    This is perplexing.

    If you are right, then you are a paradox.

  13. ForeverWolfFilms says:

    Hey there!
    I'm having a community movie shoot for my EFIList movie this Sunday, in TinyChat at 8pm Central time, and I would so love it if you could come! All information is in this video:
    AN/EFIList Community Movie Shoot on SUNDAY!!! (In TinyChat)
    Please do let me know if you have any questions or anything, no worries if you can't be there or don't want to, but if your down I would certainly love to have ya ; ) Thanks and hope to see you there!
    All the best,
    Amanda ; ) <3
    Hope you are doing well.

  14. Luke D says:

    I got aroused when you said bollocks. a straight talking girl is the ultimate ream, so few, so cool.

  15. ZORAK 75 says:

    People do not unfortunately make the best decisions available to them in all cases.
    their are many people whom live to regret their poor judgments, and die a miserable
    fuck, this is a godamn fact ok. You just have to accept that most people are not very
    bright, not many Albert Einstein's to go around regretably.

  16. ZORAK 75 says:

    To torture another living thing is in no way smart, it is just another way the animal
    side of the human rears it's ugly head. People kids or adults that partake in such
    crude behavior are just thugs, and future human killers, go check it out for yourself.
    these types of people need to be snuffed out early on, before they can do more
    damage. to sit by and do nothing is the same as condoning such behavior.
    The cancer must be cut out early on to prevent the spread, punishment must
    be swift, and harsh, send a message, make an example to discourage in future.

  17. ZORAK 75 says:

    Well the reason why people live in such horrid conditions is because in part they
    miss understand their lot in life, second, they are not educated enough to make
    such responsible decisions. third, they are often times poor, and have nothing 
    useful to do with their lives then produce more offspring. we have too many people
    in the world now, education + control are the only viable answer to this huge problem.

  18. ZORAK 75 says:

    I am so happy to see a woman finally touch upon such a controversial topic.

  19. ForeverWolfFilms says:

    Hey there Rina! Just tried to send you a PM, but wasn't able to make it go throughy anyway, I in no way mean invade, and I know we don't know eachother so well, but I just thought I would send you a PM sending you my best for whatever that might be worth – I know it's hell where you are right now in Ukraine, and It makes me so sad to think about you under that circumstance… I know there's not much my saying so can do, or does, but you are in my thoughts… Anyway, take good care of yourself and be safe. Love your videos, I'm a big fan ; ) Take care!

  20. Erich Bell says:

    No one can predict the future so promising anything you cannot deliver o a promise is risky.

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