Positive Attitude and Reading People

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http://www.dilbert.com/animation by Scott Adams. RingTales presents Dilbert Animated Cartoons. Positive Attitude and Reading People. In Positive Attitude, Dilbert is unable to maintain a positive attitude. In Reading People, the pointy haired boss can’t tell if Wally is working.
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12 Responses to Positive Attitude and Reading People

  1. Blargaha says:

    @DavidJonesLives Not nescessarily..

  2. Larsinabox says:

    Go to Transcribe at CC. 0:47 Tom Back Later

  3. JustFuckingMex says:

    yay life

  4. ghos7bear says:

    Life what? What did he said?

  5. Kit Meyer says:

    @rdsweet It's not a purse. It's European!

  6. zastonecesda says:

    Its his MAN-PURSE!

  7. DavidJonesLives says:

    Recylcling is good for the enviroment.

  8. rdsweet says:

    why is dilbert carrying a purse

  9. cozmoz365 says:

    I was half expecting Dilbert to an hero in that one.

  10. Dangeresque the Third says:

    Repeats? AGAIN?

  11. iENJOYpaintingSTUFF says:


  12. Random Comment says:

    cool story bro 

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