Positive Long

Integer index from 4000 points mark the consolidation area, the white sugar rose sharply, while trading volume increased dramatically, from 600,000 the total open interest increased to the level of hand more than 800,000 hand level; from a fundamental perspective, Qinghai meeting clearly state Reserve not throw this year, but only place reserves in Guangxi Sugar’s move will undoubtedly put on the market to eat a reassurance to the market, long-term support of positive focus on the outbreak of sugar bull market, investors are expected to continue to higher sugar prices.

Throw dust settles Reserve Sugar Association

enlarged third four members held in Xining, Qinghai, Guangxi, where a clear decision of the Conference reserves put sugar in batches, the state in order to ensure smooth operation of the market, do not let the recent storage.

From the end of July statistics, the large group average Sell Price of 3399 yuan / ton, in accordance with the cost of 3450 yuan / ton basis, the sugar industry is still in the red. China’s implementation of a national reserve of sugar system has two main objectives, one at a reasonable price to protect the effective supply of sugar, and second, to protect our sugar business and the interests of sugarcane farmers, to ensure the sustainable development of the sugar industry. Sugar control policy objectives from our point of view, throwing the future savings goal should be to ensure the effective supply of sugar. Sugar from the national reserve system

policy objectives and the current sugar situation overall is still at a loss, the State put in reserves should be to ensure that sugar is running high price case, to meet actual market demand as the basis for running. Analysis of the national sugar production and marketing

As of July 2009, the national total of 10,074,800 tons of sugar sales, production and marketing rate reached 81.04 percent sugar, industrial surplus stock 2,356,400 tons; July monthly sales of the country 947,500 tons of sugar.

Sugar production is declining dramatically in the years in China, in July the national sugar production and sales data; and vice versa in the 2007/2008 crop season in July after the national launch of national and local purchasing and storage of Guangxi, the national sugar industry stocks are still up to 3.3634 million tons, the national sugar industry of this crop season inventory remaining 2,356,400 tons, the late spot of sugar supply and demand gap appears certain.

2009/2010 crop season acreage decreased

Sugar from Qinghai was informed that, according to the Ministry of Agriculture on the agricultural condition of the preliminary data shows that sugar cultivation area of 2695 mu, down 289 million mu.

Yunnan: the Ministry of Agriculture statistics for 2009/2010 crop season was 457.7 mu of cultivated area of sugarcane, sugar cane growing area statistics over the previous year 466.7 million mu. It is noteworthy that the data has been added this year’s sugar cane country around the end face, if not included, only 443 million mu in Yunnan province less than last year.

Guangxi: present from the sugar industry reflect the situation, the planting area may be reduced in general, the departments concerned in the online publication of data is 1515 mu.

Guangdong: 09/10 Raw material Sugarcane planting area of 200 mu, 4.3% reduction, which Zhanjiang 157.73, a decrease of 8 mu, Zhanjiang, more rain now estimated yield will be increased, production is estimated to be flat in Guangdong.

Hainan: the province of 103 million mu of cultivated area, and consistent with agricultural statistics. Last year compared with the sown area of water, less 22 acres, of which 20 acres of new planting, 22 mu of paddy fields.

Rising international price of sugar makes the opportunity to reduce imports

Gap currently projected 7.8 million tons of international sugar, the next crop season market supply and demand in the international market gap still exists, the price is expected, the international price of sugar is still high level trend in the international market in October 20.81 cents, processed into refined sugar and costs more to 5200, and import fewer opportunities.

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