Tag Archives: affirmation

Using Positive Self Affirmation to Increase Your Vertical Jump

You know that there are certain exercises that will work for certain areas of your body. You will include push ups and pull ups to work your arms. You do cardio exercises to keep your heart in shape. There are also exercises that will help you increase your vertical leap.

As beneficial as exercising is, you aren’t going to get very far with a horrible attitude. How you think and feel about yourself is going to reflect in your efforts to increase your vertical Jump. Basically, if you don’t believe that you are making progress, you won’t. How is this possible?

It is all about your subconscious. If you maintain a negative outlook, your subconscious will sabotage your efforts, without you even realizing it. You can exercise until you fall over, but without self-affirmation and a good attitude, all that exercise won’t help you increase your vertical Jump even the slightest bit.

One of the best ways to get to the point of successful self-affirmation is through visualizing. Many coaches will tell their athletes to visualize the win. The same applies to increasing your vertical Jump. If you picture yourself reaching your goals, all your hard work will pay off and you will get there.

Self-affirmation, positive reinforcement, and visualization are all about the psychology. It is about building your self-esteem – your confidence in yourself. Without enough confidence you cannot hope to increase your vertical Jump, or keep you on top of your game.

One of the most helpful tips that you can do is to verbally affirm your efforts and the results that you are after. For example, if you are trying to increase your vertical Jump, you should tell yourself, out loud, that you can do it. Don’t worry about what other people are thinking about you talking to yourself. Keep repeating the phrases that you need to hear yourself say in order to get where you want to be.

Alen is the creator of The Jumping Manual Review, here Alen will give you a honest review on the Jumping Manual of you want to know more about Alen he has a personal page at Zimbio called Get Higher a Vertical Jump have a look at it today.

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Positive Affirmation – 3 Tips For Better Results

If you’ve gotten into the habit of creating positive affirmation statements to support your desired results in life, you’re probably noticing some changes already. Yet sometimes at first your feedback comes in fits and spurts. Something great will happen, and then things will taper off for a bit. It can get frustrating. Fortunately, there’s usually something else to tweak. Try these 3 tips for intermediate “affirmers.”

1. Keep tabs on your everyday language. Sure, when you started out it was great to have a couple sentences to call on when things began to feel rough. Maybe you even got into a habit of beginning or ending your day with affirmations. Or you taped them up on the bathroom mirror, on the cover of your journal, or on the dashboard of your car. Those are all great ways of keeping a planned statement present in your consciousness.

Yet everyday language counts, too. Remember that any firm statement is an affirmation. Begin to monitor your day-to-day conversation, both inside and out, for statements that conflict with the positive affirmation you’ve chosen.

Let’s be clear:

* If your planned statement affirms abundance, but you spend a lot of time telling the kids “we can’t afford it,” then you’ve got a conflict. Try this instead: “Let’s get some other things today and put that on our list for another time.”

* If your planned statement affirms comfort in your body, yet your inner conversation routinely says “My back is killing me,” then you’ve got a conflict. Try this instead: “As I breathe deeply, the muscles in my back relax.”

* If your planned statement affirms a happy relationship with your spouse, yet you secretly criticize his evenings spent zoning out in front of the TV, then you’ve got a conflict. Try this instead: “I appreciate how hard Jim works all day. It’s great when we find ways to relax and unwind together.”

2. Expect your behavior to change. The language of an affirmation is extremely powerful. Yet the words themselves are not magic. It’s more about the context they create. No matter what your inside conversation, if you rigorously continue doing the same old things, you will continue to produce the same old results.

The positive statements are meant to inspire you to come up with fresh solutions and follow through on them. Some of the ideas that “pop” into your head may seem strange. They will surely be different from the old ideas you entertained in the past. That’s because you are now moving into a slightly different world — a world of great possibility!

Build some credibility with yourself by trying out a few of the crazy ideas you get. As you do, you’ll no doubt find that some work better than others. No matter. Follow through as best you can on the the ideas that begin working for you. Once you start to see results, take notice. Your affirmation is taking on material form. It’s also becoming more believable.

* You begin to believe that you will one day be able to buy the kids that gadget they asked about because it’s already becoming a bit easier to manage the essentials. Didn’t you just get to payday with cash left in your wallet? Darn tootin’ you did!

* You begin to believe your back will relax as you exhale tension because after the massage therapist finished with you last week, you felt great for two whole days. It’s possible!

* You begin to believe that you and your spouse will enjoy the benefits of a closer relationship because last Tuesday after work, you spent some time on the couch watching TV with him. And then didn’t he say that it had felt nice? Yep. Well, it’s a start!

3. Consider affirming your state. State means how you “are.” When you “are” abundance, or health, or connectedness, you make choices that match your experience. Of course when you “are” scarcity, or illness, or separation, then your choices match that experience as well.

Observe a role model to see how they are being. Let’s say your role model is confident and charismatic. Fine. Affirm that you are confident and charismatic. Better yet, affirm “I am confidence and charisma.” Using language, bring yourself into the same state of being that your role model enjoys.

You will not turn into your role model. But before you know it, you are likely to begin making the same type of choices that they would make if they were in your situation. The most likely outcome of that strategy, of course, is that your situation will begin to look a little more like theirs. If you’ve chosen wisely, that’s bound to be a very good thing!

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She’s the founder of http://www.wordcures.com and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Begin your self-talk makeover today — it’s simple healthy living

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Positive Affirmation For Beginners – 5 Tips

What’s in a word? As it turns out, quite a lot. Especially when that word, or group of words, is spoken firmly — with conviction. That’s a good working definition of an affirmation: a word or group of words spoken firmly or with conviction. If you’d like to put language to work for you in your life (after all, what could be easier?), then these beginners’ tips could be right up your alley.

1. Speak positively about what you want to create. Often times it’s the things we don’t like that get our attention first. It’s natural to comment about what you notice, even if it’s in the privacy of your own mind. So don’t be surprised if you start to observe yourself making comments about things you don’t like. Just don’t dwell on them.

One of the easiest ways to avoid dwelling on common things that bug you in your life — like your weight, your finances, or a sore back, for example — is to plan ahead a positive statement about what you’d like to create instead. Then, when you notice yourself thinking about the situation you’re not so crazy about, replace that thought with the planned positive one.

Here are some examples:

* I feel lighter and lighter each day.
* Nature’s abundance expresses itself easily in my life.
* I feel comfortable in my body.

2. Make your positive statements personal. When you plan your positive affirmation, use words like these: “I, me, my, [your first name].” The very strongest affirmations are stated in the first person, using the word “I” or your first name. “Me” or “my” statements work pretty well too, though, so don’t obsess about it.

While general statements about goodness for all are great to use as part of your everyday language, they don’t make the best planned positive affirmations. It’s terrific that you want everyone to have lots of abundance. In fact, that background conversation supports your success much more richly than a selfishly exclusive one.

Yet in your own personal statement, be very specific. Include yourself. The statement “I am richly abundant.” makes a stronger personal affirmation than “Abundance is a natural state for all humans.”

3. Make your planned positive affirmations simple and easy to remember. Once you begin to realize the power of consciously choosing your language, it might be tempting to “throw in the kitchen sink” and start affirming everything! Of course, ultimately you can. But let’s start out simply. Create one or two short sentences to begin with. Then commit them to memory.

In the heat of the moment, it’s much easier to pluck something like “I feel slim and light.” from the recesses of your mind than to try and wrestle with “I feel so slim and light and now I’m off my blood pressure medicine, my doctor is so proud of me, and my spouse says I look better than I did on our wedding day. Boy am I ever excited!” You’d have finished the hot fudge sundae already by the time you spit that one out!

4. Keep your values in mind. You’d probably have come up with this on your own in a minute, but just to make sure we’re all on the same page, let’s discuss it. While keeping your positive statements personal, make sure they are personal in a way that supports your values. In other words, no lying, cheating, stealing, or dissing someone else.

* Pick: “Massive wealth is coming to me now.” over “I’ve come up with a foolproof bank robbery scheme.”
* Pick: “I look great on the beach in my new bikini.” over “I look better in a bikini than Jane does.”
* Pick: “I’m so happy with my perfect partner.” over “I am so happy since I stole John away from Mary.”

5. Affirm for yourself, not for someone else. Yep, I know it’s tempting. Your sister would feel so much better if she could just lose those last 15 pounds. She knows it and so do you. Your kid should do his homework, too. And wouldn’t it be great if your friend Charlie settled down with that picture-perfect gal he just met? (He said she can cook. That’s a bonus!)

Of course it’s admirable that you want the best for your family and friends. But you can’t do their life for them. Put your energy into improving things for yourself. Should they wonder what you’re up to now that you’re looking so peaceful and satisfied, then share your little secret. Teach them to create their own affirmations!

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She’s the founder of http://www.wordcures.com and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Begin your self-talk makeover today — it’s simple healthy living

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How to make Positive affirmation work for you

In order to make the positive affirmation work for you, it is essential to develop a positive mindset. Every affirmation that we say or think reflects our inner beliefs and truths. But it is important to understand that lot of those beliefs might not be true for us. They might be based on inappropriate understanding, we gathered when we were kids. But, now when we analyze them as an adult, those can be unveiled as inappropriate or false.

We need to understand, that positive affirmations are positive statements. They are short sentences which help us negate the negative thoughts and infuse positive self benefiting beliefs. Here we can take a look at few positive thinking statements, after which we will try to find out how to make them work.

Few positive affirmations:

· My thoughts are in control.

· I have a calm mind.

· I am happy and healthy.

· I radiate love and happiness.

· I study and comprehend fast.

· I have a lot of energy.

· I have a satisfying job.

· I am wealthy, healthy and wise.

· Prosperity comes effortlessly and easily to me.

· I am lucky.

These are few basic positive affirmations that we have noted. Any affirmation can be positive as long as it replaces the negative thoughts with positive ones.

Try to find out how to get positive affirmations work for us. We need to concentrate on 7 principles, which influence in developing powerful affirmations.

1. Decision- You need to decide and understand what you really want. You may jot it down in a piece of paper or in a notebook what you are really looking for: better health, wonderful relationship, increased prosperity, new job, greater self acceptance, more slender body, etc.

2. Affirmations should be positive, personal and in present tense- You should use words in present tense. Like, “I am, I receive, I have…”

3. Inclusion of words that carry energetic and positive feelings- For example “I am delighted to…it is fantastic that…I am so happy and excited…”

4. Wait for proper timing – You may feel that you are ready for a particular job, but during interviews you find that you are not there yet. Do not lose heart or patience. Work on it and train more, so that next time when the opportunity comes, you will sail through.

5. Let the inner wisdom guide you- There will be times when you just repeat the affirmations and your want will develop without any effort. But other times, may need some actions from your side. You just let the inner wisdom guide you. 

6. Start believing in you- This statement itself requires few affirmations! You will often find people carrying “do not deserve” feelings that they might have been taught since childhood. You should have a will to believe that you deserve a better life. 

7. Have faith in the results- You should have trust in results. For example, if you find yourself score less than your friend in school, do not lose heart. It does not mean that you are not capable to score as much. It means that your colleague knew a little bit more than you on that particular day. On other days, you can be much better than all of them! 

These are the most basic principles that you need to keep in mind. To reiterate, any affirmation or principle that influences positive thinking is a positive affirmation. By following such principles and practicing positive thoughts, there is no reason why positive affirmation cannot work for you and help to lead a better life.

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.

Start learning the positive thinking techniques with Silva Method lessons


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