Tag Archives: anger

Positive and Negative Results of Anger

Whenever a person feels frustrated, violated or hurt, he or she will feel angry. But most of the time, instead on controlling their anger, many people would just keep it. However, there are some times when angry people would go ballistic just to release their rage.

Expressing anger may be a good thing. If you express your rage moderately, you will be able to communicate much better and let other people know how you really feel. As you know, addressing a problem, you and the cause of your rage can create effective solutions to their problems much faster.

Anger, when expressed appropriately, can also encourage a person to indulge himself in activism. In addition, it can also help you improve your physical and mental health. Also, there are many studies that suggest that people, who express their anger in the right way, are more likely to succeed in their workplace.

Nevertheless, if you let it control you and your actions, many bad things may happen. First of all, uncontrolled anger can lead to depression and anxiety attacks. Uncontrolled rage may also result to bullying, dispassion, evasiveness, threatening, unjustly blaming, vengeance and ineffectualness. Some people who are constantly angry at themselves may also indulge themselves in self-harm.

Anger in moderation can help build healthy relationships. But once it gets out of hand, it can end up ruining relationships. There are many couples who hurt each other because of rage and most of the time; they end up divorcing and traumatizing their children. Aside from this, it can also lead to various ailments like high blood pressure, hypertension and heart attacks.

Now there are various methods that can help you control your anger. Among the most helpful methods include yoga or meditation. Such methods are not only able to help individuals in handling their rage constructively, but it also helps in attaining inner peace.


Both yoga and meditation are usually practiced while listening to relaxing music. If you want to learn meditating effectively and get a free Holosync meditation music CD which you can listen to while you meditate, you can go to www.meditation-music.com.au and www.meditate.com.au.













The author is a health care specialist that deals studies on the subject of alternative medicine.

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The Positive and Negative Effects of Anger

Anger is often viewed by the public as a feeling related to evil. However, it is actually an innate feeling that every individual feels once in a while. Although religious groups claimed that this feeling is due to evil, it is a person’s normal reaction when threatened, hurt or offended. No one can escape this feeling; even small children become angry from time to time.

Moderately expressing anger can be good for a person in different ways. One benefit of expressing your anger is that it allows other individuals to immediately know how you really feel. Since you are already addressing the problem, it is much faster to get various solutions.

In recent studies, experts were able to prove that aside from being able to help solve problems, anger is also able to help angry people to communicate with other more effectively. Moderate expression of anger can also help an individual to indulge himself or herself in activism and improve their physical health. Individuals who moderately express their anger are also known to succeed in their workplace.

But once anger gets out of hand, then, many problems may also arise. People who are unable to control or manage their anger often develop different types of ailments like hypertension and high blood pressure. And according to various studies, people who are not able to handle their rage may less likely develop depression.

Anger may indeed help build relationships. However, once it is overused, it can definitely leave any relationship damaged beyond repair. Couples who fight too often and hurt each other physically and emotionally end up divorcing.

Most of the time, a mismanaged anger can also lead to self-harm and violence towards oneself or others. Bullying, dispassion, evasiveness, threatening, unjustly blaming, vengeance and ineffectualness are common types of anger can ruin oneself and leave others physically and emotionally abused.

So make sure to always control your anger. If you are starting to experience difficulty in handling your rage, then it will be helpful to practice yoga or meditation. Both of these techniques are able to help people find inner peace and handle their problems and anger constructively.

If you want to learn how to meditate effectively and get a free Holosync meditation music CD which you can listen to while you meditate, you can go to www.meditation-music.com.au and www.meditate.com.au/blog.



The author is a health care specialist that deals studies on the subject of alternative medicine.

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Positive Ways to Handle Anger

Dealing with inflame and understanding to manage it in the constructive manner isn’t constantly straightforward. All people should take care of problems and enrage from time to time but it truly is how you respond along with the choices that you make which might be the secret to overcoming these difficulties.

– Look for one thing that calms you down. This might be one thing for instance functioning out, taking a walk in the park, writing in a very journal, etc.

– Visit with friends or family.

– Redirect your energy and feelings. Look for other techniques in which it is possible to channel your enrage into forms which might be productive.

– Talk to others about how you’re feeling

– You may well also uncover it helpful to make use of your body as a strategy to cope with your frustration. For instance, going to the gym or working out could be a great method to handle enrage when it arises.

– Give by yourself a ‘timeout’. Even the straightforward act of taking a deep breath and counting to 10 can generally enable to difuse a tense situation.

– Get some space. Take advantage of the opportunity to take a break from the person or scenario that is creating you enraged until you’ve calmed down.

– Think carefully before you say anything. When you speak out of anger you might be more likely to say say something you’ll regret later. You may possibly uncover it helpful to write down what you’ll like to say so that you just can ensure you stick towards the actual troubles. It might be easy to turn out to be sidetracked when you are enraged.

– Once you will be calm, express your frustration in the non-confrontational manner. Continuing to stew about something that is irritating you’ll only make the scenario worse.

– Identify doable solutions to the situation. Instead of focusing on what it really is that created you enraged, try to work by means of the circumstance or the man or woman who is making you enraged so that you just can resolve the problem.

– Make a point to use “I” statements when describing a dilemma as opposed to “you” statements. This will enable you to to prevent placing blame or criticizing someon else, which will only make the other person resentful or indignant and will increase tension. For example, you may possibly say “I am upset which you didn’t help me with this project.”

– Avoid holding a grudge. When that you are able to forgive the human being who produced you angry, it will be helpful to both of you. Remember that it can be merely unrealistic to expect all people to behave precisely as you’d like.

– Use humor to let go of tension. Lightening up a situation may be helpful in diffusing tension and frustration. Keep in mind to keep away from using sarcasm; even so, as it can hurt other men and women and just make the scenario worse.

– Practice relaxation abilities. Finding out and practicing skills which will help you to loosen up and lower your stress levels will also allow you to to control your temper during times when it might be prone to flaring up. Practice visualizing a relaxing scene, deep-breathing exercises or repeating a calming phrase or word to yourself can allow you to to relax. Other exceptional methods for easing frustration including doing yoga, writing in a very journal or listening to calming music.

Anger Managament Advice and Anger Management Tips

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Express anger in positive way

Anger is one of the most powerful emotion governing our attitude and behavior. We all have certain degree of anger in our self and it is not all bad. Sometime it is good to express your anger but it should be done in more productive way. If the state of anger last longer and it start effecting your behavior, then it is time to take some serious action. If people are avoiding you just to avoid your anger then it is alarming sign and it is a time to follow some anger management techniques. One can seek the advice of professional counselor to learn the anger management tricks.

Some people are mature enough and they can handle their anger well, they can find the solution of the problem whereas some people are so overwhelmed with anger that either they abuse people who are around them or hurt themselves. Shouting, blaming other for problems, hurting others emotionally and physically are the common signs that depicts uncontrolled anger. If such situation last for longer or they are recurrent then a person needs anger management therapy to control his temper.
Anger management therapy is a combination of tools and techniques. It is introduced by counselor with the purpose to help the individual in controlling his negative emotions. With Anger management techniques individual would learn how to effectively deal in stressful situation.

One of the best ways to deal with anger is meditation and relaxation. Spend some quite time near nature, relax and meditate it will give you inner strength to cope with all kind of negativity spread all around you.

When you feel angry drink water, go for a walk, listen to music or just do your favorite activity and divert your attention from the situation causing anger. Once your anger is under control you can think rationally and find some significant solution of the problem.

Deal with your anger positively with anger management techniques and make your life happy and peaceful.

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