Tag Archives: Being

Get Over Being Dumped – The Positive Way

Your partner decided to let you go and you’re all alone. You feel abandoned, lost, and heart broken. You’re in a terrible position where happiness seems impossible to reach. What choices do you have? How do you get yourself out of this emotional mess? You need to see the separation from you’re partner as a “blessing”. Maybe he/she just wasn’t the one for you? Losing you’re partner might be the right thing for you, you just don’t know.

Picture You’re Previous Relationship

Was you’re ex-partner really the right match for you? Really ask yourself this question. You may have been having the time of you’re life with your ex but maybe he wasn’t really the right one for you. Don’t think that he is the only one for you and you will never find someone like him/her again. Was the relationship you had together really that great? Could you have captured somebody better than you’re ex? You’re relationship with your ex might have been great but there are other men/women available that you haven’t met yet. Your ex left you but it’s not the end of the world. There is someone better out there waiting for you!

The Emotions You Are Feeling

The emotions your going through after getting dumped are truly terrible. You must not let these emotions take control over you. The confusion, anger, sadness, you’re experiencing is totally normal but you must switch them around. Once again I have to tell you that you need to see your break up in a positive light. See you’re anger and sadness as tools for motivation. “I loved him but he doesn’t love me”. “Why did he leave me?”. Don”t you know that I love you?”. You might have loved them but obviously they didn’t feel the same for you so they let you go. Take all the negative energy that you got from you’re ex and turn them into positive realizations. He/she left you because you weren’t a compatible match together. Let this be a positive sign to you helping you realize that you weren’t with the right mate.

I’m Over Him/Her

Once you’ve accepted the fact that you got dumped your automatically set in a whole new playing field. You should be free of the thoughts of you’re ex by now. Keep in mind that you’re past partner wasn’t the right one for you and that you are lucky that he dumped you. You deserve better. Keep yourself in high spirits by occupying you’re mind. Stay busy as much as possible by doing activities that you enjoy the most. I suggest not going to places that you have spent with you’re previous partner. Instead go to places that you haven’t socialized yet to meet new people. Spoil yourself to the point where if someone even mentions the name of you’re ex it wouldn’t even ring a bell because of all the fun your having.

Why Did I Get Dumped?

If you have a day off spend that time alone. I recommend going somewhere where you are totally alone and have the ability to relax and feel comfortable. Now, when you are sitting down I want you to remember the events that lead to you’re break up. Who was wrong in the relationship? What did I do or what did my ex do to cause our separation? Ask yourself this and come up with the most honest answer as possible. Don’t deny anything. You need to analyze every moment that you and you’re ex spent together and see what mistakes you committed. Remember, answer them honestly. Whatever answers you come up with will benefit you’re future relationship knowing the mistakes you made in the past. Really take you’re time in doing this. It will come in handy so much in you’re net relationship.

“Sorry, But I Just Can’t Get Over My Ex”

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Being a Positive Leader – How Can Your Attitude Affect Your Team?

What is one of the most important tools a leader can have? Extensive training, a handful of certificates, or an impressive resume maybe? Surprisingly, all these things pale in comparison to one tool no leader should be without, a positive mental attitude.

That’s right, having a positive mental attitude determines how you experience your life. In turn, it determines how you behave as a leader, and the influence you have on others. We have talked before about smiling and the positive to negative ratio – so this information shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. The underlying message behind all those tips we enjoy sharing with you, is to have the right mental attitude.

When you smile, you make others happy. When you concentrate on being the positive factor in your team’s day, their productivity goes up. When you seek out good things to say about others, you will find more good things about them. This is not coincidental. This is the power of being positive.

I know sometimes that can seem like an impossible task. With all the worries and stresses of today, staying positive might not be at the top of your to do list. You hear everyone speak of the down economy, you watch horrors on the news, and you may have lay-offs or shut-downs in your company. I am certainly not saying staying positive isn’t a challenge sometimes. However, as leaders . . . should we not rise to the challenge? You don’t need to be unrealistically upbeat, just try to remember that you can affect a lot more than you think by adjusting your perception.

Your attitude has the power to not only lift you up or pull you down, but affect your team in the same way. Look for the positives in situations. Remember, as the saying goes, you need “to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can”. You simply need the wisdom to know the difference between the two. Try hard to focus on only the things you can directly influence. Work at making a positive difference on those things. Every day seek out new ways to keep yourself positive and new positive people to be around.
Remember, “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” What good will you find today?

Leanne Crain is a Marketing and Administrative Assistant for the business consulting company BizXcel which publishes Generating Greatness, the bi-weekly ezine for business professionals. If you are ready to push your business to new heights, make more money, save time and improve productivity, then get your FREE tips now at http://www.bizxcel.com

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Being positive is an art of living!

Many people possess a great deal of ability of speaking and putting forward their thoughts to motivate people. Dynamic personality’s around the world who are great speaker’s have showed the strength of their expression and inspired common people to walk in pursuit of making this world a better place to live.

It is equally essential for a person to think bigger and broader when he or she thinks they can over whelm the public with their motivational quotes when put forward to them, when such feeling exists in the mind it takes not any longer for them to reach great heights of success and thus their achievements they exhibit in their thoughts some or the other way.

As we talk about famous quotes or motivational thoughts, we must understand that any one of us who gets carried away by reading such interesting lines said by someone somewhere, are all based on a true sense of optimism and positive indications.

There are huge ups and downs going on in this world and people a majority of them are filled with dejection, fear always keeps rolling in minds be it money matters, protection of family, a sportsman’s desire to perform in his game and struggle to remain consistent, or difference between views in countries around the world which broke up wars as they still effects generations, these are just few things to name but there are enough number of hard ships human being suffering in and out.

But what does the trick when a sensible approach to generate a feeling full of tolerance and justice comes in the middle in the form of words just makes things to determine positivity among individuals instantly.

Even common man are now given the chance to keep their mentality and show the brilliance of their attitude as they come up with extraordinary thoughts to signify human optimism and excel the joy of being one and respectful to others.

When you sit over the internet and look in to Professor Prosperity the platform it provides, you would certainly take the chance to at least once relax and think whether a burning desire to exhibit your feeling that hold the potential to effect others life can be mentioned here as identified.

Professor Prosperity invites young minds to most experienced and creative individuals who has that ability and likes to take stand and take part to share the common interest of like minding and be aware of others capabilities to express spontaneous and zeal full gestures that can work wonders to bring a positive change as people observes globally. Who knows a captivating thought makes you famous over night?

Mycroft Goody

If you have that real sense of understanding a human mentality and like to react positively through framing of extraordinary words in the form of quotes Professor Prosperity is a sure shot source to learn and share things with interest. Share your thoughts at Professor Prosperity by visiting at: http://www.ProfessorProsperity.com

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Being Positive

Being positive means having faith in the future. It means focusing on solutions and not on problems. It means being open to new ideas, new concepts and being able to think outside the box.

The positive person can see reality such as it is and does not need to say that things are rosy when they are not. Unless a challenge is well appraised and understood, it cannot be solved. However the positive person will tend to see the challenge as a stepping-stone and not as a stumbling block.

Being positive is a constant challenge. It is said that it takes seventeen positive experiences to negate one negative one. Life has its share of challenges so, in order to remain positive, the emotional battery has to be recharged constantly.

There are a great many ways of recharging the emotional battery and none will be effective for everyone. Each of us has to find what works best for him or her. A person who tends to be introverted will be better served by reading a positive book or viewing an inspirational video while an extrovert will find the same inspiration by associating with positive people.

Be it as may, recharging the battery has to be done on a daily basis if it is to be effective. Zig Ziglar used to say, “Skip a meal but don’t skip your daily inspirational moment.”

The brain follows the GIGO principle. That is, Good Stuff In, Good Stuff Out… and Garbage In, Garbage Out. It does not fail. If we feed good and positive material to our brain, it will create a positive state of mind. However, if we allow the bad news peddlers to influence us, the state of mind will be affected accordingly.

The difference in the quality of life that we enjoy depends on what we chose to focus on. If we chose beauty and quality, that’s what we’ll experience but if we dwell on the negative, it will take its toll.

The state of mind, positive or negative, is also highly influenced by our posture. Walking tall and erect will send positive vibes to the brain whereas the slouching and lazy posture will affect us negatively. It is impossible to stay in a depressing mood for a long time when we stand or walk like a champion and it is also impossible to be enthusiastic for any length of time when slouching like a loser.

Being positive means faith and hope. It does not mean shying away from reality. It means that we are convinced that sooner or later we’ll come out on top and that we will prevail. It’s that simple.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Owner Administrator of the Personal Development for Personal Success Forums.

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Being Bliss 35 – Right Mindset for Positive Thinking – BK Shivani (Hindi)


Main Points from the episode 35
* Positive thinking is not about EXPECTING the best to happen every time, but ACCEPTING that whatever happens is the best for this moment.
* Positive thinking means right thinking at every moment. Visualising the best to happen, but then accepting the result and creating the right thoughts irrespective of what the outcome may be.
* Positive thinking does not mean what will happen, will be the best; it means whatever will happen, will be accurate for me; according to my sanskars and past karmic accounts.
* Accepting the outcome of the situation, keeps us stable at that moment. We retain the strength, confidence and motivation to put in our best in the next moment.

Main Points from the episode 1 :
* Happiness is not based on achievement. It is not the destination, it is on the journey.
* Happiness is a state of being, created while working towards the goal, not a feeling to be experienced after achieving the goal.
* Obstacles on the journey are obstructions in our achievements, not obstructions in our happiness.
* If we believe happiness is at the destination, then we will experience fear and anxiety if there is any obstacle or delay on the journey.

Our every thought, word and action is OUR creation. Situations come to us from outside, but our responses are completely OUR choice.

‘HEALER WITHIN ‘is a next series by sister bk shivani in english after happiness unlimited , soul connections and going beyond. (awakening with brahma kumaris)

We have doctors , psychiatrists, spiritual masters, family and friends . in short we have all sets of healers outside yet we are not healed inside. The series explores how the creator of pain is inside and the healer is also within. And healer inside each of us is the perfect healer for ourselves .

Awakening with Brahma Kumaris with BK Shivani

Raja Yoga Meditation is a method of relaxing, refreshing and recharging the mind. lt helps you look inside to rediscover and reconnect with your original, spiritual essence and restore a healthy balance between your inner and outer worlds.
The topics covered in this series lead to a deeper understanding of your True identity,
Knowing God, Relationship with God, Law of Karma, Cycle of Time and Spiritual Lifestyle, ln time, this understanding becomes a natural part of your day to day awareness, constructively influencing how you see yourselfand how you relate to your world.

Meditation is the method to – Become intuitively aware of who you really are beyond the superficial labels of modern society; Experience the core energy of your being which is peaceful, positive and powerful; Direct that power into our abilities to create, communicate and co-operate with others; Discern the real meaning of life and your unique purpose in this lifetime.

The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learnskills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.

Self Management
Self Management, which is really life management, is learning how to accept total RESPONSIBILITY for our self, have healthy RELATIONSHIPS, play the right ROLE and use the

RESOURCES we already have within us in the most effective ways, and thereby fulfill our Iife’s mission to be happy and at peace with our self and with the
Responsibility – No person, event or situation is responsible for our happiness; we are the creator of ALL our thoughts, feelings and actions.
Relationships – lt’s not what others say or do that hurts us, lt’s what we do – with what they say or do that hurts us, let’s stop emotionally abusing ourselves.
Roles – We are the creators of every scene in our life and hence have the power to play the right role, in the right scene, in the right way, at the right time.
Resources – We all have the same resources but one of the factors that make us all unique is how we use those resources – physical, mental and spiritual.
The Brahma Kumaris
The Brahma Kumaris teaches Rajyoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. The organisation provides opportunities to people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Rajyoga, which will help develop
inner calm, clear thinking and personal well-being.
www.bkwsu.org (International)
www.brahmakumaris.com (India)

Positive Mindset (Chinkee Tan)

Be positive and stay away from negative people.

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