Tag Archives: Belief

A Positive Belief System Can Propel You to Incredible Heights

Ever wondered why some people seem to excel at everything they do, while others seem to be destined for failure? Why is this?

Our thoughts, beliefs, actions and non-actions determine where we are in life, and where we are headed. If we uncovered our beliefs, many of us would be surprised to see it brimming with negativity and shortcomings.  And if we stayed on our current course, these shortcomings and beliefs would stop us from achieving our desired results in life.

Sometimes our limiting beliefs were instilled in us by others from a very young age. For example, you may have been raised to believe that you will never be wealthy and don’t deserve to be because no-one in your family has ever been rich. So even though you tell yourself you want to be rich, those instilled beliefs about prosperity will stop you dead in your tracks.

The good news is that we can change our belief systems.

The first step is to recognize negative thoughts and beliefs and turn them into positive ones. This can be difficult to start with. Just recognizing them can be hard enough, let alone trying to find a positive replacement. It does get easier in time, especially once you start seeing results. This doesn’t mean that you will never have a negative thought again. You would not be human if you didn’t. You just have to be aware of the negative thought, and stop it in it’s tracks before it drags you down.

The next step in changing your belief system is truly believing. You can go around until you’re blue in the face saying “I am going to make $ 100,000 in the next 12 months”. That’s great, but if you don’t truly believe you can, chances are that you won’t.

So start with one negative belief you have. Write it down. For me writing it down sets the wheels in motion. Think about how you can turn it into a positive. Write down the positive belief next to the negative equivalent. Truly believe in yourself that you can achieve it. This may seem difficult at first. You may even want to read your positive beliefs to yourself a couple of times a day. This gives you a positive mindset, making the self belief easier. You will soon start to see that your whole attitude and mindset begins to shift. If you keep applying these simple techniques, there should be no stopping you!

Kathy Munslow is an internet marketer and mentor, who loves helping others achieve greater levels of success in their lives. To find out more about Kathy and what she does, visit http://www.onlinesaleswiz.biz

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Staying Positive & Successful – Watering Your Dreams With Trust and Belief

Forging new paths always involves trust. How many times have you given up wonderful experiences and opportunities because of doubt and fear? Even when you were first inspired to grab those experiences and opportunities, sometimes you let the fear and doubt take over. You let those negative emotions change your mind.

You decided not to take the opportunities and experiences life put in your path. Like talking to a certain someone, taking a lower paying job that you would have loved more (which probably would have led to something better because when you do what you love, the abundance follows), failing to tell someone you love them, not doing something you’ve always dreamed of that’s “out of your comfort zone”?

We’ve all done it, but if you want to create the life you desire, you’ve got to cultivate trust in yourself. By being aware of your inner self talk, you do have the ability to turn the momentum around. You can let the Universe bring the perfect people, wonderful opportunities into your experience. You just have to TRUST the Universe and open your eyes to what it’s bringing you. And then not allow the fear to get in the way.

Decide to TRUST a little bit more, and doubt a little bit less.

Think of what you DO want to create in your life as a seed that you’re planting. You have to water it with your trust, your belief, and your faith. Feed the trust with positive attention and actions and see what wonderful experiences and opportunities you create!

Deciding to live big and follow your dreams is scary, not just for you but for people around you who are allowing fear and doubt to control them. Remember to water the seeds of your dreams with positive nutrients so they can flower into something beautiful.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my “Easy Product Creation Secrets” Video to learn how to turn your experiences into products when you visit http://www.ProductCreationBonus.com

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