Tag Archives: Benefits

Fish Oil For Pregnant Women – Discover the Positive Health Benefits

Opinions vary about the value of omega-3 fish oil for pregnant women. Yet, a growing amount of research provides evidence that the benefits are all positive. Here you will learn what the researchers are reporting, but first a little background.

Omega-3s are a specific group of fats that are “essential” to the human diet, meaning that they are necessary for bodily functions, but the body cannot produce them. So, they must be present in the foods that we eat.

There is no way to determine how many people are suffering from omega-3 deficiencies. There is reason to believe that the number is very large, indeed. It’s just that the deficiencies do not cause acute or immediate symptoms. They cause, or at least contribute to, diseases associated with aging, including heart disease, some types of cancer and arthritis.

When the deficiency is present during pregnancy, infancy or childhood, there are increased risks of learning disabilities, visual impairment, asthma and allergies. The nutrients are essential for normal brain development and function.

So, the value of omega-3 fish oil for pregnant women is to support the developing baby and to reduce his or her risk of chronic conditions like asthma. But, there are other values.

Research indicates that a high omega-3 intake reduces the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery. There may be a reduced risk of post-partum depression, too.

Post-partum depression is typically blamed on sudden hormonal changes, but those are natural changes that should not place undue stress on the body. Nutritional deficits are likely to occur during the last trimester and following delivery as essential nutrients have been directed to the baby’s needs. Research has shown that a woman’s DHA blood levels may be particularly low after delivery.

The nutritional value of fish oil for pregnant women or for anyone has to do with two unique omega-3s called Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA. DHA and EPA are present in other foodstuff. They are only found in some species of fish.

At one time, wild game and even farm animals may have contained DHA and EPA, but today, the only omega-3 that those foods provide is alpha-linolenic acid or ALA. The body can, if it must, convert some ALA to EPA and then to DHA, which is why severe deficiency symptoms are not seen in people that do not eat fish or take a supplement.

It’s just that the amount of ALA that is converted to DHA is very low, less than 4%. An alternative to fish oil for pregnant women that are vegan is marine algae. But, be sure to check the label for DHA and EPA content, no matter what kind of supplement you are about to buy.

Despite all of the research, some doctors may still have reservations about suggesting fish oil for pregnant women, but any doctor would agree that the supplement is a good idea for those that are planning to become pregnant.

After all, the brain and central nervous system start to develop before a woman even knows she is pregnant. In short, good nutrition is always important.

I have found a pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil product that is naturally high in DHA and EPA and also high in anti-inflammatory properties that comes from the world’s most pristine oceans. See my website for more details of omega 3 fish oil products – the key to optimal health.

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Long Term Benefits of Positive Reinforcement vs Negative Reinforcement

Long Term Benefits of Positive Reinforcement vs Negative Reinforcement by J. Richard Kirkham

Over the years of tutoring students with behavior challenges, I’ve noticed a pattern of negative reinforcement by both parents and teachers in an attempt to diminish or stop such behaviors.

Let’s review some basic behavioral reactions from all human beings. This includes both adults and children since these are basic behaviors.

Children and adults avoid negative stimuli.

This includes but is not inclusive to spankings, getting yelled at by the boss, or even disapproving looks.

Children and adults attempt to receive positive stimuli

This includes but is not inclusive to hugs, getting complemented by the boss, or even approving looks.

In the absence of any stimuli children and adults will attempt to create situation wherein responses by authority figures or peers is motivated.

In most cases I’ve witnessed in both children and adults the activity to promote this stimuli tends to be in the form of a negative behavior issue. Again, this applies to both children and adults from throwing paper airplanes to antics at the water cooler at the office.

Why are these behaviors primarily negative?

Let’s consider the way we were raised.

I’ve actually had successful, intelligent parents tell me and I quote one person

“My wife and I don’t believe in rewarding expected behavior.”

What do you believe my former student will do when he/she feels a need for attention? Do well on a test? No, that’s expected. As is behaving in class, in public and basically acting in an appropriate manner in all situations.

I’ve seen the same attitude in over 75% of the parents who hired me to consult with them over email or tutor their child and it’s not the parents fault. Most parents don’t have a background in teaching, counseling or psychology They raise their children, in most cases, the way they were raised. Getting the occasional tip from another parent or television. If the technique the parent uses even temporarily hinders a behavior. They feel successful.

For the most part, if the child has no extreme behaviors, the parents techniques raise a socially acceptable child with average goals in life, but at what loss of potential?

Let’s look inside the mind of a child through adulthood.

Let’s presume he/she has average self-trained parents who understand the benefits of positive reinforcement, but are, for the most part unsure how to execute it and therefore is sporadic at best.

Here’s a scenario;

John gets an A on his test. Parents praise him.

The next class John tries hard though he gets a D. Parents admonish him.

John gets another D in the same class. Parents ground him

John gets yet another D parents take away his hand held gamer

John stops trying in the class

John resorts to acting out for attention in that class

As his peers grow accustom to his behaviors John escalates them in order to receive the same amount of attention.

The parents finally have a meeting with the teacher of that class to find out why John gets into trouble in that class.

This can escalate further but generally doesn’t. Do you now understand, however, why we act out in a negative manner in order to get attention. We keep the traits in us which are reinforced whether this reinforcement consists of negative or positive stimuli.

Let’s now examine some parents who, through classes study or perhaps even buying my book (were they the one’s) understand the importance of consistent positive reinforcement.

John gets a D on his test

A compliment is followed by constructive questions

John changes his study habits

John still gets a D

The parents hit a heavy bag, power-walk and release their stress in constructive ways.

A compliment is followed by constructive questions

The parents have a meeting with John’s teacher for the class.

The teacher works with John.

John probably does better on the next test.

Regardless of the results John still has his support group and is not alone. Which means I probably won’t get the “you’re my last hope” call.

Let’s carry both these scenarios into adulthood

Primarily Negative Stimuli

John graduated high school with B’s and C’s He’s working at a grocery store. He bags groceries and is a hard worker. He does what he’s told at work because he doesn’t want to get into trouble. He shows up to work regularly and has had a few raises.

Scenario with primarily positive reinforcement

John graduated high school with A’s and B’s. He started out bagging groceries. John knew he could do better than that. He worked hard utilizing the same positive reinforcement techniques his parents had utilized with him to improve his self-confidence. The customers, coworkers, and management appreciated his positive attitude and hard work. John asked questions and was not afraid to try or suggest new ways of performing daily tasks at work.

He’s now the manager of the grocery store with a very busy schedule as he is taking college courses in the evening.


Though John’s character is fictional, the results are not. Self-confidence and a lack of fear to attempt to achieve tasks without negative reprisals due to temporary lack of achievement is a must for the building blocks for both leadership and innovation. Without consistent positive reinforcement the child’s chances of realizing this self-confidence to perserveer and to develop and initiate new ideas and methodology is greatly restricted.

Let me conclude with a quote from my book

“Do you want your child to want to do the right thing or be afraid to do the wrong thing?

About the Author

J. Richard Kirkham is a dual certified teacher and martial arts instructor. He has expertise in alternative teaching methods and positive reinforcement methodology. He’s written several books in the printable electronic format and has made downloadable videos and DVDs. One of his books he put his heart and soul into is “Tutoring and Positive Reinforcement Techniques and Methodology for all Parents and Teachers” formerly titled “Raising Your Child to be More Positive and More Confident” Feel free to visit Mr. Kirkham’s website at KirkhamsEbooks.com or you may email him at help@kirkhamsebooks.com

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Combi Boilers Positive And Useful Benefits

There can be many positive and useful benefits to using combi boilers. The majority of individuals usually are interested in using these units because they can save money. People can also save space when they are using these combination machines. Having the option of saving money and space at the same time is usually beneficial to almost every person.

These units are extremely affordable. This is important for people that are trying to make energy efficient decisions for their home. Using these units is also a way to save energy. This is because these machines will be able to handle hot water and heating issues at the same time. They are also extremely compact. Having a compact unit is helpful for individuals that do not possess a lot of space in their home.

Saving space is helpful in small areas. These units can be placed on a kitchen wall in order to help with heating and water related issues. Having the unit on a wall will help people that are lacking the space to put them in another location. The fact that the units run very minimally is also extremely important. These machines do not use a lot of power in order to produce hot water and heat.

Individuals using these units can save money on both their electric and heating bills. Individuals that can save money usually will appreciate the opportunity to conserve their funds. When an individual has the chance to save money on a consistent basis they will have a better quality of life. The level of heat and hot water that is produced is unmatched in these units.

People can go to multiple locations when they are looking to purchase one of these items. These products are cheaper than alternatives and also more economical. When an individual can buy these items they usually will notice a savings within the first few months of using the products. Many businesses choose to use these products because they are trying to run their business efficiently.

Using these units people can have hot water in less than 60 seconds. People do not need storage space for a hot water container when they are using these items. Instead the people will have the option of getting water directly from the plumbing system that is hot. Some of the systems can produce hot water in less than 30 seconds depending on the power.

It can be very easy to understand why people are interested in combi boilers. People that are using these products will be amazed at the efficiency with which they run. They also will be extremely interested in the amount of financial savings that will be available. They can also help the environment while using something that is going to be beneficial for their home or work space.

Northern Gas Heating – the UK’s local supplier of new Central Heating Systems. Looking for a high efficient Combi Boiler? Call Northern Gas today if you need a new boiler.

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Graphic Designer Career Positive Benefits

There are many benefits to a graphic designer career. Most people become involved with this type of work because they are very creative. Usually individuals have the opportunity to work on several projects when they are in this profession. Many times people like the idea of working on multiple projects so that they do not become bored.

An individual that has the ability to work within some type of artistic field usually likes the work they are doing. They like the freedom related to being able to perform a service and know that people are going to look at their work. There is a certain level of personal pride that a person gets from being able to perform a job of this manner.

People within this profession often have many different job opportunities. These individuals do not have to worry about the amount of money that they are going to make. The salary is usually very comparable for individuals that are involved with this line of work.

It is entirely possible that someone within the profession can become well known. For individuals that are interested in becoming famous, design work can be extremely exciting. Sometimes people enjoy the opportunity to know that their work is being seen all over the world.

People have the chance to start their own business. Sometimes if a person is not comfortable working with others they will choose to start their own company. Starting their own business will give a person the flexibility to work when they feel like working. Sometimes people do not always enjoy having a set schedule.

There are many different applications that people can use when they have computer access to perform this job. The advances in technology have made it significantly easier for people to be successful in this line of work. People can often come up with a concept extremely quickly and execute it in a matter of minutes.

It can be very easy to understand why people are interested in a graphic designer career. Most people involved in the field are filled with creativity. The majority of the people have been creative their entire lives. Finding a practical application for the creativity is usually very exciting the largest number of individuals. The career choice one that most people do not regret making. Any person that goes into this line of work usually is pleased to have the freedom to explore their creative side.

Learn how to pick the best computer graphic and design schools to become a graphic designer. Read articles at http://www.graphicdesignersalarydata.com/ on how to select a school and find tips about picking the best school for you. Becoming a graphic designer is a great career if you are interested in a computer profession.

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Become Positive – Benefits of a Positive Attitude


Become Positive - Benefits of a Positive Attitude

Explore more at: http:www.Effective-Positive-Thinkinh.com
The benefits of a positive attitude are numerous, but one of the best benefits is that having a good attitude and staying positive actually makes physical changes in the body. In fact, when you harness the power of thinking positive long enough, the chemistry in your body changes enough that keeping a positive attitude becomes easier. Positive attitude and health are intertwined because our brains are the chemical factory for our bodies.
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Acai Berry Research Finds Positive Benefits

Acai Berry is being cultivated in the jungles of Brazil since centuries. However it is only recently that scientists of America have begun Acai Berry research. The results of researches have unfolded its nutritional benefits when the tiny fruit is used for losing weight and for promoting healthier life.

Most Americans do not have any idea about effectiveness of this wonder of nature and its healthy nutrients till the publishing of book “The Perricone Promise” by Doctor Nicholas Perricone. The author of the book is an anti aging expert and he earmarked this berry as the world’s number one super food of the world.

The book caught the eye of many health experts and dieters including celebrities. One such celebrity Oprah Winfrey invited this Acai Berry Guru (Dr. Nicholas Perricone) to her show for discussing Acai Berry research and explaining its healthful benefits.

Acai Berry Researches have proved that this tiny berry is made up of key units that help in speeding up metabolism, suppressing hunger and for developing shaped muscles. It seems that it is a lot for such super food. It has been discovered that this wonder of nature is rich in its antioxidant content. All other foods do not even come on comparison when evaluated by USDA. It is believed to contain the maximum nutritional value compared to any other fruit of the world.

Acai berry research has revealed this tiny fruit contains many benefits like:

• Help to lose weight
• Increase the speed of metabolism
• Relieve the pains
• Support the immunity system
• Help in fighting and preventing cancer and many other diseases
• Help the process of digestion
• Aid in sleeping disorders
• Serve as an anti aging substance

This small berry is a new diet evolution. Many Americans are in search of this tiny fruit. Unfortunately this is not as easy as it seems. The reason is that it is impossible to cultivate the fruit in America or any other part of the world except the damp jungles of Amazon. It cannot be sent to other parts of the world because of the perishable nature of the fruit. The berry once picked from the tree stays fresh for not more than 24 hours. Nonetheless many companies extract the pulp of the fruit, process it and include the healthful ingredients in dietary supplements. This way they are able to preserve the nutritional benefit of this small wonder of nature.

Extensive Acai Berry Researches have revealed that this small fruit holds its magical properties even after processing. So the health supplement made from the extract of Acai Berry ate favorable and one must step ahead to order it.

Learn more about the acai superfood and see why so many people think the Amazon acai berry will stay around.

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Five Positive Benefits of Cardio Training!

Did you know that being fit and healthy is “cool” and the in thing to do these days? Being fit is something that never goes out of style and your body will greatly benefit from cardio training helping you to a long and healthy life. These days with everyone so busy it is important to take care of and pay attention to your most important asset, your body.

So what is cardio training you ask! Well it is probably the best thing you can do for your body to get it in the best overall shape possible. This training involves using the large muscle groups in your body regularly and uninterrupted. It helps the heart by getting the heart rate up to 60 to 85 percent of the fastest heart rate you can achieve.

Cardio training is thought of as aerobic exercising because of moving from one exercise to another. Swimming, rowing, jogging, running and cycling are just a few cardio training exercises you can do. There are a lot, and the key is to keep moving at a regular pace.

Here are five benefits to doing cardio training!

1. The Body Receives Energy
After a regular routine of training is implemented you will feel a greater level of energy as well as better endurance.

2. Disease Prevention
An important benefit is the prevention of heart disease as well as diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol. The heart is greatly strengthened by cardio training while exercising by walking or jogging is best for disease prevention.

3. Weight Control
You will burn a whole lot more calories with this kind of training and in this way lose weight. Once you reach your desired weight you will then be able to much easier keep your weight at the level you want.
There are different needs for everyone as far as weight loss goes and so you should consult your doctor or trainer as to what type of cardio training you should do to meet your goals.

4. Loss of Body Fats
You may say, “I don’t need to lose any weight”, well that is all fine and good but you may need to get rid of some form of unwanted fat that is bothersome for you. Cardio training will help you to become lean, fit and toned because of the regular activities that use the large muscle groups on a regular basis thus ridding yourself of these unwanted fats.

5. Say Goodbye to Boredom
You will have fun; feel motivated, energized and full of life. This will become a way of life and you will find that when you are not doing your cardio training your life is missing out on something that you have realized you really need.

Beside the benefits of cardio training here are some recommendations so you can better enjoy your training.

First off if you want to improve your overall health you should be doing cardio training, and you should do it 3 to 5 days a week with about thirty to forty-five minutes of exercise each workout. If you want positive weight loss you should work out at least 4 to 5 times per week. Remember that you do not want to over train and so you should avoid becoming tired and sore from over use of muscles. Don’t train to long in a given workout and try to keep it to not more than 60 minutes and do your training on a regular schedule.

The key is to get started. Do it now, don’t wait. Set a goal and keep it. Start by walking or biking in your neighborhood or train with that new video you just bought. Combine this with a sensible eating regime and you will be on your way to a healthy, fit and trim body others will envy.

As you become more fit and your endurance level rises your training intensity can also increase. Keep your workouts new and different by switching up little things to keep your body guessing and so you will not plateau. You can accomplish this by doing interval training when jogging or walking. Try going at your regular speed for a while and then increasing you speed for 60 seconds before slowing down again. Repeat this as you train and you will challenge yourself and find you will reach your goals faster and your body will perform better in time.

If you are combining cardio with weight training you should do a short cardio warm up, then do your free weights exercise routine followed by your long intense cardio workout. This will give the best and fastest results. You should never do cardio training just before bedtime as your energy level will be high and remain so for a while not allowing you to relax and sleep.

For best results eat a protein snack about 30 minutes before your workout and never start on an empty stomach. Avoid a big meal prior to working out and be sure to give your body just the fuel it needs to perform the vigorous exercises you are about to participate in.

If the weather and conditions allow it is good to do your cardio outdoors. This will give you a chance to breathe good fresh air as well as enjoy the natural surroundings. You can meet new friends in your community who are like minded and make your healthy lifestyle something that impacts the world you live in.

Remember to stick with it. Do not give up, and be consistent. If you want the full benefits of cardio training you need to stay disciplined, focused and determined to achieve all of your goals. You can do it as long as you remain positive and take action now.

The author of this article can attest to the positive results of cardio training from personal experience. You to can achieve all of your goals with determination and an action plan to follow. If you are looking for a step by step action plan to get you started to a healthier lifestyle you can get all the information you need to get started now by clicking here http://www.loseweightgetfitforcouples.com

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Positive Mindset – Getting Various Benefits For Your Success

One of the best suggestions by looking for tips on being successful is having a positive mindset. Most of the time, they would say that this is all you need on top of hard work in order to be successful in everything you do.

Thinking positively about things somehow has the ability to energize your body so you will be inspired in doing your task better. This will also seem to attract all the positive things in your life and thus add contribute to your success. But aside from this, you will also get a lot of benefits in having this type of mindset on a daily basis like the following.

Personal maturity

The good thing about having a positive mindset is it will make you more mature in life. You will start to look at things in a different color to continue with your life. This will also help you identify the things that you can and cannot do and take them in a positive manner. For example, you may think positive about a certain work like writing. You may be positive that you can do the job with your capabilities. However, you are not always assured that your written material will pass every client who will read it so rejection and revision will occur. With positive thinking, you can immediately think that every revision is a good way of improving your skills as an artist and every rejection will make you tougher in facing every challenge in your field. This is a sign of maturity since you’ll be able to move on instead of being too depressed about it.

Renewed strength

Staying positive daily will give you all the push that you need to work daily. It’s important to attract good vibes daily to start the day right. Imagine if you start your day wrong, you’ll notice that you’ll feel down and everything seems to be going against your way or not falling into their right places. And even if nothing seems to be right today, you’ll still find yourself looking forward on the following day because it will be a new day and there’s a chance to correct everything.

Health benefits

Being negative will make you feel depressed and anxious. The problem with this is you’ll experience sleeplessness and fatigue that may result to other physical problems. Having a healthy mindset will also keep your body healthy since there will be no instances of depression or low moods.

In conclusion, having a positive mindset can give you not only psychological but also physical benefits since your mind will work together with your body. This will help you get all these benefits together and make it work for you towards your success regardless of what you do like in work or school.

To find out more, check out: Positive Mindset

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Benefits of a Positive Mindset

Everyone knows that Life is not always easy to handle. If you think about it, want whether it be a want of love, material possessions, or spiritual development is all part of everyone’s earthly experience. Coming across hardship is not really a bad thing – the point is it’s the way a person deals with it that matters. A positive mind-set is so essential in many ways. Positive thinking has been proven to increase the quality of living. When a person thinks in a positive way the mind will automatically change that person’s perception of the world; as well as the person’s behaviour and for the better.

The biological reason for this is, a positive mind-set will increase the levels of neuro transmitters like serotonin that manage the functioning aspects of the brain. The benefits of a positive way of thinking also includes better mental and physical health. This is because of the increase of positive hormones to the immune system.

Of course the opposite is also true, when a person is always feeling negative, or in deep depression that person is much more likely to develop mental health problems. Which in turn will affect relationships at home, at work, with friends and so on. The negative mind-set is best got rid of as soon as possible. Of course to feel unhappy now and again is normal; like I said before it is how a person deals with it that’s important – positive thinking always wins over negative thinking.

The good thing about having a positive way of thinking is that it makes a person feel like they can achieve anything that they want in life. The Person who mostly thinks in a positive way is a lot more likely to see minor mishaps as challenges or opportunities instead of problems or difficulties. Think about it, all the most successful people in the world are successful because they are able to see opportunities where other people only see problems. The thing is there are opportunities coming up everyday for everyone, but almost everyone just can’t see them.

Positive thinking and cultivating a positive frame of mind, is not something that just started in the hippy new age era of the 60’s. Spiritual men and women have for hundreds of years searched for, and developed methods to harness an inner equilibrium. People with a positive mind-set feel part of the universe; while people with a negative mind-set feel detached from the universe.

To establish what frame of mind you have, if it’s negative or positive, ask yourself, “How am I with other people?” The best way to do this is to think of how you conduct yourself towards people you have just met. Are you the kind of person that is open and friendly when meeting others? Or are you inward-looking and frightened when talking to others. One of the easiest ways to conquer an un-constructive frame of mind is to modify your outlook to your environment, and by that I mean the new people who you meet every day also.

If you feel uneasy when talking to people then try out this exercise. Go and force yourself have a conversation with someone in a public place. A comment about the weather or anything in the news will do. Take a note on how you feel afterwards.

The thing is the way you act with other people will have a considerable influence on the opportunities you get in life. For example, two people in an office who both have the same aptitude and know-how, but there is one distinction – one is bad-tempered and uncomfortable with their work colleagues and the other is great to talk to and is secure in the company of their work colleagues. Which one would you pick for advancement in the company?



About The Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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