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How to Become a Better You With a Positive Attitude on Life

Everyday fun, happiness, enjoyment needs to be incorporated into your daily life. Watching the sunrise from the top of a mountain after an early morning walk on a weekend tramp might not be everyone’s idea of an adrenalin rush, but if it’s what you enjoy, you need to ensure you’re doing it in your life. You are unique, there’s no one in the world like you and it’s up to you to become yourself.

You have to feel positive and have a positive attitude to want to engage in some of these things. If you don’t you decide it’s easier to stay in bed or slouch around home and your attitude becomes more and more negative about your life. I know, I’ve had to learn and now teach others through my attitude training.

Your life is about fulfillment and enjoyment and it’s your choice to include this into your life. Maybe it’s the beach, or forest, temple, church, mosque, or golf course where you experience tranquility and a sense of inner peace. You need to discover it as well as your ideal relationship, job, financial and lifestyle choice on your journey to become yourself,

When you have a goal, target, intention or mission in life, you have a sense or urgency in life and an ‘energy’ to achieve. You are more motivated and enthusiastic about life.

At the beginning of each year, it’s a good idea to think back to the previous year and what you didn’t achieve. However, if you’ve missed doing it then, anytime you start Is the perfect time for you. If you’re struggling with achieving your goals you need to analyse why. Here are a few possible reasons.

1 Did you need to do some ‘background’ work first and was working towards achieving those goals.

Some big goals require a series of small goals (the background work) to be achieved before achieving the ‘big final goal’. That’s great because each step is progress in the right direction. I.e. To run a marathon you may have needed to lose weight and improve your diet to give you stamina.

2 Did you lose motivation?

When you’re working towards achieving a goal, it’s important it is what YOU really want. If someone else who wants you to run a marathon to join them, you’re less likely to be motivated. You could be feeling you ‘should’ do it to keep them happy. However in the process, you are making yourself unhappy. This is a common challenge with many people. In some instances it feels easier to ‘go with the flow’ rather than cause a disagreement. It’s not an intentional cop-out of being responsible for your own life, it is that the person is lacking the personal development skills, communication, self-esteem and knowledge, about how to break the cycle, of being kind to others versus being kind to themselves.

3 Were you afraid of losing friend because you were changing your life?

In the process of working towards a goal, you are experiencing change. If losing weight is your goal, the people who you might have gone on social outings with, may encourage you NOT to change. The liked you ‘as you were’. When you choose to become healthier, the decision to change is your choice. However, your associates are having change forced upon them. Your weekly routine may have included two visits to a local restaurant, which serves ‘unhealthy’ food. Now you don’t wish to go, but instead visit the gym. They are lonely and forced to accept your decision. Rather than be pleased that you wish to address your health issues, they encourage you to remain as you are, because it suits them. So remember when you are unique and learning to become yourself, it’s important to learn to become yourself, which in this example is fit and healthy.

However, don’t be dismayed about losing a friend, new people will enter your life as you continue to make positive changes

4 Did you change your goal?

Not achieving because you’ve changed your mind is great. You weren’t on track with the right goal. Now you have the opportunity to refocus the next year.

You want to achieve your dreams and live the life you want as early in your life as possible. Some people seem to have the knack of achieving it early in life, for others it takes longer and some people never achieve it. You want to eliminate the zigzagging through life to find fulfillment and happiness, you want to zero straight towards your dreams. For some people, it may even be discovering what your own dreams are, because you’ve been caught up in other people’s dreams.

If you understand your values, beliefs or rules for your life, you will set goals that will be specific to your dreams and desires. By that I mean there’s’ a WIIFM what’s in it for me. eg. If a health related goal involves losing weight and building stamina for your marathon, the additional benefits you may experience might include: more vitality, looking good, feeling attractive, opportunity to modernize self-image, purchase new clothes, sense of achievement, increased enthusiasm about life, and more energy to include new activities in life. All of these factors raise your levels of enthusiasm towards achieving your goals.

Often you’ve never thought about your values, so when you’ve been setting goals they’ve been contradictory to who you are and what you believe. In your goal to be yourself it’s important you take time to assess your values as step one. Then as you start setting your goals, every one needs to be aligned to your values. Failure to do so will inevitably mean failure of your goals because of inner conflict. Eg. You want to be healthy, but you continue to smoke. Decide what you want and overcome the challenges to achieve it. You’ll feel much better about yourself and life when you’re working towards and achieving your goal.

Here are ten tips that will assist with your goals, intentions or target setting for your Keeping your attitude positive as you create your dream life.

10 Tips towards achieving MAGIC in your Life

1. Take time to daydream and write down or draw your goals.
2. Created your MAGIC from your right brained creative thinking (the first thing to come to your mind)
3. Use your left analytical side of your brain plan out HOW to achieve it.
4. Understand that you will be challenged and it’s okay to ask for help.
5. Visualise achieving your goal.
6. Be prepared to make sacrifices and changes.
7. Take the risk and enjoy life as you’re achieving
8. Value your health, have fun, laugh and love along the way.
9. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
10. Pat yourself on the back and reward yourself constantly.

In your quest to be yourself you will be challenged. The opportunity to be you is exciting, scary and even daunting for some. It takes personal growth, understanding, communicating, and overcoming fear, courage and knowledge to align your mind body and soul, or mental thinking, physical direction and spiritual self to work together harmoniously. When they do you’ll find fulfillment, happiness, love for yourself and others, and inner peace. It’s a great way to live. You may need to attend courses, read books, ask questions and be open to learning. Across your path will come signals about which path to follow. It’s up to you and your free will to make your choice and enjoy the ride. The fabulous thing is you don’t need to conform to others. Here’s an example.

Some months ago I enjoyed a round of golf with my partner who has a very low handicap my seventy-four year old mother who is midway handicap and I’m ….a novice. I had a wonderful time, it was a beautiful walk, surrounded by lovely trees and bird life. Out of the hundred or more shots I played, maybe fifteen percent went in the direction I aimed and travelled a reasonable distance. Throughout my game, I replaced my ball on the nice pieces of grass and when my ball ‘flew’ over to another fairway, rather than disrupt the other people’s game, I explained I was new to the game, and rather than further disrupt them, could they please throw my ball back. They obliged. My mother was shocked! I will never make a golfer, my putting on my partners $ 500 putter was good (I’d practiced as a child up the hallway when we had family parties), so it was an enjoyable time….for me. I’m not sure my mother will play much golf with me unless she understands this if fun for me, not a serious game. However, I’ll go for a walk and pull my partners trundler and when I chose and when my we’re ready for a laugh, I’ll play a game of golf. However …if I chose to continue with golf, professional lessons will definitely benefit me and in that year I’ll include it in my goals. Meanwhile, it’s a lovely environment, good exercise, fun and enjoyable and that’s what golf is about for me. Good Luck with your journey to be uniquely you.

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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Positive Affirmation – 3 Tips For Better Results

If you’ve gotten into the habit of creating positive affirmation statements to support your desired results in life, you’re probably noticing some changes already. Yet sometimes at first your feedback comes in fits and spurts. Something great will happen, and then things will taper off for a bit. It can get frustrating. Fortunately, there’s usually something else to tweak. Try these 3 tips for intermediate “affirmers.”

1. Keep tabs on your everyday language. Sure, when you started out it was great to have a couple sentences to call on when things began to feel rough. Maybe you even got into a habit of beginning or ending your day with affirmations. Or you taped them up on the bathroom mirror, on the cover of your journal, or on the dashboard of your car. Those are all great ways of keeping a planned statement present in your consciousness.

Yet everyday language counts, too. Remember that any firm statement is an affirmation. Begin to monitor your day-to-day conversation, both inside and out, for statements that conflict with the positive affirmation you’ve chosen.

Let’s be clear:

* If your planned statement affirms abundance, but you spend a lot of time telling the kids “we can’t afford it,” then you’ve got a conflict. Try this instead: “Let’s get some other things today and put that on our list for another time.”

* If your planned statement affirms comfort in your body, yet your inner conversation routinely says “My back is killing me,” then you’ve got a conflict. Try this instead: “As I breathe deeply, the muscles in my back relax.”

* If your planned statement affirms a happy relationship with your spouse, yet you secretly criticize his evenings spent zoning out in front of the TV, then you’ve got a conflict. Try this instead: “I appreciate how hard Jim works all day. It’s great when we find ways to relax and unwind together.”

2. Expect your behavior to change. The language of an affirmation is extremely powerful. Yet the words themselves are not magic. It’s more about the context they create. No matter what your inside conversation, if you rigorously continue doing the same old things, you will continue to produce the same old results.

The positive statements are meant to inspire you to come up with fresh solutions and follow through on them. Some of the ideas that “pop” into your head may seem strange. They will surely be different from the old ideas you entertained in the past. That’s because you are now moving into a slightly different world — a world of great possibility!

Build some credibility with yourself by trying out a few of the crazy ideas you get. As you do, you’ll no doubt find that some work better than others. No matter. Follow through as best you can on the the ideas that begin working for you. Once you start to see results, take notice. Your affirmation is taking on material form. It’s also becoming more believable.

* You begin to believe that you will one day be able to buy the kids that gadget they asked about because it’s already becoming a bit easier to manage the essentials. Didn’t you just get to payday with cash left in your wallet? Darn tootin’ you did!

* You begin to believe your back will relax as you exhale tension because after the massage therapist finished with you last week, you felt great for two whole days. It’s possible!

* You begin to believe that you and your spouse will enjoy the benefits of a closer relationship because last Tuesday after work, you spent some time on the couch watching TV with him. And then didn’t he say that it had felt nice? Yep. Well, it’s a start!

3. Consider affirming your state. State means how you “are.” When you “are” abundance, or health, or connectedness, you make choices that match your experience. Of course when you “are” scarcity, or illness, or separation, then your choices match that experience as well.

Observe a role model to see how they are being. Let’s say your role model is confident and charismatic. Fine. Affirm that you are confident and charismatic. Better yet, affirm “I am confidence and charisma.” Using language, bring yourself into the same state of being that your role model enjoys.

You will not turn into your role model. But before you know it, you are likely to begin making the same type of choices that they would make if they were in your situation. The most likely outcome of that strategy, of course, is that your situation will begin to look a little more like theirs. If you’ve chosen wisely, that’s bound to be a very good thing!

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She’s the founder of http://www.wordcures.com and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Begin your self-talk makeover today — it’s simple healthy living

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Self-Improvement Tips For Getting Better Grades

Some self improvement tips for getting better grades are given below, which students can use as an opportunity for success and good grades in school, college and university.


@  Decide to Get Better Grades

First, make a decision to get better grades. Aim high, and visualize yourself with good grades. Tell yourself that you can get ‘A’ grade.


@  Attend Classes Regularly to Get Better Grades

Sometimes, your teacher or professor presents some useful information during delivering lecture, which may not available in your notes, and textbook. So, attend your classes regularly, and note down the useful information in your own interpreting words.


Taking notes from your fellow friends may have the risk of omission or misinterpretation of the information presented in the class. The best way is listen with your own ears, and see all the illustrations, and diagrams with your own eyes. It will increase your self confidence to get good grades at the end of the term.


@  Study to Get Better Grades

By reading text books and relevant academic literature leads to get better grades. This will help to build self confidence in you, and prepare you to make conscious decision to get ‘A’ grade in exam.


@  Be Prepared to Get Better Grades

Keep all relevant supplies like pen, pencils, hand held calculator etc., and appropriate literature with you while attending the class.


@  Eat Balanced Diet to Get Better Grades

Take a nutritional balanced diet to make your mind, and body healthy, and fresh. Feed yourself before attempting to study.


@  Take Healthy Sleep to Get Better Grades

It is fruitless, if you trying to study without taking adequate sleep. A healthy sleep is much necessary for refreshing your mind, which leads to get good grades in exams.


@  Eat Breakfast and Do Exercise

Before going to school, college or university, make habit of having eaten breakfast. Your mind is useless if your stomach is empty. Do some exercise daily; it will increase your blood circulation.


@  Talk to Your Teacher

Be polite with your teachers, ask questions during taking class, and talk to them after class if you have any question in your mind. It will make you more noticeable to your teachers, and they will help you to improve your grades, and social life.


Pay Close Attention Here:

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Daily Positive Affirmations change things for the better

Our lives have been influenced by whay we say to ourselves because our thought and behaviour are not just a product of our conscious mind but also of our subconscious. As a result, daily positive affirmations are said to change those negative thoughts into positive ones and start making a change for the better.


Because it changes the way you see things and the way you deal with life, daily positive affirmations are not just beneficial for yourself but also to people that you deal with everyday. Daily positive affirmations are done by talking and communicating to yourself positive things that you want to inculcate into your subconscious.


If for example as a child you are being told repeatedly that you are stupid or dull, it would, in the end, affect the way you think about yourself, your behavior, and you lose confidence in yourself. You may even unconsciously reinforce the idea in your subconscious by telling yourself how stupid you are every time you are not doing something right.


If you are bombarded constantly with negative statements, you also tend to feel tired, with low energy, and you end up always in doubt. Truly, by changing the way we think, we can do better and we can strive to reach our goals, and be happy with life, and having daily positive affirmations is a great tool in doing this.


In making positive affirmations, you have to create positive sentences that you will tell yourself everyday – either mentally or saying it aloud. Saying it aloud is seen to be more effective as it can be clearer when heard. These short sentences are formulated in a positive way and make sure you are not using negative words.


Say, if you want to lose weight and you want to retrain your mind to getting into shape, you tell yourself ‘I choose to be slim, attractive and healthy’ and not ‘I am not fat.’ The mention of ‘fat’ may bring in negative thoughts into your mind, and of course, you might not even want to hear the word. Also make statements as if they are already happening and true. Instead of telling yourself, ‘I want lots of money,’ go tell yourself, ‘I can see more money coming to me’.


In making sure you are drafting good statements for your daily positive affirmations, you can find many resources online on how to make your own affirmations. You can even find some CDs and videos of positive affirmations that you just have to watch everyday.


Another technique in retraining your mind fast is by the use of subliminal messages. Unlike positive affirmations, these messages are not grasp by your conscious mind but reaches out directly to your subconscious. These messages are often embedded in mediums like videos or photos, and are even found in movies and ads. Although these messages are not readily grasped by the conscious mind, they too can affect the way people act and behave. When put into good use, positive subliminal messages can be a good tool in changing the negative thoughts your have to positive ones.


Carolyn Anderson practices positive affirmations to help her live a positive life. If you are interested in subliminal messages, check out this Subliminal Power. Also check out Brain Bullet, a software that flashes positive affirmations on your screen.

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Positive Thinking Tips for a Better Life

Following positive thinking tips can be a real life changer, not just for you but for others close to you as well. The decision to lead a happier and more positive life is easy to make, but it can be difficult to actually change the way you think and the messages you send out to the world through your words when you are in a bad mood or life is getting your down. However, paying attention to your own thoughts and realizing when they are turning negative is the first step to leading a more positive life.

You simply need to make an effort to focus on your thoughts, your actions, and your words on a regular basis. After awhile, you will find that this process becomes an involuntary habit. Positive thinking tips will tell you that being aware of your own thoughts, actions, and words is among the first steps to changing your life. You need to be aware of these things before you can change your behavior. When you find that you are thinking a negative thought or saying negative statements, you simply change your thoughts and actions in a positive manner.

Initially, you will find that your new positive outlook on life may be met with resistance by those around you. However, over time, your new outlook will have a great effect on those closest to  you. You can change their mood, their thoughts, and their actions in exciting and beneficial ways. Through this contagion of mood, you will find that one day when you are feeling especially down in the dumps, you have several people who are spreading positive thoughts to you and helping you to climb back up without even knowing it. Following positive thinking tips in your life can absolutely change not just your own life for the better but the lives of those around you as well!

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Self Improvement Tips: Nando’s 25 Days to a Better You!


Self Improvement Tips: Nando's 25 Days to a Better You!

Nando from http://nandoism.com introduces you to his new program that launches on April 1st on his blog that promises you tips + ways to an improved lifestyle. Stay tuned for more info on how you can get your free starter kit to help kick start your journey. Tweet Nando @nandoism for more info on how to get your free starter kit and include the hash tag #Nando25

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Self-Improvement Tips : How to Be a Better Listener

To become a better listener, know that listening is an active process which involves making eye contact and using body language. Discover how to be a better listener with tips from a professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Contact: www.AskDoctorPaul.com
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and IRN.com. He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
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View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/3-tips-to-boost-your-confidence-ted-ed

Made in partnership with the Always #LikeAGirl campaign.

When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner, you’ve probably heard the advice, “Be more confident!” But where does confidence come from, and how can you get more of it? Here are three easy tips to boost your confidence.

Lesson by TED-Ed, animation by Kozmonot Animation Studio.

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Tips To Having A Better Mindset

If attaining success has been elusive for you, then it is a good indication that you need to make some changes in your life. These changes are of course for the better, and it could mean a change in your mindset. You need to accept the fact that if you want to pursue a significantly successful life, then you need to avoid small thinking. Small thinking will enable you to set certain limitations for yourself, which will prevent you from attaining your goals, which in turn, would hold you back in reaching your dreams of being successful. Small thinking may be caused by negative thoughts, which you need to get rid of as well. Negative thoughts, can affect everyone on a daily basis, but to come out as a winner, you need to make some changes in the way you think.

There are a lot of things that can help you gain success in your life, and one of which is by changing the way you think. For one, if you want to be promoted, you need to think positive and convince yourself that you will be able to get the position that you are longing for. This will give you better results than thinking downward thoughts such as being afraid that you would be rejected, or people would laugh at you for even considering applying for such a position.

You need to realize that your thoughts are things, and they can become your reality. Therefore, if you are thinking of negative thoughts, you need to stop it, since your actions will soon be based on them. Your thoughts will be manifested by your actions and the results would be negative if you were thinking of negative things. Therefore, it is always best to think of positive things, than the other kind. With positive thoughts, you will also have a positive disposition in life. With that, your boss and your colleagues would also be able to see or feel the positive energy that you have, which could mean that they will trust you more, and eventually trust you for certain types of tasks they have in mind.

Now that you want to think positive thoughts, you may be wondering on how to constantly do it. It would actually require self discipline to do that, and it is a good idea to surround yourself with people who are also positive thinkers. In most cases, if you are with people who are pessimistic or are always complaining, you will soon see yourself doing that they do. Therefore, avoid people with negative energy since they may influence you to think negative thoughts as well.

Keep these tips in mind, so that you will soon be able to develop a more positive mindset. Always think positive in all you do, since it will eventually become part of you.

To find out more, check out: Mindset

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Reworking Your Mindset To Do Business Better

Hard work may be an important part of running a business, but if you are looking to be truly successful as an entrepreneur, you need to have the right mindset. If you do not have a positive attitude, you are not going to achieve the results you want. You need to figure out what it is that you want, then be positive and go after it with the thought that it is already yours. You can go extremely far with a positive attitude, and it is important to try and keep negative thoughts from your mind, because they are only going to bring you down. Here are some ways to make sure you have the right mindset to be a successful entrepreneur:

– Negative attracts negative: If you are in a negative frame of mind, you are going to attract problems like a magnet. You need to be in a positive mindset to get ahead, and this is something you will learn as you learn about the law of attraction. Many successful people throughout the years have owed their success to using the law of attraction to attract success. Basically, if you really want something, dream it, and take the right action it is going to happen in some form or another. This involves a lot of creative visualization. Visualize it, go after it, and get it. Start out on the right track, and you will not end up like many entrepreneurs who started with problems, and were never able to get rid of them. Just remember, negative thoughts are going to attract negative energy.

– Be responsible for your business: In the end, the only person responsible for your ultimate success as an entrepreneur is yourself, so you should always be responsible about how you are running your business. Just because we are in an economic slump at the moment doesn’t mean that your business can’t still be successful, but if you don’t take responsibility for making that happen, it isn’t going to. If problems arise, find ways to solve them. Be responsible and take care of things as they arise, and you will be able to stay afloat, even during a recession.

– You WILL make mistakes: If you are not making mistakes, then you are not trying hard enough when it comes to running your business. Every entrepreneur has to make a lot of mistakes along the way. This is the best way to learn and keep moving ahead. If you do not make mistakes, how are you ever really going to learn? Take advantage of the things you learn, and you will not be bound to repeat your mistakes.

– Your business is not your whole life: Your business is important, but it should never be so important that you forget about other things in your life that are even more important. You need to take time to stop and smell the roses. Spend time with the people you love, and always take time to recharge yourself so that you have the energy and confidence to get back out there and start selling again. If things don’t always work, don’t stress. It happens. Just look ahead, and make sure that you find an equal balance between your business and your personal life.

– Enjoy yourself: If you are not enjoying what you are doing, what is the sense in doing it? You are just going to end up being resentful of the fact that you have to run your business, and you will not achieve the success that you could. Try not to take things to seriously. Have fun with marketing and advertising campaigns. Try new things. Just remember that your business should be your passion, and you should really be able to enjoy it.

Andrew McCombe is the owner of Activate Your Business where they teach new and existing business owners to Start, Grow and / or Automate their business(es) with EASE, so they can live a life of EASE. For more information visit Activate Your Business

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Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work


Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

http://www.ted.com We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk from TEDxBloomington, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the “Sixth Sense” wearable tech, and “Lost” producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/translate

If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to http://support.ted.com
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For steps on how you can start today on setting new goals, click here to download my FREE GOALS REPORT: www.briantracy.com/goalsreport

Can you guess what the most successful and happy people think about all day long? The answer is simple. Healthy, happy people think about what they want, and how to get it, most of the time. The power of positive thinking and developing a positive attitude are two of the most important qualities a person can have to change their life.


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