Tag Archives: Change

A Proven Method to Get From Stuck to Positive Change to Transformation

Although many people want a greater level of success either for themselves or for their organization, change can be difficult. I can speak from experience on this. Some people don’t know how to change. Others are caught in the trap of needing to be right. There is a powerful human need to be right. If we need to change, that means we are wrong about something. And that can be hard to get by.

Key Point! Hard and difficult doesn’t mean impossible.

Here are some easy to implement ideas which will not only help you change but can lead to transforming yourself and/or your organization.

1) Change your actions. Start solving problems by doing things better. This can happen by learning new skills and capabilities. What do you or your people need to learn which would help you overcome your current challenges?

Do you want to move from change to transformation? It’s when you take the next step towards transformation that you can create long lasting, significant, life and business altering change. Read on…

2) Examine your habits and thoughts. Examine your thinking and beliefs because these lead to habits of the way you think. And your thoughts lead to your behavior. Step outside of your current perspective, as hard as that might be, and ask yourself “What assumptions, thoughts, or behavior patterns have resulted in the same problems coming up time and again?”

When you become aware of attitudes that were previously below your level of awareness, and possibly self defeating, you can then take the step to “re-frame” your views or to look at them with greater understanding. Doing this can lead to: 1) developing more productive habits that will drive your behaviors and results and 2) being more self aware of how you interact with the world around you.

It is by continuously questioning your thoughts and habits and the behaviors they lead to, that can create a shift in your point of view about yourself. That’s transformation. And in that specific area of life, you will never be the same again.

Start your journey towards transformation today! Be more self aware, and be open to new possibilities. You will start to be more of the person that you have the potential to be once you discover what is holding you back.

If you find that it is challenging to take an objective look at yourself, from experience I can say that finding a mentor or coach can be invaluable in helping with this process.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Transitions in Life – Keys For Positive Transformation Through Change

Why is change difficult for so many? Why do we resist the constant flow of energy that propels us on our journey through life?  And why is it when circumstances in life force us to change – we resist, fight and refuse the challenge?

You may think, “Oh that’s not my case, on the contrary, I love change and challenge.” Do you? That’s great but what about when a change happens that you don’t like. Are you one of the hundreds of thousands that have lost their home or job in the last year? Are you recently divorced after years of marriage? Do you find yourself in your senior years and not liking it?  How are you handling these changes in your life? To choose change is one thing but when it is thrust upon you, it is vastly different. However, there are keys that can, and will, help you maneuver through these demanding moments, making them your best times of rewarding, transformative growth.

There are four essential keys to Positive Transformation through Change:

Acceptance without Judgment
Creating a Vacuum
Taking Action
Having Faith and Fun

The first key to success is acceptance without judgment. Before anything – you must accept whatever change has presented itself and not judge it to be either good or bad. Don’t judge the timing by saying whether you’re ready or not for the change. Placing a negative decree on the change will greatly influence your attitude and will block creative flow. Simple, childlike acceptance without judgment is the first tool to positive transformation through change.  A child, when presented with change, simply and easily goes with the flow. There is no resistance. They naturally transition from crawling to walking to running to riding a bike to driving a car. Life situations move from one to the next in similar fashion. So the first tool for positive transformation through change is acceptance without judgment. Whatever is – is.
Change often includes loss – loss of a job or relationship or home. But loss, when let go of, creates space for receiving something new. So let it go. Why hang on? Take the opportunity to start fresh. Create a vacuum. Get rid of everything you’ve accumulated over the years that you really don’t need. Give it to a charity. Have a yard sale. Put an add on Craigslist. Move your stuff out. Get rid of the idea that you have to keep your job or the home. Let go and create empty space – a vacuum. That’s the next key to positive transformation through life change. Create a vacuum so that new things, ideas, environment and experiences have room to enter. Get free for a moment, back away from the woods to get an inspired perspective. Be curious about where you could live and how you can start over- even a new state or country. Be willing to adventure outside your comfort zone.  Creating a vacuum will provide you with the space you need to move forward. Be thankful for your life and welcome any new healing and help that comes along.
Once you have accepted without judgment and created a vacuum that provides space for growth, you will then feel the freedom and courage to take action. Make a list of priorities, no more than six in any given day and commit to seeing them through. Set goals with a clear vision and set aside enough time in the day to make it happen. If you find that you have to move then perhaps one of your goals would be to contact a realtor for helping with the transition and another might be going through one closet – sorting and scaling down to the essentials. You may have several major fronts that need action simultaneously – don’t panic. Set aside one thing in each to accomplish and follow it through. Take action and commit to being consistent. Get organized with a plan that is workable.
The final key is to have faith and fun in the process. Be responsible but have faith that a new door will open, that opportunities will present themselves and that life energy is really on your side. Have an attitude open to the fun and exciting aspect of change and the freedom that a change can provide. Explore options, talk to your spouse and children about what is possible. Be creative! Change can be a catalyst for going back to school, a career change or moving to another state or even country. Life is full of adventure waiting for your participation. Invite your relationships to walk with you in your journey! Be happy, have faith and fun!
Transitions in life are gifts from the universe to help us out of stagnation. Transitions help you rediscover what you like and what talents you have to offer.  Change and can help you reinvent yourself, giving you a second lease on life. So when a life altering situation comes up, welcome the opportunity with gratitude; accept it without judgment, create a vacuum, take action and have faith and fun. By using these keys you will find Positive Transformation through Change. 

With a degree in Communications, JoAn has taught Business Communications and English classes at SIAS International University, in China. JoAn also studied multi-cultural communications and in addition to living in China and France, is also fluent in the French Language and Culture. She coaches and consults with those going through difficult life changes and helps structure positive Lifestyle habits – focusing on the various aspects of Wellness. Her approach to life is Wellness as a holistic concept. She is currently working on her first book, “Chopsticks” about overcoming the pain of divorce and reinventing yourself. The book is due out in the fall of 2009. Visit http://wealthyandwell.com/ where we are committed to bringing you the best resources to make your life Wealthier and Healthier.

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Change From Negative to Positive Thinking With a Single Word

I learned a new word today and it has me giddy with joy. The word is insouciance. Say it out loud: in soo see ance. Doesn’t that sound delicious-like you want to eat a piece of it?

Visualize To Change Your Thinking

Insouciance is a French word that means carefree or without a care. Immediately as I roll the word across my tongue, my mind conjures up the image of me living a carefree life. I picture myself twirling around in the sunshine with my face warmed by its heat, my arms spread eagle and a big smile on my face.

As I hold this image, I see blue sky, shimmering crystal clear water, and fields of tall green grass blowing in the wind. I envision fluffy white clouds sailing along in the sky. I hear laughter and birds singing. I smell the freshness you notice when winter starts to move into spring-that deep moist earthy scent. I notice that people are passing by me with smiles on their faces, curious about what’s making me so happy.

I continue to hold this image and begin to feel the emotions associated with this carefree connection starting to physically well up inside me. Joy, peace, exuberance, vibrancy, excitement, love, abundance are all present. I radiate goodness and feel life in all its glorious splendor.

Mind Body Connection Is At Work

The mind body connection is at work. Simply thinking of the word “insouciance” instantly creates a picture in my mind of living the meaning of the word. My body responds by feeling the feelings I associate with the word.

Now as I move forward into the rest of my day, I’m filled with these feelings and their energy vibration. These feelings are being projected outward to everyone I meet and are present in every situation I encounter. This energy will serve me well today and will help me create the desires of my heart. And it all began with a word-and a thought-a very positive thought.

Should I happen to face a perceived challenge, I now have an anchor to shift my thinking from negative to positive. I will simply think of my word, and all its associations will come flooding back to me and become my new perception filter for that situation.

Take A Moment For Positive Thinking Now

Take a moment right now to reflect inside yourself. Is your mind filled with words and thoughts that stimulate your responses and help you live the life you desire? Or are you mulling over and thinking about words or negative thoughts which do the opposite? Do they hold you back-cause you to stumble? Do they take you off your desired path of conscious creation?

Your Thoughts Create

What you believe, you create in your life. Your thoughts become things. What are your words and thoughts creating for you today? If you need a word to grasp onto, I give to you “insouciance.” Now go forward and be carefree.

Esther Bartkiw is a Core Belief Engineering Practitioner and Motivational Speaker. She helps people release their fears and negative beliefs, open up conscious awareness and guides them on a journey of transformation. She can be reached at 905-630-4471 or visit her website at http://www.changefromwithin.ca
This article was written for http://www.womensquotes.com

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Change – A Positive Choice – Part 1

How do you feel about change? Do you view it as hard or scary? Or as an opportunity? Change is inevitable. How we view it can make a huge difference to our lives.

Change is happening every moment and is often something out of our control. However, how we view it, is completely our choice.

Inevitable changes

Change is a bit like time. It’s constantly happening and has an effect on us and the things around us. When we learn to work with it, it becomes our partner. If we fight it, we run the risk of creating chaos and stress.

Inevitable changes include things like nature, the seasons, tides, ageing, and climate. Changes in the seasons, and nature we accept because we have no influence on them. These changes are often the inspiration for many beautiful things such as the incredible changing colours of a sunset or the changes a chrysalis goes through to become a beautiful butterfly. These changes are inevitable, and we accept them as a part of life.

Ageing is a change that, when we are younger, we wish would happen faster and as we age we wish it would slow down. There is a huge industry based on the changes we go through as human beings. Billions of dollars are spent trying to change the process of ageing. Some cultures have another perspective on this. The young have outer beauty, while the elders have a rich inner beauty called wisdom. All wisdom is built from many moments of experience. Each one of these moments was a moment of change.

In our fast paced world we contribute to climate change. Although we are not necessarily directly in control of it, we can choose to make a positive difference in our own way. Every little bit counts. Saab plant trees to offset the emissions from their cars. Choosing to recycle helps reduce the waste going into our landfills.

Changing perspectives

Change is another word for opportunity. Every change offers an opportunity to make a choice. We can choose to be a victim of the change, or create something new and make it work for us.

The degree of the change can sometimes overwhelm us. It’s natural to have fear initially. This is one of our defense systems. We are all human, and we all have both positive and negative feelings. What makes the difference is how long you choose to hold onto the fear or negativity. The faster you choose to let it go and change your focus to something productive, the quicker you will create great results.

We all have patterns and habits we’ve had for a lifetime about change and how we view it. Active education is the best way to change your perspective and break old habits. By active education we mean putting what you learn into action immediately. You can only truly learn something once you’ve experienced it. We are constantly changing the resources to help you with this, so make sure you keep an eye on the website.

(please look for part 2…)

Lawrence Ocampo, in behalf of Robyn Simpson. Robyn Simpson has enjoyed a fast paced career, starting in marketing, reaching Senior Management level in New Zealand’s biggest corporation by the age of 22. Robyn then launched her first successful business at age 26. She has since founded Choose the ‘Tude Ltd – Australasia’s first Motivational Resource Centre which allows her to work from where ever she wants, doing what she loves when ever she wants. She lives with a life of freedom many people aspire to. Robyn is a co-author in the book ‘Living An Abundant Life’ featuring personal development guru’s such as Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Dr Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy and more… and has just completed her own book, ‘Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude – Choose Your ‘Tude’ due to be launched in June 2009. She enjoys speaking to a variety of audiences internationally to share her messages.

Inspirational, Motivational, Coaching Books.

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Secrets to Get happiness and positive change in your life

Degree of your happiness level is like yo yo. Sometimes it’s up, but other times it’s down. Many things might give you temporary joy or positive emotions. However, after a while, you come back to baseline or lower. This article will give a solution by using the scientifically proven techniques to create lasting happiness and positive change in your life.


Positive psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning. Traditional psychology focused on fixing what was wrong with people. Positive psychology uses the scientific method to understand what is right with human beings and how to help the average person become happier and more fulfilled. In this article, I describe an important study conducted by the worlds eminent positive psychologists and how you can use this research to improve the quality of your life. It is important however to note that according to Dr. Martin Seligman, the founder of the field, positive psychology is a descriptive rather than a prescriptive science.


That is, researchers conduct studies on concepts prescribed in self-help, pop psychology, religion and of course, wisdom passed on from grandmas. Researchers do not prescribe writing a gratitude letter to someone. Instead, they run rigorous studies on the concept then report what they have found and how it works. This is a subtle and important distinction. My approach as a positive psychology based life coach, speaker and teacher is a bridge between the prescriptive and descriptive. I call it invitational. In this article, I share the research and invite you to try some of these scientifically proven happiness activities yourself. If the activity fits, wear it. If it does not, try another one on. One size does not fit all.


In 2005 researchers Martin E. P. Seligman, Tracy A. Steen, Nansook Park and Christopher Peterson published an article in American Psychologist, a peer reviewed academic publication, titled Empirical Validation of Interventions. This was an internet based study that with 411 participants across 6 interventions, or happiness building activities, over the course of one week. The activities included: writing down three blessings everyday, paying a gratitude visit, discovering your strengths, finding new ways to use your strengths and writing about yourself at your best. They were compared to a control group that wrote about their childhood experiences. All of these groups had their subjective happiness and depression levels measured, before the activity, immediately after and as far as six months after


All of these activities had a positive effect on increasing happiness and decreasing depression. The gratitude visit and writing about you-at-your-best worked immediately after the activity. However, by 6 months, the effects wore off. Writing about 3 blessings and using strengths in a new way also increased happiness and decreased depression. These effects lasted as far as 6 months later. Identifying one’s strengths only produced a moderate, short-term decrease in depression. A factor that influenced the lasting effect was that many people spontaneously continued doing the activities after the initial assignment.I know what you might be thinking. “Well duh Emilya! If I write about what I’m grateful for and use my strengths I’ll be happier. Does that really take 5 of the most eminent psychologists today to figure that out?”


In a way it did. For a while, psychologists believed in happiness set points- or that your happiness level is predetermined and trying to become happier is futile. This research proves that with concerted effort at well-crafted activities, you can significantly improve your happiness level. An interesting point about this study is that the control group, which wrote about early childhood memories, experienced a significant increase in their happiness level and decrease in their depression levels immediately after the intervention. These rates returned to baseline after a few months. This hints at the power of our own suggestibility.


The participants knew that the study they were participating in related somehow to happiness. They assumed it would have a positive benefit and it did. However, just like fad diets, the unhappiness comes back. We live in age where researchers are conducting studies on the positive side of the human experience. Simultaneously we live in a world where time is a hot commodity. If you plan to devote 15-30 minutes a day to increasing your happiness level, you want the highest return on your investment possible. I invite you to capitalize on the research by trying out activities that are proven to work, particularly if those activities align with your values and motivations.

Here are 3 invitations:


Discover and use your top strengths: There are many ways to go about doing this. The easiest is to ask yourself, “What do I do well?” Note that a strength, such as creativity, is different than a talent, such as being a good artist. Go to http://viacharacter.org/VIAClassification/tabid/56/Default.aspx to read about 24 well researched strengths and ask yourself which strengths resonate with me. You can take an online questionnaire at www.viacharacter.org to discover your top strengths. Once you know your strengths, use them. Recognize when they naturally come up throughout the day and find unique ways of approaching them. Online publications, such as “340 Ways to Use Your Signature Strengths” by Tayyab Rashid, PhD, exist to help in the creative process.
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude: Express gratitude in a way that is authentic for you. Some choose to keep a gratitude journal, others think about their daily blessings before they go to bed. In the aforementioned study, participants on wrote down 3 good things a day and experienced the benefits. As you write, reflect on ways that you have contributed to these positive things happening and how you can get more of these blessings in your life. Pay a gratitude visit by seeking out someone who has positively impacted your life. Write a letter to them thanking them for their contributions. Laminate it. Personally deliver and read it to them. Try and catch them off guard.
Think back to a time when you were at your best: Perhaps a time when you were you felt fully engaged, alive and complete. What were you doing? Who were you with? How did others react to you? What made this so memorable for you? What strengths of yours were you using? How did others receive you? Write the experience down and then reread it for a few days. Put it up in place where


Is writing down 3 blessings a day the ticket to “Happily Ever After?” I do not think so. After all, “Happily Ever After” is subjective. However, objective research supports that incorporating more happiness building activities into your life can increase your happiness level. It is not what happens to you that affects how you feel, it is your reaction and interpretation of the situation. Our day-to-day happiness depends on our day to day actions and habits. Cultivating positive habits such as these activities hold strong potential to increase the quality of your life.


Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, MAPP, RYT, is an international life coach, speaker and founder of Flourish, Inc., an organization dedicated to enabling individuals and organizations in unleashing their potential using positive psychology, yoga and alternative therapies.

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Daily Positive Affirmations change things for the better

Our lives have been influenced by whay we say to ourselves because our thought and behaviour are not just a product of our conscious mind but also of our subconscious. As a result, daily positive affirmations are said to change those negative thoughts into positive ones and start making a change for the better.


Because it changes the way you see things and the way you deal with life, daily positive affirmations are not just beneficial for yourself but also to people that you deal with everyday. Daily positive affirmations are done by talking and communicating to yourself positive things that you want to inculcate into your subconscious.


If for example as a child you are being told repeatedly that you are stupid or dull, it would, in the end, affect the way you think about yourself, your behavior, and you lose confidence in yourself. You may even unconsciously reinforce the idea in your subconscious by telling yourself how stupid you are every time you are not doing something right.


If you are bombarded constantly with negative statements, you also tend to feel tired, with low energy, and you end up always in doubt. Truly, by changing the way we think, we can do better and we can strive to reach our goals, and be happy with life, and having daily positive affirmations is a great tool in doing this.


In making positive affirmations, you have to create positive sentences that you will tell yourself everyday – either mentally or saying it aloud. Saying it aloud is seen to be more effective as it can be clearer when heard. These short sentences are formulated in a positive way and make sure you are not using negative words.


Say, if you want to lose weight and you want to retrain your mind to getting into shape, you tell yourself ‘I choose to be slim, attractive and healthy’ and not ‘I am not fat.’ The mention of ‘fat’ may bring in negative thoughts into your mind, and of course, you might not even want to hear the word. Also make statements as if they are already happening and true. Instead of telling yourself, ‘I want lots of money,’ go tell yourself, ‘I can see more money coming to me’.


In making sure you are drafting good statements for your daily positive affirmations, you can find many resources online on how to make your own affirmations. You can even find some CDs and videos of positive affirmations that you just have to watch everyday.


Another technique in retraining your mind fast is by the use of subliminal messages. Unlike positive affirmations, these messages are not grasp by your conscious mind but reaches out directly to your subconscious. These messages are often embedded in mediums like videos or photos, and are even found in movies and ads. Although these messages are not readily grasped by the conscious mind, they too can affect the way people act and behave. When put into good use, positive subliminal messages can be a good tool in changing the negative thoughts your have to positive ones.


Carolyn Anderson practices positive affirmations to help her live a positive life. If you are interested in subliminal messages, check out this Subliminal Power. Also check out Brain Bullet, a software that flashes positive affirmations on your screen.

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Important To Change Your Mindset

Work for everyone, is not only a manifestation of the value of life and our lives. Some people say that if you are very love of work, your life is paradise, if you hate your work, your life is hell. Happiness is a day is a day not happy, why not be happy every day. Work actively towards a serious and responsible attitude, determined to enjoy the work we will bring us happiness.

First, the manifestation of attitude

It has been working in the coal miners of the investigation, when he went to the first person, he asked: “What are you doing?” The man replied: “You are blind, did not see me in the coal mining, which is a living human stem up, dirty and tired, but not the sun all day.” When he reached the second person, he asked: “What are you doing?” The second man replied: “I dug, no way, under the old house on a small, but there are 3,000 yuan a month salary, to support the family accounts, have to do.” When he reached the third person when he asked: “What are you doing?” The third man replied: “I dug and I dug the coal not only bring light to thousands of families and compatriots in the south will not let the cold due to freezing weather, you can work through the night to ensure that Premier Wen will light a candle” . This is the work of the three attitude to life. First, the second person will not be responsible to complete their own work, but errors may occur in work, they are a treat to meet their work, only the third person is a happy mood to treat their sacred work, he not only can accomplish the quality and quantity of their work, but also enjoy a work brought him joy. Three work attitude, must have three of your work and how to deal with tasks, is the key to happiness or not, the following to establish a good working attitude, fun to talk about the work of an observation.

Second, the change in work attitude, enjoy a happy work rules

1, the minimum work standards. To do their work is the first element of success. All walks of life, every field of human activity, all in the hands of calls to staff who work well independently. Ziegler said: “If you can do to their part, try to complete their own thing to do, then one day, you want to do whatever they want in their own thing.” Conversely, if you all things and just never strive to do their work, then you can never reach the top of the success of bees. Of Asics Shoes this type of person, any boss would not hesitate to put him outside the exclusion of their own choice.

2, is not in place of the inefficient waste. Things are not in place not only for their great trouble, but also bring work to the boss inconvenience boss arranged for you to do, no matter big and small, you do not do your boss will do it, you can not place, he will return to work. Similarly, a small thing, you spend an hour done to him, when he found inadequate, go to add, amend, spent half an hour to complete the task to miss the best opportunities. Relative to the management of the high efficiency, work efficiency, low efficiency caused by recessive or no waste is very large: the original work undertaken as long as a person, you need to complete two or more persons; should be repeated according to plan tasks delay; should work correctly by mistake, which can lead to rework, redo, and other waste of time and effort to correct the behavior.

3, for the first time put it right. The first did not do a good job, but also a waste of time not to do things, the waste of rework most unfairly. Doing things right the second time neither fast nor cheap. Enterprises should be everyone’s goal is to “put first things to do on the full.” This requires the correct understanding and handling of the “do the right thing and doing things right” relationship.

4, repeat do extraordinary things. No matter what, even then small, then much, even then do not need any skills and abilities, but also consistently, day after day to do a good job, such as turning off lights, office lamp does not shine on that day for a good, meeting the phone tune into shock, the total customers at the agreed meeting 5 minutes before the arrival and so on. If you really can do this every day, so that such companies and employees are very great. What is simple is a thousand times the simple things can be done well; What is not easy, that everyone thought was very easy things you can seriously go do it. So very simple, very profound. Success is to do simple things repeatedly, it is not difficult to be successful, just repeat the simple things, a habit, “Once you’ve created a simple and strong ideas, as long as you keep repeating it, will make the final become a reality.This is America, the former GE CEO Jack Welch on how to successfully making the best answer.

5, only 100% to qualify. Water temperature rose to 99 , not the water, its value is limited; if Adds a fire, Gucci outlet on the basis of the 99 and then increase 1 , it will make the water boil and produce steam to drive machines a lot to gain huge economic benefits. 100 things to do if the 99 things, and one thing not to do, and this thing is possible on a particular unit, a dormitory, the impact of an individual is one hundred percent. Many little things in life contains is the truth can not be ignored, the idea that small things can be overlooked, ignored the idea, it is the root of our work can not start to finish, it not only does not work perfectly, life will not be happy.

6, the date of completion of the day things must. “Today’s song,” sings: “Today’s complex today, today, fewer repeat itself today not to matter when it? Few years of life today, today is not a pity, regardless if it be made to the Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty Ming Dynasty have something. “Anything where there is no time limit, like Gucci outlet online dangling a carrot. Only know how to use time to their pressure, when the time to complete. So you would be better to schedule the working hours per day, write down the things that set a time limit. Daily goals, also have the results, Nissin renewed. “Clear day” system consists of two aspects: First, “on the matter, Albert,” that is occurring on the day the problems (anomalies), to ascertain the reasons for the day, clarifying the responsibility, to take timely measures to deal with and prevent problems accumulation, to ensure that objectives are achieved; the second is “Nissin high”, that is the weak link in the work of continuous improvement, continuous improvement, requiring workers “increased by 1% every day,” the level of work for 70 days can be doubled.

In short, if we treat each life given to us a job or task, with a good attitude, positive and responsible work, we can overcome any obstacle, any work the same look noble and meaningful, you can enjoy every day work brings us happiness. If the above tips for the work of each, then we live in paradise. This is my greatest reading experience.

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How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

You record what you think about, and your thoughts CREATE your life. Change your subconscious mind and CREATE ANYTHING. Your subconscious mind power and brain power will work with the law of attraction to draw wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power.

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By Robert Anthony. All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us if there is a copyright concern.

How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind Power and Change Your Life. Law of Attraction, Brain Power

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Relaxing Deep Meditation To Attract Wealth & Prosperity

The Secret To Controlling Your Subconscious Mind

We (Growing Forever) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. The law of attraction has enriched my life greatly, and my goal is to share the science of deliberate creation with as many people as possible. There is an art to creating what you want thru the law of attraction, and you can learn all about it here! I am very passionate about teaching this information. This is a positive place for positive people! On this channel, you’ll find videos about: subconscious mind power, brain power, law of attraction, universal law, consciousness, personal development, how the law of attraction works, affirmation videos, quantum physics, subconscious behavior, inspirational, motivational, binaural beats, meditation, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Stuart Wilde, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John Kehoe, and Jack Canfield. ENJOY !!

Use your subconscious mind power to attract anything. Control your subconscious mind and brain power, and change what you receive. Your subconscious mind power and brain power work with the law of attraction to draw wealth, success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Law Of Attraction, Brain Power.

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By Stuart Wilde. All audio content belongs to their original creators / owners. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, research and parody. Please notify us if there is a copyright concern.

Your Subconscious Mind Power And The Flow Of Money. Law Of Attraction, Brain Power

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Relaxing Deep Meditation To Attract Wealth & Prosperity

The Secret To Controlling Your Subconscious Mind Power

We (Growing Forever) created this channel to share one of the greatest secrets of the universe, and the secret is, we literally create our reality! (Quantum Physics now proves this) We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws, and these laws were created by GOD, to aid us in creating the life we desire. The law of attraction has enriched my life greatly, and my goal is to share the science of deliberate creation with as many people as possible. There is an art to creating what you want thru the law of attraction, and you can learn all about it here! I am very passionate about teaching this information. This is a positive place for positive people! On this channel, you’ll find videos about: subconscious mind power, brain power, law of attraction, universal law, consciousness, personal development, how the law of attraction works, affirmation videos, quantum physics, subconscious behavior, inspirational, motivational, binaural beats, meditation, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard, Stuart Wilde, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, John Kehoe, and Jack Canfield. ENJOY !!

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How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life

So you can see from this that the power of positive thinking really can change your life. If you are like most people the chances are you would have slipped into the latter frame of mind without even thinking. Needless to say if you didn’t believe in the power of positive thinking you wouldn’t get the same results.

Now imagine applying the power of positive thinking to every single day of your life. You would achieve more and open up more opportunities and chances for yourself because you would be thinking positively and looking at the world through a positive frame of mind. Can you see how the power of positive thinking really can influence how your life turns out?

The benefits of positive thinking should be clear. When you display a positive and upbeat attitude toward a person or circumstance in your life, you automatically attract a positive response. Granted, this is not 100 percent foolproof, and there are times that despite your positive outlook, situations don’t turn out the way you would want. Experts have shown that positive thinking goes beyond just making someone “feel good” on a superficial level. Studies have produced conclusive evidence that positive thinking can help prevent sickness and promote healing.

Positive thoughts come naturally for some people, but for others it may be more difficult. Regardless of your past, you can become a positive thinker. Accept the benefits of positive thinking. You must understand and believe that negative thoughts are detrimental to you and positive thoughts are helpful and healthy for you and for those around you. Consciously think good thoughts. Don’t be upset when a negative thought creeps up on you. Look closer at the situation and find the positive. Capture the power of positive thinking. Vacate your mind of any negative thought or feeling. Visualize the positive.

Ben Tien has been many article writing about great thinking phrases for many years. He is the educator of personal development with a strong focus on effective communication. Learn more about: Positive thinking phrases

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Hypnosis a Catalysts For Positive Change

I am a personal development coach that helps people make significant changes in their lives in 30 days or less using hypnosis, NLP and the martial arts breathing techniques of Qigong. When I tell people what I do I am often asked, “Well what kind of changes do people make and how does that hypnosis stuff work?”

Hypnosis is one of the most widely used and effective catalysts for positive changes that a person can use. For example, you can use hypnosis for weight loss, for quitting smoking, for erasing bad habits like fingernail biting or drinking too much alcohol, for emotional healing as a result of loss from a death or divorce, becoming more confident in meeting more of the type of people you are attracted to or on the job, and almost any other inner change you can imagine.

When I explain this people usually ask me two questions, they are “How do you start?’ and “How much does it cost? If they live far from San Diego I am often asked, “How do I find a good hypnotist?” and “How about using self-hypnosis recordings, are they effective?”

First I want to tell you that there are no simple answers that cover the above questions in depth. But I also want you to know that one thing is for sure, hypnosis is powerful and sooner or later almost everyone who is looking to make significant changes in their lives explores using it to some degree or another.

Let’s dispel some old myths because hypnosis is no great mystery. In fact, many social scientists and psychologists agree that hypnosis is a normal and natural part of every day life. For instance, have you ever been so involved in reading a book or watching a movie or TV show that when someone came into the room and asked you a question you didn’t hear them? Of course you have. That’s a form of hypnosis. Advertisers understand that TV and radio can be very mesmerizing and use a form of hypnosis when they sell you things on them. For example, suppose you watch an ad on the TV for a new magic mop that is available at your local big box store. You may or may not jump up off the couch and go buy that magic mop but the message has been sent out a lot like a hypnotist sends it out.

The question is never about how powerful or clear the hypnotic message is, but more about how open or closed you are to receiving it. The truth is that all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis. A good hypnotist is really a guide that helps you relax and get the most out of the positive suggestions you want to receive during your hypnotic session. Notice I said positive suggestions you want to receive. You see, all hypnotists know that hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don’t already want to do. So in the case of the magic mop advertisement, you may already have one, or you may have no interest in purchasing one, or you may even physiologically rebel against the big box store commercials and become even less likely to buy the magic mop after hearing the ad. All of these outcomes are possible, and all of them involve some degree of hypnosis.

However, suppose the commercial entices you to run out and buy the magic mop after hearing the ad. This is what may be termed “organic hypnosis” or hypnosis that can actually happen naturally in the world at large. In the case of the commercial it is a free-form style of what goes on in a formalized hypnosis session that involves trance states, inductions, deep relaxation and the like.

Hypnosis happens all the time. It is a naturally occurring experience. So what is hypnosis really and how can it offer a positive effect?

Effective hypnosis is simply the result of a positive suggestion working its way in-between doubt or fear. It is a method that offers you new alternatives to the way you are presently thinking about your situation. Through the relaxation process it opens you up to allowing a new suggestion or a new truth to take help in your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is the acceptance of a new, more powerful perspective, a perspective that can move you in the direction of your goals and dreams. That is all. It’s not Harry Potterish or magical. It’s no huge mystery. No strange trance-like state needs to occur, although it often can and does.

Hypnosis is normal part of everyday life and you can benefit from it. If you live near or around San Diego call me at (800) 989-6570. If I think you are a good match for what I do then we can schedule a session to help you on your journey. If I don’t think we are a match I know many local hypnotists and will gladly lead you toward one that might be more suitable for your particular issue or personality. If you don’t live here you can start by looking for practitioners in local spiritual directories. You might try checking out massage schools in your area. If you do not find any leads there, I would suggest turning to the Internet. Many excellent hypnotists are now offering telephone sessions or if they are like me they have sessions on Skypes.

Another alternative is to practice self-hypnosis. Although there are many great books on self hypnosis I’ll give you some basics here. Relax and quiet your mind. You can do this by using progressive relaxation techniques, relaxing one part of your body at a time. Once your body is relaxed, relax your mind. Learn to sense the spaces between your thoughts. This is where your own hypnotic suggestion must travel through. Pick a positive suggestion that is simple and feels right for you. “I am now rich” is too broad and may be too difficult at first. But the suggestion, “I am increasing my income daily” is more specific and may make more sense and meet with less resistance. Repeat your suggestion quietly to yourself, over and over. Make the suggestion in the present tense, not the past or future. You cannot do it any other time.

If you would like more information on self hypnosis you can receive it as a bonus for signing up for my “Boost Your Attitude” course which can be found on my website.

Five minutes in the morning and five at night of self hypnosis can sometimes bring amazing results. Try it, you’ll like it. It can make significant changes in your life.

Wil Dieck is the founder of Total Mind Therapy and author of the self development course “Boost your Attitude” that you can have at absolutely no charge. Drop by http://www.totalmindtherapy.net/ for your copy today.

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