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Positive Communication

Who likes to argue? Who wants to be talked about unkindly? Who wants to be brought down all the time? What about talking about someone behind their back?

No matters the level or content – all of these are verbal abuse. As a woman, none of this is expected to come to you. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, women are often very good at some or all of these things.

Negative communication is high with women, its often called Gossip! Sadly, I wouldnt be surprised if gossiping and spreading rumors was invented by women. It gives women a bad name and as a woman you should be willing to do anything in your power to change this and you can.

Leading by example is very important here just dont do it! Your example will help a lot of women change the way they communicate with others and help reclaim the name of women around the world. You dont want to known as a gossiper (under your control), just as you dont want to be the one gossiped about (not under your control).

Learn the skill of positive communication. Have great conversations with people where everyone leaves happy they have participated. It may seem hard at first, if you are used to the he said she said scenario but this can change, if you are willing to be the one to try.

To have great communication with someone, you have to always be clear and positive with each other. There should be straight-forward conversations filled with nothing but honesty and respect. Be clear about what you are trying to say to a person. Keep the conversation friendly and never speak down to the other person.

Conversations should never be negative. If for some reason out of your control, they start off negative you should always end on a positive note. If you are to discuss a problem you may have with someone, all you have to do is discuss the problem with no emotion and ensure you sandwich it in between positive statements.

Again conversations should never end on a bad note. Hanging up on each other or any form of abuse without reconciliation has been known to ruin friendships. Always remember what you say is a reflection of you.

Also, be open minded, it can make awkward conversations run smoothly. You should never judge another person based on something theyve said because everyone has their own thoughts and opinions about different situations. Being a woman is not always an easy job and it is up to us women to set an example, not only other women but for men and children also.

Positive communication makes it easier for couples to talk and helps keep secrets from being created. You want your partner to feel as though they can talk to you about anything. If you argue and complain about everything, your partner wont want to communicate with you as much and communication is key to any relationship. This also going for children be open minded, listen to what they say and dont judge.

Take this lesson in positive communication and start to apply it to your life. You will notice that arguments seem to become a thing of the past, lies dont exist and people will enjoy talking to you more and more.

Positivity can only bring more positivity.

Glenise Anderson is a successful business woman who wants to share her knowledge and skills with other women to help them achieve their goals. Her organization Self Confident Women, provides tailored education solutions that meet the personal and professional development needs of women. Development and Training Courses for Women

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