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Creating Positive and Lasting Successful Relationships

It is a fact that as human beings one of our most basic needs is to fit in with the environment that we live in.
From childhood, we learn about where we come from and what makes up our family. As we grow older, we start to ask questions about ourselves and start to build an identity for ourselves that matches our view of the world around us.

During our teenage years we experience some of the most defining moments that stay with us through to our adult lives. It is during this time that we lay down the foundations to who we are and how we relate to the people around us.

Relationships are formed because each one of us has a need to fit in. The way we “fit in” is different for everyone. That is why there are so many various hobbies, groups and social events available to take part in. Each person joining these different groups may share a common interest on the surface, but may have more specific needs that they want to fulfill by joining a particular group. Some are looking for their “soul mates”, individuals to whom they are intimately drawn to through a favorable meeting of minds and with whom they find mutual acceptance and understanding with one another.

On a deeper level though, all these different groups and ways of self expression share a common link: the need to feel valued as an individual and to be listened to as a human being. In any interpersonal relationship, for most of us, there is nothing more important than being aware that we are being listened to and are valued for being ourselves. After all what is the real reason for you wanting to be in a relationship? What is your definition of a long lasting relationship?

If you breakdown the word relationship to re-late, it is easier to understand the whole mechanism of positive lasting relationships. When you develop the ability to relate or to connect to other people around you, whether it is at work or in your personal life, you stop seeing them just from your point of view and are willing to see things from their perspective. Once you are able to free your thoughts from your world and start noticing the events of others around you, your world changes and you grow as a person. You start to see yourself and the things that you say and do from a different angle and this helps you to understand the people in your life better.

Creating and having positive relationships is something that most people want. Even if they deny it, everyone at one point in their life is looking to better themselves by improving their interrelationship skills. No matter what kind of relationship it is, work or personal, the need is the same: To create understanding so that your common goals can be achieved together.

The problem is, when a person wants to improve their relationship skills, they fall into a common trap. Hence, they start learning certain techniques that will help them become better communicators’ i.e. positive mental attitude (P.M.A) and body language. On their own they do produce good results, but on the whole they still leave the user limited to the kind of quality they can have in their relationships. Even though they may see themselves coming from a more enlightened path, unless they see other people as human beings with needs of their own, people around them will always be resistant to their advances. This is because we have the ability to sense when someone is not being entirely truthful to us. So even though you might try to take an interest in your co-workers simply to try and build good rapport for your work team, if you don’t genuinely see them as individual human beings they will notice this and will put up a barrier between you and them.

Can you think of a similar situation in your personal life when someone was trying hard to show their interest in you simply because they wanted to gain some advantage over you? How did that feel? There are few things worse than feeling that someone isn’t being totally honest with you. It causes you to be less open to them and to be on your guard. So what can you do to make sure that you don’t fall into this trap?

The first thing is to find out what it is you want from the relationships you seek. What specific qualities would you like the other person to have? Are they confident? Are they honest? Are they loyal? By finding out what it is you want from a relationship, sets up the boundaries for what you will and will not accept from a relationship.

To find out about the kind of person you want to be having a lasting relationship with also involves knowing yourself better. Are you confident, honest or loyal? Do you need to change yourself or your habits to be able to find your “ideal” partner? What would you have to do differently to be with that person you want?

When you are looking for the perfect relationship, it is not only about what others should do for you. It is also about what you would like to do for others. Imagine your ideal relationship, how would you fit into the picture? Sometimes when you dream about something, you concentrate on how the whole scene would look like and what everyone will be doing, but you forget to focus on yourself and the things you will be doing differently.

Creating positive and lasting relationships comes down to creating a positive and lasting outlook on your life. All too often we get caught up in our everyday lives and thoughts and it is easy to lose sight of the potential power we have in ourselves to achieve our deepest desires. When this happens, the people around you will notice and retreat further away from the ideal that you want to create.

To break this cycle requires an awareness that it exists in the first place. By hiring a life coach who specialises in relationships, you could easily find solutions to your relationship problems. A relationship coach is there to help you reconnect with who you really want to be.

This article has been prepared by Dr. Richard Zzizinga, Personal Performance Coach.
To book yourself a free consultation, call: (+44)07855 277960.
Or visit http://www.coaching-is.com for more information on life coaching and personal development.

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Brand Image – Creating Positive Brand Image

Your corporate brand is the coherent outward expression or your company’s mission statement, business strategy and activities. Basically, in the public mind you are as you act and the most carefully created marketing strategy in the world will not be enough to overcome bad image if the public sees you acting irresponsibly or recklessly. Since the perception of your brand has direct correlation to public confidence and thereby to profits, careful stewardship of the brand image is highly recommended. But if your corporate brand comes from all of these different strands of business activity, how do you create positive brand image? Further, how do you create an image that inspires confidence in your specific consumer group?

The first thing to understand is that you cannot apply corporate brand like a veneer over the top of your organization. The public’s perception will come from every interaction your company has, from news stories, from charity events, from sponsorships and from your employee’s public behavior. If the brand is simple as a marketing slogan then it will not come through and you will have spent a great deal of money on creating empty words. Your brand is an already existing entity. The employment marketing techniques can simply help you give the brand focus and an easily remembered slogan.

If your corporate brand comes from the already existing paradigms within your company then to ensure that it is positive you will need to review practices and public interactions. What you want when creating a positive brand image is to eliminate the corporate behaviors that lead to bad public perception and amplify those that give positive press. In addition amplifying good behaviors will have the benefit of energizing your employees so that they represent you well in public. Once you have identified the positive traits already existing in your company you can concentrate on adding those features that you think are needed to fill out the positive corporate brand. It is a prime example of how the old adage about beauty only being skin deep applies in the corporate world.

After all the procedures and behaviors are in place and working well it will be an easy matter for your marketing department to ‘package’ them into a brand statement. When the corporate slogan matches the brand as the public perceives it you will have a successful and positive corporate brand image.

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solutions – Six Sigma Online ( http://www.sixsigmaonline.org ) offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

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Creating A Positive Business Reputation

When you start a business it is important that you understand all of the different ways that you are going to have to manage that business. There are many people that do not understand the importance of reputation management.

More than likely, you will wish that you had a reputation management team at least once throughout the time that you own a business. For many businesses you are going to use your reputation management team many more times than once.

Reputation management seems to have a negative connotation in our society today. This team that you have do your reputation management is not going to deal solely with problems that arise out of your poor performance or mismanagement.

If you know that you are going to be using a reputation management team often you want to make sure that you know how this sector of your business will work. You can either outsource your team or you can hire individuals in house to take care of this area of your company.

More than likely you will have many different areas in which you can use your reputation management team. Understanding what these areas are and when they might occur will help you have a better understanding of what type of team you should have for your business.

The first issue that you may have to deal with is logo infringement. When a company starts to use your logo or a logo that is extremely similar to yours and this infringement is detrimental to your company you will need someone to handle the issue.

Although you may have to utilize a legal team to ensure the other company does not use your logo again, the reputation management team can take care of the detrimental effects of the process. This way, your company will not continually suffer negative repercussions.

The internet has also started to add a new twist to reputation management. When you are bidding on pay per click terms, and you find that someone is outbidding you on your trademarked term you have the right to have them removed.

You can lose a lot of business to other people on the internet if they are bidding on your trademark. The other company will be benefitting from the hard work you put in to make your trademark recognizable to consumers.

The internet has also provided customers the ability to start social networking groups about companies. This can either be a very positive experience for the company or it can be a very negative experience.

You have to make sure that you understand what is being said about your company and how you are going to deal with it. If there are negative groups out there about your product you will need someone to take care of the hit to your image.

There are also a lot of different forums on which people can provide feedback about products. If your product is having a problem that is reoccurring people will be able to make this problem more visible than ever.

When you understand what is being said you will be able to make changes in your company that can address widespread problems. As you take these actions you want to make sure that you have someone that can make these actions known to the public.

Addressing the issues and dealing with them in a professional manner will help your image with your consumers. You reputation management team should not only help you find what is being said but should also help you addressing the problems.

The flip side to this is very positive. If something that is positive is continually being brought up in forums or online in social networks, you want to make sure that you capitalize on these positive aspects of your product or company.

By focusing on what the public says you may find things that your product or company does well that you never imagined. This will help you increase the positive material that is circulating the public sphere concerning your product.

Having a company blog is a great way to manage your reputation. There will be many people that will blog about your company in a negative light and in a positive light and everyone should have an official blog of yours to refer to.

The more that you update your blog the more informative it will be. Taking the time to update a blog can be time consuming and frustrating, you may want to have your reputation management team take over this responsibility.

Jack R. Landry has worked in online marketing for the last 10 years and written hundreds of articles about internet advertising and online reputation management services. He has consulted for SEO firms since 2001.

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Jack R. Landry

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Creating a Positive Work Environment

Johnny enjoyed his job. He woke up early each morning excited about going to the office. He felt like he was making a difference. He was engaged and constantly challenged. He enjoyed his team mates and overall had a great time at work.

Sally was the exact opposite of Johnny. She hated work. She found it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and start her day. She didn’t fell like she contributed and was constantly in battle with her coworkers.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know which employee is going to be more productive.

Think about your past experiences, I bet you’ve had Sally jobs and Johnny jobs. I know I have. What is it about Johnny’s job that makes it so much more manageable, so much more exciting? It is the work environment. The people you work with, the job you do, the boss you have, the support you get, all of these things and many more make up your work environment.

So how can you as a leader ensure you have built a Johnny environment and not a Sally one?

1. Make sure that your team is challenged at work. Are they doing work they find interesting? Are they making a difference? Ensuring your team has challenging work is key to making a great work environment. One way to do this is to evaluate your team’s work and make sure it is evenly balanced across the workgroup. Also, look at what your employees like to do and what they are skilled at and make sure that there is an abundance of work in those areas if possible. If this is not possible, it may be time to ask yourself if you have the right people cast correctly.

2. Make sure your company and workgroup have clearly established goals. Nothing is more frustrating than lack of direction. Teams with out a clear vision of the future have the propensity to “spin their wheels.”. If your team does not have clear objectives, create them. Once they are created, share them and make sure that the team understands them and how they link to the job they do. Only then can you create clear, fair and stretching objectives for the individual that are linked to the overall company objectives. Ensuring that the employee has clear, fair and stretching objectives will let the employee know what is expected of them. This linkage of goals will allow the employee to see that they do makes a difference and will more than likely make them feel a greater connection to the organization and its objectives.

3. Make sure you create an atmosphere where fun is accepted. No your work environment doesn’t need to be like the set of an Adam Sandler movie, but it does need to accept fun. A client once told me that they were not fun, I told them they didn’t have to be fun, but they needed to be ok with others letting loose at times. All of this is still within the confines of what is right and what is not. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down a little and have some fun at work.

4. Make sure you get to know your team, both professionally and personally. Life is too short to spend 8 (or more) hours a day with people you don’t enjoy. Get to know people away from work. Understand what makes people you work with tick. Know the name of people in your office and use them. Try and learn things about your team so you can create meaningful dialogues with them.

5. Make sure to create an environment where differences are celebrated. Don’t just say it, truly live it. Different people bring different backgrounds and experiences to the table. Without difference we would have a whole office full of people like you. And if you are like me that could be scary.

6. Make sure people are treated fairly and consistently. Make sure your team knows you have their back. If you treat everyone the same and have the same rules for everyone the team will know what is expected and what is in bounds. Eliminate the showing of favoritism.

7. Make sure you are giving and receiving feedback often. Truly share openly.

8. Make sure you recognize contributions. Understand how your teams like to be recognized and try and recognize them that way. In a past corporate job, one of my managers didn’t like to be recognized in large group meetings. She preferred to be recognized in small work groups or in one-on-one situations. Knowing this, when she was up for a big award, I ensured that the recognition was in small groups and not at the large company meeting. This may sound simple, but knowing your people is critical to gaining their trust and support and creating a great environment.

Unfortunately, these are not quick fixes; they take a while to master and implement. Good luck and remember you can create an environment like Johnny’s.

Russ Faulkner is the Principal at Your Training Team, LLC. We are dedicated to helping you grow your business by focusing on your most valuable resource … Your People. We provide best in class employee development solutions to ensure our clients can compete in today’s tough marketplace.

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Creating the Mindset for Success to Grow Your Business

Deserving is an interesting concept. For some it is seen as a right and something positive. Others view it as a negative and feel guilt. When you think about deserving what are some of the thoughts you have? Do you deserve to carve out the time to grow your business? Do you deserve success?

Deserving and feeling worthy go hand in hand. They are partners. Many times people are unable to achieve long lasting success because they do not feel they earned the right. Yes! That is right. Deserving something like success can be viewed as a right.

Typically when something is a “right” then there are rules and restrictions in reference to it. As much as people claim they love their freedom, we also tend to be creatures of habit. We create beliefs and rules. Beliefs and rules can be comforting. They help to make sense of the world. You know what to expect.

There are two types of rules. One set of rules is for when you are going to do something. It is based upon allowing or giving permission. For example, at the end of the day you deserve to sit down and relax. Another set of rules is when you will not do something. This is a restriction. You will not hire an assistant to help because you feel you ought to be doing it all yourself.

When deserving, worthiness and rights are based upon negative rules, you are living life from a restrictive place. Your perception, beliefs and thoughts all focus on restriction and what you cannot do. This can be extremely stressful because the focus is to avoid breaking a rule.

On the other hand, you have the ability to reframe anything you want. Just because you have always done things a certain way does not mean you cannot change. It is so much easier to move toward a goal or challenge than it is to avoid a problem. This is similar to having an offensive or defensive way of approaching your business.

Change is necessary if you want your business to be successful. Consider replacing the word “deserving” with “choice.” When you have a choice you become empowered. The restrictions are lifted. Having a choice creates infinite possibilities. Having a choice is expansive.

When you choose to do something, you become empowered. The limitations, restrictive rules and fears are eliminated.  You do not need to have approval from others when you choose your focus and priorities. You are taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.

Choice allows you to freely build you business based upon being of service to others. With choice you also create the opportunity to set boundaries and take care of yourself. Look at how you are operating your practice. Consider which changes might need to happen in order to build your business based upon a healthy, functional dynamic. Choose how you want to set the tone for your practice.

Create boundaries, self care and stepping up to opportunities for growth. Choose to do what you know works. Listen to what resonates within you. Choose to find a way to bring what you’re dreams are into your business.

Having a healthy approach to business will free up your energy as you take the steps to grow your practice. Imagine how this would change the way you do business. Envision how a potential client might become more attracted to you because you are operating your business from a place of service based upon a model of self care, clear boundaries and healthy modeling. That sounds very client attractive.

Take your practice in the direction of your dreams. Decide what you choose to change. Practice the technique of Appreciative Inquiry. This approach is based on positive change, focusing on recognition and appreciation. You focus on what you and your business are doing well, strengths, successes, values and goals. Consider these two main questions: 1) What is going well and 2) What do you want more of? When you explore the options from this perspective, you are focusing on positive change and choosing a strengths-based approach to grow your business with confidence.

Activity: Begin to explore the rules or restrictions you have in reference to deserving. Brainstorm. List everything which comes to mind. As you do so you will begin to peel away the layers and expose the underlying beliefs. These core underlying beliefs contribute to your perception about what you deserve, what you feel worthy of and what your “rights” include.

And now I would like to invite you to claim your FREE E-course “Step Into Your Greatness” available at: => http://bit.ly/mindsetformarketingsuccess

Click here to get everything you need and begin clearing the obstacles to the next level of your success.

From Loren Fogelman, the success expert, founder of Mindset for Marketing Success.

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Creating Positive Relationships

Creating Positive Relationships

I am sure I can offer over ten thousand pages of advice about relationships, but I won’t.  The world is filled with techniques, books, CDs and seminars designed to help people live together harmoniously.  Yet, since the beginning of time, one of the largest problems we face on this planet is the inability to get along with one another.  Poor relationships create war, divorce, family separation, runaways, defiance, fear and hostility.

One of my favorite movies is, “Oh God” starring George Burns and John Denver.  If you did not see this movie I hope you will.  The movie is a classic and full of advice for positive living.  One great scene was when God (played by George Burns) appeared to Jerry Landers (played by John Denver) while he was taking a shower.  God’s request to Jerry, “Tell the world I’m still here.  Spread the word that I still care and that the world can work.”  Jerry is a little distressed by God’s request and he quickly challenges God.  “The world isn’t working.  It’s not working at all.  We need help down here.”  At that point, God brilliantly replies, “That’s why I gave you each other.” 

I’ve always believed that God cares for people through people.  We need each other for our lives and our world to work.  Instead of fighting over the last barrel of oil, we need to change our thinking and understand that our very survival depends on sharing it with each other.

Did you ever walk through the mall and notice someone wearing the same outfit you were?  This has happened to me often.  Two complete strangers for a brief moment in time stop and smile at each other.  Sometimes we may even comment, “nice outfit,” or “good taste in clothes,” or “you look great.”  We laugh, and move on.  Did you ever drive past someone who had the same car as you?  Sometimes when this happens, people nod or beep the horn to acknowledge the coincidence.  It’s fun to see that someone has the same taste as you or that two strangers have something in common. 

How about things we have in common globally?  Wouldn’t life be great if we could walk up to a total stranger and excitedly say, “Wow, you’re on Earth, too?  Wow, isn’t this great?  What a coincidence!  We’ll have to get together some day and be best friends.” This has been the dream of many great leaders.  I believe it is a possibility.  Jacobsen Seminars teaches a very powerful relationship program.  In this program we discuss the five basic elements required to create positive healthy relationships.

1) Open, Honest Communication – before we married, my wife Kathy and I spoke with many couples who were enjoying blissful lives together.  We both believe in “modeling” successful people in order to create similar success.  Every couple told us the secret to a successful marriage was open, honest communication.  Communication is an art form.  Whether you are relating to a mate, child, parent, brother, sister or neighbor, your communication skills are a valuable asset.  I remember a story about a lady supposedly filing for divorce.  The judge began to question her about the decision she had made, so that he could properly hear the case.

Judge: On what grounds do you want to appeal to your husband?

Wife: On the court grounds of course!

Judge: No, you misunderstood the question.  What I mean is do you have any grounds?

Wife: Yes.  My husband and I own two acres.

Judge: What I mean is, do you have a grudge?

Wife: Yes.  We have a two-car garage.

Judge: No! No! No!  What I mean is, does he beat you up?

Wife: No.  I’m always awake before he is.

Judge: What I mean is was he unfaithful?

Wife: My husband doesn’t belong to a church.

Judge: What I’m trying to find out is why you want to divorce your husband?

Wife: I don’t want to divorce my husband, he wants to divorce me.  He says we have a communication problem.

Although the above story is humorous, it unfortunately happens all too often.  The way we communicate with each other will determine the quality of the relationship.  Learn to speak to people, not at them.  Speak to people in the way they like to be spoken to.  When speaking with others look directly into their eyes.  This is a sign that you can be trusted and it also demonstrates your high self-image.  Before you speak to anyone ask yourself, “How can I say thiswith sincerity or with tenderness, or how can I make my point understood without creating any hard feelings?”  These questions will help you to effectively touch the heart of your listener and a high quality relationship will be inevitable. 

Another vital part of communication is to be a good listener.  You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth.  When you give your undivided attention to another, he or she will respect you.  By listening to others they know that you care and this mindset will create instant friendships.  Opportunities are sometimes missed because we do not listen.  Nature reminds us that our ears are designed to stay open and our mouth designed to stay closed.

2) Change Your Attitude Towards Others – the truth is that we all have different values.  We must never negate someone because their value’s are different from ours.  Negative attitudes make it impossible to get along with ourselves and with others.  This is the basic law of cause and effect!  What we give out, we get back.  Psychologists tell us that we always see in others what we recognize in ourselves.  The world and other people are constantly reflecting back to us – all that we think about it.  At the core of your being, begin to recognize the divinity in others and they will soon recognize the divinity in you.  Treat all of whom you meet with respect and dignity. We need to constantly ask ourselves the following question about every thought, emotion or feeling we have, “Does this type of thinking create unity orseparation?” If the answer is separation, change the thought to enhance the relationship. 

Here is a popular technique that I know will help you if you are challenged by other people.  The moment you sense a relationship may be threatened, or that someone is about to push your buttons, immediately ask yourself, “What would someone like Gandhi or Mother Teresa do in this situation?”  After that, follow your heart.

3) Practice Forgiveness – one of the greatest acts we can perform is the act of forgiveness.  This is a master key for high quality relationships.  We must remember we make mistakes because we’re human.  You’ve heard the expression, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.”  Every time you extend forgiveness to another person you are expressing your divinity.  To express this divinity, it is important that you forgive and let go on an inner level, too.  To merely utter the words, “I forgive you” yet still harbor inner resentment is like burying the hatchet but leaving the handle exposed. 

 I recently worked with a gentleman in New York who was having a challenging relationship with his sister.  Apparently, she expressed some unkind words to a lady he was dating.  Upon hearing her words, the lady broke off with him and vowed to never speak with him again.  Months after the break up, he verbally forgave his sister, but his heart was still angry.  He was suffering with all types of psychosomatic health problems which I attributed to his hardened heart.  I taught him a great psychological technique that I hope you may find beneficial.  I told him to enter a meditative level and mentally speak to his sister.  He was to mentally express all of his anger and mentally tell her off.  After this, when he was ready, he was to mentally forgive her.  He mentally repeated the affirmation, “I now let go of all the negative feelings attached to this event and the negative feelings now let goof me.”  He explained to me that he felt a moment of peace and serenity after this process as if a big weight lifted from his body.  He immediately called his sister and forgave her again, but, this time he meant it.  Shortly after this his health problems vanished and he met another lady.

Remember physiologically, when you are angry with someone you create angry, toxic body chemistry within yourself.  Similarly, when you curse someone, you’re actually cursing yourself and when you hate someone, you first taste the poison. 

The power of forgiveness helps us to heal ourselves, allowing us to become whole.  It is very difficult when someone hurts us and that is why it is sometimes difficult to forgive.  Yet, once we overcome this difficulty, forgiveness strengthens the relationship making us better people.  Mark Twain once gave a beautiful definition of forgiveness:  “Forgiveness is the fragrance a violet leaves on the heel of the person who stepped on it.”  That may be the most godly definition of forgiveness I have ever heard. 

4) Discover Each Other’s Needs – this is a basic rule of thumb for any type of relationship.  If you want a high quality relationship, find out the other person’s needs and fulfill them.  To terminate a relationship the opposite is true – discover the other person’s needs and keep those needs unfulfilled.  If you want a good relationship with your boss, meet his or her needs by producing high quality work.  If you desire a good relationship with your mate or other family members, properly meet their needs with love in your heart.  The most fulfilling relationships are the ones where you go to give, not where you go to take. 

When you have the willingness to place another’s need over your own, you are demonstrating the highest expression of selflessness and love.  The more love you give the more love you will receive.  When you hold sand in your hand and tightly clench your fist, all of the sand will escape from your hand.  However, when you extend your hand and hold it wide open, the pile of sand will sit on your hand and you will barely lose any of it.  Therefore, hold your hand out and contribute all that you can toward your relationships.  As you put this rule into practice, you will soon discover that giving is receiving.

5) Do Unto Others – this is known as “The Golden Rule.”  Treat others exactly the way you would like them to treat you.  If everyone followed this rule, our planet would become an instant paradise.  We would no longer need laws, prisons or a judicial system because we would live together in harmony and in peace.  This principle is taught in most of the world’s major religions and is an absolute standard for harmonious relationships with others.  If you want to have friends, then be a friend.  If you want to be loved, then love others.  The best way to have your needs met is to lovingly, without strings, meet the needs of others.  If you do not want to be judged, never judge another.  And if you want to be forgiven, forgive others.  This is known as the “Law of Indirect Effort.”  Practice being the person with whom you would like to have positive relationships.  This is the bridge that will help you cross over to relationship fulfillment.

I encourage you to practice and saturate your mind with these five relationship rules.  Let these guidelines become an integral part of your lifestyle since these five elements create a powerful foundation for rock-solid relationships.

I wish you luck & success!


John Eric Jacobsen was born to teach and destined to be a motivator.  In 1985 John founded “Jacobsen Business Programs, Inc.” (JacobsenPrograms.com), a corporate seminar company helping people to succeed personally and professionally. 

John’s experience is what sets him apart. With a diverse background in business, sales, communications, theatrical arts, dance and acting; John has the unique ability to not only be a great entertainer, but also an amazing teacher.  He has trained and worked with over a half a million people and has performed or taught all over America on stage and on TV. 

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Creating the Mindset of a Winner in Web Development

No matter what game you’re trying to improve on, be it mother, father, wife, husband, problem solver, or as a web developer or designer, you have to rely on a positive mindset to get you there. Whenever you peruse your local bookstore you’ll see that there are numerous publications that deal with motivational guides, self-help, and self-development. There are so many coming from a vast array of cultures, religions, and doctors of psychology that a shortage on this type material will probably never be a problem.

With that being said, why is the number of people who don’t follow through with their project so high? The answer may shock you. It is simplicity and knowing how to take things in life, one step at a time.

When it comes to web development or web design, the same guidelines apply. Below you will find four simple tips that will help you to perform your tasks in an easy manner and to develop a winner’s mindset for any profession or life status.

1. One thing at a time: Start by putting all your focus on one thing before moving forward with the entire project or goal all at once. By mistake, many people end up focusing on one too many things, all at once, which hinders anything to get done in a timely manner. Start small and then let it develop into something bigger.

2. Compliment your progress: Instead of praising with perfection, try praising with progress. The fact is, perfection doesn’t really exist, and it’s all in the mind of the beholder. Because of this, praising perfection can lead to abandonment of your goals, and to say the least, frustration. When using perfection as praise, you’ll undoubtedly never get anything done because a perfectionist always sees something that could have been better.

3. Daily reminders: Nothing helps more than a set list of tasks that needs to be done on a daily and weekly basis. By developing a list of things that needs to be done it will help you to focus on the priorities rather than everything at once. This will also help you to visualize your goals and get things done in at timely manner. Sometimes, a daily reminder may not be a list but rather a picture of someone you admire who reminds you to be as goal-oriented as they were.

4. Support Network: Most likely, you have a group or designer friends, or co-workers who can also be of assistance when setting and completing your goals. It’s always nice to have someone or a group to rely on, even if it’s just for their opinion.

The battle always begins with your mind, and it typically ends with your mind as well. If you think you can do it, most definitely you will succeed. Likewise, if you think you can’t, then you probably won’t. Begin by only focusing on one thing at a time, then see where things lead to. If you can perfect this technique, you’ll definitely be lead to success.

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Weight Loss Success – Creating a Positive Mindset

According to scientists, your mind processes about 60,000 thoughts a day and 95% of these thoughts are what you thought about yesterday. Since your mind controls everything you do, it makes sense that your thoughts have a massive impact on your actions.

It is also true that your mind acts like a magnet (often referred to as the Universal Law of Attraction), attracting to you more of what you are thinking about. This means you really can ‘think’ yourself into success or failure! Creating a positive mindset is therefore the first step in creating long-term success in any area of your life, including your health, fitness and weight loss.


In order to create a positive mindset, you first need to become aware of your thoughts. With 60,000 thoughts a day roaming through your mind, the trick is to make sure that your thoughts remain positive. By staying ‘tuned’ into your thoughts throughout the day, you can catch yourself out if you start to think negative or limiting thoughts. At that point, simply acknowledge what you are thinking and change it to a more positive or empowering thought.

For example, perhaps you are looking in the mirror and your ‘internal dialogue’ starts to go something like this:

‘I have put on so much weight. I look and feel terrible. I will never lose this weight. I am such a failure’ – negative thought.

‘Ok, I know I have put on weight but I am doing something about it and I will succeed’ – acknowledge the negative thought and let it go.

‘I am really happy that I have chosen to change to a healthier lifestyle’ – positive thought.

Positive self-talk

Changing your thoughts from negative to positive can have a dramatic impact on your life, your confidence and your self esteem. Many people who first start thinking positive thoughts about themselves find it difficult and uncomfortable as they have become so accustomed to thinking of themselves and/or the world through negative thoughts.

Another great exercise to help you change your thought patterns is to give yourself positive self talk or self praise. Again, this may feel strange or uncomfortable when you first start, but I urge you to stick with it as it will have a profound impact on your life.

To do this exercise make sure you are by yourself and somewhere private. Then, look in a full-length mirror and give yourself five compliments, repeating each compliment five times. If you find it difficult to look in the mirror while you are doing this exercise, then start without a mirror until you get more comfortable. Similarly, if you find it difficult to think of five things to compliment yourself on, then start with the most you can think of and work your way up.

Some examples of positive self talk include:

I love that I am a very loving and generous wife/husband/friend
I love that I have a wonderful smile
I love that I am always happy
I love who I am
I love that I am open and honest.
Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are short positive statements that are designed to help you change a negative belief or feeling into a positive belief or feeling by ‘reprogramming’ your thought patterns. They can also assist you in attracting more of what you need (via the Universal Law of Attraction mentioned earlier) and bring positive and permanent changes to your life.

Positive affirmations will help you stay focused on your goals whilst becoming more conscious about your choice of words when talking with other people, and also to yourself via your internal dialogue. The more you practice using positive words and sentences, the more natural it will become. You can use positive affirmations in any area of your life, but for the purpose of this exercise I am giving you some examples on how to create positive affirmations for your health, fitness and weight loss:

I am the perfect weight for my body
I enjoy exercising and it re-energises me
I make healthy food choices that nourish my body
I am happy with my body and I love the changes I have made
Every day I feel stronger, sexier and more alive.

For positive affirmations to work they need to be in the present tense: ‘I am’ rather than ‘I will be’, or ‘I make’ rather than ‘I will make’. When you first start creating your positive affirmations, find the things about your health, fitness, weight or other areas of your life that you feel negative or unhappy about right now, and write down how you would like it to be or feel in the present tense.

If you currently have no energy and eat bad food, you would say, ‘I feel energetic and make healthy food choices that nourish my body’. Although this is not how you feel right now, by saying your positive affirmation positively and with conviction, your brain will recognise that there is a gap between what you are saying and what you are feeling or doing and will look for ways to close that gap. This may sound a little strange, but positive affirmations really do work.

I recommend you to find five positive affirmations and repeat each one five times every morning and every evening for each area of your life that you want to work on. If you want to increase the power of the affirmations, here are a few tips:

Mirror exercise – positive affirmations can be done in the same way as the positive self talk exercise: in the mirror. Look yourself firmly in the eyes and say your affirmations aloud.
Written exercise – write down each of your affirmations 10 times every day before you say them aloud; this helps really keep them at the forefront of your mind.
Singing exercise – the way you say your affirmations can also make your affirmations more powerful; you can sing your affirmations aloud or start off by just saying them out loud with passion and conviction.
Changing your old negative habits into new positive habits

Science has proven that it only takes between 21 and 30 days to create a new habit, so be patient with the above exercises and commit to making these a part of your daily routine for at least 30 days. I promise you that they are well worth your time investment and the rewards will be great. After all, your success is only limited by your thoughts and your imagination.

While practicing any of the above exercises, if your inner dialogue starts to drift into a negative thought process and you find it difficult to switch to a positive thought, try changing the voice of your inner dialogue to Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or someone you find really funny; it will be much harder to take your negative thoughts seriously!

Another trick to help you if you are feeling a little negative is to change your physiology by standing up straight , smiling or laughing (even if you don’t feel like it), and tilting your head so you are looking slightly upwards. It is much more difficult to feel negative in this position than if you were to look down, frown and slouch over. Try both positions right now and see for yourself how your physiology can impact on the way you think and feel.

Sonja Falvo is the Body Transformation Specialist at Real Body Enterprises and has helped thousands of people to get the body they have always dreamed of. Author of two books; The Real Body Plan and The Real Body Real Food Plan (available from http://www.realbodyclub.com/shop) and highly regarded public speaker, Sonja can show you how easy it is to lose weight without dieting, giving up your favourite foods or spending endless hours in the gym. Sonja has developed a realistic, easy to follow healthy lifestyle and weight-loss program for real people; find out more by subscribing to http://www.realbodyclub.com/members/newslettersignup.asp

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