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Practicing Daily Positive Affirmations – Wash Your Mouth Out With Soap!

Actually, I’m not recommending that when practicing daily positive affirmations that you need to literally wash your mouth out with soap – I’m just using the expression figuratively. Allow me to explain further.

You’ve probably heard the expression used when someone, usually a child, is overhead uttering profanity. And the reason why I’m using the expression here is because so many times people tell me that they are practicing daily positive affirmations but 99% of what comes out of their mouth is negative.

If you have a conversation with these individuals they are constantly putting themselves down and saying what they aren’t good at. They are quick to list their faults and quick at identifying what’s wrong with their lives.

What they don’t seem to realise is that every time they put themselves down or ‘highlight’ what they don’t like about their life, they are affirming what they don’t want in their lives. And they are negating any of the positive effects of their practice of positive affirmations.

“You will never, ever amass enough power to accomplish your goals and your dreams if you are constantly weakening yourself.”

James Arthur Ray, Author of “Harmonic Wealth”

Plus, when you listen to these individuals, their negative self-talk is always done in a very matter-of-fact manner because it’s what they truly believe about themselves. But when they say their positive affirmations you can bet that same degree of matter-of-factness is most definitely absent. So they sabotage their efforts to create positive change in two ways:

1. They don’t clean up their act regarding their self-talk, and
2. They do not fully commit to their positive affirmations.

With respect to the latter when you practice your affirmations you have to practice them as though they are completely true even though they may not be as yet. Now I can sense that you have doubts about this. Then understand this – the negative things you say about yourself may be true now but were not always the case. You developed limiting beliefs and practiced negative affirmations for so long that they become fact.

The actor Cary Grant said,

“I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.”

And he also said,

“Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.”

In other words he was practicing a role that he wanted, enjoyed and liked. You can do the same. You are the director and leading actor in this movie which, incidentally, is called “This is Your Life”.

I can hear you say,

“But the fact is…”

Forget the facts! As Patricia Shambrook said,

“Don’t give me the facts, give me the truth. The facts are always changing.”

And the truth is you were born as close to perfection as anything can be. The majority of your limiting and negative beliefs were learnt and they were ingrained into you through repetition.

It’s time for change.

You can re-program your mind for the life you desire. And ironically, you can achieve this through repetition as well but the through the repetition of what you want.

And so you have to stay in character. You can’t practice daily positive affirmations at a set time of day and then for the rest of the day trash yourself with your negative self-talk.

But you may have to take baby steps. For instance, if you say to yourself “I’m hopeless at managing money” you may want to practice saying “I’m getting better at managing money” until you feel confident enough to practice the affirmation “I’m an excellent money manager”.

It is not expected that you monitor your thoughts and self-talk every moment of the day but do regularly check in to what you’re saying. You can also ask your close friends to help you with this exercise and a coach will certainly pick up on any negative self-talk because it’s amazing at how oblivious some people can be to this. And, if all else fails, keep a bar of soap handy for when you hear that trashy, profane negative self-talk coming from your mouth.

And if washing your mouth out with soap is a tad too extreme then I’d like to recommend something far more enjoyable to help you stay on track with your practice of daily positive affirmations Visit http://www.CreateYourMindMovies.com for a wealth of resources that will help make practicing affirmations effortless and fun.

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Daily Positive Affirmations change things for the better

Our lives have been influenced by whay we say to ourselves because our thought and behaviour are not just a product of our conscious mind but also of our subconscious. As a result, daily positive affirmations are said to change those negative thoughts into positive ones and start making a change for the better.


Because it changes the way you see things and the way you deal with life, daily positive affirmations are not just beneficial for yourself but also to people that you deal with everyday. Daily positive affirmations are done by talking and communicating to yourself positive things that you want to inculcate into your subconscious.


If for example as a child you are being told repeatedly that you are stupid or dull, it would, in the end, affect the way you think about yourself, your behavior, and you lose confidence in yourself. You may even unconsciously reinforce the idea in your subconscious by telling yourself how stupid you are every time you are not doing something right.


If you are bombarded constantly with negative statements, you also tend to feel tired, with low energy, and you end up always in doubt. Truly, by changing the way we think, we can do better and we can strive to reach our goals, and be happy with life, and having daily positive affirmations is a great tool in doing this.


In making positive affirmations, you have to create positive sentences that you will tell yourself everyday – either mentally or saying it aloud. Saying it aloud is seen to be more effective as it can be clearer when heard. These short sentences are formulated in a positive way and make sure you are not using negative words.


Say, if you want to lose weight and you want to retrain your mind to getting into shape, you tell yourself ‘I choose to be slim, attractive and healthy’ and not ‘I am not fat.’ The mention of ‘fat’ may bring in negative thoughts into your mind, and of course, you might not even want to hear the word. Also make statements as if they are already happening and true. Instead of telling yourself, ‘I want lots of money,’ go tell yourself, ‘I can see more money coming to me’.


In making sure you are drafting good statements for your daily positive affirmations, you can find many resources online on how to make your own affirmations. You can even find some CDs and videos of positive affirmations that you just have to watch everyday.


Another technique in retraining your mind fast is by the use of subliminal messages. Unlike positive affirmations, these messages are not grasp by your conscious mind but reaches out directly to your subconscious. These messages are often embedded in mediums like videos or photos, and are even found in movies and ads. Although these messages are not readily grasped by the conscious mind, they too can affect the way people act and behave. When put into good use, positive subliminal messages can be a good tool in changing the negative thoughts your have to positive ones.


Carolyn Anderson practices positive affirmations to help her live a positive life. If you are interested in subliminal messages, check out this Subliminal Power. Also check out Brain Bullet, a software that flashes positive affirmations on your screen.

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Positive Daily Affirmations

Positive Daily Affirmations

Everyone has things in their life that they wish they could change to make life easier. Whether you want to make more money at work or you just want to ease the stress in your home life, you will find obstacles in your way. These obstacles may be large or small, it doesnt matter. What matters is that you can actually overcome any obstacle placed in your way with the proper way of thinking. Waking up every morning going through a list of positive daily affirmations is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking. Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, these positive daily affirmations will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.

There are literally hundreds of positive daily affirmations that you can use to help begin your day on the right foot. The list would go on for pages just beginning to list them all. It doesnt matter, in the end. The specifics of your positive daily affirmations will be suited for your own life, but in general, you will want to include thoughts such as these in your positive daily affirmations:
I am successful
I am a worthy person
I make mistakes, but will forgive myself for them
I deserve happiness

Positive daily affirmations are what you will repeat to yourself every morning. The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful muscle in your body: your brain. If you want to change something physical about your body, you would exercise that part physically to make it stronger. For example, to strengthen your legs to achieve faster running speeds, you would practice running every day, as well as doing squats, lift weights, or leg thrusts. Positive daily affirmations are to the mind what running is to the legs. You are using these exercises to tone the muscle you are training into being stronger and acting the way you want it to. And much like physical exercises, the more positive thinking exercises you do, the more they will become almost automatic for you.

The power of the mind is something that is often under rated. Simply by practicing positive thinking, you will be able to change the circumstances of your life, or at the least, change the way you view your circumstances. Changing the way you view your circumstances can be just as important as what the actual circumstances are. For example, if you make a mistake during the day, instead of dwelling on that mistake, fall back on your positive daily affirmations and realize that making a mistake is OK. Not just that, but if you learn from your mistake, then you have used that mistake to better yourself in some way. Keeping points like this in mind will help you create a set of positive daily affirmations that will fit your own lifestyle, and will be a solid base for all of your positive thinking exercises.

RichardALuck.com is where Richard posts weekly (or thereabouts) thoughts, tools, wisdom and advice to help guide and move you powerfully toward your boldest dreams and goals, and to live a truly remarkable life. The aim is to show you how to rapidly close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He has helped more than 3,749 people in the past 5 years to break free from their limiting beliefs and live the life theyve always dreamed of. Go to RichardALuck.com to get 5 Free Techniques That Will Begin To Move You Rapidly Towards Your Goals.

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