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Self Improvement Ideas – Philosophical Concepts, Personal Development Tips and Personal Development

http://SuperSmartAndSuccessful.com Self Improvement Ideas – Philosophical Concepts, Personal Development Tips and Personal Development http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk9kt-ajCGU

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Self Improvement Ideas, Philosophical Ideas, Philosophical Concepts, Philosophy Ideas, Philosophy Ideas, Self Improvement, Personal Development Tips, Personal Development Ideas, Self Development, Self Help Tips, Philosophical Thought, Self Help Techniques, Self Help Ideas, Philosophical Concept, How Do I Improve My Life, Self Improvement Techniques, Philosophical Ideas, Personal Development Techniques, Self Improvement, Personal Development, Self Help, Philosophy
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5 tips To Make a Killer First Impression – Personality Development & English lessons by Niharika

5 tips To Make a Killer First Impression – personality Development & English lessons by Niharika

Most people will judge you within the first few seconds of meeting you and their view will most likely never change. Making a good first impression is utmost important, because you only get one chance at it.

It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your attitude, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.

So, whether they are in your career or social life, it’s important to know how to create a good first impression. This lesson by Niharika provides some useful tips to help you do this.

1. Set an intention.

The most important thing to do for giving a good impression is to set your intention. This is especially important before any kind of big event where you would be meeting a lot of people — i.e. conferences, networking events or friend’s parties. As you get ready or when you are driving over think about what kind of people you want to meet and what kind of interactions you want to have. This can be an incredibly grounding experience and works very well to focus on what kind of energy you want to have for your event.

2. Present Yourself Appropriately

Of course physical appearance matters. The person you are meeting for the first time does not know you and your appearance is usually the first clue he or she has to go on.

But it certainly does not mean you need to look like a model to create a strong and positive first impression.

The key to a good impression is to present yourself appropriately.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and so the “picture” you first present says much about you to the person you are meeting. Is your appearance saying the right things to help create the right first impression?

Start with the way you dress. What is the appropriate dress for the meeting or occasion? In a business setting, what is the appropriate business attire? Suit, blazer, casual? And ask yourself what the person you’ll be meeting is likely to wear — if your contact is in advertising or the music industry, a pinstripe business suit may not strike the right note!

For business and social meetings, appropriate dress also varies between countries and cultures, so it’s something that you should pay particular attention to when in an unfamiliar setting or country. Make sure you know the traditions and norms.

And what about your grooming? Clean and tidy appearance is appropriate for most business and social occasions. A good haircut or shave. Clean and tidy clothes. Neat and tidy make up. Make sure your grooming is appropriate and helps make you feel “the part”.

Appropriate dressing and grooming help make a good first impression and also help you feel “the part”, and so feel more calm and confident. Add all of this up and you are well on your way to creating a good first impression.

3. Be Open and Confident

When it comes to making the first impression, body language as well as appearance speaks much louder than words.

Use your body language to project appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall, smile (of course), make eye contact, greet with a firm handshake. All of this will help you project confidence and encourage both you and the other person to feel better at ease.

Almost everyone gets a little nervous when meeting someone for the first time, which can lead to nervous habits or sweaty palms. By being aware of your nervous habits, you can try to keep them in check. And controlling a nervous jitter or a nervous laugh will give you confidence and help the other person feel at ease.

4. Be Courteous and Attentive

It goes without saying that good manners and polite, attentive and courteous behavior help make a good first impression. In fact, anything less can ruin the one chance you have at making that first impression. So be on your best behavior!

One modern manner worth mentioning is “turn off your mobile phone”. What first impression will you create if you are already speaking to someone other than the person you are meeting for the first time? Your new acquaintance deserves 100% of your attention. Anything less and you’ll create a less than good first impression.

5. Close on a good note.
Keep them wanting more. Show that you had a really good time and would like to see them again. Maybe even text them saying so when you get home. People on a first date not only want to have a good time, but they want to know that you did as well. They want that reassurance. Don’t be over clingy though!

Enjoy the lesson!
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Creating the Mindset of a Winner in Web Development

No matter what game you’re trying to improve on, be it mother, father, wife, husband, problem solver, or as a web developer or designer, you have to rely on a positive mindset to get you there. Whenever you peruse your local bookstore you’ll see that there are numerous publications that deal with motivational guides, self-help, and self-development. There are so many coming from a vast array of cultures, religions, and doctors of psychology that a shortage on this type material will probably never be a problem.

With that being said, why is the number of people who don’t follow through with their project so high? The answer may shock you. It is simplicity and knowing how to take things in life, one step at a time.

When it comes to web development or web design, the same guidelines apply. Below you will find four simple tips that will help you to perform your tasks in an easy manner and to develop a winner’s mindset for any profession or life status.

1. One thing at a time: Start by putting all your focus on one thing before moving forward with the entire project or goal all at once. By mistake, many people end up focusing on one too many things, all at once, which hinders anything to get done in a timely manner. Start small and then let it develop into something bigger.

2. Compliment your progress: Instead of praising with perfection, try praising with progress. The fact is, perfection doesn’t really exist, and it’s all in the mind of the beholder. Because of this, praising perfection can lead to abandonment of your goals, and to say the least, frustration. When using perfection as praise, you’ll undoubtedly never get anything done because a perfectionist always sees something that could have been better.

3. Daily reminders: Nothing helps more than a set list of tasks that needs to be done on a daily and weekly basis. By developing a list of things that needs to be done it will help you to focus on the priorities rather than everything at once. This will also help you to visualize your goals and get things done in at timely manner. Sometimes, a daily reminder may not be a list but rather a picture of someone you admire who reminds you to be as goal-oriented as they were.

4. Support Network: Most likely, you have a group or designer friends, or co-workers who can also be of assistance when setting and completing your goals. It’s always nice to have someone or a group to rely on, even if it’s just for their opinion.

The battle always begins with your mind, and it typically ends with your mind as well. If you think you can do it, most definitely you will succeed. Likewise, if you think you can’t, then you probably won’t. Begin by only focusing on one thing at a time, then see where things lead to. If you can perfect this technique, you’ll definitely be lead to success.

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Personality Development Training TIPS & TRICKS Video Lesson 34 – Mind Power

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What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? Our hidden camera experiment captures the reactions of unsuspecting customers at a New York City coffee shop as they witness a telekinetic event.
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