Tag Archives: Easy

10 Easy Ways to Make a Positive Environmental Impact

How Can I Make Simple Changes That Positively Impact the Environment?

Easy Ways to Go Green

It’s the New Year. Again. Many of us decide to make changes in our lives around this time – that’s no surprise. Often, the resolutions we create for ourselves are dramatic, powerful, even overwhelming. Losing lots of weight, going vegetarian, quitting smoking – we all have our Ace in the hole. Too many years pass, however, when we lose sight of these lofty goals and before the end of the first quarter, we’re already off our game and back to smoking, back to sleeping in, off the daily scheme of going to the gym.

This isn’t a post about how to stay on track with your goals. This isn’t about making smaller steps in between milestones or pinning up a huge calendar to your wall and filling it up with black X’s every time you complete another day on the plus side.

Achieving the Goal of Going Green

I like to think about the goals I want to achieve in as realistic a manner possible. That means – what will actualizing and accomplishing my goals look like on a Tuesday at 1:30 in the afternoon, or a typical Saturday morning at 9:43. That’s more real to me, and consequently more manageable. My goal for this year? To go more green, in as many ways possible. Like many, I am willing to work for it, but I wonder if there aren’t others who would make positive changes if they were easy to accomplish, and didn’t involve too much work.

Big differences are often made with tiny, incremental shifts – one can’t tell just how much of a positive impact is being made by looking at a few of those small steps, but taken in an aggregate form, the impact can be tremendous.

That said, here is a list of ten tiny, realistic steps that I am going to take this year to go more green. If we all do what we can to even uphold a few of these things, the positive impact on our environment would be huge.

Ten Easy Ways to Positively Impact the Environment

1.) Support Farmer’s Markets

Buying local has a dramatic impact on both your health and the environment. While you achieve the goal of supporting local, organic, independent farmers, you also have the opportunity to eat seasonally and raise the bar for yourself in terms of healthy eating habits. By the way – have you ever tasted a plum, or a tomato, or even locally grown, organic salad greens? You’ll never shop at the super market again if you have taste buds.

You’ll be filling your body with produce that is at its freshest, and increasing your consumption of organic produce is incredibly beneficial. The National Resources Defense Council notes that much of the U.S. produce will travel an average of around 1,500 miles before it makes its way into your super market. The negative impact on the planet is huge – think of the pollution alone that is created in that transport.

2.) Toilet Paper

Seriously. Find it online or at your super market, local Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. If your super market doesn’t have it – take a second and speak to customer service about ordering it, and do it every time you shop there. They’ll stock it eventually. We’re talking about toilet paper made with recycled paper. The impact on the environment in terms of the total number of trees saved each year is huge. Your bumm won’t know the difference.

3.) Cold Water Wash

Don’t personalize your laundry – sure, you like to take a warm bath, but do your old sweat socks, boxer shorts and yoga pants know the difference? A really simple thing to change in your daily or weekly routine, and the environmental impact is great. Procter & Gamble notes that if we all started to use cold water in the washing machines, we could save enough energy to light two and a half million homes for a year.

4.) Bad Bottled Water Habits

How’s this for facts: According to National Geographic magazine, Americans buy approximately 7 billion gallons of bottled water a year. This amounts to roughly 22 billion plastic bottles that eventually get thrown away, and often not in the recycling bin. Consider the (yearly) 1.5 million barrels of oil that it takes to produce those plastic bottles – this amount is enough to fuel nearly 100,000 cars for an entire year. Ways to improve? Buy a water filter and drink tap water that has been properly filtered. Order large bottle service from an organization like Arrowhead or Sparkletts, and drink from a glass at home or at work. At the very least, recycle the plastic bottles that you do use – always.

5.) Re-use Gift Wrapping Paper

Unwrap gifts with a little concern, or teach your little ones a new environmental lesson before they make a mess with the ripping into birthday or holiday packaging. The amount of paper that could be saved is astronomical, if each of us were to recycle wrapping paper from just a few gifts each year.

Get a bag or a box, and start saving bows, ribbons and neatly folded, carefully removed gift wrapping paper. No one will know the difference. Trust me. And if they do, you have the perfect opportunity to bring up a conversation about conservation, without sounding overbearing. They’ll feel great to have helped out without having done anything.

6.) Grocery Bags

When they ask you if you want paper or plastic, just say neither. Spend a dollar at the store and buy a re-usable cotton or hemp bag, and keep them in the trunk of your car for shopping. For a look at the environmental impact of both paper bags and plastic bags [http://www.greeneggsandplanet.com/blog], read these former blog posts. Get creative with your kids and find blank canvas bags online – this will give your kids a chance to be creative, and paint or decorate the grocery bags to personalize them.

7.) Houseplants Can Be Your Friends

It has been noted that many green house plants can assist in the process of removing indoor air pollutants if you cultivate and care for them indoors. Plants like English ivy and others such as golden pothos practically grow themselves. Don’t worry – they’re harder to kill than keep alive. And they’ll be helping keep you alive as they fight environmental toxins in the home.

8.) Eliminate Junk Mail

Hate the junk mail that comes in your mail box just about every day? For most of us, that pile of materials goes directly into the trash. For others, it goes directly into the recycling bin. Neither party ever reads any of it, and yet it still shows up every day. Take a second and visit the Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service to register not to receive junk mail any longer. The process may take a few months, but eventually, you won’t get so much trash in the mail.

9.) Buy Bulk

Tea drinker? Couple of trips to the local coffee house every morning? Eat cereal or oatmeal? Next time you buy tea, for instance, think about choosing loose leaf over packaged tea. Reducing the amount of packaging materials that you use can make a big difference to the environment.

Think about packaged tea – there’s the card stock paper box wrapped in plastic, the paper inside, the plastic that is often wrapped around the tea bag, the tea bag, the string, the tiny staple and the tea tag. All of those materials get disposed of, typically not recycled, and much of it can be eliminated by buying bulk loose leaf tea and using your own tea infuser.

10.) Green Your Driving

No – I’m not going to make a blanket statement that we should all run out and buy a brand new Prius – it’s not going to be possible for everyone and it isn’t the only way to green up your vehicle. Further, there’s no reason to make people feel bad about failing so miserably right out of the gate when it comes to efficient vehicles.

If you can afford it, buy a hybrid. But there are plenty of other ways to do something about fuel consumption and vehicle pollution. Carpool if and when you can – you have to get over identifying with your vehicle and your alone time first, but it’s worth the small sacrifice. Bike to work if you can; you’ll be getting exercise and helping the planet at the same time.

Or just plain drive smarter when you get behind the wheel – get timely tuneups and keep your tires inflated to the proper pressure to ensure maximum gas-saving efficiency. If you take long trips on the highway (out of the way of traffic), then switch to cruise control to improve your mileage. Curb your urge to drive like your car is a weapon – take off from stops less aggressively, brake more gently and slow down when you can. The speed limit isn’t so bad. And get out of the drive-thru: either quit the fast food or park the car and walk it.

Final Thoughts on Easy Steps to Going Green

Taking meaningful yet small steps towards going greener this year can lead to real, measurable and positive change for the planet. A few easy questions here and there, changing a habit or two, educating yourself and making smarter choices – a little bit at a time is really all that it takes. Think about the many millions of people living in America, making one collective change all at once – that alone could pay huge dividends for our future.

Matty Byloos writes and manages the Green Blog known as: Easy Ways to Go Green, as well as the Organic Food Blog: Organic Eating Daily

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Easy Housework Motivation Trick – Harness Your Subconscious Mind

Do you lack motivation when it comes to housework? Are you struggling to think of good reasons to tackle the work…again?

It’s a common problem. Keeping a home is a unique challenge – it is repetitive and monotonous, and since it will only need doing again, some would even argue it is futile. But your home has a powerful effect on your whole life – and those you live with. So making peace with your housework and finding the necessary motivation to tackle it will be in the best interest of you and your family.

With this in mind (pardon the pun…) I think you’ll find the following mental trick very useful and effective. The idea is to utilize a powerful technique that deploys your subconscious mind – requiring less conscious (and begrudging) effort from you. 

Sound good?

Allow me to introduce (drum roll, please) the incredible motivational force of ….visualisation! Now, you’ve no doubt already heard of this popular psychological tool. You may even have used it to achieve a business venture, relationship or health issue etc. But have you ever tried to apply it to your domestic woes?

If not, then now is as good a time as any. So, here goes with my step-by-step guide:

First close your eyes… Only joking. Read this through first, then close your eyes and go through the process in your mind. It’s just three simple steps.

Step 1. Picture your home. 

Step 2. Now see it after the Magic Cleaning Fairy has been! Every surface is clutter-free. You can see your reflection in your taps. You could eat off your floor. You could even withstand an inspection from your most critical relative. 

Make this image as real as you can, smell the freshness, feel those crisp clean sheets, really sense the joy you’re feeling in your fabulous spotless home. Feel free to dwell in this happy place as long as you like…

Step 3. When you are feeling utterly proud and happy with your beautiful home, mentally complete this sentence:

The best part about having a gorgeous spotless home is…

You fill in the gap. Whatever comes to mind is the right answer for you. 

This little trick will work for you on three levels;

Firstly, you are training your mind to focus on the end-result of your housework. This takes your mind off the wearying effort of doing it. Cue less misery for you…

Secondly, you are awakening your motivations for doing the work. If you discover that your best bit about having a gorgeous spotless home is that you can joyfully invite people round, the thought of this result provides a conscious motivation. You’ve found good reason to do housework – that’s quite an achievement!

Thirdly, visualising a desired end-result throws your sub-conscious mind a challenge (which it loves!). It will work ceaselessly to close the gap between your goal and your current reality. 

You will find yourself ‘mysteriously’ making slightly different decisions. It is these minute shifts in behaviour that will, eventually, get you to your goal. 

The more regularly you visualise, and the more enthusiastically you imagine your beautiful, tidy home, and the more you can identify exactly what you get out of it – the sooner you will see it in reality. 

Good luck and have fun!

A FREE introduction to the Make Peace with Housework eBook series is available at Make Peace with Housework.

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Positive Attitude – Easy Ways For Easier Lives

There are people who would rather hold the negative attitude than a positive one, but as the world is changing the people are also changing; some are getting darker, some are getting brighter. With being more positive you can totally change your life’s direction to the white side which will in turn cause other people to respond more positively to you because you feel good about whatever they say. You can have the ability to change the others positively as well!

First lets see the difference between positive and negative attitudes.

Negative: I will fail 100%.

Positive: I am sure that I won!

How can I create the positive attitude?

Everything valuable in the world takes a bit work, and so does replacing positiveness with negativeness in your minds. You can start to shift your attitude by changing the unconscious thinking. Every time a negative thought comes in your mind, change it into positive. Of course it is not easy because negative thoughts come all the time, but you can change this as well because its you and YOUR MIND which is creating the negative thoughts.

There are many ways to destroy a negative attitude…

– By thinking positively of course… which means that you should expect the best, be optimistic, choose to win, choose to be happy, be motivated, always try harder, look for solutions, believe in yourself, be confident, see the failures as opportunities to learn and succeed.

What do I get by holding a strong positive attitude?

– There are many advantages if you hold the positive attitude such as: success, happiness, feel of better health, wealth, getting less stress, having more confidence, feeling that everything is possible, never giving up, etc.

Now take CONTROL of your MIND and shift your ATTITUDE and start creating glorious results.

“Everything at the beginning is without colors, it is your attitude which paints it brighter or darker.”

My name is HyunSoung Kim, I am student in International Baccalaureate (IB). When I grow up I will be an actor and positive psychologist. If you have any problems or questions about your life, future and frustrations please feel free to ask me by sending an e-mail to kim_h_soung@hotmail.com.

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Stay Positive in Time of Recession – Not Easy, But Possible

How to stay positive in time of recession can be tricky if you do not take same careful steps. The global economy is really struggling, and there is no doubt that many people will be going through some very tough times. Pretty much everyone has felt the effects of the recent recession, and financial issues have impacted the entire world. It seems like a lot of things are falling apart, but it is not all bad. If you are trying to keep things positive, there are a few good ideas that can help you stay on the right track.

As a professional, it is important to know how to stay positive in time of recession. Without some resilience and careful action, you could end up in a bad situation. There are some smart moves that will help you keep your job or find a new one should things go south. Try to start by researching your industry field. See what the trends are. Does it look like there is room for growth, or are massive layoffs affecting most businesses in that sector? This will tip you off as to how long you will last at your current job. Stay positive by evaluating your expertise and skill set. Think about all the qualifications you have that make you special for potential employers. Putting together an updated resume is good so you are ready to show off your talents and capabilities at any given point in time.

When you think about how to stay positive in time of recession, remember that others out there are going through the same problems. There are also others out there who may have just the solution you need for professional advancement. Stay flexible and try to network as much as possible. By networking you can learn of interesting job opportunities as well as ways to save money. Talking to people about what they do to get by can give you ideas too. Speak with a mentor or a friend to get some connections.

Finally, always keep your head up and stay focused on the brighter future that will eventually come. You are not the only one struggling with all the negativity in today’s economy. You may not know exactly how to stay positive in time of recession, but if you follow these simple guidelines you will have a better chance of staying afloat amidst this sea of negativity. As always, careful planning and solid effort will prevail.


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6 Easy Secrets To Eliminate Your Shyness

It is necessary for you to have three different factors to remove your shyness when dating, these are your mindset in dating, your comfort around women and your conversation skills. Beside these factors, this article will shows six essential tips to support you to get the confidence you need  to convince the heart of women…


Six Methods to Effortlessly Get Rid of Your Shyness

1. Improve your self-image

Regardless of how many girls say you’re not bad looking, if you really feel that way, you will forever be playing a self-defeating mantra inside your mind every time you approach women. To overcome this, you must improve the way you see yourself. This means you must focus on your strengths and downplay your weaknesses. Here’s a good example to illustrate this point. You know you’re not the athletic type so you probably will never look like all those men with ripped abs and big muscles. However, you know you can get fit even without killing yourself to get the ripped look. Not being able to master a sport should not keep you from working out. By going to the gym every now and then, you’re toning your body so that you will look like an athlete even if you’re not into sports. If you do something for yourself to improve the way you see yourself, you will get rid of your shyness around women faster.


2. Self Validate

If you’ve ever said the line “do you think I’m cute” or “do you like me” to a woman you just met, listen up. You may be committing one of the biggest mistakes in dating. The fact is, if you try too hard to gain a girl’s approval, your words and your actions will show this neediness. Needless to say, women find this desperation repulsive. The really confident guys around are those who can ‘hold their own’ even with all the other men around who may be better-looking or richer, These men have learned how to self-validate.

3. Practice Approaching Women

Go to places where there are women and approach some of them for any reason at all. You can ask for the time, for directions, or for suggestions (if you’re in a bookstore or a food shop). It doesn’t matter what you talk to them about, what’s important is that you’re practicing how to approach women.

4. Control Your Body Language

One time I watched a guy deliver his Toastmasters speech and I found myself thinking “hey this guy isn’t nervous at all”. Boy, was I wrong. He was actually very nervous but he did not let it show, or so he told me after I asked for public speaking tips after his speech. He learned how to control his body language so that anyone watching him closely will never know of it. So, with that said, if you ever feel your hands shaking while talking to women, shove it inside your pocket until you get a grip of your emotions. When you regain control, you can take it out again.


5. Clear your throat

This is the easiest way to cure shyness. Clear your throat and just speak. Even if it’s just a greeting, you will manage to get a word out and the rest will be easy.

6. Be around women

This is the most basic thing you have to do to get used to having women around you and busting your shy attitude once and for all. Go to a cooking club and learn how to cook. Even if the women around you are not necessarily your type, you will still be able to build rapport with women, which is the important thing.


Now listen carefully! If you want overcome your fear of talking to women and learn how to flirt and create sexual chemistry with ANY woman then click the link and finally learn how to flirt with women without getting stumped.

Also as a “Thank You!” Grab your FREE preview copy of Flirt Mastery by visiting Flirt Mastery. No email required!

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It’s All In Your Head: Easy Ways To Stay Positive And Boost Your Business

I did a lot of things over the past few years to grow and expand my business, including working for the lifestyle I want, defining my ideal clients and taking care of my physical and mental health.

Part of my mental healthcare included maintaining a positive mindset and it really made a huge difference. It cleared my head and allowed me to really focus on my business. Here are the four things I did to create a constant source of positive energy.

1.No News!
My first rule was no news, no radio and no reading the newspaper. That meant not flipping on the radio in the car. It meant not turning on the TV – even for two seconds – because it seemed like I’d always hear bad news. It’s amazing how I always manage to hear about the top news items anyway.

2.Positive Programs and Music
I made sure that I had a lot of positive audio programs and music. This can be any kind of spiritual teacher, guru, coach, leader or author who resonates with you. Buy their audio books or seminars and put them in your iPod or on your computer; rent them from the library and listen to the CDs in your car. Positive, uplifting music is good too. I, myself, like music that includes chanting, affirmations and stuff that’s just fun and fancy-free. We all have music that puts us in a good mood – so use whatever works for you.

3.Positive People
I decided I only wanted positive people around me. That meant I needed to not hang out with some of my family and friends. I worked hard to avoid energy vampires – those people who are so negative they just suck the life right out of you. To be honest, for a while I went into kind of a little cocoon. I needed to reconnect with my family and myself and be very purposeful about who I was spending my time with. Also, I attended retreats and conferences that were in a positive, spiritual realm. If that doesn’t work for you, find something related to a hobby. For example, if you’re into genealogy or you’re a stamp collector – whatever gives you energy – put yourself in those environments.

4.Community Connection
I made sure I was connected to community. This is a really big one because we tend to isolate ourselves. As entrepreneurs with our own businesses – most of us in our own homes – it’s very easy to isolate. So, find some likeminded groups, like a book club, spiritual group or volunteer activity, and attend regularly.

Taking care of oneself physically and mentally – and keeping a positive mindset – is a great way to keep yourself in the game. You’ll be amazed at the renewed motivation you have for doing the things that are not your core passion, but will make your business grow. Working from a cup overflowing helps you float through cold calls, accounting, filing, networking or any other activity that is critical to success but not always top on your list. Once the negativity is gone and you’ve got positive energy on your side, anything is possible.

Lisa Cherney is a Marketing Intuitive and President & Founder of Conscious Marketing. Lisa has helped thousands of business owners tap into their intuition and market their businesses from the Inside Out. For 15 years she worked at Fortune 500 companies and top advertising agencies.

Lisa tells her story in her co-authored book Inspiration to Realization, available at www.ConsciousMarketing.com. Conscious Marketing also offers workshops and coaching. Visit her website for more details or call 887-771-0156.

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How to Develop A Positive Mindset During Tough Times In 3 Easy Steps

With the news of economic recession, outsourcing of jobs to China and other overseas countries, and environmental problems like global warming and natural disasters happening more frequently than ever before, it is a hard job to be a positive person. In this article, you will find 3 simple steps to have a positive mindset, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

1) Understand how media works: Only “bad news” is news.

This is just how it works. People are focused on problems immediately. When we hear any kind of bad news, we immediately focus on it to determine if it is any real threat to us. Therefore, mass media always focuses on bad news to capture our attention. It is more profitable for them.

However, it is not good for you. Most of the bad news you hear is not going to effect you, ever. So it is a wise idea to shield yourself from bad news you hear. Do not let mass media drain your positive energy.

2) Do not fight with inevitable. If you cannot change it, accept it.

Too many people are fighting with reality, always arguing what “should be” rather than seeing and accepting reality for what is. There is no real value in fighting against the reality. If you cannot change something, then accept it, and move on your way. Focus on things that matter to you, that you can make a change.

3) Take positive action, whenever you can.

When you do think that you can make a positive change, start taking action immediately. No matter how small, how little, every action counts. And small steps taken today are the seeds of larger steps to take tomorrow. Every journey of a thousand miles begin with a little step. Never underestimate importance of tiny little actions. If nothing else, it will keep you po


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