Tag Archives: Energy

Manifestation of Positive Spiritual Energy Through Meditation

Meditation is one of the most simplest ways to manifest your positive spiritual energy. It is through meditation that you can change your life. Just one simple positive thought a day can manifest into a new life of success, love, spiritual healing and contentment. I am going to show you how these simple meditation techniques can really improve your outlook on life.

Meditation: Practice silence and mediation for 30 minutes a day. Connecting with your inner self takes time, practice and work. At first it will be difficult to meditate. The more you do it the easier it becomes. You will find that you will become so good at it, that you will be able to do it anywhere. Waiting in line at the gas station? Why not spend those few minutes in meditation? It clears your mind, provides focus and balance.

Methods: Start by concentrating on something calming and relaxing. The easy way to do this is to close your eyes and picture a relaxing tropical beach or calming beautiful forest. Try to remove all barriers from your mind. Try to make your mind go blank. Remove all worry and thoughts of anything else but this one pictures in your head. Calm your thoughts. Once you calm your mind by concentrating on a beach, forest or something similar, take it to the next level and form a box in your mind. Surround that box with white light. Remove all other thoughts from your mind. The only three things you should be seeing in your mind is your box, the white light and the gentle feeling of your breathe being taken into your body and exiting your body. Feel the warming, relaxing effect of the breathe entering your body and then the release of the breathe leaving the body.

With every refreshing breathe; more and more of the worry, noise and stress will leave your body. In just a matter of days you will start to experience spiritual healing and a sense of contentment.

Now take one single positive thought and place that positive thought inside your box. That one single positive thought is what will manifest inside you and to others. Hold that thought there in your box. Close it off from anything else in your mind. It is protected in that box and nothing or no one can remove it. It is there for you to revisit throughout the day. Maybe your thought is to be able to help someone in need. Maybe it is to find a new job so you can feed your family. Maybe it is too find a way to finance a new home.

Whatever you choose to manifest during your mediation period will become reality in your life. This is how powerful this method can be. You will truly manifest what you concentrate on. Soon you will not need the box to manifest your own destiny. The need for approval will no longer be part of your thoughts, actions or dreams. You will have brought a daily manifestation of positive energy into your life.

These words are so powerful that I have seen one good friend go from nothing to owning his own business. He did this in less than four years. Most people spend their lives trying to build a successful business. My friend did it in 4 simple years, by giving and receiving from others. Manifesting his true “Self” to the world and the Universe is what made him the person he is today. It was through these meditation techniques that he found the spiritual healing to propel him forward in life.

Practice these meditation techniques on a daily basis. Try not to miss a day. As I mentioned, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Blessings and Happiness….

Arturo D. Saborio is a long time practitioner of spiritual oneness and finding contentment in life. His free articles are very uplifting and filled with practical everyday life teachings. Come take a look at his newest website to gain knowledge and insight into your own spirituality. Find a path to contentment and happiness. http://theentiredream.com/?page_id=2

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Drive Away All Negative Energy and Capture All Positive Energy

In today’s fast moving scenario when there is negativity all around you its always better to fasten your seat belts and be prepared with all positive energy to face challenges in life. Now things have changed remarkably. Negative thoughts, negative views & negative people . There are many people who are trying to pull you down . You have to survive and reach your goal. Things will change only when you will want them to change. You have to start from yourself first then only you can change the society and their thinking at large.

First and the foremost thing to start with is stay away from all negative people and all negative thoughts. Negative people think negative and they imbibe the same culture in you. If you stay away from them you shield yourself from negative friends. Forgive each and every person who has caused you harm or has spoken against you. In this way you free yourself from taking revenge from them and remain at peace of mind because you don’t have any enemies. You love all of them and give respect to everyone. I know its hard to practice but this is the only way you can inculcate all positive energy in yourself and drive the negative.

Have a Big heart and a broad mind . This is really going to help you a lot because there are a lot of people around you who are plotting against you. When you are aware you want to teach them a lesson. Preserve your time and energy for doing something good for yourself, for doing work, for enjoying rather than counter blow and do the same. Your life is precious and God has gifted you just with one single Human life to do all the good things that you can do rather than plotting against others. I just mean utilize your time and get the maximum out of it so that you don’t repent in the near future. Time is very valuable and once lost can never be gained so climb your ladder of success with full zeal and fervor.

Things may not remain the same as they are today but you always remember that their is an almighty looking after all and they will punish the person who does wrong and reward the innocent ones. Be satisfied with what you have. Don’t be dissatisfied with what others have. Jealousy arises all negative thoughts and give rise to lots of heart burn. Free yourself from all these nonsense stuffs and live a healthy life.

Keep yourself focused and committed towards your goal. Nothing can stop you and a time will come when you will be looked upon with honor even by your enemies. Its very correctly said ” Its your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude “.

Open up your mind and get all the positive energy because a very famous saying goes ” Our minds are like parachute and they work best when open “. Be open minded and think positively and reach the stars.

All the best.

I am Business Development Officer at vinayRas Infotech. For more information view – http://www.vinayras.com

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Self Improvement As A Conscious Energy Process

Self improvement is a lifelong natural energy process, which we all seem to pursue at times from an elevated conscious level, especially when we are actively pursuing some type of change. It’s at these times, when we are purposely anchored into self improvement action that we are the most conscious of the expansion in our human demeanor. However, what most people do not realize is they are usually pursuing some form of self improvement from an unconscious level, too. To be moving forward in life is a natural state of being human and is in alignment with the natural life plan energy process.

The conscious reasons for self improvement are many; take for example, someone has experienced some form of hardship. Let’s say a person lost their job when a large corporation decides to move the employee’s job elsewhere, at a cheaper labor rate, because the company wants to maximize profits. It really doesn’t matter to the corporation board of directors what the ripple affect is when the job is moved; they are only focused at a conscious level on a spreadsheet or profits. Whereas, for the employee the impact is dramatic, and in some cases completely incomprehensible that they are being treated in this manner simply due to profit margins.

Now that the person is unemployed, the natural progression is to reevaluate, at a more conscious level, which skill sets may require improvements to make them more marketable in their search for a new job. At this point, self improvement is an active pursuit in the energy process to enhance ones perceived worth, again at the conscious level, in the eyes of a future employer. It’s not that the person is any less than they were before losing the job, rather it’s they may feel self improvement will enhance their chances for employment in the energy process of life.

On the surface, loosing a job can be emotionally traumatic, but in the long run it may be a perfect reason, at a conscious level, for pursuing the self improvement phase of ones energy process in life. Therefore, a person has to make a choice to look at this new development in their life energy process in one of two ways. They can perceive it as being having been victimized by the corporation, or they can accept the fact that the self improvement they are now pursuing at a conscious level is actually a blessing in the long run.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing when we are moved forward due to a life changing situation that is out of our control. It may simply be part of the life plan that has lacked conscious clarity, but is now in the forefront of our attention. This is why it’s important to look at life as an energy process; one in a constant state of change. By accepting what comes our way and moving with the flow in the energy process of life itself we make self improvements along the way.

Therefore, in the example the person either increases or decreases their energy vibration simply by the way they perceive their situation in the energy process of life. If they view this experience with conscious clarity they will move forward instead of wallowing in defeat.

Learn The Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ featuring The Train of Life analogy system for happiness and success. You will learn to produce a Quantum Leap in both Business and Personal success. Visit http://www.SpiritPublishingLLC.com/Main5.html to learn solutions to everyday challenges that have been holding you back until now.

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Manifestations Of Positive Energy With Achievers!

Michael Cassello is Cassello Real Estate President. Cassello Real Estate, Inc. – a family owned and operated business, has been based in Wallingford since 1963. Originated by Michael Cassello, an Italian immigrant who opened The Cassello Agency as a one-man operation out of his home, it has grown steadily into Wallingford’s leading real estate firm with 10 professional agents. Grandson Michael Cassello, President, leads the office into the 21st Century, bringing the very latest in real estate knowledge and technology. The firm still holds to the belief that personal, conscientious service is what their customers want and deserve. According to Michael Cassello, The best mental effort in the game of business is concentrated on the major problem of securing the consumers rupee before the other person gets it

Cathy Cassells is Phoenix Electronic Enterprises Purchasing Manager. Phoenix Electronic Enterprises, Inc is a private company categorized under Cable, Wire and located in Highland, NY. There records show it was established in 1985 and incorporated in New York. With dedicated hard work demonstrated by Cathy Cassells and team the Current estimates show this company has annual revenue of 18,800,000 and employs a staff of approximately 80.Cathy Cassells strongly believes, Customers are influenced by your attitude Sales performance is built on sales attitude the desire to sell, the desire to get business. And the aggressiveness to go after it

Sally Cassells is Phase Forward Vice President Clinical Systems and Services. Sally Cassells joined Lincoln in 2003 and is responsible for leading large software development programs for the company’s pharmaceutical consulting business. Prior to Lincoln, Sally Cassells were Founder and President of Lexington Clinical Data Systems, which provided strategic consulting and technical implementation advice for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies selecting Electronic Data Capture and Electronic Patient Diary systems. Previously, Sally Cassells was VP Engineering with PHT Corp. where she was responsible for managing all aspects of the technical design and development of PHT’s Escendant system for the electronic capture of clinical trials data (eCRF’s and eDiaries) using Internet and handheld computer technologies. Earlier, Sally Cassells worked as Executive Director of Core Services Consulting at PPD Informatics, and was Development Manager for Clintrial at BBN Software Products Domain Pharma. Sally Cassells was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Society for Clinical Data Management and served as its Chair in 2003, and was also a founder of the CDISC ODM committee. She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences on data standards, and holds a BSc in Mathematics from McGill University and a SM in Biostatistics from the Harvard School of Public Health.

I love to research about great personalities and learn about. I appreciate Michael Cassello, Cathy Cassells and Sally Cassells for their amazing contribution in their field.

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Positive Motivation: Building a Network of Positive Energy

Take a solid look at your friends and family, and focus your thoughts on the messages they convey to you. When you look at each person individually, do they build you up and motivate you or do they tear you down and spread a “can’t do” message to you? Each of these people are important to your life and are loved by you, and yet some people are simply negative forces in your life. If you want to be successful and happy in life, you need to build a network of positive energy by focusing on those individuals that provide you with positive motivation.

Obviously you cannot stop interacting with those people in your life who don’t offer positive motivation, but you can limit your interactions with them. You should also take steps to avoid internalizing their messages if you know they will bring you down. Don’t ask them for advice or talk to them about problems more than necessary, but instead do these things with the positive forces in your life. You can absolutely still socialize with those you love who are less than positive, but you need to be aware of how their words and actions can affect yours so you can take steps to head that off before it starts.

For a truly more productive and successful life, you should try to spend more time on those people in  your life who do offer positive motivation. Internalize their messages to you. Develop more friendships and relationships with people are are positive, and really build up a strong network of positive energy. It is truly amazing how being around negative people can bring you down, too, and likewise how being around positive people can be uplifting. Surround yourself with positive energy, and you will find that you lead a happier and more successful life.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive motivation. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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