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A Proven Method to Get From Stuck to Positive Change to Transformation

Although many people want a greater level of success either for themselves or for their organization, change can be difficult. I can speak from experience on this. Some people don’t know how to change. Others are caught in the trap of needing to be right. There is a powerful human need to be right. If we need to change, that means we are wrong about something. And that can be hard to get by.

Key Point! Hard and difficult doesn’t mean impossible.

Here are some easy to implement ideas which will not only help you change but can lead to transforming yourself and/or your organization.

1) Change your actions. Start solving problems by doing things better. This can happen by learning new skills and capabilities. What do you or your people need to learn which would help you overcome your current challenges?

Do you want to move from change to transformation? It’s when you take the next step towards transformation that you can create long lasting, significant, life and business altering change. Read on…

2) Examine your habits and thoughts. Examine your thinking and beliefs because these lead to habits of the way you think. And your thoughts lead to your behavior. Step outside of your current perspective, as hard as that might be, and ask yourself “What assumptions, thoughts, or behavior patterns have resulted in the same problems coming up time and again?”

When you become aware of attitudes that were previously below your level of awareness, and possibly self defeating, you can then take the step to “re-frame” your views or to look at them with greater understanding. Doing this can lead to: 1) developing more productive habits that will drive your behaviors and results and 2) being more self aware of how you interact with the world around you.

It is by continuously questioning your thoughts and habits and the behaviors they lead to, that can create a shift in your point of view about yourself. That’s transformation. And in that specific area of life, you will never be the same again.

Start your journey towards transformation today! Be more self aware, and be open to new possibilities. You will start to be more of the person that you have the potential to be once you discover what is holding you back.

If you find that it is challenging to take an objective look at yourself, from experience I can say that finding a mentor or coach can be invaluable in helping with this process.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Change From Negative to Positive Thinking With a Single Word

I learned a new word today and it has me giddy with joy. The word is insouciance. Say it out loud: in soo see ance. Doesn’t that sound delicious-like you want to eat a piece of it?

Visualize To Change Your Thinking

Insouciance is a French word that means carefree or without a care. Immediately as I roll the word across my tongue, my mind conjures up the image of me living a carefree life. I picture myself twirling around in the sunshine with my face warmed by its heat, my arms spread eagle and a big smile on my face.

As I hold this image, I see blue sky, shimmering crystal clear water, and fields of tall green grass blowing in the wind. I envision fluffy white clouds sailing along in the sky. I hear laughter and birds singing. I smell the freshness you notice when winter starts to move into spring-that deep moist earthy scent. I notice that people are passing by me with smiles on their faces, curious about what’s making me so happy.

I continue to hold this image and begin to feel the emotions associated with this carefree connection starting to physically well up inside me. Joy, peace, exuberance, vibrancy, excitement, love, abundance are all present. I radiate goodness and feel life in all its glorious splendor.

Mind Body Connection Is At Work

The mind body connection is at work. Simply thinking of the word “insouciance” instantly creates a picture in my mind of living the meaning of the word. My body responds by feeling the feelings I associate with the word.

Now as I move forward into the rest of my day, I’m filled with these feelings and their energy vibration. These feelings are being projected outward to everyone I meet and are present in every situation I encounter. This energy will serve me well today and will help me create the desires of my heart. And it all began with a word-and a thought-a very positive thought.

Should I happen to face a perceived challenge, I now have an anchor to shift my thinking from negative to positive. I will simply think of my word, and all its associations will come flooding back to me and become my new perception filter for that situation.

Take A Moment For Positive Thinking Now

Take a moment right now to reflect inside yourself. Is your mind filled with words and thoughts that stimulate your responses and help you live the life you desire? Or are you mulling over and thinking about words or negative thoughts which do the opposite? Do they hold you back-cause you to stumble? Do they take you off your desired path of conscious creation?

Your Thoughts Create

What you believe, you create in your life. Your thoughts become things. What are your words and thoughts creating for you today? If you need a word to grasp onto, I give to you “insouciance.” Now go forward and be carefree.

Esther Bartkiw is a Core Belief Engineering Practitioner and Motivational Speaker. She helps people release their fears and negative beliefs, open up conscious awareness and guides them on a journey of transformation. She can be reached at 905-630-4471 or visit her website at http://www.changefromwithin.ca
This article was written for http://www.womensquotes.com

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Attitude ? Lessons from the Happy Barista

This post tells the story of how a positive attitiude leads to a positive outcome – wear your Friday attitude!

Yesterday afternoon while heading downtown to a showing, I stoppped off for a coffee at my favourite (independent) coffee shop here in Kitsilano. The Barista greeted me with a huge, warm smile and asked “How can I help you today sir?”. I asked for a small medium blend drip coffee and then couldn’t help but compliment her on her pleasant, positive demeanour and ask whether something unusually nice had happened to her that morning.

Her response was beautiful, she said, “No, nothing unusually good happened to me this morning, I just make a habit of wearing my Friday attitude every day of the week”. We laughed again and off I went.

Ten minutes later I was stuck in grid-lock traffic down on Burrard street. Since that chemical spill problem in the Electra building has kept Nelson Street closed, vehicle commuting downtown has been a nightmare. Drivers were upset, everyone running late for something. The guy next to me was losing it, flipping off everyone around him and swearing constantly under his breath.

I thought of my encounter with the happy barista, phoned my clients and calmy explained I’d be ten munites late. I then sat back, cranked up 103.5FM (yes, soft rock) and laughed in pity at all the poor angry souls around me taking the grid lock personally.

The lesson is one about attitude, your outlook on life at any point in time will directly reflect lifes ‘inlook’ on you.

I have attached a quote on positive attitude by Charles Swindall;

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company … a church … a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude … I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you … we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

I am a Vancouver realtor and mortgage broker who has been in the real estate industry for 12 years.  My formal education includes a Bachelor’s of Commerce from the University of Natal and a diploma in Urban Land Economics from UBC

I enjoy many outdoor pursuits such as fishing, surfing, kayaking, windsurfing and camping.

Vancouver is a great place to live!

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From Tantrums to Positive Behavior – A Frugal Mom’s Tale

When my son started kindergarten, the onslaught of “give me…” and “I want…” started. Every trip to the store became a battle of wills. All I wanted to do was to get in and get out with what was on my shopping list. My son was constantly pointing out what he wanted me to buy, and would throw tantrums when I wouldn’t put the various items the shopping cart. It got to the point where I didn’t even want to bring my son to the store.

Reward the Good, Not Punish the Bad

Eventually, I came to the realization that I needed to stop punishing my son for his bad behavior and focus on rewarding his good behavior. First, I sat down with my son and discussed all the things that he wanted: more video game time, trips to McDonalds, trips to the park, Pokeman cards, a trip to Walt Disney World, etc. We wrote down everything that he wanted.Then we discussed everything that I did and did not like about his behavior. We made a chart of good behavior and bad behavior.

I designed an easy system of points for him to follow: green was for good behavior, yellow for warnings and red was for bad behavior. Every day, he was given the opportunity to earn ten to fifteen points. Any yellows he received wouldn’t help or hurt his green points, they were just warnings. But if he got any red points, then we would subtract that amount from his green points. For everything that he wanted, we assigned a number of points to that privilege. For example, for a half hour of video games, he needed to spend five green points. If he didn’t have enough points saved up that day to play video games, then it wasn’t an option. After a few weeks, once he learned that I was serious about the new system and that he did indeed get rewarded for his good behavior, he came around. Shopping trips to the store stopped being a battle of wills.

Reward Programs can Teach Kids Important Budgeting Skills

My son has been on our green-yellow-red system for a year now. We’ve seen a dramatic improvement in his behavior at home, in school and in public. Additionally, my son is starting to understand the value of saving. If he wants something more than video games and an occasional trip to McDonald’s, he has to save his points. Instead of playing his video game for an hour, he only plays for a half-hour. By managing his daily point spending, he’s learned that he can now spend his points on something he really wants, a trip to Disney World.

These lessons just don’t apply to getting your kids to behave better, it also teaches important money management skills. Money, points, or stars…it doesn’t matter what type of “currency” you use. What’s important is giving your kids a foundation of budgeting skills that they can use throughout their life. What starts as spending and saving points can turn into savvy budgeting.

By Kathryn Katz, Consolidated Credit Counseling Services

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Journeys of the Mindset Apprentice – Taken Under the Wing of John Assaraf From the Secret Pt 1 of 3

I have to tell you…

It has been a wild journey on my route to being mentored by one of the top self-development teachers in the world, and an absolute dream come true.

When I headed back home to Orange County after the school year of 2006-2007, I fully intended on going back for my 5th and final year of college education…but over the summer I realized that school wasn’t serving my life’s purpose, and deep within me I had a calling to be on a different journey.

Having spent the last couple years studying personal growth and human potential, I had developed a true passion to become a speaker myself, to inspire and change lives, and to continue my pursuit of being the best I could be.

I also knew that most of the great thought leaders had a mentor themselves! John Assaraf had Bob Proctor, Bob Proctor had Earl Nightingale, and Earl Nightinggale had Napoleon Hill!

“How the heck does someone get under the mentorship of one of these super successful and undoubtedly extremely busy guys?!” I thought.

Though I didn’t know how it was possible, I knew what I wanted, and that was to be taken under the wing of an incredible teacher. I wasn’t aware of it then, but John always teaches that, “The ‘what’ comes before the how.” Meaning, just because you don’t know how to achieve something, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go after it! You truly have to have a big enough ‘what’ … something that you are so strongly passionate about that you will find the ‘how’ no matter what obstacles arise.

One evening early in the summer I began creating a Vision Board of WHAT I wanted. There were about 18 pictures on there, including the words, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf,” “My Friends and Fellow Empowerers” (surounded by faces of transformational leaders, including John), and “Taken Under the Wing of…”

After creating that board, a series of what I now consider to be synchronistic events happened (back then I might have considered them to be ‘coincidences.’ Now I understand that there are no coincidences)

Two nights after creating the vision board I was listening to an interview between Bill Harris and Michael Beckwith, both of whom appeared in the movie the Secret. As I was listening, fully engaged in the dialogue, Michael Beckwith mentioned the Agape International Spiritual Center which he founded 21 years ago in Culver City (which was only about 45 minutes away from my parents home where I was staying). I decided right away to attend one of the services the next day…

To tell you that it was an amazing experience would be a total and complete understatement. Michael Beckwith was speaking and asking, “Do you want to live a life of mediocrity or do you want to live a life of purpose and meaning?!” After the service I felt like I was on fire by all the inspiration and spiritual connectedness I felt!

That very same night I called Agape’s 24 hour prayer line and prayed…something I had hardly ever done in my life as I’ve never been the religious type (though I always knew there would be a time I would find spirituality…and Agape is where it began).

In my prayer I asked, “Should I go back to school, or should I Spread my Wings and Fly?” Deep within I knew what the answer was.

Fast forward two weeks, and the thought suddenly hit me that I wasn’t signed up for John Assaraf’s newsletters. I signed up immediately, and just one week later I received an e-mail regarding his latest 6 month program, The Having it All Challenge: Achieving Your Life’s Goals and Dreams. I knew instantly that it was the answer to my prayer and that I had to join. It was time to ‘Spread my Wings and Fly.’ And so I did….

…Little did I know I would soon be taken under the wing of my mentor, John Assaraf…

For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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The Many Aspects of Self Improvement Aside From Whalebone Corsets

Whalebone corsets are not the sole means of self improvement. What used to be extortionate and unthinkable about 25 to 30 years ago, contemporary medicine has made available. In these modern days, you can purchase the hair, teeth, eyes, smile and even breast size that you desire to have.

Although it is impossible to mention all, below are some of the procedures geared to enhance personal appearance permanently plus some words of caution regarding the importance of putting everything in moderation. A particular dentist’s dental practice have witness the dramatic increase in the number of patients who now whiten their teeth. People desire to have extremely white teeth. They want their pearly whites to borderline overly white. The dentist admits to also bleaching his teeth, in keeping with his patients probably. Patients return twice or thrice for checkup and they use a kit at home that is good for one week. The kit costs $ 285 and they are fond of the taste. Back in 1994, only 15 patients bleach their teeth, a combination of uppers and lowers to complete 22 arches. Of the patients whose teeth he cleans, 10 percent are now coming to his cleaning for bleaching procedures.

Insurance seldom covers teeth whitening. Dentistry grows quite fast in the aspect of smile reconstruction. A dramatic change in shape and character can now be witnessed to happen in a person’s smile. The $ 2,000 to $ 8,000 cost of porcelain veneers is not covered by insurance.

Two possible reasons for the increase in consumer interest to the procedure are culture and widely available and affordable technology. If there is a chance to be more beautiful, people will rarely think twice about it, he says. Most patients no longer choose the traditional silver dental fillings and now go to dental offices requesting for the modern white bonded filling materials.

A coiffeuse of a hair salon says sometimes she will be out with her husband and a guy will suddenly wave at her only for her to realize that it was one of her clients. It should not surprise us that she has a male client because the truth is, ninety percent of her clients for non surgical prosthetic hair replacement are men. Her main focus, in fact, is male pattern baldness, and most of her customers are ages 25 to 40 years old.

Modern hair replacement poses one of the most dramatic changes. Gone are the days when people had to bear an awful looking toupee on a bald guy’s head. This phenomenal technique utilizes a prosthesis that appear like human skin with hair and affixes that to the client’s scalp or his own hair. Right at the start of a procedure, the stylist finds out from her clients important matters like the person’s activity level to identify the most appropriate way to proceed.. This procedure ranges from $ 1,000 to $ 1400 and needs to be done every year.


This site teaches you about cosmetic dentistry sydney.You will gain a deeper understanding about cosmetic dentist by checking out that resource.

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Projecting a Positive Corporate Image From the Inside Out

If your company has been losing a number of your best employees and at such a fast rate then you should be looking for signs of a possible negative corporate image. Losing your employees and a declining number of customers are red flags all over signifying an image problem. If this continues and you aren’t doing anything positive to turn your reputation around, then you are in for a greater problem.

This isn’t just about your image about how to keep your employees and about how to improve the number of your customers. A negative corporate image will bleed your resources dry in the long run. Think about it, if your employee leaves, then you must train new ones to take their place. New employees mean, lesser productivity as they try to learn the ropes of the business. Lesser productivity will cause impatience in your customers because they want their goods and they want it now. When the customers aren’t satisfied, they take their business from you and look for another company that can offer then a much better service. Then ultimately, your bottom line suffers.

What you must do is identify what the root of the problem is. For example the fast turnover of your employees. Although this is not always the problem, but for the sake of discussion this is what you are facing now. What is causing them to leave? Have you had a dialogue with your employees and genuinely asked how they are feeling as they work with you? What company policy are they griping about? Answers to questions like these will make you see what is making them leave. Instead of burying the issue under the ground, face it head on and look for ways to address the root of the problem. Be careful that you are not just applying a band-aid first aid treatment but you should find ways to clean up the wound and heal it, so to speak. Damage control shouldn’t be the most important thing in this issue but creating policies to change those which are not working anymore.

It is imperative that not only the upper level management is aware of the changes that the company is doing to address the need for a positive corporate image. This would have to be team work and everybody must be on the same page. Having a dialogue with the rank in file and explaining the steps towards a common direction would always be recommendable.

The same policies will affect not only the lower ranking employees but also the top level managers as well. If the company uses the same yardstick to measure both levels, then it helps in projecting an image of fairness and reliability. After all, what one level does will greatly affect everybody else because they should be working for the same common goal.

If the company makes its employees know that businesses will be dealt with in a transparent manner, then you are telling everybody that trustworthy and reliable.Once the problem is addressed from the inside, then projecting a positive corporate image is but a natural consequence.

Trulydeeply.com.au – We are obsessive about creating brands that evoke powerful emotional connections with customers. Graphic Design Melbourne.

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How to Be Positive – Stay Away From Negative People

Today is a good reflection of how far I have come from negative thinking to positive thinking and positive actions. I was coaching a client who is processing her breakdowns in a stuck state, the feeling of confusion whether the forward actions is going to create the result she wanted. It reminded me of how I got a Life Coach to work with me and experience being positive most of the time.

Stay away from negative people

Don’t make the mistake of talking to the wrong people. People who are negative. Either they have had bad experiences because of lack of knowledge or strategies or they have no clarity of their own direction. They do not have positive experiences to share with you. Stay away from them.

The solution is to talk to people who are already successful in doing what you wanted to do. Model after them. Get them to mentor you, or collaborate with them. They will have many success stories to share with you. That would give you more confidence, support and encouragements to move forward.

Get a Life Coach

There is a great difference with talking to a Life Coach or your friend. The positive thinking and the positive energy from a Coach is uplifting. Most of my clients said, I wish the people out there could be as positive as you. The way they talked are “noise” that often held them back from the decision that they want to make. As a result, they become indecisive. It’s through some powerful questions that clients become clear with their thoughts. When clients are sure of what making that decision would give them, e.g. More confidence, more time to have a balance life, better relationships with family and more income, they are open to taking positive actions.

“Noise” are unfounded fears from people who may mean well, thinking that they are protecting you; But they do not know what you really want. It’s based on their own pattern of thinking and their own fear which is projected onto you and is quite often negative. Unknowingly, they operate from fear.

How a Life Coach can help

A Life Coach can certainly help you with the breakthrough from thinking negatively to thinking positively and taking actions that move you towards achieving the outcome you want. This is the support and encouragements that most people need, to have a breakthrough. The positive energy is automatically transferred to you. The confidence is projected onto you. These comes from having experienced that journey.

Get free tips from http://www.mindset-coaching.com and free downloads of her E-Book.

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Positive News Continues to Flow From Turkey

Investors have been forced to sit up and pay attention to Turkey as the flow of positive data coming from the country continues. Turkey is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and a very popular choice with investors.

Turkey is particularly strong within Europe. EU GDP grew 0.7% year on year in Q1 this year, and 2% year on year in Q2, and its fastest growing economy Slovakia grew 4.7% and 5% respectively according to Eurostat figures. During the period Turkish GDP grew 11.7% and 10.3% respectively. On top of that Turkey is in much better shape fiscally than most European countries, and has a much strong banking system.

A 5.5% year on year growth in Turkish exports, and a 25.3% growth in imports in September is the latest news.

In the current climate, confidence and security are arguably far more important than growth in the eyes of investors, but this is also going well for Turkey at the moment. The years of reform and sound fiscal management of the current government give people a lot of confidence.

However, developments lately are set to have boosted this confidence far more than any of that. The International Monetary Fund managing director Dominic Strauss-Kahn has called Turkey the most suitable emerging market candidate for a seat on the IMF executive board.

The EU has given up 2 seats on the board on the grounds that they go to emerging economies, Dominic Strauss-Kahn, IMF managing director complimented their decision to do so and said:

“I think Turkey is the most suitable candidate for a post on the executive board”, said Kahn, and his views were shared by many according to sources.

The IMF head went on to assess Turkey’s recent economic performance, highlighting the 7.5-8 percent growth. “I think the government is managing the economy very well”, he said.

Les Calvert – Director of Property Abroad and Homes Abroad often writes articles and guides on buying property in Turkey. His 300+ websites feature over 250,000 properties for sale in more than 100 countries around the world.

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7 Ways to Stay Positive At Work – Hari Kalymnios from The Thought Gym Lifestyle Blog

Hari Kalymnios from http://thethoughtgym.com shows you 7 ways how to stay positive at work. Indeed, you can use these tips to stay positive at home or wherever you want. It’s not about positive thinking and any other that other new age malarky. This is about real, positive results.

Things that you can do right now to bring more positivity and happiness into your life.


Enjoy and remember to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thethoughtgym

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