Tag Archives: Having

Having A Right Attitude To Get Success

There are two types of small business owners: those who have the right attitude for success, and others who don’t. There are many reasons to explain why people want to get into entrepreneurship, but some people get into it while they don’t realize that they are not really cut out for this hard work. Whilst many people are seemingly born for this, having an instinctual proficiency for running a business and making it become bigger.


However, even if you aren’t a natural businessperson, this doesn’t mean that you are necessarily doomed to fail. It’s all about what type of attitude you take toward your business, and practically everyone is capable of finding that right mindset.


Knowing you will succeed


The first and most important element of a successful attitude is to know that you are going to make it no matter what. Many people are so filled with self-doubt that they hobble themselves from the beginning, lacking the confidence to take the bold steps and committed action needed to get a business off the ground. In contrast, when you are absolutely certain that you are going to succeed, you proceed with a great degree of self-assurance, and in many cases that self-assurance in itself leads to business success.


Meanwhile, having faith in your own success also helps you get through those difficult moments where the profits aren’t rolling in as you wish they were. People who aren’t cut out for this work tend to fold at these moments, telling themselves, “Well, I gave it my best shot,” and then calling it quits. However, if you truly believe in yourself, you will persevere through these moments, making the necessary adjustments to become profitable and keep growing.


Determination and a hard work ethic


Of course, if confidence were the only thing necessary for business success, then business would be easy, but there is more to it than that. Successful entrepreneurs aren’t just confident; they also love their work, have passion for it, and approach it with an unquenchable determination. Not everyone can achieve this type of attitude. Successful people even revel in temporary failure, in a way, as these setbacks can prove instructive and, for a smart business owner, can lead to greater success.


But it’s more than just an overall, philosophical love for one’s work. It’s also about having the right attitude to stick it through the daily grind. Especially if you’re going to be running your business from home rather than from a traditional workplace, getting up every morning and setting to work with determination can become challenging at times. If you want to be successful, you’ll get through these moments. Even when every fiber of your being is telling you to sleep in or slack off, you’ll set to work anyway.


And to make a small business work, you have to be able to do this in the long run. Anyone can keep a positive attitude for a few weeks or even a few months, but to sustain it over the course of years is the real challenge. If you think you can do this, then starting a small business may be the perfect course for you.


Caterina Christakos is a published author and reviewer. Read her latest articles on Hallmark christmas ornaments selection and other christmas ornaments tips.

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Importance of Having a Positive Mindset! (VLOG)

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Alison Ledgerwood joined the Department of Psychology at UC Davis in 2008 after completing her PhD in social psychology at New York University. She is interested in understanding how people think, and how they can think better. Her research, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, investigates how certain ways of thinking about an issue tend to stick in people’s heads. Her classes on social psychology focus on understanding the way people think and behave in social situations, and how to harness that knowledge to potentially improve the social world in which we all live.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

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Having a Positive Attitude Makes All The Difference

Hey Guys, On this Episode I talk about Why Attitude Matters and tips on How to develop a winning attitude:)

Hope you enjoy this video and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more videos like this.

With Love,


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Attitude makes a difference
Why attitude matters
How to develop a winning attitude
Attitude is Everything
Your Attitude Matters

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Finding Happiness and Having a Happier Life Requires a Positive Attitude

http://www.DrLarryIverson.com/video1 Know the secret of happiness. Using positive psychology strategies” you can control negative thinking and develop a positive attitude to have a happier life
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Yes we have 1,000 engineers but ALL our 23,000 people are experts in THEIR fields. They are modern manufacturing. Jack brings the good safety habits with him home, so he and his family stay safe.
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Student Paths – Having a positive attitude

“Real Story” writer Anjelica gives 3 tips on having a positive attitude for the new school year.


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How Having the Right Mindset Can Change the Results of Your Efforts

The right mind-set, especially of the way you think of yourself, can have many consequences in the results of your efforts. Those that acquire positive thoughts and can apply that sense to their lives and efforts made also acquire the greatest outcomes. It’s a known fact that your thoughts control what you attract, whether negative or positive. It’s a simple concept known as the “Law of Attraction”. If you can master this law of attraction, the possibilities are endless. Doors that have been closed by resistance will open without effort.

You must believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goal. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, developed a self mastery in this subject and has been quoted in his book to say “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The success of all business entrepreneurs that have gone above and beyond in order to achieve and acquire their goals has been a total result of believing in themselves and NEVER giving up. Picture yourself as already reaching your goals and life has a mysterious way, better known as the Law of Attraction, of making them a reality.

Now, I have a question for you, are you a fence hopper or a fence sitter? The difference is whether you can make a quick decision or not when you are faced with an opportunity. The ability to keep moving forward and not be held back by indecisiveness can make the difference between success and failure. Most new entrepreneurs get stuck in “analysis paralysis” and become frustrated at the fact that they just don’t seem to be getting any closer to reaching their goals. When an opportunity confronts you, do your analysis and make a decision. Once the decision is made, don’t waste your energy on worrying if it was a good decision or not, it’s called taking chances. And chances are what we take each and every day unconsciously. From driving, to shopping for the right product or service, to deciding on what foods to eat, etc. These are all decisions we make daily and we are taking chances at all of them. We have no way to know exactly what the outcome is going to be in every decision we make, so when offered an opportunity to make a big change in our lives, why do some still hesitate? The answer: Confidence!

Having confidence in you is one of the necessary success keys to an entrepreneur. Being able to walk tall without fear or doubt about what others think or say about you determines your level of success in anything you set your mind to. One of the biggest dream stealers in life is lacking the belief and confidence needed to do what it takes to be the person you want to be or do the things you’ve always wanted to do. No one, no matter who they are, were they’re from, what background they have, should feel inferior to anyone else’s success level. We are all the same and all have the same amount of time in a day as those with a high level of success. So lack of self-confidence should not exist in a life of abundance, were there is enough to go around for everyone.

Another aspect of mastering having the right mind-set is to set realistic expectations and hold yourself liable to those short term goals. Unrealistic goals can make a person question whether the actual goal is attainable. Don’t lose the confidence and focus in your efforts to attain your goal by making this mistake. If, for example, your goal is to make $ 50,000, don’t use a date that obviously is unrealistic unless you have set a definite plan of action in which you believe can be achieved. Instead, make the amount co-inside with the set time frame. That way it is more attainable and motivation will not be lost if the specific goal is not reached. You can always set a later date for the same goal and continue with your efforts in obtaining that goal. The key here is continuing to move toward your expectation with persistence and never quitting.

Most importantly, have Fun! If you’re not enjoying yourself while working at reaching those expectations, you will lose motivation and your efforts will just seem to you work. That’s the great thing about the day and age we live in. We can leverage technology to help acquire new friends and business partners if the time to physically perform this action is impossible. I’ve personally made more friends and business acquaintances through the use of online social networks than I’ve ever done personally. It just becomes impossible to physically be everywhere at once. Having created these awesome friends give me the necessary positive environment to keep focus on my goals and keep moving ahead in life. Whether it is in person or through the use of technology, enjoy the experience of meeting new people and making new friends. Doing so keeps your mind-set laser targeted, focused, motivated, and confident that what you want out of life you will get.

With that said, I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you so feel free to leave comments or share this article with others.

Wishing You a Life of Abundance,

Pablo Gonzalez

http://www.PlatinumMillionaires.com After a 16 year career in the automotive industry, economic situations forced me to make a decision, whether to continue on the rat race or to finally take that extra step in getting out. Since that day, life hasn’t been the same.

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Having Positive Faith

“You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit


They way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why having faith is essential in order for you to do anything. What you think about the most of and what you imagine yourself as the most of is what you will become!


Welcome to the power of faith! If you want to become successful or wealthy then you just have to image yourself as being it by having faith and then you will become what you are wanting and thinking about because you are obsessed with it and you have faith about it.


If you want positive things to happen in your life then you have to think positive and picture yourself there and you will be able to get anything possible in life. Wealthy and successful people had the opportunity to get where they are today due to their constant thought and imagination for what they always wanted to be and the faith they had in it brought them there and to their riches that they imagined about.


If you want to be rich and successful in your home based multi-level marketing business, your professional life and your personal life then you have to just sit down for a moment and dream about it and have faith. You have to have positive faith because if you have positive faith you will reach positive outcomes and positive things will happen in your life due to your positive thoughts.


The opposite will happen if you have negative faith because that will trigger negative into your life. For example people who think about and have faith in committing crimes actually do end up committing them because they thought about that negative concept and it actually happened to them. Negative thought will lead to a negative lifestyle.


You are what you bring upon yourself and only you can control where the future will take you through the faith that you imagine and create! Life is a journey and if you want to get the most out of that journey then you will have to have the strongest faith and curiosity.


Curiosity is also an aspect that a lot of successful people have shared. They always wondered how things work and they did research on what they loved and through their discoveries, thoughts and faith they became wealthy and successful.


An example of this concept would be about Thomas Edison. He was curious about finding a way to make life a little brighter and through his curiosity and faith and also after many failed inventions he discovered electricity and the light bulb.


If you want to be wealthy and succeed in your business then you have to be curious, have faith and imagination and then do some research and take the time to discover and think about what you love to do or something that you are interested in and you will find unlimited success and wealth in it.

If you are interested in finding out more on working from home or a SOLID work from home career then take a look at www.powerfulwealthcreation.com for information on getting started. I currently have the luxury of working from home and would love to help anyone who seeks the same type of success.

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Having Positive Attitude | Positive Attitude Training Program | Parivartan India


Having Positive Attitude | Positive Attitude Training Program | Parivartan India

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[GO] 09: Having A Positive Attitude in Life – A Personal Story

Things may not always go the way we want them to.While we cannot control everything, we can choose how to react to these situations. Adapting a positive mindset generates a positive outcome to these situations.

If you think the idea is too good to be true, watch this short video that tells of my wonderful personal experience and how it can become yours, too!

Transform your life by transforming your daily thoughts!

Do you want to read the transcript of this video podcast? Read it here: http://bit.ly/1voS8v7

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Tips To Having A Better Mindset

If attaining success has been elusive for you, then it is a good indication that you need to make some changes in your life. These changes are of course for the better, and it could mean a change in your mindset. You need to accept the fact that if you want to pursue a significantly successful life, then you need to avoid small thinking. Small thinking will enable you to set certain limitations for yourself, which will prevent you from attaining your goals, which in turn, would hold you back in reaching your dreams of being successful. Small thinking may be caused by negative thoughts, which you need to get rid of as well. Negative thoughts, can affect everyone on a daily basis, but to come out as a winner, you need to make some changes in the way you think.

There are a lot of things that can help you gain success in your life, and one of which is by changing the way you think. For one, if you want to be promoted, you need to think positive and convince yourself that you will be able to get the position that you are longing for. This will give you better results than thinking downward thoughts such as being afraid that you would be rejected, or people would laugh at you for even considering applying for such a position.

You need to realize that your thoughts are things, and they can become your reality. Therefore, if you are thinking of negative thoughts, you need to stop it, since your actions will soon be based on them. Your thoughts will be manifested by your actions and the results would be negative if you were thinking of negative things. Therefore, it is always best to think of positive things, than the other kind. With positive thoughts, you will also have a positive disposition in life. With that, your boss and your colleagues would also be able to see or feel the positive energy that you have, which could mean that they will trust you more, and eventually trust you for certain types of tasks they have in mind.

Now that you want to think positive thoughts, you may be wondering on how to constantly do it. It would actually require self discipline to do that, and it is a good idea to surround yourself with people who are also positive thinkers. In most cases, if you are with people who are pessimistic or are always complaining, you will soon see yourself doing that they do. Therefore, avoid people with negative energy since they may influence you to think negative thoughts as well.

Keep these tips in mind, so that you will soon be able to develop a more positive mindset. Always think positive in all you do, since it will eventually become part of you.

To find out more, check out: Mindset

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