Tag Archives: Impact

10 Easy Ways to Make a Positive Environmental Impact

How Can I Make Simple Changes That Positively Impact the Environment?

Easy Ways to Go Green

It’s the New Year. Again. Many of us decide to make changes in our lives around this time – that’s no surprise. Often, the resolutions we create for ourselves are dramatic, powerful, even overwhelming. Losing lots of weight, going vegetarian, quitting smoking – we all have our Ace in the hole. Too many years pass, however, when we lose sight of these lofty goals and before the end of the first quarter, we’re already off our game and back to smoking, back to sleeping in, off the daily scheme of going to the gym.

This isn’t a post about how to stay on track with your goals. This isn’t about making smaller steps in between milestones or pinning up a huge calendar to your wall and filling it up with black X’s every time you complete another day on the plus side.

Achieving the Goal of Going Green

I like to think about the goals I want to achieve in as realistic a manner possible. That means – what will actualizing and accomplishing my goals look like on a Tuesday at 1:30 in the afternoon, or a typical Saturday morning at 9:43. That’s more real to me, and consequently more manageable. My goal for this year? To go more green, in as many ways possible. Like many, I am willing to work for it, but I wonder if there aren’t others who would make positive changes if they were easy to accomplish, and didn’t involve too much work.

Big differences are often made with tiny, incremental shifts – one can’t tell just how much of a positive impact is being made by looking at a few of those small steps, but taken in an aggregate form, the impact can be tremendous.

That said, here is a list of ten tiny, realistic steps that I am going to take this year to go more green. If we all do what we can to even uphold a few of these things, the positive impact on our environment would be huge.

Ten Easy Ways to Positively Impact the Environment

1.) Support Farmer’s Markets

Buying local has a dramatic impact on both your health and the environment. While you achieve the goal of supporting local, organic, independent farmers, you also have the opportunity to eat seasonally and raise the bar for yourself in terms of healthy eating habits. By the way – have you ever tasted a plum, or a tomato, or even locally grown, organic salad greens? You’ll never shop at the super market again if you have taste buds.

You’ll be filling your body with produce that is at its freshest, and increasing your consumption of organic produce is incredibly beneficial. The National Resources Defense Council notes that much of the U.S. produce will travel an average of around 1,500 miles before it makes its way into your super market. The negative impact on the planet is huge – think of the pollution alone that is created in that transport.

2.) Toilet Paper

Seriously. Find it online or at your super market, local Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods. If your super market doesn’t have it – take a second and speak to customer service about ordering it, and do it every time you shop there. They’ll stock it eventually. We’re talking about toilet paper made with recycled paper. The impact on the environment in terms of the total number of trees saved each year is huge. Your bumm won’t know the difference.

3.) Cold Water Wash

Don’t personalize your laundry – sure, you like to take a warm bath, but do your old sweat socks, boxer shorts and yoga pants know the difference? A really simple thing to change in your daily or weekly routine, and the environmental impact is great. Procter & Gamble notes that if we all started to use cold water in the washing machines, we could save enough energy to light two and a half million homes for a year.

4.) Bad Bottled Water Habits

How’s this for facts: According to National Geographic magazine, Americans buy approximately 7 billion gallons of bottled water a year. This amounts to roughly 22 billion plastic bottles that eventually get thrown away, and often not in the recycling bin. Consider the (yearly) 1.5 million barrels of oil that it takes to produce those plastic bottles – this amount is enough to fuel nearly 100,000 cars for an entire year. Ways to improve? Buy a water filter and drink tap water that has been properly filtered. Order large bottle service from an organization like Arrowhead or Sparkletts, and drink from a glass at home or at work. At the very least, recycle the plastic bottles that you do use – always.

5.) Re-use Gift Wrapping Paper

Unwrap gifts with a little concern, or teach your little ones a new environmental lesson before they make a mess with the ripping into birthday or holiday packaging. The amount of paper that could be saved is astronomical, if each of us were to recycle wrapping paper from just a few gifts each year.

Get a bag or a box, and start saving bows, ribbons and neatly folded, carefully removed gift wrapping paper. No one will know the difference. Trust me. And if they do, you have the perfect opportunity to bring up a conversation about conservation, without sounding overbearing. They’ll feel great to have helped out without having done anything.

6.) Grocery Bags

When they ask you if you want paper or plastic, just say neither. Spend a dollar at the store and buy a re-usable cotton or hemp bag, and keep them in the trunk of your car for shopping. For a look at the environmental impact of both paper bags and plastic bags [http://www.greeneggsandplanet.com/blog], read these former blog posts. Get creative with your kids and find blank canvas bags online – this will give your kids a chance to be creative, and paint or decorate the grocery bags to personalize them.

7.) Houseplants Can Be Your Friends

It has been noted that many green house plants can assist in the process of removing indoor air pollutants if you cultivate and care for them indoors. Plants like English ivy and others such as golden pothos practically grow themselves. Don’t worry – they’re harder to kill than keep alive. And they’ll be helping keep you alive as they fight environmental toxins in the home.

8.) Eliminate Junk Mail

Hate the junk mail that comes in your mail box just about every day? For most of us, that pile of materials goes directly into the trash. For others, it goes directly into the recycling bin. Neither party ever reads any of it, and yet it still shows up every day. Take a second and visit the Direct Marketing Association’s Mail Preference Service to register not to receive junk mail any longer. The process may take a few months, but eventually, you won’t get so much trash in the mail.

9.) Buy Bulk

Tea drinker? Couple of trips to the local coffee house every morning? Eat cereal or oatmeal? Next time you buy tea, for instance, think about choosing loose leaf over packaged tea. Reducing the amount of packaging materials that you use can make a big difference to the environment.

Think about packaged tea – there’s the card stock paper box wrapped in plastic, the paper inside, the plastic that is often wrapped around the tea bag, the tea bag, the string, the tiny staple and the tea tag. All of those materials get disposed of, typically not recycled, and much of it can be eliminated by buying bulk loose leaf tea and using your own tea infuser.

10.) Green Your Driving

No – I’m not going to make a blanket statement that we should all run out and buy a brand new Prius – it’s not going to be possible for everyone and it isn’t the only way to green up your vehicle. Further, there’s no reason to make people feel bad about failing so miserably right out of the gate when it comes to efficient vehicles.

If you can afford it, buy a hybrid. But there are plenty of other ways to do something about fuel consumption and vehicle pollution. Carpool if and when you can – you have to get over identifying with your vehicle and your alone time first, but it’s worth the small sacrifice. Bike to work if you can; you’ll be getting exercise and helping the planet at the same time.

Or just plain drive smarter when you get behind the wheel – get timely tuneups and keep your tires inflated to the proper pressure to ensure maximum gas-saving efficiency. If you take long trips on the highway (out of the way of traffic), then switch to cruise control to improve your mileage. Curb your urge to drive like your car is a weapon – take off from stops less aggressively, brake more gently and slow down when you can. The speed limit isn’t so bad. And get out of the drive-thru: either quit the fast food or park the car and walk it.

Final Thoughts on Easy Steps to Going Green

Taking meaningful yet small steps towards going greener this year can lead to real, measurable and positive change for the planet. A few easy questions here and there, changing a habit or two, educating yourself and making smarter choices – a little bit at a time is really all that it takes. Think about the many millions of people living in America, making one collective change all at once – that alone could pay huge dividends for our future.

Matty Byloos writes and manages the Green Blog known as: Easy Ways to Go Green, as well as the Organic Food Blog: Organic Eating Daily

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A Positive Environmental Impact With Hardwood Floors

You can make a positive environmental impact by installing hard wood floors in Frisco homes. This may seem counterintuitive, as you are using dead trees to floor your home, but take your time to read and you will find out why wood flooring is more environmentally friendly than the alternatives.

Carpet is one of the most popular flooring choices today. It is easy to see why. It is soft and comes in a variety of colors to fit most any decor. It is also a breeding ground for fungi, parasites and other allergens that can drive people crazy. Aside from that, it does not last long and it is one of the least environmentally flooring materials in existence. When the time comes to replace your carpet, it cannot be recycled and often times no one else can reuse it in any way. It will almost always end up in the landfill where it will then sit for a few hundred years until it breaks down. The resources used for it is manufacture are mostly non-renewable as well.

Wood, on the other hand, is made from an abundant and very renewable resource. Trees will continue to grow until the earth itself dies, making them one of the most renewable resources globally. Thanks to the realization that forests were being harvested at an unsustainable rate, laws and industry policies now mean that, on average, 2 new trees are planted for every one tree harvested. At one point in time, we were using far more wood than the planet could tolerate but now that we are taking responsibility and replanting, wood is an environmentally sound option for flooring.

Besides the fact that it is renewable, wood is also very reusable. When you do eventually tear your wood floors out, the old material can be used for something else. It can be recycled into any number of other things like paper, particle or pressboard, plywood, art and crafts or even burned for fuel. These are things you simply cannot do with carpets or laminates. When it comes time to replace the floors in your home, consider doing the planet a favor by installing hard wood floors in your Plano home.

Hard wood flooring makes a long lasting, beautiful upgrade to any home and will add value to the property any time. It is also the eco-conscious flooring choice and we are all trying to do right by our planet these days. By installing hard wood floors in your Frisco home, you are doing yourself and the planet a huge favor.

Katherine Smith is an author on a variety of topics, including Wood Floors Frisco. She writes to educate and enlighten people so that they can make informed decisions about Hard Wood Floors Frisco related topics. Katherine Smith is a freelance writer who resides in Chicago. More info at http://www.hswfloors.com.

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The Profound Impact Of Positive Reflections

Positive reflections can profoundly impact your personal life.
If you want,to change your old habits into new habits, you can, but you will have to let go of all your old habits. For some of us it is hard to change, yet if you take steps to learn ways to change you will find positive reflections.

Many people are brought up lying to self and others. This happens because we are plagued by a world filled with opinions, philosophy, theories, suspicion, guesses, and conclusions. You have to learn how to find your own truth before you can improve your life.

What are some of the things I can do to change my bad ways to good ways?
This is going to be completely up to you. We can only offer you helpful tips, but it takes you to try out new tactics that helps you to grow. No one can change you, but you. when your ready to do this you can do this with out any ones help. You can learn to build the inner gifts you have within you. The qualities you have include self-esteem, confidence, trust, self-awareness, self-motivation and so on. each quality you can build to improve your personal life. You have to figure out what works for you.

For one thing, you need to decide what is making you do what you do and figure out a way to do the right thing. So if it is the people you hang out with maybe you should find some one else to hang with. Maybe people from a support group or a group from your church can help you find ways to change your habits. The first things you have to do however, are stop lying to your self about what ever and make it right with you. You have to learn how to make good decisions by evaluating the consequences.

It is easier than you believe. For instance, would you allow a drunk person drive you home? If you would then you made a bad decision that could cost your life, or have you tossed in jail. If you are sober, why not drive the drunk person home.

Positive reflections include friends and family. If your family members are dragging you down, or your friends are holding you back, you have to make a choice. The choice may include removing these people from your life. We can all live productively and happy without family and friends if need be, but one thing you dont want is someone holding you back.

To develop new skills that guide you to remove bad habits, try using your conscious mind. When you observe, listen and hear the things around you, you learn more than you would reading a book. Observation is the key to achieve. Observation, includes self-awareness. Stand back and take a hard look at you. Do not persecute or self-judge, rather look for ways to make your life better.

Do you smoke?
Smoking is the number one reason that people get lung cancer. Smoking is not good for you. If you can quite on your own, great, yet if you need help, ask.

Do you drink excessively?
Do you know the side effects of drinking excessively? If not visit the Internet and learn more about what alcohol can do to you. On the other hand, if you can control alcohol, drink three drinks per week. Studies has shown that drinking three alcohol beverages weekly can reduce the risks of heart disease, Alzheimers disease and so on. If you take drugs, you want to find a way to take control of your life also.

Don Alexander is the publisher of the blog: www.christianquotes.mobiThis is a fantastic site for Christian Quotes. Subscribers also receive one daily quote and a relevant picture in their email box daily.

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