Tag Archives: kids

Positive Thinking Tips for Kids

Have your kids ever said or done something that caused you to pause for a minute and think, “Wow, that was just like me.” As they grow and develop, they are of course their own individual people, but they also absorb parts of your personality and traits as well. One of the biggest parts of personality that is often handed down from parent to child is the ability to roll with the punches of life, and the child’s overall outlook on life. If you think about it, you absolutely want your child to grow up to be a positive person because you know that will lead to a happier life with far more success in personal and professional areas than if your child has a negative personality. Take time to review some positive thinking tips and apply them to your parenting style immediately.

One of the most important positive thinking tips that you should apply to your life today is to really step back and pay attention to the words that are spoken not just to your child but also in front of your child. Is your child constantly hearing a string of negatives such as that something cannot be done, something is too difficult to do, you don’t have enough money for something, or that something is taking too much time? Or is your child hearing uplifting statements such that nothing is impossible, a task can be accomplished if enough effort is applied, that you just need to dust off your knees and try again, and more?

After you have listened to the messages you are passing on to your child and that your child is internalizing, you likely will find that you need to make a few changes to be more positive yourself. Take time each and every day to say a few uplifting, motivating statements not just to your child but to others in earshot of your child. There is nothing more uplifting for you yourself to hear than to catch your own child repeating some of your positive, uplifting statements to others. If you are interested in applying positive thinking tips to your parenting strategy, the first step is to start with yourself.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive thinking tips. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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Positive Motivation for Kids

When you think back on  your own childhood, you likely have key memories of your parents offering you either negative or positive motivation. Parents are typically among the most influential figures in children’s lives, and when you are constantly spreading a “can’t do” message to them, that message is internalized and carried for the rest of their lives. It becomes a mantra of sorts, and it can effect if they sit back and watch life go by or if they jump in and take chances that can lead them on the path to success.

As a parent, positive motivation is among the most important things you can provide to your child. Every parent wants their child to grow up happy and to lead a successful life, and when you shower your child with motivation and solid energy, you will instill a certain “can do” mindset in  your child that will take him or her to incredible heights in life. Consider using motivating words and phrases in key areas of their life from sports games and academics to even their daily tasks like chores and eating all of their green beans. In addition, you will want to make sure that they hear positive and uplifting comments not just spoken to them but spoken to others close to them as well.

Children internalize words and actions, and this is especially true when they come from a trusted and loved source such as their parents. As a parent, it is important that you are a source of positive motivation, as this will be internalized by them and carried through into their adulthood long after you are no longer a daily guiding force in their life. Take the first step today by  making a point to offer encouraging feedback to your child on minor and major tasks and goals, and then follow that up with daily reinforcement going forward.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on positive motivation. Find insight, inspiration, and tips on how to stay positively motivated at this blog: eof737.wordpress.com

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On the downsides of positive attitude (optimism bias), on poor people having kids [antinatalism]

Comment here http://uriupina.com/philosophy-psychology/negatives-positivity-video
Talking about what’s wrong with being optimistic and having a “positive attitude” (giving in to our optimism bias) and on poor people having kids. [antinatalism]

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