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Do You Have a Positive Attitude For Your Life and Business?

I have played percussion in a military band, wrote articles for several military publications, tried my hand at business analysis and technical writing but, because of the gloomy economic indicators a couple of years back, I finally went back to school to become a nurse and entrepreneur. Through all my work experiences in life, there is one quality in every person that seems to stand out as THE most powerful characteristic for every successful person I have ever met – a positive attitude.

When I started my entrepreneurial adventures a little over a year and a half ago, I studied and read the biographies of several “business big dogs” like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump and Andrew Carnegie. In these readings, each man had a mindset that said anything was possible and that what ever came their way, they would approach the issue with a positive mental attitude and expectation.

Each of us carries certain amounts of genetic material that are the overriding essence of our character. Have a close look at your mother and father. You have some personality blend of your parents with a couple of ancestral traits thrown in. With our characteristics and childhood, we develop traits and habits that are molded by our experience and training. So, if you take a good look at the men I just mentioned and read their stories, you will find out what elements made them the persons they are and were during their time….but ultimately, it was their attitude that got them through the dark periods during their ascent to business success. How does all of the “attitude” talk relate to you?

Attitude affects every part of our life and those who understand its power will do everything they can to nurture and protect this valuable quality. Attitude is what makes the difference between an average performer and a peak performer in life. No amount of money can replace what a person like this can do for your organization. But what is a great attitude as it applies to business?

Through all my professional experience, a positive attitude is a mindset that says there will be consistent and positive outcomes to every situation and problem. In other words, someone who expects the best will always bring a good attitude to the table. Looking at each situation in life realistically and expecting the best outcome is what sets successful people apart from average Joe.

How do you encourage, nurture and protect your attitude? You can protect your attitude by working hard to truly like yourself. We all have faults about ourselves that are less than desirable but we also have traits which others find energizing and powerful. What are your positive traits? Why do you feel loved and cherished? When you look at yourself positively, you bring a spring to your attitude and others will want to be around that attitude.

As you go forward in your business, remember – people are looking at your products or services but mostly, they are looking at you and the message you bring to the table. As you work on self-development, search for books and articles that contain information which nurture this valuable quality in you. What kind of attitude do you have? Are you ready for success?

To find out what business is helping many people earn income from home, go to http://www.thefreedomdreamteam.com Make your success a reality! For more home based business resources, go to http://www.sofiahogan.com Just say Hi!

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How Positive Thinking Can Change Your Life

So you can see from this that the power of positive thinking really can change your life. If you are like most people the chances are you would have slipped into the latter frame of mind without even thinking. Needless to say if you didn’t believe in the power of positive thinking you wouldn’t get the same results.

Now imagine applying the power of positive thinking to every single day of your life. You would achieve more and open up more opportunities and chances for yourself because you would be thinking positively and looking at the world through a positive frame of mind. Can you see how the power of positive thinking really can influence how your life turns out?

The benefits of positive thinking should be clear. When you display a positive and upbeat attitude toward a person or circumstance in your life, you automatically attract a positive response. Granted, this is not 100 percent foolproof, and there are times that despite your positive outlook, situations don’t turn out the way you would want. Experts have shown that positive thinking goes beyond just making someone “feel good” on a superficial level. Studies have produced conclusive evidence that positive thinking can help prevent sickness and promote healing.

Positive thoughts come naturally for some people, but for others it may be more difficult. Regardless of your past, you can become a positive thinker. Accept the benefits of positive thinking. You must understand and believe that negative thoughts are detrimental to you and positive thoughts are helpful and healthy for you and for those around you. Consciously think good thoughts. Don’t be upset when a negative thought creeps up on you. Look closer at the situation and find the positive. Capture the power of positive thinking. Vacate your mind of any negative thought or feeling. Visualize the positive.

Ben Tien has been many article writing about great thinking phrases for many years. He is the educator of personal development with a strong focus on effective communication. Learn more about: Positive thinking phrases

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Making Positive Changes in Your Life

In each of our lives everyday, there is always something changing that affects us. It can be the environment, a downsizing at the company you work for, an economical recession, or even bad luck with getting dates. How can one continue to smile and make positive changes through it all ? For starters, it all starts with placing thoughts, dreams and visualized goals into action. At times, when we tend to think on something too much, we most likely follow with acting upon it, if it positively benefits us. Despite not getting a pay raise, or having a shaky marriage/relationship/or even unstable finances, do you see yourself making positive progress in what you desire to accomplish ? The changes you make today for the better will affect your future, slowly but surely.

One of the major changes I’ve made since working on bettering my life, was staying on track with what I spoke into existence. Just speaking it into existence before almost 18,000 friends helped emotionally to turn the “switch” back on in my brain. I’ve slacked for so long, and now was time in my early 30’s to clean up my act and back back rerailed on track. At the same time, I acknowledge I can’t continue to grow, without first acknowledging GOD, and extending my support of others throughout my mission of being a positive influence to someone else who needs uplifting in their pursuit of transforming into happiness and a better quality of life!

In efforts of cleaning up the mildly wild character of myself, I now analyze everything, in my expressions, videos, words and so forth. It helps to intellectually remain acute, while tweaking other areas which are being spiritually welded, such as image, relationships, how I come across to others, remaining optimistic about turning around as a completely new person. In anything in life, and the business world, OUR success depends on the meaningful relationships we have with others, and serving one another.

In additional changes being made today, I’ve learned and felt forgiveness lightens up the load on the heart. By default, before a vast majority of us take the time to focus on spiritually restrengthening ourselves in a closer walk and relationship with GOD, most of us “talking about myself too” tend to walk around with anger, bitterness, resentment and hatred in our hearts. If you’ve ever analyzed your actions in straightening up your life, if you’ve ever felt like you fell in love with someone, felt you had a chance to succeed at something, or could become a new person and leave the bad stuff behind, it helps to create a new love for life. In this new love for life, if you are truly in love , LOVE helps anyone to see where he or she went wrong , and work feverishly in cleaning up their act, in hopes that their character and persona is potentially acceptable, before GOD and others. Forgiveness also restores hope in anyone’s life, without the need to ingest St. John’s Wort on a daily basis (smile) LOL

Last but not least, daily exercise helps the mind to remain positive intact. What I mean is, when you workout constantly, while incorporating healthy cardiovascular activity and a clean diet , it helps to reduce the anxiety, cortisol and lactic acid buildup. As most of us know, cortisol and lactic acid buildup on the mind not only leads to muscle deprivation, but it also contributes to feelings of skipping the gym, and may possibly affect one in having an obtuse attitude in general. When most folks are starting out in their exercise endeavors is overweight, they may tend to have a negative attitude, due to life’s problems, not feeling sexy, or desired by the opposite sex.

As we strengthen our minds through cardiovascular activity “both Spiritually and complimenting it with the physical” , we are congruently placing ourselves in a position for “infinite possibilities. Infinite possibilities includes the spontaneous respect we may receive from others, increased deepening of relationships, increased admiration, increased feelings of love and emotional wellness in OUR hearts. The list goes on. So, it always helps to exercise daily, in one form or another, even if you perform a stationary bike or mild treadmill run for 5 minutes a day. Not only will it strengthen your heart , but it helps you in the long run, performance wise, in exercise, daily productivity at work and feeling better about yourself.

Shawn Drewry is the CEO of

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DIY Life Hacks for Positivity, Motivation & Inspiration | LaurDIY

HI BABES!! You know how important it is to have a positive outlook on life and sometimes life can throw some crazy things at you to challenge that. These are my top 5 tips for staying positive, finding inspiration and staying motivated! XO lauren

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The Power of Positive Thinking in Your Life

The power of positive thinking is very powerful indeed. Why? It relates to the fact that the process of thinking takes place most of our awake time, whether we like it or not. Additionally, every single action we carry out originates from a thought. We cannot act upon anything unless there has been a thought about it first. Our whole organism reacts on what goes on inside our heads. That is what´s powerful about it. Because it means that we have the power to control our thoughts, actions and results. Our destiny is in our own hands.

It also means that you become really careful about what you think. Your subconscious mind will act on any thought as a command, whether the message is positive or negative. And since you have the choice, it makes sense to direct your thoughts in a constructive way, to your best benefit.

There are empowering thoughts. They are uplifting, inspiring, joyful, full of hope and positive energy. Thinking positive is like feeding yourself energy. Consequently, the opposite is true of negative thoughts. They rob your energy and attract more negativity into your life.

So it´s all about conditioning yourself to a positive mental attitude. I say conditioning because it is a process that might require some time and effort on your part. If you are very conditioned to negative thought patterns (and most of us are), you are probably also used to blaming others for anything bad in your life. As a result you complain about work, your boss, your spouse, your kids, your neighbors, your kids´school, the government, the weather, God… anything or anybody! And if you complain and expect them to be bad to you, your subconscious mind will create that scenario for you. Others cannot be blamed. Your thoughts are responsible for what´s going on in your life. Or as Earl Nightingale puts it: “You become what you think about all day long.”

There are many parallels and similarities between positive thinking and affirmations. The same basic principles apply to both, so let´s summarize them:

1. Phrase your statements in positive terms.

2. Counter negativity by interrupting the pattern. As a negative thought arises, just jump to any thought that has a positive message. If you are stuck with ongoing destructive thoughts, make yourself shift focus to anything beautiful, loving or otherwise empowering. The trick is to shift focus. Not stay in a negative place. “Do not rent mental space to anything that you do not want.”

3. Expect it to happen. Whether you think you can or you cannot do something is equally true! So you might as well choose to believe that you can. Now THAT is the power of positive thinking!

Kourosh Kavian is an avid learner of personal development and the study of success. He is totally into helping others achieve success in every area in life. Please visit: http://www.personal-development-inside-out.com

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The Sports in Life – Positive Aspects

Almost all of us are familiar with the famous adage that “a healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. This very well known quote is practically proven since time immemorial and fully accepted especially among all health conscious people around the world. If a healthy body is a basic essence for a sound mind, naturally our efforts should be focused on to remain healthy and fit. To achieve this goal we require regular physical exercises. Different people use different methods for this. Some of them use meditation while a few others use conventional exercises like morning walk, attending the Gym classes etc. But majority of people prefer sports as a regular exercises for variety of reasons.
There are obvious advantages of choosing sports as a regular exercise.

1. Any sport usually involves people grouped in to two teams and the game is being played between them. In the competition, one team is declared won while other team has to accept defeat. Sometimes game end up with a tie or declared a draw. This way team member not only gets the opportunity for physical exercises for themselves but also gain the popularity, fame and financial rewards.

2. The sports inculcates and develops a competitive spirit in the minds of participants which act as an asset and offer them courage to face the life’s problems and get over it for the rest of life.

3. The sport also helps to bring in a good personality and a strong character within the participants.

4. The students who take up sports as a regular exercises find themselves usually more concentrated on their studies and more focused on to whatever they do.

5. Sports contribute tremendously in bringing and polishing the spirit of cooperation and friendship among the participants thereby enhancing their inter-personal skills.

6. Sports not only offer thrills and enjoyment to the participants but also offer a great sense of satisfaction.

7. Sportsmen generally look and feel themselves more active, dynamic and confident than the other ordinary people, especially in dealing with their life’s challenges successfully.

Innumerable benefits of sports have long drawn the attention of almost all the state governments world-wide. As a result, more and more state governments internationally started sponsoring and promoting the sports as their national interest and have made the provision to set up a full fledged sports ministry. And they started even allocating the required fund in the budget to promote the sports of their country. The governments’ main objective in this endeavor is to enhance the cooperation and friendship with their counterparts located in different parts of the world. Because every government aware that the better international relations will not only contribute to the international peace and harmony but also will help in creating conductive environment for international businesses in economic front.

The commercial organizations do the sponsorship of sports mainly to gain marketing mileage and they use this platform for advertisement to increase the sales for their products, subsequently, to improve their bottom lines.
In this way, in addition to achieving a good health for themselves, the sports men also get spill-over benefits by having a fame, popularity and money. The audience gets an excellent source of enjoyment and entertainment by watching sports on TVs or at the venues of the games being played. This arrangement really makes a perfect win-win situation which acts as ‘a sustainable robust business model’ for all participants of the society; be it the sportsmen, audience, or business men, or the state governments of the different countries.


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A Positive Attitude Attracts A Positive Fullfilling Life

You might think that attracting prosperity sounds like a phrase that people use who think you need to meditate two hours a day, not eat meat and communicate with spirits with Biblical names. And while there are some New Age and New Thought gurus who do all of those things, actually attracting prosperity to your life is much simpler than that.

That’s not to say that it’s easy. There are a number of ways to do it wrong, which only means that you won’t attract the prosperity you deserve. There’s no doom and gloom option when it comes to trying to bring good things into your life. There’s no way to do it wrong and actually attract heartache.

Even by just attempting methods of attracting prosperity, you start wheels turning in both your head and the universe that can help good things happening in your life. Because the first step in making good things happen for yourself is a change in your attitude. This can affect every part of your life, if you let it.
Instead of seeing things through a negative lens,it’s necessary to see them through a positive one.Use the analogy of a glass that’s filled halfway with water. Instead of seeing it as half-empty or half-dirty, learn to see it as half-full.If you burn dinner,don’t see it as a ruined meal, notice that the pans will still be fine after they’re washed.

This shift in perception takes you from seeing negativity and limitations and instead into seeing the positive side of everything.Attracting prosperity works on the principle that what you believe and what you surround yourself with will attract similar things.If you go through your day noticing what’s wrong with everything,you are going to attract problems.

But if you go through your day noticing the good side to each situation,you will attract prosperity.This might sound far-fetched to some people,but when you focus on being positive and on seeing the good in things, your attitude will change.

Once this attitude shift takes place,it becomes even easier to automatically see the positive in even a very bad situation.When you begin noticing positive things, opportunities that you would have otherwise missed if you had been focused on the negative instead make themselves known to you.

When viewed this way,attracting prosperity seems less like some strange metaphysical system than it does good common sense.When you see an opportunity you might have missed with a more negative attitude, it’s like you’ve attracted the potential for prosperity, by seeing an opportunity where you wouldn’t have before.

And when you’re faced with an opportunity, you can take advantage of it where you couldn’t have before. Even if it was something you might have noticed before but not acted on when you had a more negative attitude, with a positive attitude you may act on it and believe that it will work in your favor. Attracting prosperity becomes second nature when you believe that good things are possible.

Joanne McMahon is a health and wellbeing author. Join The Healthy Wealthy Wise Club to read more lifechanging tips and join their club to receive free giveaways and information. Sign up to recieve the newsletter at http://www.healthywealthywiseclub.info

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Finding Happiness and Having a Happier Life Requires a Positive Attitude

http://www.DrLarryIverson.com/video1 Know the secret of happiness. Using positive psychology strategies” you can control negative thinking and develop a positive attitude to have a happier life
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Be Positive in Life

Be Positive. This isn’t an article about my blood group, but positivity is the topic. Often we feel sad, worried, depressed, tense, disappointed and low in morale. This is the sign of a loser. This is the sign of a weak person. This is the sign of an ill person. This is the sign of a bankrupt person, a dying person, or a faithless person.

In life we walk through many ups and downs. We see rain, we see sunshine, we see winter, we see darkness and we see light. We have witnessed changes in life that are no different from this.

We feel happiness when we get things we want. We see rain and sunshine, we see winter, we see dark, we see light, we have witnessed this change. Life is not different to this.

We feel happiness when we get things we want. When we pass our exams, when we fall in love with someone, when we get married, when we have a child, when our child grows up, when we go on holiday. On this and many other occasions we are full of life.

When we do business we feel happy. When we see the success of it, we work hard and we expand. We celebrate. We do all we need to do.

As human beings, if our emotion and our minds are not in control, we start to worry. We get depressed and down when we loose such things as a child, business, a loved one. We just cannot accept the losses and we act in a certain manner that could affect our daily life. We do recover some time later in life, and we do get back to normal as humans generally find it difficult to move on. It is fine to take time, but there are times when we need to get a hold of ourselves, otherwise a medical complication could arise, and it could affect others around you. It may affect the household income, increase expenses so that additional care might be required.

In life, if you are enjoying good times, then you should accept the bad times too. If you have had some things that feel like a gift of god, then you must accept your losses as something from god too. Things like money, finance, jobs, girl friends, boyfriends, business, property, assets, comfort and luxury. These things mean a lot for everyone, but they are not crucial. These are things that will go when you are no longer there to enjoy them. So why cry over things like this. What would you still have if you lost them all in your lifetime? You would still have your life and your health. If you can still stand on your feet and walk, then the chances are you will be able to move on.

Just be positive in life. Look forward to things and learn from your mistakes. Avoid the wrong route. You took a previous route and you gained knowledge. You will get there a lot quicken next time, especially if you stay positive. If you have positivity in your blood, success is guaranteed.

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Treat Everyday Life Positive

If you feel your life is lacking of the power which you need and the motivation you require, you should transform your point of view sometimes.
Make an effort to practice your opinion to focus on the helpful side of matters; you will have the motivation to make development on the designed things. You will not just stop in a period and never have development on your designed goal. It is a nice way you should endeavor and your life is more lively.
Once you change the opinion of life, you will discover your time turn to be more enriched and happiness is always around you. Do not give your destiny to chance and never have the wish that the bad situation will become better. You have to keep in peace with the deep wish and enthusiasm. Start to rebuild your confidence, and dare to confront the difficulties but not avoid them. You had better remember that power is the best way to control over situations, but the hard ability is the most important things.
You should always deem that pleasant things are not impracticable. The error may be the introduction to the success. Transform your concern into trust, and learn to surpass the uncertainties and doubt. Don not fritter away energy and time and use them to do some significant things or what you like to do. You will find out the fine things when you decide to have the benefit of the joy of life. When you regard your life positively and make it to be your daily disciplines of you life, you will find happiness with you.
Then, if you want your life is unusual and motivating, you should change yourself a bit on occasion. Society and life can not adapt you, but you have to make you to adapt life and society. Whether you are sixteen or sixty, you have to keep a curious heart that will never prostrate, and naive desire to learn something and the joy and enthusiasm to pursuit the booming career. There is a wireless station in the center of our heart, so long as which can receive messages of wish, courage, joy, power and happiness from all things on earth, so long are you young.
What does youth mean? It means the spirit of adventure which can overcome poor-spirited masculinity and the love of easy life. It is fun that this phenomenon always exists in a man of sixty than a young guy of twenty. We get older not only by a number of years but most meaning is looking for no progress of our ideas.
It is never too late to learn. The more you learn, the more you will be wise. You can find the life is full of surprise. Read can change our spirit on the view of life.

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