Tag Archives: Mindset

How to Sing – Lessons on the Right Mindset For Singing

Have you ever wondered how all these professional singers are able to sustain their careers throughout multiple decades, even getting stronger as they go on? The secret to their success is simple: It’s the right singing mindset which allows them to focus on improving their skills and look forward, even if they can’t seem to make any progress at all. In this article, I’m going to show you how to attain this mindset – so that you can boost your singing career to the sky.

The right singing mindset that I as a vocal coach personally advocate is based upon a few common sense principles that I will lay out to you in this article. These principles will become more natural to you as you stick to them and remind yourself of the advantages they have. So, here goes:

– The first principle is persistence. Without persistence, you will not get anywhere as a singer. To sing can be very exhausting and demanding at times, but you need to keep working hard! Too many people take their early setbacks as signs that they do not have any potential as a singer. This is the biggest mistake you can make. You must persist and consider the fact that all of the pros were once at the same stage you are. And they still made it!

– The second principle is determination. Now, how is determination different from persistence you ask? Persistence regards your career and singing skills as a whole while determination is related to your will to achieve individual goals lying in front of you. For example, if you are about to attend a singer’s audition, you must be determined and practice especially for this occasion. You must have the first principle already in place in order to be really successful because you will tell yourself that you can indeed succeed. But determination means that you will practice as hard as you possibly can in order to succeed at this specific audition.

– And the final principle is relaxation. Don’t make a chore out of your singing career. You can and even should take a few days off every once in a while, completely forgetting about singing. Read a book, watch a few movies, just relax! It will help your mind to stay focused once you return to singing – and it will prevent you from ever experiencing burnout.

Next, what you will want to do is find the right singing lessons that carry on these principles. If you want to learn how to sing, lessons that teach you more on the right singing mindset can be found at singing lessons online! Just give it a go and remember – persistence, determination, relaxation!

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The Serious Business Entrepreneur Mindset

To become a heavy business entrepreneur, you need to have the correct attitude. This implies thinking strategically, and knowing the factors which will make or break a business venture. The subsequent elements are all part of a sound business entrepreneur mindset:
Become a heavy business entrepreneur
A business entrepreneur must be centered on making cash – This can be the bottom line of being in business, and unless this is often at the forefront of your mind with each business call you make, then your business is at risk of losing ground to competitors and maybe even losing relevance completely.
A business owner should be confident in their own selections – This doesn’t mean that you should not raise for knowledgeable recommendation when necessary or get help in realizing your goals, but you certainly cannot let different folks make key decisions for you. Provided you do the required analysis, you must have a sound basis for moving forward together with your plans. Bear in mind this is often your venture, not someone else’s.
A heavy business entrepreneur must make strategic business moves – The proper mindset is not to leap into every business activity on offer, but weigh up which are possibly to supply the greatest results. For instance, networking or coaching should be relevant and worthwhile, or they will waste both time and money.
An entrepreneur should connect with profitability – If profitability is the raison d’?tre of being in business, then you must recognize all the knowledge that relates to this. What’s your profit margin, your money flow, your sales goals, your competitive advantage, and your key profit indicators? These are the elements that keep an entrepreneur focused.
A business needs to implement strategic business practices – This means not obtaining so over-involved within the here and now that you simply lose sight of the bigger picture. Every call you make nowadays must relate to the long-term profitability of your company. You must ask yourself whether the practices you engage in are moving your company forward.
A business entrepreneur should be willing to diversify – There is no reason why you have to focus on one business to the exclusion of all others. A creative entrepreneur can continuously be on the lookout for his or her next profitable business idea. Whether or not you utilize someone else to hold out the day-to-day running of another business, it pays not to put all your eggs in one basket.
A business person must be passionate concerning what they are doing, without being emotional – Passion is strength and can cause bold and dynamic decisions, while emotions can cause weakness and forestall the proper decision, or any decision, from being made. You need to learn to differentiate between the 2 so you’ll recognize when your emotions are undermining your entrepreneurial skills.

Cyprian Bennett has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Entrepreneur
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Combat Self Defense – Mindset and the Art of the Attack

Catapult Your Ability To Protect Yourself To A New Level With These Inside Secrets

There are a number of misconceptions regarding self defense and the mindset required to be effective at it. On occasion the mere mention of the fact that you are a practicing martial artist was enough to strike fear in the minds of would be attackers.

This may have been correct at one point in history but barely holds water today. The mindset of true martial arts has changed. It has become more of an entertainment or sport but the objective of every martial art at its root is to deal with your opponent (or opponents) as quickly and efficiently as possible and survive the altercation intact without over exerting yourself.

The method of attack was geared towards using any and all means to overcome your opponent. This meant no holds barred and most certainly no set of rules or conduct. Now, of course this is not to be confused with the code of conduct to be followed while training in these arts. One can only conclude that through time, legends and storytelling that these mindsets have been blended and watered down corrupting these arts and its true representation.

Contrary to popular practice it becomes much more advantageous to show your opponent rather than tell you opponent what you’re capable of holding it back in surprise only for them to discover the grave mistake they have made. This enables us to capitalize on our opponent’s assumption that we are unable or unwilling to defend ourselves effectively.

Your method of attack should be designed as such to be as efficient and as violent as necessary as to allow your opponent to reconsider their action. Attacking your opponent in this manner affects their mindset in a very advantageous way for you. In many cases you attacker is not psychologically prepared for the method, intensity or sheer violence of your actions. This can provide you with the necessary influence to end the altercation without further violence.

It can be further recommended that as a practitioner a certain lack of compassion will serve you most well under these specific circumstances. The art of the counter attack is dependent on the opponent’s initial attack. That being said if the opponent chooses not to attack there are no consequences.

Your opponent’s fate most assuredly rests in their own hands. They will choose the method of their own destruction. In other words, everything becomes your opponent’s responsibility in regards to their well being. If they do not attack, they do not get hurt. This enables you, the practitioner to feel no guilt about your actions as they are only in response to the choices of your assailant.

Every situation is different and circumstances vary but it is up to the practitioner to use only the precise power necessary to end the altercation.

Find out more at www.realcombattactics.com

Wisdom, insight, balance and dignity are just but a few of the qualities that one can harness from having the knowledge of true self-defense. Self-defense is not about violence, quite the contrary, it’s about putting an end to it, quickly and efficiently. Find out more and get a FREE bonus gift at http://www.realcombattactics.com

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How To Develop the Entrepreneur Mindset

The true potential of your business will only reveal itself if, you, as the business owner, start thinking “business”. Without the right entrepreneurial mindset, you certainly won’t see your business going anywhere in the years to come.

Small to medium enterprises, including home-based businesses, fail for a lot of reasons. Reasons include, but are not limited to, poor management, ineffective marketing, wrong market potential, and miscalculated capitalization.

But for whatever reason these businesses fail, one major factor to look into is the ability of the business owner to think and plan strategically to allow the business to overcome any challenges that may come its way.

When you start a business, you have to be prepared for all sorts of pressure coming your way. You have the utmost pressure to get it right the first time – make the right decisions, implement the right marketing strategy, hire the right employees, and have the right funding.

This may be achievable in an ideal business school setting, but things vary greatly in the real word of business.

It is necessary that you develop a business instinct so that you’ll know at once if a particular idea will work or not before you spend time, effort, and financial resources.

Some steps for developing an entrepreneurial mindset are listed below to help you get ready to embark on that dream business of yours:

1. Get an Ego-Check: Because they own the business, business owners often think that they can do whatever they want with it without needing the opinions of the other parties who make up the business model.

No matter how intelligent you are, there will always be something you won’t know, and this is where communication and open-mindedness will come to play. In the real world of business, it’s really not as simple as black or white.

2. Be Curious: When you are curious, you begin to explore other options and get to the root of the matter. Sometimes, if you focus too much on what you know, you will be blinded by your distinct belief in that certain idea.

By being curious, however, you are able to uncover possibilities and options which can make your business better. It’s always recommended to become a sponge for information in order for you to build an entrepreneurial mindset.

3. Don’t Focus on the Solution Alone: Instead of finding fast fixes to your problems, why not clarify the issues you have at hand first? You need to go through all aspects of the company and the problems you are facing so that you know where you stand.

And remember, unless your solution provides a business value or prevents another problem from occurring, then it will be a worthless one.

4. Gather Proofs: For you to really get to the bottom of things, you need to have hard evidence of what’s causing the problem. You need to ask specific questions in order to get specific answers.

Through these specific answers, you will be able to really see the real picture of things.

5. Calculate Risks: Risks are always a part of any business endeavor. But you must be able to weigh every investment and its corresponding return. You have to see how your decision will impact the business before you even implement it.

It is also necessary that you have a benchmark of success for your business so that you can check back at certain times to see if it is indeed progressing.

6. Consider Your Employees’ Welfare: Aside from thinking about how your decision will affect the business, you also have to consider how it will affect each and every one of your employees.

Any successful business owner will tell you that you cannot accomplish this on your own but you need a team of talented, loyal people working towards your goals.

7. Be Forewarned: If you see early signs of possible obstacles, then do your best to resolve it before it can even snowball into something larger. Even if you fail to resolve it when you see it the first time, at least you won’t be doing severe damage control later on.

8. Get to the Bottom of Things: Instead of solving the effects, see to it that you go right to the source of the problem. In order to understand completely, you must get all the facts and underlying truths. Never stop asking questions.

By taking these tips into mind, you will definitely be able to develop a business/entrepreneur mindset. Without it, your business won’t flourish as long as you want it to.

As a free spirited business owner and entrepreneur, Kathy Dobson is dedicated to helping others achieve financial and personal freedom in their lives. Learn to leverage your time while exploding your business: Grab this awesome free report “Empowered Outsourcing” http://www.empoweredoutsourcing.com/EmpoweredOutsourcing.html

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Making A Purposeful Mindset

A purposeful mindset is achieved by dedicated focus and consistent effort. This method works for each wished and un-wanted results. That is why it is vital to own an optimistic and resolute mindset.
To Illustrate that it’s your desire to become wealthy with nice success in your business. To achieve this you may want to THINK like a successful wealthy business owner and take the action to own your own success.
Be Do Have
Once you have got conditioned your mind to concentrate on your specific goal that’s when you will begin to expertise the flow of abundance and prosperity in your life!
Apprehend what your Mindset is considering
It’s so simple to master your mind and let abundance be half of your everyday lifestyle and a full ton additional fun.
Attempt to be purposeful not reckless, or time tardy with no definite of purpose in your daily routine. If you follow a path of uncontrolled behaviour then your subconscious will do what it will best and give you what it believes you’ve got asked for – totally the alternative of what you really desire. Without realising it you may be pushing away your wealth and business success through unconscious self sabotage, so build an attempt and pull your thoughts around to purposeful thinking followed up with definite action. You’ll be amazed at how your life will change and as if by magic you may achieve your goals one by one.
Get Prepared For Personal Success
Don’t forget to create room in your life for your personal success. You are not alone in this one as the Universe cannot abide an empty space when it may be crammed with wonderful and prosperous abundance. Therefore lose the muddle in your life, do it with total authority, vigour and vim, in different words plan to become purposeful and direct your energies to sorting house for a lot of productive and prosperous new essentials in your life.
Maintaining A Purposeful Mindset
The trick is to constantly see your required goals. Visualise what it’s you desire, do not be back solely you’ll be able to see your dreams and solely you are the master of your destiny.
Visualisation can accelerate the experience your thinking about. Inside your head you may live out your dreams and be in a position to fine tune your daily actions towards goal achievement. Whatever your realistic lifestyle currently is you’ll be in the most effective doable position to remodel your lifestyle by knowing what wants to be changed and you may have first hand knowledge on what actions to take to make your dreams a reality.

Mark Covin has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Abundant Prosperity, you can also check out his latest website about:

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Millionaire Mindset Success Tip #1

My guess is that most people reading this message are not holding themselves accountable enough for their actions. It’s a cold-hard fact that most people who fail in our profession think they gave it their all, or think they did everything they could have done, or blame their upline for not ‘helping’ them enough. Some go as far as writing negative articles and blog posts about their company or upline and blame them for their failure, blame the industry, and tag it as a ‘scam.’ As Jim Carey says in the movie ‘Dumb and Dumber,’ ‘Loo-hoo, ser-her.’ Loser!

‘…try to mask it as best as possible with their excuses…’

That said, deep down, that person knows, for sure, THEY were the one true culprit for their failure. They try to mask it as best as possible with their excuses, but they will continue to lead a miserable life blaming others for their lack of money, their lack of success, their lack of health, lack of meaningful relationships, etc. It’s a sad fact. So, in order for us not to fit into that category, we must take responsibility for our own Personal Accountability.

‘…pay the price!’

There are uber-successful people in our profession who accomplished great success without an upline. It’s all about who wants it badly enough and who is willing to pay the price! Yes, we can have accountability partners, however, today’s lesson is about holding yourself accountable for moving forward. Taking a step towards success. Not waiting for someone to hold your hand.
No one held mine, nor is anyone holding it now. I just want it badly enough!

‘…the three areas of personal accountability…’

There are three areas of personal accountability:

1. Your actions and choices – YOUR choices are your own and are not dictated by your spouse, upline, parents, etc. They are
YOURS! Your choices decide your actions. YOUR actions.

2. Your responsibilities – Your responsibilities are the ACTIONS needed to build your business…i.e. phone calls, emails, being on time, spending less than you earn, writing your to-do list the night before, etc.

3. Your goals – Have you written down your professional goals, fitness and health goals, financial goals, family objectives, etc.?
No? Well, get on it, because those with hand-written goals have an 80% chance of achieving them over those who keep them in
their head.

This is one of the hardest things to overcome if you haven’t held yourself accountable in the past. Realizing that YOU hold the key to your success. You have EVERYTHING in you that you need to succeed. It’s stepping over those barriers that are so deep set in you that you don’t even recognize them!

Self development will be the key in helping those struggling with accountability. Reading self-improvement books will be the greatest catalyst in propelling you forward in increasing your accountability, thus increasing your levels of success.

Without self-development, entrepreneurs get ‘stuck in their own heads.’ The allow the mind to interfere with their dreams, with their aspirations, with their activity. We as humans are bread to self-sabotage. It’s with the influence of positive, motivational books and CD’s that we are able to see through the muddy waters that are our minds, and see a vision of success and accomplishment.

This vision is the very thing that gives us our millionaire mindsets. That allows us to set goals and be accountable for our actions. These actions then compound over time to equal our successes.

It’s an amazing journey. One with ups and downs, but one that has an amazing ending. Our growth comes within the journey. The ability to make it through each hurdle as it’s presented. As we look back at a hurdle we’ve overcome, we see those who weren’t willing to jump the hurdle but stopped right before it. We are now stronger. We have more confidence in ourselves. When we look ahead, we see those who are running towards the next hurdle, only to look side to side to see those slowing down and stopping before the next hurdle. What will we do? Do we slow down too, or speed up to make it over the next hurdle?

With every chapter we read in a self-development book, with every hurdle we jump over, we are slowly chipping away at our emotional barriers that have held us back for years. We continue to build our millionaire mindset and that’s when success starts to flood in. That’s when we become the millionaire and have people aspire to be like us!

This is YOUR life. Take control. Be responsible for it!

Vidette Vanderweide is a network marketing professional and the author of the Millionaire Mindset Success Tip #1. She coaches network marketers to utilize cutting edge online marketing strategies in order to attract quality prospects to their MLM business.

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The Right Mindset for your Business

If you are new to being your own boss, this article may not make a lot of sense at first but if you have been an entrepreneur for a while now, this will make total sense, I promise you. Either way, stick around as I will help you understand how powerful having the right mindset for your business can be. What does the right mindset look like?

In this article, I will talk to you like you are new to being your own boss. As an experience entrepreneur you will be able to relate very easily. If you are just starting your own business or thinking about it, a few things will occur no matter who you are; So it is important that you know this in advance and learn immediately how to handle these difficult situations; Having the right mindset will help you drastically move from one experience to the next (notice I did not say failure) without dwelling on what did not work.

At the beginning of your venture your mindset won’t matter too much. You are thinking you will be successful and you will do whatever it takes, right?. Wrong. Most new entrepreneurs goes in with the mindset that it will be easy and generally, because they were made to believe it was not going to be hard. Many things can go wrong when you start your own business. Actually more will go wrong at first than right. If you don’t understand that it will be very difficult at first and if you don’t have the right mindset, you will quit your quest to become an entrepreneur very quickly.

To help you survive the challenges ahead of you, use the S.T.A.T.E. of mind concept. Here’s how it goes. Support: Have a great supporting cast around you. A lot of people will say or may be just think you are crazy for starting your business. Stay away from them.

Trust: Whatever you learn, you must be able to trust what you do. Trust the people that have been there and done it before. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel.

Accountability: One of the toughest things to do is to hold ourselves accountable. Become self-discipline because no one can hold you accountable in your business but you.

Energy: Learn to provide a vibe of energy in everything that you do. Being able to motivate and inspire others will greatly help you and the people around you looking for leadership.

Look for the following qualities in a leader. He/she is consistent, persistent, hard working, desires to help others, motivates and most of all inspires others to do things they thought they could never do. Do you think a leader with the wrong mindset could achieve this? Obviously not. Learn to understand that this is a marathon, a journey that when you look back on it, you will say what a wonderful ride it was.

What is needed to understand is, no matter what you try and don’t succeed with, you should look at it as what it is, something that did not work, not a failure. You will try several ways of doing what you are trying to do before it is successful. How many more times do I try before I quit and the answer is: Just one more time, until you make it, until you are victorious.

My happiness depends on your success! Ghyslain

Ghyslain Lefebvre is internet marketing consultant and mentor. He has helped entrepreneurs on all 5 continents. If you would like to learn more about mindset, visit famous people failures and see what can happen if you don?t give up.

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Correct Mindset – Starting Online

How do you view the possibility of making money online? Do you believe it will be difficult but can be done? Or do you think you do not have what it takes?

Believe me when I say, making money online IS something that the average Joe can do.  However, developing the correct mindset is vital for success in any business

A few guidelines on creating the correct mindset are listed below:

1.   Belief – What you believe you can achieve

DONT be plagued by negative thoughts. You need to believe that it is possible.  Work on your belief first! Visualise the end result and work towards achieving whatever that is.  You CAN do it!

2. Goals – If you fail to Plan you Plan to fail

Planning and setting goals is important. They must, in your mind, be achievable and it helps to set times frames around your goals. Write them down and put them where you can see them. Restructure your goals to fit in with the times you have set to spend on your business.

3.   Discipline – One step at a time

It goes without saying that discipline is needed to be successful in any business.  Don’t be tempted to stray from the task at hand when it gets challenging or tough.  Finish what you started and see it through. If there is one piece of advice I can give you it is this – see every task you tackle through to completion.  Do not start on the next one until that one is complete!

4.   Assessment

It is important to evaluate your progress. Believe me, if you just carry on regardless and do not stop to take stock of your progress you pick up habits of just plodding along. Assess what you have done and consider how you can improve the process.  Define actions that have had a positive effect and reset your goals if necessary.

Cultivating the correct mindset will enable you to take comfortable action so that you can springboard from doubt to fearlessly starting and being successful online.

Many people have dreams and intentions of being successful online. However fear and lack of self belief keep us from realizing those dreams.  You know what?  If you do not try you cannot succeed.  So take that first step and the rest will follow.

Now that you have some tools to create the correct mindset, click on the following link to get 26 Free videos which will show you step by step how to start online.

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How to Retain the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Once you have obtained the entrepreneurial mindset, you want to ensure that you never lose it. After living with it for so long you always run the risk of taking it for granted. Never forget how important it is to maintain your success in the business world.

In order to secure the entrepreneurial mindset for the long-term, you need to occasionally re-examine your business. Pose a series of questions to yourself like, why did you get into your business? What did you hope to achieve in the first place? Are you still providing the services you hoped to offer when you initially started? What spurred your passion then and are you still passionate about your business today? Ask yourself these questions as a way of reminding yourself of your company’s chief purpose.

Even those who have achieved the entrepreneurial mindset can occasionally lose sight of their original goals. If you manage to stick to a strong business model however, over the course of time, your company will be viewed as the ultimate example of steady consistency and success.

You must try to remain positive as well in spite of whatever circumstances you may be experiencing. This cannot be stated enough times. All businesses suffer moments of great change or financial unrest. While you do not want to behave as though your problems are not happening, you must do everything in your power to prevent from entering a state of alarm. The only possible solution is to address these problems straight on. The alternative, to run and hide in sheer panic, can lead to the downfall of your business and the soiling of your reputation as a subscriber to the entrepreneurial mindset.

Situations like this also serve as a great opportunity to learn from your mistakes. A large percentage of business is trial and error so encountering the occasional blunder is not the end of the world. If nothing else it reminds you to be fearless and to try new innovations like marketing tools, sales pitches or advertising devices. Remember that the entrepreneurial mindset encourages us to test the boundaries of the business world.

George Saenz is a business coach and mentor based out of Canby OR, that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. George and his team have assisted hundreds of people, from doctors and nurses to high-school drop-outs and single parents in creating successful online businesses. For more information and to contact George, visit: http://www.georgehsaenz.com

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Achieving the Mindset of an Entrepreneur

When you want to achieve your goals for a successful business you have to work at it, and one of the best ways to get business success, especially in a tight economy, is to have an entrepreneurial mindset. With that mindset, people don’t give up and they are much more interested in working hard at making themselves into successful business owners. Not everyone wants to do that, but for those who do the possibilities for being an entrepreneur are almost endless. Businesses spring up – many of them on the Internet – every day, and they don’t all succeed. Some of them are really great, with interesting products or services that people need, but their owners just weren’t dedicated to business success and they didn’t have the entrepreneurial mindset that they needed to be their best at what they do.

In other words, the old saying that attitude is everything is actually pretty accurate, at least when it comes to being an entrepreneur and having a successful business. There are other factors to business success, of course, but that entrepreneurial mindset is one of the things that can help people overcome many of the other difficulties that they might be facing in their lives. It’s a ‘never say die’ attitude that causes an entrepreneur to look at setbacks as opportunities and problems as challenges, and it really is a state of mind. Not everyone is born with the air of realistic optimism, but for those who aren’t born with it there are ways to get it. Classes are even offered on this kind of personal growth. Some people think that ‘personal growth’ work doesn’t have much value, but it can lead to business success in a big way, and that has a great deal of value.

In a successful business, the entrepreneur is rarely caught off guard. He knew what he was doing when he opened the business, he had all of his ducks in a row, and he was ready and willing (and able) to do what it takes to ensure that his business worked out. An entrepreneurial mindset is a choice, along with ethics, honor, and hard work, and anyone who has a deep desire for business success can make that choice.

Bonnie Murray is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Bonnie and her team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed 0K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Bonnie, visit: http://bonniebeemurray.com/

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