Tag Archives: Negative

How to turn negative into positive thoughts

Did you ever wanted a parking space nearby the mall entrance, but finally you ended at the beginning of the parking aera. I bet the thought:” I probably won’t find a space nearby”, crossed your mind several times.

So got what you asked for. The word “won’t” is a negative mind related thought. A so called negative affirmation. You probably experience more of these things in life. You would like a nicer house or car but for some reason things don’t change. Let me explain how to mind works. Our mind is the most amazing hard drive you can imagine. There are billions off= neural connections possible. Every time you think or see something your brain stores the event with sound, odeur, feeling or other senses that you’re not aware off. Sometimes when you hear a sound that event runs through your head again. The sound is called an anchor. Also smell is an anchor. Every time you experience that specific smell related with an event those thought comes in mind.

We can use those anchors in a positive way. We must realize that our mind doesn’t recognize negative words similar like “not” . For example if you say : I will not be late”. Your mind will registers: “I will be late”. The result is that you will be just in time for your appointment.

Therefore the way to use our mind is by positive affirmation like: I will be on time, I have a parking space near the entrance . Believe me it works. Nine out of ten times I have a parking space close to the place where I must be. The times I don’t have that spot is because I didn’t thought of needing a space at all or enough .

Positive thinking is like sports exercising. The more you repeat the better you become. Forget the negative thought or emotion that comes into your mind. Say: “Next” to each of those negative thoughts. Stay focused on what you want. Think in possibilities not in problems. Use positive affirmations like:

I feel more secure each day

I’m emotionally in balance

This is another perfect day for me.

Start with positive thinking right now!

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How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

It’s hard to stay positive in the tough world of today. Every day we come across situations and people who remind us of the harsh realities of life. No one can avoid problems, but they can definitely determine how to face them. As famous graphic artist Mary Engelbreit said, ‘If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.’ Here are some tips to stay positive in a negative world.

Tips to Staying Positive in A Negative World

Surround yourself with positivity: Feelings and attitudes are infectious. That’s how the company of some people automatically lifts up your spirits. Seek positive friends who are happy and hopeful. Surround your home and office with quotes on positivity.

Nurture your mind: Consciously avoid television programs and films that are negative. They always have an impact at the subconscious level. Read positive books with happy stories and the inspiring lives and thoughts of great people. Spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing helps you stay happy even in the worst environments.

See hardship as an opportunity: Your view determines everything. The world is the same for everyone. How is it that some make it while others don’t? It’s because the former saw possibilities where others only saw hardship and pain.

Do something: When plagued with negativity, don’t brood. You will only feel worse. Do something you love. Your spirit will be uplifted as your mind is diverted towards the new activity. Like every other organ, the brain has to be fed. Give it light instead of the darkness that comes from pondering over something bitter.

View the positive side of things: Even negative things have a positive side to them. Train your mind to concentrate on those. Losing your job is not all about losing your only source of income. It also means free time for family and all the things you always planned to do but never found the time for.

Appreciate and be grateful: Gratitude is one of the greatest gifts to man. Learn to be grateful not just for something good but even for the negative because it teaches you something. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘If you don’t get everything you want, think of the things you don’t get that you don’t want.’

Forge a strong belief system: Everything starts with you. What are the values you treasure? What is your attitude to people and the world in general? Consciously work on a program of self development that cultivates hope, optimism, faith and your own unique potential.

Learn to let go: Accept that there is only so much that you can do. The rest is outside your control. So just shut out those things and forget about them. Remember that you cannot please all the people all the time. As George Bernard Shaw said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

Follow these tips as a basis for a more positive life and you will surely see a change. There is no time like NOW to make a fresh start.

Doug Dvorak is a motivational speaker with vast experience in helping a wide range of companies and employees. His captivating style and humor have made him a popular speaker for a huge variety of issues.

How to stay positive all time – By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

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Negative or Positive Art

It is the correct of every creature to breathe, and live his/her life with freedom of speech and respect for spiritual preferences. As a member of a society and a Nation, it is the responsibility of each individual to respect one another in all ways in which possible.

For a free society to measure in harmony and peace, respect for all races, respect for all religions with out discrimination, is the path each individual desires to tread to bring regarding world peace. It’s the ground work for making equilibrium in each free society.

The Power of the Arts

Why do we tend to build our energies do things which will hurt alternative humans? Why

produce acts against humanity through negative art and produce violence in our World?

Art is therefore powerful and we tend to are using it not to promote Peace and Harmony, but to destroy them.

Therefore if we tend to take a more focused look, we tend to can say that art can and does

affect the life of an individual. Why not use art in its sensible and

positive perspective as it is given to us by God? Why not use Art’s

Positive Power and heal the World?

This is often what I believe. Through my music I continuously try and offer this

message of peace. Music has the ability to deliver a sense of inner peace

and harmony at intervals our selves and our world. As this sense of inner

peace grows it’s reflected in our outer world as well. Peace is our

world will not return till we tend to notice peace within ourselves.

I invariably provide this straightforward example: A knife within the hands of a killer,

kills. A knife within the hands of a surgeon saves a life. It’s not the

knife itself that’s smart or unhealthy, it is its usage. The identical applies to

Art. If it is employed in a smart manner its effects uplift humanity.

So I see Art/Music as a synchronization tool for souls. Let us

synchronize our souls with each other and work to make a peaceful

world for the upcoming generations. A world where people of every religion are given respect. Where the humanities aren’t used in a negative manner. Where there are not any political, racial or non secular borders.

As artists, we have a tendency to have a huge responsibility to use our art forms during a

positive powerful way to heal our world and object to any artwork or

music which will cause emotional turmoil or violence in any way to any

individual. Allow us to all as Artists unite for Peace.

Muhammad Iqbal Behleem March eight, 2006

Singer & Musician for Peace I am a singer and musician devoted to the promotion of Peace through Music and I think that music has the facility to market conflict transformation by Enhancing nonviolence, creativity and empathy. I need To figure together with artists from throughout the planet, for Love & Peace. My Mission is to place my musical talents at the service of humanity, lending a helping hand to those full of injustice, with the goal of empowering them with hope and energy. I want to use the universal language of music to communicate the beauty of humanity and promote positive peace. I anticipate working along with you for a higher world through music, and love forever and people.  

Writers Room has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Healing Arts, you can also check out his latest website about:

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Positive and Negative Stress

This is called positive stress. However, positive stress can become negative if it is not balanced and managed efficiently. Your goal is to aim for a positive stress phase.

Signs of positive stress

1. Increased creativity: not only in making or creating things but also in developing new ways to solve problems or finding better ways of doing things.

2. Increased productivity at work and on a personal level.

3. A general feeling of wellbeing, happiness and joy. It is your birthright to lead a happy, fulfilled live during your stay here on earth.

4. An immune system that functions optimally and is able to resist illness, infections, and cancer. Even if you are surrounded by people carrying all sorts of germs, you simply will not become ill.

Warning signs of negative stress.

1. Reduced productivity and creativity: nothing works the way it should. Everything is too much for you. You struggle or cannot find solution to problems. Because you are terrified of making the wrong decision, you end up not making any decision at all. You are unable to concentrate or remember things. Depression starts in much the same way.

2. A reduce feeling of wellbeing, joy and happiness: you no longer enjoy anything and don’t look forward to anything. Everything is a burden. These symptoms can be precursors of depression unless you take proper precautions in time.

3. All sort of unfortunate things happen to you. You become so preoccupied with the daily stress of living that, you are unable to focus or concentrate. This easily lead to car accidents, you drop and break things or lose them. You cannot remember anything; you cut yourself on a regular basis etc…

4. You start avoiding social contact. Shunning people for a long period is also a sign of depression. Remember that socialising is one of the basic human needs.

5. Your immune system functions poorly and suffers from colds, influenza, allergies, chronic fatigue, anxiety etc… Unless you take the necessary steps to restore your equilibrium.

6. The ageing process accelerates because of the increased metabolism associated with sustained, unmanaged stress. Free radicals and other waste products accumulate add cell activity deteriorates resulting in premature age

Hippolyte Djonon – [http://www.farian-tips.com/blog/blog.php]

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Positive and Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak out loud. When you say to somebody, “What a stunning day,” you had the thought first and then spoke the words. Your thoughts also become the actions. When you get out of bed in the morning, you had the thoughts of getting out of bed before you took action. You can’t take any action without thinking the thought first.

It’s your thoughts that decide whether your words and actions will be positive or negative. But how do you know whether your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when they are thoughts of what you want and love! And negative thoughts are thoughts of what you don’t want and don’t love. It is as simple as that!

Whatever you want in your life, you want it because you love it. Take a moment and think about it. You don’t want things you don’t love, do you? Every person only wants what they love; nobody wants what they don’t love.

When you think or talk about the things you want and love, such as, “I love those shoes, they’re beautiful.” Your thoughts are positive, and those positive thoughts will come back to you as the things you love – beautiful shoes. When you think or talk about the things you don’t want and don’t love, such as “Look at the price of those shoes, that’s highway robbery,” your thoughts are negative, and those negative thoughts will come back to you as the things you don’t love – things that are too expensive for you.

Most people think and talk about what they don’t love more than they think and talk about what they love. They give out more negativity than love, and in doing so they are inadvertently depriving themselves of all the good things in life.

It’s impossible to have a great life without love. People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don’t love! And people who are struggling think and talk about what they don’t love more than what they do love!

If you parrot negative things and squawk about the things you don’t love, you are literally jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage. Every time you talk about what you don’t love, you are adding another bar to the cage and you are locking yourself away from all the good. People who have great lives talk more about what they love. By doing so, they gain unlimited access to all the good in life, and they are as free as the birds that soar in the sky. To have a great life, break the bars of the cage that is jailing you; give love, talk only about what you love, and love will set you free!

Academic instruction isn’t the only responsibility teachers have in today’s classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values … things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude.  It’s a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.

Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing” is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis David

Francis helps parents, administrators and teachers learn about Character Education and how the Just Do The Right Thing Program can help kids of all levels find success both in and outside the Classroom.

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How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

The best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible today. Quote by, Charles W. Eliot

When life hands you a lemon, are you prepared to make lemonade? Try staying positive when everything around you is negative. It is essential for your health and well being. More importantly, the way you think, feel and act determines the outcome of your experience. So, why not make it a great experience by guiding your attitude toward one that is positive.

With the media always reporting doom and gloom all over the world, it is often difficult to see the good. So many times life puts you into such unexpected surroundings that must be dealt with to the best of your ability. It is never easy.

However, your feelings and thoughts are what determine whether you get through the day by having a positive experience, or a negative one. Your attitude is the key. Positive thoughts, feelings and actions may help you through many stressful situations.

When dealing with unexpected incidents, expressing a positive attitude would be more beneficial than a displaying a depressing one. Additionally, a positive attitude also initiates and builds up your confidence so that you can get through the difficult situation.

To offset a bad day, look inside yourself for the strength, courage, and energy that is necessary in dealing with any problems. Two of my favorite quotes by Noah St. John, Chief Instructor Rich Life Formula and the Success Clinic, fit perfectly here. They are,

1. When your opinion of your past, present and future tends to be positive, you will be happy. And,

2. When your opinion of your past, present and future tends to be negative, you will be unhappy.

Keeping these two quotes uppermost in your consciousness may help you to develop, or bring about more positive feelings. This is a good test to use so that you can live your life with happier results.

Enthusiasm and improving your physical, mental, and emotional spirit are big ways to boost your positive energy. Staying well, keeping your health, your mind, and your body in the best shape are other ways. They all have a lot to do with how your day goes.

For example, when you wake up with a low spirit and low energy from lack of enough sleep, it shows in your work – and your attitude. So take the opposite route and get the required number of hours of rest and sleep. Then your day becomes a more positive experience for you.

Never let challenging situations and problems effect you in a negative way. Negativity only adds fuel to the problem, heightens the difficulty, and makes the situation worse. Instead, maintaining an upbeat attitude creates major harmony and tends to help you through difficult or upsetting situations.

Three other negative behaviors that steal your time and energy, and cause harmful outcomes are worry, fear and anxiety. Never let either one take over any part of your thoughts. Instead, give your subconscious mind positive goals and successful images to work on.

Maintain an attitude of gratitude, and remember to thank God for all that you have now, and all that is to come. Your feelings and thoughts are what matter. And keeping a positive spirit works wonders.

Gerri D Smith apparel designer, creative writer helps women look good and feel even better. An educational resource and virtual boutique inspires women business owners, professionals, celebrities, entertainers, cruise travelers, and women who love to dress up. For fashion tips, wardrobe basics, inspirational lessons, and support, Subscribe to her Free monthly newsletter, and get a Free Special Report at, http://www.distinctive-elegance.com

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