Tag Archives: Negativity

Think Positive and Get rid of Negativity

Dear Readers,


Positive thinking is very important whether you are a business, manager, or employee. You will be slow if you think negative.



Last week I found myself listening to the TV news shows more than usual, reading newspaper articles I usually ignore, and listening to radio shows I don’t normally listen to.


It was a week where my mood was off and nothing seemed to work right. My behavior certainly affected my family, business and friends. What was I doing differently? What was making my energy spiral down? Why was I feeling so low?


You guessed it! It was the constant diet of negative news, negative articles and negative radio shows that had me in a place that did not feel good. I certainly wasn’t walking my talk last week and I’m admitting it to you.


When I realized what I was doing it was easy to revert back to my ole self. Watching my sons’ wrestling match and my daughters’ basketball game, watching great movies, reading positive articles in the paper (I LOVE my comics especially Zits, Family Circle and For Better or For Worse) and listening to CDs and mp3 files that sharpen my skills and help me stay positive, got me back on track. The key was shifting back into my gratitude routine.


What a difference it makes to appreciate and focus on what’s right with the world instead of what’s wrong with it. It certainly has improved my mood and those around me are much happier. I feel better, am more focused and ready to take on the world.


In regards to my business I’m clearer on what I want and what needs to be done to attract it. Geez, it feels good just writing it!!!


So, how can you shift from focusing on what’s wrong with your world to what’s right with it? It’s about appreciating the good things in your life.


Try this simple exercise. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On one side write down the first ten challenging things that pop into your head. On the right side write what you appreciate about each item. For example, on the left side you write “My boss drives me crazy!” On the right side you write “I’m grateful that I have a job.”


Once you’re finished writing, shift your attention to your chest and breathe deeply and slowly. Really focus on and appreciate those positive things you wrote. Relax your body with each breath and begin to feel the difference as little by little the stress begins to leave your body. If you can, go outside and take a walk and breathe in fresh air.


If you try this exercise, and it works for you, please let me know about it.


Sarah Breathnach said it best…


“When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present… We experience heaven on earth.”


To your positive success!


Terry Wildemann, CEC, CPBA, CPCC
Success Coach
Professional Development Trainer
EFT Practitioner

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Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Negativity

Download this track: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/michaelsealey3
Sleep Version download of this track (“Wake up” ending is removed): https://michael-sealey.dpdcart.com/cart/add?product_id=99467&method_id=104570
My tracks on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/hypnosis-for-improving-subconscious/id921827369

Subscribe for more hypnosis: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MichaelSealey

*New* Depression & Anxiety Recovery Pack 5 x MP3 Digital Audio Collection here: ► https://michael-sealey.dpdcart.com/cart/add?product_id=121819&method_id=129715

Popular Playlists:
7 Day Self Hypnosis Personal Transformation Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_G2Tu_XPdT3I7M_My4HEI2
Sleep Hypnosis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_Po7RGMHFJ4kNbavmHhYhJ
Hypnosis for Anxiety: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8mmOMo4zFsk7JeSxdEeZbt


This is a powerful guided self hypnosis trance experience designed to allow you to sweep away your own subconscious negativity and negative blocks. Clear out all of your subconscious or unconscious negative thoughts, old habits, and emotional baggage with your own positive mind control.

Enjoy deep relaxation and improved focus, as you take this time to create your own most beneficial behaviours, by discovering new and empowering choices. With regular self hypnosis, you can truly allow your powerful, positive thinking self to emerge for your best present and brighter future.

This session uses principles of deep trance relaxation, visualization and elements of hypnotherapy to help you to overcome your own internal blocks which may be preventing you from living the happier, emotionally freer life you truly deserve.

This track is suitable for repeated listening, for anytime you would like to strengthen and compound your own internal positivity or engage with your higher self.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This hypnosis video and audio recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. The author accepts no responsibility for the use of the material herein, which is presented for entertainment or educational purposes only.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR.

Peace & Enjoy

P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you.


5 Hypnosis Sessions Collection MP3s:

Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s

More positive Playlists & Video Sessions for your consideration:

General Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_I3ALG2Zl_LcR53um6zSyu
All Guided Meditations: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8Co6HAHWqYCrE5xQyA1u62
Hypnosis for Bedtime Sleep & Insomnia: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_Po7RGMHFJ4kNbavmHhYhJ
Subconscious Confidence, Motivation, Self Esteem & Success: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8PUMtzlu4P6br5Rzb2hx79
Guided Self Healing & Positive Energy: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8Cwlg0Frc7NiFHPl9B50YV
Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8M3iWPQtEl9fOZfvLOjxnK
Astral Travel & Astral Projection: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP97AatRUEsk99H3TJAj7QbL
Hypnosis for Brain Power & Improved Self Mind Control: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8zNHZiQ6z_Ymtqy1HO1ka-
Hypnosis with Binaural Beats & Brainwaves Music: ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI5yDfkv4a4
Hypnosis for Higher Self & Spirit Guide: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP_TulTkpff6oRzJiRhbz2L1
Hypnosis for ASMR: ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP-QH1sXBEnG7LT06yjLFfcS
Original footage & photography by Michael Sealey
Video Rating: / 5


This video talks about emotions (both positive and negative) and the impact they have on our lives and the people around us. Patrick talks about how to change your mindset and be positive. The Secret discussed similar topics and spirit science has been exploding in recent years. The resulting emotional understanding can lead to truly inspirational changes for people living with problems including anorexia, depression and thoughts of suicide.

The bottom line is that we can influence and affect what we think about. It’s not easy and Patrick admits that a strictly psychological approach is difficult for many. But by building your life around activities you’re good at and that you enjoy, happiness will inevitably filter through your psychology and start affecting those around you, drawing more positive energy to you.

TEDx speaker Patrick Schwerdtfeger is the author of the award-winning book “Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employe” (2011, Wiley) and a regular speaker for Bloomberg TV. He specializes in global business trends including big data, self-employment and the social media revolution, and has spoken at business events and conventions around the world.
Video Rating: / 5

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