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The Psychology of Trading – Positive Personality Traits – Part 2

Dear Reader

Trading and investing in the stock market not only means you need to have a thorough understanding of Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Trading Strategy, Portfolio Management and Risk Management. You also need to be able to understand yourself, or more importantly understand how you react to certain situations.

Here we have a list of personality traits that are akin to people we all know, and in fact we all have a little of all of them in us. Here we detail the positive personality traits. 

Captain Contrarian

“A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.” Warren Buffet.

When the news is as bad as it could possible get, when brokers are losing their shirts, their jobs and their Porsches, when apparently sane people are moving to the country to live off the land because of economic meltdown, THAT IS THE TIME TO BUY, and BUY BIG. That is where the biggest profits are.

Sir Right Royal Run for the Hills

All successful traders incorporate the gentry into their trading style.

Be ready to change your opinion, quickly When the trade goes bad, get out! Pride = Pain in the stock market.  

Corporal Commitment

Not a role usually associated with young males, however when you commit to a trade commit.

The most successful investors, when they have made a decision commit with everything they have. George Soros broke the Bank of England through his commitment to his belief. If he had gone into the commitment half heartedly, he would have lost everything.

Even if you commit everything be prepared to back out quickly, the size of your commitment, should not hinder your ability to change course in rough seas.  

Sir Houdini

Always have an escape plan, know the criteria by which you will get out. Be it a bad earnings report, a loss of 5%, or a potential global financial crisis.    

The Saint

My mother is a living example of this as she has the Patience of a Saint. Unfortunately I did not inherit this trait naturally, and have had to learn this the hard way. Profits, like a fine Italian Bardolino wine, take time to develop, but when they have developed taste so much better.  

Private Timeout

You do not always need to be in stocks, give yourself a rest stay in cash until the coast is clear.  

The Runner

Do not cut your profits short. Never say “when I make 15% I will sell”. I made this mistake with Smith & Wesson Holding Corp (SWHC). I bought this stock end of March 2009, for $ 3.25, when it broke through a 4 month resistance line. I sold on 10th March 2009, for $ 4.25 (30% gain in 10 days. A healthly gain.´ the stock went on to a heady proce of $ 6.61 over 100% gain. Ouch. Most important is of course make a profit. But if you can learn to control your emotions, and let it run, it big wins are there.  

Brigadier Big Win

It is OK to loose, chances are you will lose 50% of the time, ensure you lose small and win bigger. We will learn more about stop loss strategies in future articles.   I hope this section helps you to learn more about positive mental attributes required to help improve both the numbers of winning trades and the size of the wins.


I hope this section helps you to learn more about positive mental attributes required to help improve both the numbers of winning trades and the size of the wins.

This Article was published by the Liberated Stock Trader – Barry D. Moore.

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The Waiting is the Hardest Part – Staying Positive in Between Interviews

It may appear to you, if you have been searching for a job for quite some time, that the wait between first interviews and a possible call back takes forever. In an economy where jobs aren’t as plentiful as in the past, one may experience frustration when several resumes are sent out with little to no response. On the other hand, you could also have interviews scheduled throughout the week, only to see each end with, “We’ll call you.”

It could take weeks for that call to come, if at all. What do you do in the meantime?

Where there exists a market with few available positions, ultimately you’ll find more candidates than openings. As a job hunter, you have the unenviable task of presenting yourself as the top choice, and you work hard to impress human resources managers and hiring staff. You dress well, come prepared to the interview with resume in hand and answer all the questions. You show a genuine interest and passion for the position, but now you must wait to see if they are interested in you. It’s enough to discourage one from searching for work altogether.

Above all else, maintain a positive attitude as you wait. If you project a lengthy dry spell between interviews it may do good to relax and take the time to draw away from the anxiety. Think of a hobby or activity you enjoy – yoga, reading, cycling, etc. – and use some of your free time to absorb yourself in that. Who knows, you may decide to take a yoga class and meet a contact who leads you to another job interview. Referrals for work come from all sorts of places.

Considering volunteer work in the interim as well, even if only for a short time. Libraries, churches, and local social networks are usually in need of short-term help to assist with events and small tasks. Giving even a few hours a week can raise your spirits and boost your resume – larger companies with community involvement will be impressed to see you’ve done volunteer work.

Use this time, too, to sharpen your skills. If you are looking for Internet-related work, research new trends in your desired field. Experiment with new programs or sign up for one-day or weekend seminars to keep your mind sharp. If you are called back for a second interview, it will help to bring new information to the table so the employer knows you are ready to improve as an employee.

By staying busy and positive during lulls between interviews, you can strengthen your confidence, and connections and skills. Never let dead ends on job leads discourage you from finding the position you want.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on Virginia Beach Jobs and Virginia web design.

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Quantum Economics Part Four – “Formulas of Positive Fluctuations”

Quantum Economics Part Four “Formulas of Positive Fluctuations”

As explained in previous chapters:

There are in the Iphysical Quantities or so called Grid of Quantum Economics:

1. “Positive Fluctuations” = A

2. “Turning Point” = x

3. and then “Negative Fluctuations” = B

Where the positive fluctuations are empowering the real economy, by promoting growth and after getting to the turning point into the negative fluctuations the same tools of economics start having a negative effect as negative fluctuations.
There are:

1. “Regulatory Parameters” = y

2. “Functional Parameters” = z

Where the regulatory parameters are more long term stationary and the functional parameters are more short term adjustable.

There are:

1. Iquantas = Iq

2. Iglued Plasma = Ig

Where part of iquantas is the market supply and part of iglued plasma is the market demand.

There are tools of economics setting regulatory parameters:

1. Business laws = Bl

2. Contract laws = Cl

3. Exchanges laws = El

4. Bank laws = BAl

5. Environmental laws = El

Where personal liability is enhanced to a maximum to lift the iphisical quantities or so called grid to a higher level of competition. Even changing these tools of economics are irreversible.

There are tools of economics setting functional parameters:

1. Monetary = Mp

2. Fiscal = Pp

3. Social = Sp

4. Madicare = Mdp

5. Educational = Ep

6. Infrastructural = Edp

Where these tools of economics are not anymore considered “expenses” but “equity” more like on the demand side of the Market, therefor there are more like a balance to the supply like iquantas.

There are iquantas supply like tools af economics:

1. Industrial production = Ips

2. Agricultural production = Acs

3. Service sector production = Sss

4. Return on investments = Ris

5. Equity on investment = Eqs

6. Intellectual properties = Ips

7. Others = Ots

Where these iquantas are to be balanced by the demand oriented regulatory and functional parameters.

The main purpose of the iquantas and iglued plasma balance is to lift the iphysical quantities so called grid without creating big waves.

From the prospective of Quantum Economics the following formulas will establish technical parameters for such balancing.


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The Psychology of Trading – Positive Personality Traits – Part 1

Dear Reader,

Trading and investing in the stock market not only means you need to have a thorough understanding of Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Trading Strategy, Portfolio Management and Risk Management. You also need to be able to understand yourself, or more importantly understand how you react to certain situations.

Here we have a list of personality traits that are akin to people we all know, and in fact we all have a little of all of them in us. Here we detail the positive personality traits.

The Philosopher

“The wise man knows that he knows nothing” Socrates

One way to gain confidence in your trades is always be a student, always look to learn, improve, and better your understanding. But do not kid yourself; you can never be 100% confident. If you are a true Philosopher you will also know what you do not know. Always understand that you cannot know everything, crowds make strange decisions, buying patterns fluctuate almost like organized chaos.

The Student

Learn, Learn, Learn and most importantly understand. This website is dedicated to this cause. Learn what the indicators mean, learn how to read a balance sheet, learn how earning affect stock price, learn about yourself.

Take a Jung Typology Test (10 minutes)

The Jung-Myers-Briggs evaluates personality type and preference based on the four Jungian psychological types:

extroversion (E) or introversion (I)

sensing (S) or intuition (N)

thinking (T) or feeling (F)

judging (J) or perceiving (P)

It is incredibly accurate and thought provoking.

The Good Shepherd

Understand that the market does not always move logically the market is emotional. Crowds are really emotional, the crowd is akin to sheep but amongst the sheep there are wolves in sheep’s clothing (negative earnings reports / bad news) and when the wolves unveil themselves the sheep tend to panic and scatter. Do not let the occasional wolf throw you off course.

The Believer

Having Self belief in the market place is vital and possibly the hardest of all emotions to develop, first you must become a philosopher, then a student, and only then can you start to believe.

 Do not rely on anyone else to sell you the secret of success. If they had it they would not need to sell it to you because they would already be rich.

The Realist

Read the Section  This will demonstrate to you, that in the real world, you will not become a millionaire overnight, in one year or ten years. However, given enough time, consistent profits and compounding, it is possible.

Stocks regularly move up and down 1-10% in a day. Sealing in a 10% gain in a day or week is an excellent result. Do not expect to double your money in a week, month or year, this is very rare, and this is the bait used to sell you trading robots, stock newsletters or secret trading strategies, it is all FOLLY.

“People who pay for automatic trading systems are like medieval knights who paid Alchemists for the secret of turning base metal into gold” Dr Alexander Elder – Trading for a Living p15.   Joy of Winning Joy of Winning is a beautiful women, and to be in her presence is intoxicatingly good.

Winning is a way of life. But not always in the stock market, every day can mark us a winner or a loser. The true winners, have more money at the end that they started with. Winning can be addictive, but do not let it cloud your vision.

Joy of losing.

 Believe it or not, there can be a great joy in loosing. I have had many times where I have bought a stock and instantly it turned strongly against me.   How could I possible enjoy that?   Easy! I get out of the stock quick. SELL.   When I sell, and then the stock plummets, I get a deep satisfaction about how much money I saved by being nimble, flexible and most of all decisive.


I hope this section helps you to learn more about positive mental attributes required to help improve both the numbers of winning trades and the size of the wins.

This Article was published by the Liberated Stock Trader – Barry D. Moore.
A completely free guide to learning how to find winning stocks, and make money from trading can be found on the http://www.liberatedstocktrader.com/ Website.

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Change – A Positive Choice – Part 1

How do you feel about change? Do you view it as hard or scary? Or as an opportunity? Change is inevitable. How we view it can make a huge difference to our lives.

Change is happening every moment and is often something out of our control. However, how we view it, is completely our choice.

Inevitable changes

Change is a bit like time. It’s constantly happening and has an effect on us and the things around us. When we learn to work with it, it becomes our partner. If we fight it, we run the risk of creating chaos and stress.

Inevitable changes include things like nature, the seasons, tides, ageing, and climate. Changes in the seasons, and nature we accept because we have no influence on them. These changes are often the inspiration for many beautiful things such as the incredible changing colours of a sunset or the changes a chrysalis goes through to become a beautiful butterfly. These changes are inevitable, and we accept them as a part of life.

Ageing is a change that, when we are younger, we wish would happen faster and as we age we wish it would slow down. There is a huge industry based on the changes we go through as human beings. Billions of dollars are spent trying to change the process of ageing. Some cultures have another perspective on this. The young have outer beauty, while the elders have a rich inner beauty called wisdom. All wisdom is built from many moments of experience. Each one of these moments was a moment of change.

In our fast paced world we contribute to climate change. Although we are not necessarily directly in control of it, we can choose to make a positive difference in our own way. Every little bit counts. Saab plant trees to offset the emissions from their cars. Choosing to recycle helps reduce the waste going into our landfills.

Changing perspectives

Change is another word for opportunity. Every change offers an opportunity to make a choice. We can choose to be a victim of the change, or create something new and make it work for us.

The degree of the change can sometimes overwhelm us. It’s natural to have fear initially. This is one of our defense systems. We are all human, and we all have both positive and negative feelings. What makes the difference is how long you choose to hold onto the fear or negativity. The faster you choose to let it go and change your focus to something productive, the quicker you will create great results.

We all have patterns and habits we’ve had for a lifetime about change and how we view it. Active education is the best way to change your perspective and break old habits. By active education we mean putting what you learn into action immediately. You can only truly learn something once you’ve experienced it. We are constantly changing the resources to help you with this, so make sure you keep an eye on the website.

(please look for part 2…)

Lawrence Ocampo, in behalf of Robyn Simpson. Robyn Simpson has enjoyed a fast paced career, starting in marketing, reaching Senior Management level in New Zealand’s biggest corporation by the age of 22. Robyn then launched her first successful business at age 26. She has since founded Choose the ‘Tude Ltd – Australasia’s first Motivational Resource Centre which allows her to work from where ever she wants, doing what she loves when ever she wants. She lives with a life of freedom many people aspire to. Robyn is a co-author in the book ‘Living An Abundant Life’ featuring personal development guru’s such as Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Dr Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy and more… and has just completed her own book, ‘Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude – Choose Your ‘Tude’ due to be launched in June 2009. She enjoys speaking to a variety of audiences internationally to share her messages.

Inspirational, Motivational, Coaching Books.

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Story about the Process of Mindset Apprentice- John Assaraf, Part 2 & 3

This article tells you a story of how an ordinary, everyday voracious learner took huge inspired action to become the Apprentice of one of the teachers from the hit movie: “The Secret”. It will inspire you about risk & faith.



When I joined the Having it All Challenge at the end of August 2007, I was temporarily living with my parents before heading back for my final year of college education in Washington. In their minds I would be leaving around the middle of September (I hadn’t told them about the Challenge or that my intention was to not go back to school!)


Even after joining the challenge, I didn’t tell them for another two weeks about my decision because I feared their reaction. Once I did tell them, my unease proved to be right: I was invited to leave home and given one week to find a new place to live.


It was an extremely difficult time for me to be so passionate about this journey I had chosen to take, but to find my parents so unsupportive. At the time I felt angry, hurt, and sad. I reminded myself of times when I had heard my parents say how sad it is when a child chooses a specific route in life, and the parents don’t support the decision…Or a child converts to a different religion than their family, and the parents excommunicate the child.


‘Well, dang…that’s pretty much what they just did to me,’ I felt.

“You’re not going back to school? You’ve got one week to leave.”


While it hurt, my commitment to my new journey was unwavering. Nothing would stop me from moving forward in the direction of my dreams.


I learned later from John that…


‘There are those who are interested, and those who are committed. Those who are interested in something will do what’s convenient, while those who are committed will do whatever it takes!’


Apparently I was applying this principle before I even knew it consciously.


So what was my goal and outcome in joining the Having it All Challenge?


As I mentioned in Part 1, I had the intention of being mentored by one of the great personal growth teachers.


In the personal profile questions for the Having it All Challenge I was asked, “Where do you see yourself 6-12 months from now?” Still not knowing how in the world I would achieve it, I reaffirmed what I put on my vision board, and wrote, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf…”


Little did I know that my goal would not take 6-12 months, but merely 1 1/2…


P.S. As a side note about my parents: We now have an incredible relationship. The feelings I expressed were how I felt in 2007. Now I fully understand they were only doing what they felt was the right thing to do. I absolutely love my parents, and so should you!


For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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Stay Positive: Part 2 – “Grateful” with Craig Groeschel – LifeChurch.tv

LifeChurch.tv is a church that meets in multiple locations around the United States and globally online at http://live.lifechurch.tv. Get to know us at http://www.lifechurch.tv

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