Tag Archives: Powerful

A Powerful Mind

Most people take aside the power of their mind. They don’t know how much the mind can affect our environment. Our mind is very powerful it can even change the most negative aura into positive. Nowadays, most of the martial artist doesn’t include the training for their mind. They don’t know that the most effective way to learn martial art is to train the effectiveness of your mind. There are several methods to effectively apply the power of your mind into the real world. These methods are even more useful when it comes to martial arts.

Meditation is the most effective way to calm your mind. When you are in the state of meditation your body is relaxing. Meditation can help you awaken the power of your mind if you know how to use it. In fact, Kung Fu martial artist never forgot to include meditation in their training activities. Moreover, meditation is the most beneficial martial art training for the brain. This method of training strengthens your martial artist’s principles.

When you are in the state of meditation, the next thing that you should consider is to visualize. As a martial artist it is very important for you to visualize the techniques that you want to master. Visualization has proven its effectiveness for over thousands of centuries. Ancient martial artist visualizes the way on how to execute their techniques. No wonder why old martial artists are very accurate when using several techniques. When you visualize you are imagining your techniques in action. It is easy to visualize things if you are in the deep state of meditation. As you visualize the execution of your techniques, you need to make sure that it is based on reality. For example, you cannot visualize that you can fly like superman. But, you can visualize that you can jump higher than before.

One last thing to remember is to believe in what you are thinking. Even if you meditate and visualize the most effective way to execute your techniques, they will become useless if you do not believe in what your mind thinking. Believing to what you are visualizing is very important. For your faith is the key to its success. Buddha once said that what you think is what you become.

Now that you have the methods on how to train your mind, you should consider practicing it every day. Meditating 15minutes per day is enough. Though, sometimes it depends on your needs and your level of faith. Make sure to believe in what you are visualizing. And never forget that our mind is a lot more powerful than what we are thinking.

Troy Macraft is an independent content writer who specializes in the martial arts. Troy’s passion is in the mixed martial arts as he is working for The MMA Zone as the online martial arts supplies store. Shop The MMA Zone for great prices on all your MMA Gear!

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Stay Motivated to Lose Weight For Life – 5 Powerful Secrets

Want to lose weight for life? You will have to find creative ways to stay motivated. Permanent weight loss means successfully navigating daily temptations.

Let’s face it – life gets in the way. You get sick or injured, or a looming deadline at work means no time for exercise. Healthy eating is derailed by business dinners or family gatherings. It’s challenging to hang on to the healthy habits you’ve worked so hard to adopt.

Here are 5 powerful secrets to stay motivated to lose weight for life:

1. Scare Tactics

Want to avoid debilitating chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, stroke, and heart attacks? A healthy lifestyle is your best defense.

The next time you’re tempted to skip your walk or eat that piece of chocolate cake, think about a close friend or relative that has suffered from one of these awful diseases. Don’t you want to do everything in your power to avoid their fate? Then it’s critical that you maintain a healthy weight and get regular exercise.

2. Reprogram Those Rationalizations

How many times have you heard that voice in your head telling you that one dessert won’t matter or one missed workout is OK?

When those voices start chirping remember how far you’ve come. Think about how much better you’ll feel after your workout. Remember how bloated and sluggish you felt the last time you ate a fatty, sugary dessert.

Every time you reprogram your thoughts your confidence soars and the next time will be easier. Pretty soon it’s automatic.

3. Don’t Delay After a Setback

We all have setbacks or “learning moments”. Don’t let one binge or missed workout turn into a string of them. Don’t put off getting back to the gym or your morning walks until “after the holidays” or “when school starts”. Do it the next day!

Every unhealthy meal means you’ll have to work harder. Just because you ate that steak doesn’t mean you’ve already blown it so you may as well have chocolate mud pie for dessert. Instead order some fresh berries to naturally purify your body.

4. Just Do It

The most difficult part of exercise is the first 10 minutes. Once you start, you’re likely to feel so much better that you’ll finish your routine. So if you’re feeling tired or rushed, tell yourself you’ll only do 10 minutes. Usually once you get past that initial hurdle, you’ll keep going. And even if you don’t, 10 minutes is better than nothing.

5. Use Your Competitive Drive

Are you competitive? Then harness that drive to succeed at permanent weight loss. Picture someone you admire for their svelte physique and vibrant health. Tell yourself you’re as good as (or better than) they are!

Suddenly you have energy for a more intense workout. That cheeseburger just doesn’t look as enticing. Set mini-goals for yourself every day and keep the big picture in mind of who you want to “beat”.

Want more secrets to staying motivated to lose weight for life? Get a 4 step plan to manage diet disasters at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/diet-disasters.html Learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle at http://www.lose-weight-for-life.com/lose-it-for-life.html

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Self Esteem – How to Use Powerful Positive Passionate Thoughts

Is thinking that you can create the life you want simply by your thoughts just metaphysical mumbo jumbo? If one can truly create real happiness just by thought then why aren’t more people happy?

Let’s consider the two sides of this particular coin.

Here are some self limiting, negative, sorrow inducing thoughts, statements, ideas that are often taught to our children:

– You’ll be sorry later.

– Life is full of disappointments.

– You can’t always win.

– You can’t always be happy.

– You’ll just have to learn to live with it.

– One person can’t make a difference.

– Money doesn’t grow on trees.

– There is not enough for everyone.

Here are some powerful, positive, passionate thoughts, statements, ideas that can be taught to our children:

– No need to be fearful, you are a magnificent person.

– Life is wonderous and full of excitement.

– You can be, have or do anything you want.

– If you choose to be happy then you will be happy.

– Live with purpose, live your best life.

– Having money allows you to serve others, attract lots of money.

– God (the universe) provides lavishly for you and all humanity.

With the first set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this child will create as he reaches adulthood? Looking at the second set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this particular child will create?

The first child might find himself living in a world filled with kids taking guns to school, teachers afraid to teach, countries at war, rampid disease, poor living conditions. The second child would not, his world would reflect peace, a sense of purpose, that making a difference in all aspects of his life matters. His sense of well being would bring him prosperity.

Examine your beliefs closely. Do you fall into group 1 or group 2 or maybe a combination of the two. What does your life reflect right now? Is it a match to the reoccurring thoughts you have daily? The secret, often unshared thoughts that live in your soul, the ones that make up who you think you are.

If you want to have a powerful, positive, passionate life, then why not focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you own, pass them on. It can make a great inheritance for your children

As the saying goes ” A man is only as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”

Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham

Become part of something that is sweeping the world with inspiration. You’ll find jokes, free audio affirmations and other secret tools to download at www.LiveTheSecret.us

. Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships motivating change from the inside-out.

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Tricks Get Girlfriend Back ? Powerful Tricks To Get Her Back This Week

Each and every man could get his ex-girlfriend again. Which is, should you choose the ideal things? However, as soon as your girlfriend which you love greatly has split up with you, you immediately get into quite a serious mind-set, expressing things such as “I need to know the tricks get girlfriend back . I cannot be without having her. I must get her again right now”.

The truth is, once your lover breaks up on you; you have to carry out anything you can NOT for you to speak with her. You might feel you are likely to suffocate should you not talk to your girlfriend. You imagine that when you call her, you could persuade her to be with you. I am aware – nonetheless it ended up being the wrong move to make. Hence simply do your best so as to not phone her yet again. You need to abandon your ex lover solely for a moment should you at any time desire one more chance with her.

Getting anything or maybe somebody for granted could be the bane of most relationships. Ok, I’ll offer an illustration out of my relationship – I make her take me for granted. I make her believe that I was usually, often about to be generally there for her. In the long run, which is basic human mindset, she decided not to need me ever again. I could hardly comprehend during the time, however it was basic human mindsets – you never want what you can easily have. She believed that she got constantly on the earth to return to me whenever she desired. Nevertheless, after I discovered the tricks get girlfriend back, I was shown to move away from her life as well as get away from her alone totally. It turned out very difficult to accomplish, yet I did it.

The moment she noticed that I was away from her life, and also she could not get me any longer anytime she desired, she responded wildly. She must have considered that like a wakeup call. The gal who wouldn’t sometimes answer my own phone calls seemed to be now looking for excuses in order to phone me. It turned out the very best moment of my life! What a powerful way to have my girlfriend back again, I believed – it proved helpful so amazingly well! There isn’t any cause it won’t do the job – hence get at it at the moment!

Pay Close Consideration Below

At this point pay attention properly! Get 2 mins for you to go through the following web page and you will find an amazing technique that will get your ex pleading you to have them back again. There exists a number of simple to follow psychological steps that will make your ex get back to you in just a couple of days assured – the following web page shows of my very own tale. I firmly encourage you to go through all on the following web page just before it can be too late and also time goes out- Learn the powerful tricks get girlfriend back now.

Learn the powerful tricks get girlfriend back now

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Positive Thinking Is a Powerful Tool

In today’s information age, positive thinking plays a very crucial role in life. Negativities can spread like wild fire these days and the worse thing is that most of us tend to accept and believe the negative side of things. Positive thinking is a very powerful tool because our minds can control all our thought processes (both good and bad). Therefore, you have the power to filter the information you receive.

If you feel that you tend to think negatively, it is time for you to learn to control your mind a bit and shower it with positivity. Because positive thinking can lead you to a more happy and fulfilled life.

In this article, we are going to share with you some great tips and techniques you can use to cultivate positive thinking.

Remember that you have the power to control your mind, not the other way round. Therefore, you can play a switching game with your mind. Here is how, everytime when you have a negative thought, tell your mind to switch it to the positive one immediately. This is very easy to accomplish, just give order to your mind and it will comply.

Surround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people. Negative people can drag you down to hell so stay far far away from them. Flock yourself together with individuals who think positively and look at things from the bright side. Both positivity and negativity are very contagious, so please be very careful which one you choose.

There is a saying, “Birds of the same feathers flock together”. This saying is so true. In fact, people are like birds too. If you surround yourself with negative people, you will become negative. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive people, you will become a positive person. So which one are you going to choose? It is up to you!

There is another great saying goes like this, “It is the simple things in life that make me happy”. Therefore, what you need to do to be happy and positive is to find those simple pleasures, no matter how small or insignificant they may be. They are yours to enjoy.

Laughter is the best medicine, especially for a heavy heart. Be around people who make you laugh; it’s quite contagious. Laughter is also a good therapy for eliminating any negative thought that occupies our mind.

Keep the SMILE in your face. Greet people with your smile and be courteous kind and forgiving. Smile often because it is very contagious, it also has the power to make everyone to lighten up.

Help someone less fortunate than yourself. Volunteer your time at a nursing home or hospital. When you give, you receive ten-fold.

Remember, what you do affects others. If you are negative, people will shy away from you. However if you are positive, you will be surrounded by people who wish to be in your company all the time. Positive thinking will breed positive results.

Exercise regularly, it is a great way to keep stress at bay. It can also help you sleep better at night. It is very important that you have enough rest at night so that you can wake up fresh the next morning with positive energy. If you don’t have enough rest at night, you are going to wake up in a grumpy mood the next morning.

Changing your view or your glasses on what is going on around you can make a big difference. Try to see thing from the bright sides. Do not try to change something that you have no control of; focus your energy on the things that you can change and improve.

We have shared with you a lot of tips and techniques to help you build positive thinking, we hope you will put them into good use.

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How to Do a Powerful Mind Reading Trick That Will Shock Anyone

The best mind reading tricks are quick and direct. This trick is very simple to perform but has a remarkable effect on people. Without any nonsense, you just read their minds.

How It Looks To The Audience

The magician asks a spectator to place a silver coin and a copper coin on the table in front of him. The magician then turns his back towards the spectator and tells him to move the coins around, so the magician cannot know the positions of the coins.

He then asks the spectator to cover each coin with one of his hands. One hand covers one coin and the other hand covers the other coin. The magician then tells him to touch his forehead with one hand and place his other hand in his pocket.

The magician then instructs him to take his hand out of his pocket and place it over the copper coin. He then tells him to place the hand that was touching his forehead over the silver coin.

The magician turns round and emphasizes that there is no way he could know which hand is covering which coin. He asks the spectator to silently visualize which coin is under which hand. Slowly and dramatically, the magician announces which coin is under which hand – and he is correct!

The magician repeats the trick and is correct again.

How The Trick Is Done

The secret is simple. The hand that was covering the silver coin is the hand that was touching his forehead. Because he was touching his forehead, there will be less blood in this hand and this will make the skin color lighter in appearance. So, you just quickly compare his hands when he is covering the coins. The hand that looks lighter in color will be the one covering the silver coin.

However, the key here is that you just have a quick glance at his hands and then pay no further attention to them. You want to create the impression that you are reading his mind – not staring at his hands.

The method is helped by the fact that after you initially ask him to touch his forehead, you ask him to place his other hand in his pocket. Then you ask him to cover the copper coin with the hand that was in his pocket. This confuses the issue and helps to put the spectator off the track from guessing the secret. It also ensures that his other hand will be held to his head for as long as possible.

The only thing you will have to be careful of when performing this trick is using someone who has a suntan. If the person has a deep tan, then it can be more difficult to detect the change in skin color. So, do not use anyone who has a tan. Keep to pale skins.

Michael Breck is a professional Magician in Scotland. He also runs an entertainment agency called The Magic Agency. He has been entertaining at weddings and booking entertainment for weddings for over twenty years. For more ideas about wedding entertainment go to Entertainment For Weddings or Magical Entertainment.

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