Tag Archives: Real

Make Success Real by Building New Positive Habits Now!

Most of us tend do things that are familiar to us. For example, we tend do things that we are ‘used’ to doing. These are called habits! Habits actually guide our daily life-styles and makes it easier for us to perform day to day tasks.

You habitually brush your teeth after you wake up in the morning and you habitually put your clothes on.

It is very unlikely that your going to wake up tomorrow without brushing your teeth and walk in the middle of the road naked.

Your mind’s ability to learn habits and automatically execute them is a very beneficial quality you already possess as a human being, because you don’t have to re-learn how to do ‘common’ tasks every-time you encounter them.

However, there are also bad habits that we have which don’t serve us.

For example; Do you habitually let people down? Do you habitually lie? Do you habitually feel bad about yourself on a daily basis? Do you habitually stay away from positive opportunities – that could potentially transform the quality of your life?

These type of limiting habits keep us from creating the success we deserve!

Habits represent, whatever has become ‘familiar’ to you – over a particular period of time!

Meaning, whatever you do over and over again, eventually becomes ‘familiar’ to you in your life and starts to become a habit.

People usually stay away from making positive changes because ‘changes’ are ‘unfamiliar’ to them.

Others tend to be caught in the trap of what’s ‘familiar’ to them, and don’t break through fears to create success, hence the expression ‘Your stuck in your ways!’

The’ unfamiliar’ is actually a good thing though, it’s taking the opportunities to experience more possibility, more happiness and more success that allows you to break free into new ‘unfamiliar’ levels of abundance.

Human beings are generally afraid of the ‘unfamiliar’ as it causes uncertainty, but the unfamiliar is actually the place you need to start diving into more often, especially if you want to improve the quality of your life and create new habits that serve you.

Take a first-time skydiver for example; They want to jump, but uncertainty strikes them with fear of what might happen, but soon they build up that much needed courage to take action and begin getting the results of more freedom, greater accomplishment and new thrilling experiences.

If you don’t have that dream job yet, it’s because you need to step into the unfamiliar, something new that will increase your success.

If you are un-happy it’s because you are ‘familiar’ with feeling sad and haven’t yet stepped into the ‘unfamiliar’ to create new levels of happiness!

The ‘unfamiliar’ basically means, what you have YET to experience for yourself! It is impossible to say that an ‘opportunity’ to venture into something new is bad (or doesn’t work) if you haven’t yet experienced it (or tried it) for yourself!

The goal here is to venture into these new opportunities and to step into the ‘unfamiliar’ long enough, so you can make the ‘unfamiliar’ – familiar in ways that serve you!

Just like learning new habits, you should start practising how to feel good, learn how to become more capable and practice how to manifest success to create the results you want!

Start building new habits and start stepping into ‘unfamiliar’ situations in your life. Whether if you want to lose weight to start feeling good about yourself, become more social-able, feel more motivated and create the business success you want!

By building new positive habits they’ll start to serve you automatically in your daily life!

Build new habits that expand towards greater peaks of success. And make WHAT you want to achieve in your life, more ‘familiar’ to you from this moment on, by doing things that are unfamiliar to you starting from today!

Make the positive ‘unfamiliar’ – more familiar to you to achieve your future success.

All the best,

Nicholas Finnegan

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The Real Secrets to Success in Internet Marketing As They Pertain to Mindset and Decision Taking

I want to examine mindset and the ability to recognize an opportunity as an entrepreneur.

Right away we know the over riding law here is mindset. Any person who has a mindset for success and truly believes they can be successful, without any doubt, will be successful!

It does not matter if they are young or old, fat or thin, high school diploma or Doctorate, they will seek the knowledge and somehow acquire whatever they need, apply the necessary laws and they will rise to the top.

True talent can not be stifled. It will always come to the fore. It will burst out, leak out or ooze out but it will always make itself apparent.

My father in law’s name was Ken and he was a super salesman. However, when he completed his senior year in high school, he placed second to last in his final exams. This was mostly because he was a jock. He excelled at sports and really had very little interest whatsoever in academics. He was a fighter, very popular with his peers and he had great social skills.

His academic achievement translated into a job as a lowly billing clerk in a well established trading house, commission agents for some of the worlds leading brands in commodities.

You need to be cognizant of the fact that we are talking about a time when there were no computers, fax machines, photocopiers or even calculators. All bills therefore had to be calculated and written by hand.

Ken had a mindset for success. Although there was no overtime pay, he voluntarily worked way past working hours and spent his lunch hour writing mountains of bills. He soon came to recognize that the salesmen were the true heroes of the organization. However there was a huge gulf between him and these salesmen as they were older men, with great skills and expertise in the art of selling and he was a mere boy.

At lunch time he was the only one in the office and so when the phone rang, he answered it. These calls were usually big wholesalers who were enquiring about goods. Ken knew the products and the prices and most of all he knew who the biggest customers were as he wrote so many bills. Instead of taking messages, Ken launched into selling the goods on the telephone, pushing products and getting some very good orders.

He then immediately calculated and wrote the bills and handed them to the warehouse for delivery. As a result his orders went in ahead of all the others and the customers, who were delighted at the prompt service started calling the office and asking for Ken by name.

Needless to say the salesmen were not the least bit amused and reported him to the general manager, complaining that he was a meddling billing clerk interfering in the serious business of the company.

The manager, Mr. Johnson stroked the ruffled feathers of his salesmen and called Ken into his office. He told Ken that he had really stirred up a hornets nest with the salesmen and then took a quick accurate decision to teach Ken to drive, personally and gave him the oldest company car and sent him out on the road to sell goods. Ken excelled at this and very soon afterward was promoted to sales manager of all the salesmen who were about twice his age.

This went on for about 4 years until Ken saw an opportunity to sell Life Insurance for straight commission, no salary. His friends and family urged him not to throw away the security of his high paying job for the risk of straight commission. Ken made a fast accurate decision and started selling life insurance and very quickly he became a millionaire.

Ken’s mindset made him very wealthy. His mindset promoted him from success to success. Ken was an entrepreneur. He was able to recognize an opportunity when he saw it, seize it and exploit it. Through his investments he supersized his wealth.

Internet marketing is about being an entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur is one who can quickly recognize an opportunity and make a fast accurate decision to exploit that opportunity. You can put your life on a fast track to extreme wealth by grabbing the right opportunity and exploiting it. Timing is everything.

Melanie Phillibert
Internet Consultant and Trainer and Entrepreneur
Marketing Consultant

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Social Media: Positive Impacts on Real Life

Today, people cannot deny positive impacts that the social media brings us in modern life, especially Facebook and Twitter. They not only help make friends globally but also provide users various activities to relax or to search information. Let\’s see the inforgraphics below to know more details.


Social Media’s Impact on the U.S. Midterm Elections

Social media, especially Facebook, is changing the face of U.S Midterm Elections. More than 12 million people used the “I voted” button on Facebook this year compared with the 5.4 million using it in 2008. To put these numbers in perspective, the United States Elections Project at George Mason University estimated that nearly 88 million Americans joined the vote.


An infographic of the 10 close senate races


The profile information was used by Facebook Data Team to produce some interesting insights on Election Day turnout


Farmville vs. Real Farms

Farmville is regarded as the most influential game ever on the web. There are over millions and millions of users playing farmville, a virtual farm where you can do farming and other activities.


The average Farmville player is a 43-year-old woman while the average farmer is a 57-year-old man


A nice infographic just displays the difference between the farmville and the real farms


This chart shows the percentage of world population working in agriculture, using Facebook, having Internet access and playing Farmville


Facebook’s 500 Million Members

Facebook marked the milestone when it reached 500 million members all over the world and celebrated this event with the launch of Facebook Stories. U.S has the largest users with 125 millions while South Africa only makes up 3%.


An infographic below illustrates the number of Facebook users in all continents


Facebook’s Privacy Missteps

The release of “Facebook Places“, which allows users to alert their friends by checking-in to a nearby location or view the location of nearby friends and the information they’ve posted about locations, raised serious privacy concerns for users of the social network.


An infographic shows the history of privacy snafus that have dogged the platform since its creation


Social Good: Charity and Technology in the Online Universe

“Social good” sounds like a concept or an idea than a real work but its result is highly appreciated. The infographic below places it into better context with donation numbers, growth charts and some comparisons to its offline.


Online donation exceeds to $ 15 billions


The chart of online charitable donation growth


The chart of donations by group


3 million people used the mobile donation to donate $ 32 millions in August


Pulse of the Nation

A study called “Pulse of the nation” about the mood on Twitter over time, which was done with 300 million tweets within 3 years from Sep. 2006 to Aug. 2009, has been released by researchers of the Northeastern University and Harvard University showing how the mood of the United States changes during one day?


The scale of happiness is reflected by different colors, in which the red represents furiousness while the green shows happiness




Related links:

Social Media Optimization vs. Social Media Marketing

Benefits Of Social Media

Facebook Crash

I am the fan of news on society and culture. I am currently the lecturer in social major. In free time, I am fond of reading articles and joining social activities.

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To Be Positive Or Not to Be – How to Get Real and Stay Positive

To be positive does not mean hiding the head in the sand and pretending that all is well when it’s not. If your shirt is on fire, it needs to be attended to. If you’re living off your credit cards, you are not in the land of plenty even if you’ve read The Secret and have manifested a million dollars for next week.

Being positive does not mean shunning reality. It means expecting and knowing that there is a solution to your problems and that you’ll find it, work it and solve the problem or problems. It also means having faith and confidence in your resources, having faith in the future and not being stuck on dwelling about everything that is going wrong in the world.

The fact that you are positive does not mean that you cannot get angry once in a while. Sometimes the energy that anger provides is necessary. That is especially the case when you’ve reached the threshold of tolerance.

If you’re overweight and eating your way to an early grave, it’s OK to get angry and say, “That’s it. I’ve had it. This is not me; I’m smarter and more disciplined than that. From this day on, things are going to change.” Saying that and meaning it while angry is not being negative. You are simply using one more resource at your disposal to get things done.

There is no such thing as a bad emotion or a negative emotion. Emotions are negative only when used in a disempowering way. They all have their utility and they all can be empowering. Emotions are neutral. It’s the way that they are used that can either be positive and negative.

That being said, it’s now time to get into the nitty-gritty of what is meant by “being positive.” There is one element that is absolutely essential to be positive. That is the fact that action must follow reflection. Faith without work is dead and being positive without taking action is being delusional.

If you’re positive that you can make it to first base before the ball gets there and you stay at home-plate, you’re not positive. You’re being silly. It’s the same for everyday occurrences. If you are positive that a situation or a problem will be solved and you don’t actually take action to solve it, you’re worst than being negative. You’re kidding yourself.

To be truly positive, action has to follow thoughts. That’s the true test of a positive attitude. It’s also where talk about being positive can actually be truly negative. People who put faith in the positive attitude and do not include action in the process are not actually helping themselves. They are actually hurting themselves.

Simply being positive by itself has never helped anyone. We see them all the time, the eternal optimists who positively believe that some day, their ship will come home. The ship will not come home if you did not put one in the water in the first place.

The term, positive attitude, may be the greatest thing since sliced bread but it will not do much for anyone if it’s not fully understood and used the way that it should. Sliced bread will not be of much use if it stays in the bag and a positive attitude will not help if it’s not coupled with action.

A positive attitude can be a tremendous tool for achievement and for successful living. It can also be a way of hiding the head in the sand. It can be an explosive force so long as it has a detonating device. That device is called, action. With a positive attitude and some corresponding action, almost anything is possible. When we separate these two elements, life gets to be hard… real hard.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums

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