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3 Positive Steps When Getting Back Together After a Break

You have just had a break up and now you are thinking you might like to get back together with your ex, are you still interested, do you really feel that it would be best for you to get back with your ex? If you love the other person and really want to restart things, you will need to take some time to think about. For instance what caused the break up to happen? What can you do to make love grow again? Do you remember why you fell in love with this person? Do you really still love them? If you are sincere in restarting your relationship you can make it happen. Let me first warn you, calling up your ex and begging them to get back together again is not the thing to do! You may also feel that staying home and crying yourself to sleep day in and day out until you are to tired to think anymore will help. That is also not going to help you or your hope of getting back together again.

If you really would like to get your ex back and you are sincere about making that work out best for both of you here are three steps you can take to rekindle your relationship!You have just had a break up and now you are thinking you might like to get back together with your ex, are you still interested, do you really feel that it would be best for you to get back with your ex? If you love the other person and really want to restart things, you will need to take some time to think about. For instance what caused the break up to happen? What can you do to make love grow again? Do you remember why you fell in love with this person? Do you really still love them? If you are sincere in restarting your relationship you can make it happen.

Let me first warn you, calling up your ex and begging them to get back together again is not the thing to do! You may also feel that staying home and crying yourself to sleep day in and day out until you are to tired to think anymore will help. That is also not going to help you or your hope of getting back together again. If you really would like to get your ex back and you are sincere about making that work out best for both of you here are three steps you can take to rekindle your relationship!

1 – First and most important, before you can consider getting back together accept that what happened has happened and is now in your past.

It can be difficult to accept and understand that the breakup happened, but you really must to go forward in the future. Your relationship was broken and this is your chance to rebuild and renew your relationship. To go forward you need to get out of your past, leave the old relationship behind and begin a new future together. This allows you to build a relationship that is separate and better than your last time together.

2- Second, do not begin your post break up attempt to make up by calling your ex!

Do not call your ex while you begin working on getting back together. You need some time to reflect on what happened. Time to let your emotions and temper cool down. You need some time to figure out where things went wrong and what happened to the love and mutual respect you shared. Start going through things in your mind, see what was working and what was not. Work to improve those things in your mind. Take time to let the mourning in your heart and head pass, take time to heal.

3 – Lastly, getting back together again means waiting until the timing is perfect.

When you are feeling better prepared to get back together after your break up, it is time to begin planning when where and how. Once you arr prepared to restart your romance again, you should have a much clearer picture of whether or not you really love him or her. Rather than worry about who was at fault in the ending of your relationship, focus your energy on all the great things about your time together, things that made you love each other. Chances are that you will still run into each other at times, now is the time to start a casual conversation. If that goes well you can work up to a good friendship and just let things progress naturally from there. If you take small steps, don’t rush and have a positive attitude, getting back with your ex will be simpler than you can imagine!

A broken relationship is seldom good for those of us involved. You break up and work toward divorce but maybe the best thing for both of you would be a way to work out your problems and save your future together. There are ways to do that, come and see me at and find out How to stop my divorce

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4 Steps to Maintain a Positive Attitude When Unemployed

You just woke up at 11:00 AM for the third straight day… 4 days after you were given the boot for no reason of your own you are still in that unemployment funk. If you want to get out of that cloud, you need to read the following and make the necessary adjustments.

The first thing to realize is that you are not the only person in this predicament. Others, in situations much worse than you, are in the same boat named unemployment. Some of them are facing utility shutoffs, concern about their food bill… even evictions.

So, let’s look at some ways to get that attitude back where it belongs and make your world a happier place. One thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is that nothing lasts forever on this earth. Being an unemployed person will pass.

Going forward follow these simple steps to keep from falling back into a depressing funk:

• Get up early and when you get up, wake up. Daylight is known to help keep a person positive.

• Dress as if you were going out in public. You may just wear ratty jeans and your favorite torn t-shirt around the house but in an effort to keep you from the unemployment funk, dress as though you were having lunch or dinner with a friend.

• Communicate, communicate, communicate. Nothing holds you down more than just internalizing everything going on in your life. Call a friend, chat with old coworkers, make an effort to share a little something with the bagger at the local grocery store.

• Be your Boy Scout best. Do a good deed… better yet, do several. Giving to others will lift your spirits and make a positive impact on your community as well. It’s not all about you and your problems and doing good deeds helps you realize that.

Follow those simple steps and your period of unemployment won’t sting nearly as much and your interaction may very well lead to a job opportunity that will change your economic status.

Will Stone has offered employment tips and company background information for years to those that are looking to improve their lives. Click here to apply for Recession Proof Jobs or to learn more about what Will Stone offers take a look at his Job Information Site. It has always been important for one to be a productive member of society and one way is to have a positive impact as either an employer or employee and Will does all he can to offer aid to those with the same though process.

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How to Create Positive Thinking – 7 Steps to a Positive Mind

Do you realize the power of self talk? You probably don’t if you have trouble controlling the thoughts in your mind? Do you find yourself thinking things that are detrimental to your future? You can learn to use words for success. Positive thoughts and words create a positive life. Positive self talk and success in life go hand in hand. Follow these 7 steps to discipline your mind and discover the power of self talk.

7 Steps to Train Your Mind to Positive Thinking:

1. Daily Gratitude List. Keep a gratitude journal. List a minimum of 5 things each day that you are thankful for.

2. Smile. As you tell yourself with this one action that you are happy your mind follows. Someone once said, “If I can make it till 10 a.m. smiling, the rest of my day takes care of itself.”

3. Find the good in others. Be known as the person who will always see the good qualities of others. Two things will happen as a result.

a. As you mention these good things to others and especially to the people themselves you will brighten their day.

b. You will also fill your life with positive feelings. You will experience feelings of good will within yourself because of your actions. You will also change the way others speak about you, using positive words of affirmation towards you as a result of your kind words.

4. Know your goals, dreams and desires. Focus on achieving the things you desire in life. Your dreams are motivators and as you aspire to achieving these good things in life you are pursuing a positive future, which in turn creates a positive ‘now’ in your actions.

5. Speak positively to yourself. Too often, if we stop and take note of what we are saying within our minds we hear negative words. Be your own friend instead of your enemy and encourage and think positively of yourself.

6. Listen to good speakers who challenge your thinking. Strive to grow in skill, knowledge and understanding by continually learning. Find speakers that motivate you and inspire you to be the best you can be.

7. Begin and end each day with positive words of affirmation to the people in your life and to yourself. How you start your day usually determines how your day goes. How you end your day often determines how the next day will begin. Make an effort to daily begin and end each day filled with optimistic words and thoughts and live a life that is positive.

Now I would like to invite you to get your Free Instant Access to the the 4 FREE Motivational Principles for Becoming a Self-Motivated Entrepreneur when you visit: http://www.patandersontoday.com/4-powerful-success-strategies/ .

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6 Steps to Maintaining Positive Attitude

Maintaining positive attitude allows us to focus on our strengths and achievements, instead of allowing negative thinking to stop us in our tracks, when it comes to making and maintaining progress as an entrepreneur, either online or offline.

Here are 6 steps to maintaining positive attitude and taking control of your emotions and thoughts to allow endless possibilities into your life.

1. Look After Yourself

As much as you’re able to, eat a healthy diet, get as much sleep as you need and exercise, at least once a week!

2. Don’t Forget What You’ve Already Got

When you remind yourself of the things that are good in your life, however small or insignificant you think they are, it makes a difference in maintaining positive attitude and starts to attract bigger and better things to you. Just pause for a minute every day to remind yourself of what you have got.

3. Believing In Yourself

The need to feel accepted by others and to fit in is perfectly normal, as you’d agree. All of us have had a fear or nervousness about what other people might be thinking about us, but what we fear isn’t always real.

Regardless of other people’s opinions, if you know yourself that your chosen course of action is the right one for you, don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise.

4. Watch Your Language!

We tend to think the way that we speak, I know I do. If you use certain words or phrases, they will affect the way you think. Maintaining positive attitude means you need to consciously think about the way you phrase things. Avoid using words like “can’t”, “never”, don’t”.

These words will send your thoughts and emotions the wrong way.

Be aware of what you’re saying and thinking. Instead of “I can’t afford this”, use “I can’t afford this yet” or “I can afford this if I…”. 

5. Be Aware of Negative Thoughts

If you have a moment in struggling with maintaining positive attitude and negative thoughts start to creep in, be aware of what is happening. If you are aware of something, you can control it.

When you notice yourself having a negative thought, recognize it for what it is, make the choice to not let it affect you, let it go and move on.

6. Taking Action – don’t Procrastinate

If you get stuck in the headlights thinking over the best way to go about doing something all of the time, you end up doing nothing. Pick one of your viable options and carry it through by taking action. It’s easy to become paralyzed with analyzing things too much.

Take action and reap the rewards. Do nothing and receive exactly that. 

Keep these 6 steps in mind and use them as a foundation for maintaining positive attitude in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Online income mentor Ed Hodgson teaches people how to generate a substantial passive income from the internet. For free tips on making money online, go to http://www.EdHodgsonBlog.com

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10 Steps to a Positive Outlook and Focused Thinking

At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and lack of focus have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with difficulty staying focused develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.

Practicing positive thinking allows us to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation.  This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive and focused thinking patterns:

Take Good Care Of Yourself:   It’s much easier to be positive and stay focused when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.  We all know these are the keys to being healthy and energetic; however, few are able to make it a habit.  Write a note to yourself and keep it where you will see it several times a day to remind you that you need to eat well and exercise (when you do these things, getting enough rest will come naturally).  When you are constantly reminded, you will make better choices.  Also, develop a habit of continuous learning by seeking to learn something new every day.  Continuous learning keeps your mind sharp and prevents falling into a SSDD (same stuff different day) mindset.
Have An Attitude Of Gratitude:  If you want more in life, you need to first be thankful for all that you have.  Remind yourself daily of the people and things that you are grateful for.  Keep a gratitude journal and write at least 5 things in it every day that you are grateful for.  Taking just a couple of minutes a day to stop and appreciate your life will make a huge difference.  
Verify And Clarify Before Assuming: Fear of not being liked or accepted can lead us to assume we know what others are thinking, but these fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member is upset with you, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you behind your back, seek to verify and clarify by asking them directly. Don’t waste time worrying that you may have done something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.  
Stop Using Absolutes: Do you sometimes say “You’re ALWAYS late!” or “You NEVER call me!”? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like ‘always’ and ‘never’ makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.  It also puts people into a defensive mode, which becomes a communication barrier.  Think about what you are saying.  Absolutes are rarely true; focus on a specific situation that you are concerned about without generalizing by saying “always” or “never”.  
Review Your Negative Thoughts: Your thoughts can’t hold any power over you if you don’t judge or emotionalize them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, see it for what it is, and don’t accept it.  When you are able to separate emotion from your negative thoughts, you can banish them from your mind without letting them take hold of your subconscious.  When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, immediately yell out “STOP!” (or at least yell it to yourself).  
Exterminate The “ANTs”: In his book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life,” Dr. Daniel Amen talks about “ANTs” – Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are usually reactionary negative thoughts, like “Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me,” or “The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!” When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and exterminate them!  See step 3 above about verifying and clarifying before assuming the worst.   
Understand The Power Of Touch: You don’t have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn’t touch!  When used appropriately, the power of touch can give you and others a positive physiological boost!  
Become More Social: It may seem obvious that increasing social activity decreases loneliness, but we can fall into ruts and forget this simple formula for boosting our attitude. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!  Be selective about who you spend you time with to ensure you are lifting each other up rather than dragging each other down.  Don’t engage in gossip or complaining; instead focus on what’s good.  
Be A Go Giver: Helping others also helps you; everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.  Or simply put, the more you give the more you receive.  
Use Pattern Interrupts To Stop Dwelling On The Negative: If you find yourself dwelling on something negative, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Hyper-focus on something negative is never productive, because it’s not rational or solution-oriented, it’s just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment – go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, read motivating quotes, turn on some music, or sing a song.  Anything to switch your current thought pattern.

When you are able to banish negative thoughts and fill your mind with powerful, energizing, and positive thoughts, you will begin to boost your focus.  Your mind will no longer be distracted by worry.  Your productivity and achievement will increase, which will increase your self-esteem.  Increased self-esteem will increase your positive outlook and the cycle will continue upward.  Resolve to make a few simple changes in your thinking to achieve big results in the quality of your life. 

The easiest way to ensure you maintain a positive attitude is to engage in daily mental stimulation. Turn your car into a “university on wheels” by listening to audio books or seminars instead of the radio. Become a member of an online learning community, like iLearningGlobal.tv (http://www.ilgachievers.com), where you can have instant 24/7 access to videos and audio from some of the best teachers and thought leaders in the world. Invest in yourself to acknowledge and validate your personal value.

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How to Develop A Positive Mindset During Tough Times In 3 Easy Steps

With the news of economic recession, outsourcing of jobs to China and other overseas countries, and environmental problems like global warming and natural disasters happening more frequently than ever before, it is a hard job to be a positive person. In this article, you will find 3 simple steps to have a positive mindset, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

1) Understand how media works: Only “bad news” is news.

This is just how it works. People are focused on problems immediately. When we hear any kind of bad news, we immediately focus on it to determine if it is any real threat to us. Therefore, mass media always focuses on bad news to capture our attention. It is more profitable for them.

However, it is not good for you. Most of the bad news you hear is not going to effect you, ever. So it is a wise idea to shield yourself from bad news you hear. Do not let mass media drain your positive energy.

2) Do not fight with inevitable. If you cannot change it, accept it.

Too many people are fighting with reality, always arguing what “should be” rather than seeing and accepting reality for what is. There is no real value in fighting against the reality. If you cannot change something, then accept it, and move on your way. Focus on things that matter to you, that you can make a change.

3) Take positive action, whenever you can.

When you do think that you can make a positive change, start taking action immediately. No matter how small, how little, every action counts. And small steps taken today are the seeds of larger steps to take tomorrow. Every journey of a thousand miles begin with a little step. Never underestimate importance of tiny little actions. If nothing else, it will keep you po


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A Mind Overhaul 4 Steps To Building A Positive Mindset

Do you find yourself dissuaded by one negative thought after another all throughout the day? This happens to a lot of people, usually without their full awareness of it. Unfortunately, these negative thought patterns can wreak a lot of unnoticed havoc in our lives.

Heres how to protect yourself from these silent but deadly thought killers:

1. Identify your negative thought patterns. The first step in transforming your thought patterns from negative to positive is to identify which thought patterns you have are destructive. Negative thoughts that are not identified have the most power to do the most damage in your life. Thus, your mind has to see these thoughts for what they really are. This way, your mind will gradually develop an awareness of the negative effects of these thoughts and will slowly build a resistance against them.

If you are up for it, get yourself a small notebook and keep a pen handy. Write down all the negative thoughts that attack your head during the day. Take down notes about what triggered these thoughts. These thought triggers may be objects, events, or even people.

2. Choose to change them. Now, you did not just identify your negative thought patterns just to watch them do their dirty work. You lined them up so you will recognize them and have the free choice to change them. Once you make the choice, you can now move on to making actual plans on how to change them.

3. Formulate a reprogramming plan. Take your negative thought notebook; beside each negative thought that commonly pollutes your mind, write down an alternative positive thought.

Here are some examples:

He is better than me. I have my own strengths.
I dont belong. I am unique.
I will never have enough money. I will grab more opportunities to make more money.
Ill always live a boring, worthless life. I will look for new hobbies and interests to expand myself.
Ill never get the job that I want. I will apply for my dream job position.
No one really appreciates me. I am self-assured and know my worth.

You can use these positive thoughts to rewire the way you think. Each time you find yourself thinking negatively again, immediately change it into a positive thought. Focus your mind on the positive thoughts you have come up with, so your subconscious mind will absorb them and eventually fully believe them.

4. Start a new list. Since changes are underway, you can now begin a new list. Instead of listing down the negative thought patterns in your life, now you can begin listing down all the positive thoughts and positive things that you come across with on a daily basis. By listing them down, you are making your mind really look for them instead of the negative things. This way, you will be able to acknowledge the areas of your life that are going smoothly. Make sure to develop a grateful attitude for all the things that do go right. This attitude is bound to attract more positive things into your life.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Videos!

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