Tag Archives: Thinking

The Importance of Positive Thinking and Overcoming Fears

Whenever you are worried or anxious it’s very easy for your mind to focus on the future outcome and make predictions that are all coming from core fears in yourself.  This is a normal reaction that everyone experiences on a day to day basis, and many people worry about things that are yet to happen or even happen to them. 

This could include simple thoughts such as a fear of flying as the plane might crash or catching a cold from someone else. Most people predict that whatever they decide to do will result in the worst case scenario possible, in fact you may have come to a decision already that the outcome is set.  These worries all stem from a negative attitude that is directly related to your fears and assumptions.

When you have already predicted the outcome for yourself, you have already paralysed yourself from taking action.  It then becomes even harder to carry out whatever it is you need to do as your subconscious mind has already told your conscious self what the outcome is,  you then find yourself more stressed than before!  What you need to do is is replace these negative thoughts and worries with positive thoughts, and we do this by recalculating these risks from a positive side.  Once you have done this and analysed your predictions and how you had come to them, then you can start the rehabilitation process of ridding your fears and keeping a positive attitude.

Reflection on your life is useful, as there is bound to be more than 1 occasion when you have overcome something despite having fears or worries.  By reflecting on our own personal accounts in the past you will realise that your assumptions of something having a negative outcomes is purely irrational unless it is has been stated as an undeniable fact.  Embrace your fear and follow through with whatever decisions you decide to make, the outcome is not always predetermined as some may think, having a positive attitude and focusing on the possible positive outcomes makes much more sense that worrying about the negative.

Benecio has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website over at http://www.shockcollarsfordogs.org/ where he provides information on the latest shock collars for dogs as well as various other training tools for your pet.

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12 Positive Thinking Exercises You Can Do Everyday

If you want to stay positive in your life, here are positive thinking exercises you can do everyday to get started. When you eventually make these a habit, you will feel it make changes in the way you see things and will help you live a happier life.

1. Take a walk early in the morning or go to the office early so you can spend some time for a walk. Enjoy nature while walking and appreciate little pleasures you see on your way – shades of the trees and the morning breeze – take time to feel them.

2. Be thankful. Appreciate the good things in your life and do not forget to say thank you to every little favor given to you. Being grateful radiates a positive energy to the people who receive it and leaves a feeling of lightness in you. One of the simplest positive thinking exercises you can do – say thank you.

3. Make a list of the things you like doing or you want to do and savor the feeling of being excited. Make a list of what you want to do that day, or make a list of your dreams. If you are dreaming to take that hot balloon ride or you want to take a grand vacation at a tropical beach, or simply indulging on your favorite ice cream after lunch – it will give you a great feeling of excitement and help you think about the many positive things in life.

4. Use positive words. Stop saying ‘I can’t,’ or ‘problems,’ or ‘troubles’ – be creative with how you say things. Positive thinking exercises can start from the words you say everyday.

5. Use positive affirmations. Tell yourself you deserve to be happy. If you want love flowing in your life, tell yourself that you rejoice in the love you see and feel everyday. If you want to build your self-confidence, tell yourself that you are special, unique and creative. You can make use of subliminal affirmations through videos and you can also attend workshops about positive affirmations so you can make it into a habit.

6. Listen to an inspiring song or read an inspiring quote everyday. You can start up with positive thinking by putting an inspiring quote in your desk everyday or having an inspiring playlist d that you can listen and feel everyday while you are driving.

7. Do something good for your fellow. It will make you feel better. Giving is truly one of the positive thinking exercises that can help you attract more positive things in life.

8. Have a good laugh. Find funny cartoons or watch a funny video clip. Aside from being the best medicine, laughter can help you start a good day.

9. Get along with people who have positive outlook in life. Have positive influences around you. They will not only influence your quest to be positive in life but it will also help lighten your day.

10. Think about your dream and visualize it. Our dreams give joy and excitement to us and even just thinking about them gives us a positive energy. Picture it. Feel the reality of your dreams and you will feel motivated to work towards it.

11. Meditate. Have a quiet time everyday to let your thoughts drift into relaxation. Aside from relieving you from the stress of the day, it will also help you develop awareness of your self and your thoughts.

12. Choose to be happy. Happiness is a choice. If you choose to be one, you will be. Indeed there are trials in this world that you need to overcome, but if you let these things rule your life, you will be dealing with them everyday, as life is a constant battle of problem solving.

Start with these simple positive thinking exercises every day and you will truly feel and find out that being happy is indeed a choice you can make.

Carolyn Anderson uses subliminal videos to help her stay positive in everything she does everyday. For subliminal videos that will help you in developing positive thinking, she recommends this Subliminal Video Series. Also check out Design Your Destiny, where you can find useful inputs from a self-made millionaire on how to succeed in life.

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Attracting Abundance – Positive Thinking For the Entrepreneur

Success as an entrepreneur seems elusive to many who run their own businesses, but it’s really only as close or far as one imagines. If you are working for yourself and feeling like success is out of your reach, that very thought may be the one that is keeping you from reaching those lofty goals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting seemingly unattainable goals, but you must believe they can be reached if you are ever to come close to seeing them fulfilled.

Attracting abundance with the power of positive thinking is not a new concept. Consider the following if you are seeing your goals slip away, and you’d like to know how to harness the power of positive thoughts:

Success is what you make of it. If your idea of success is set to a certain marker, don’t allow yourself to get discouraged if a colleague is reaching a different marker. If you are achieving your goals, be proud of yourself and congratulate yourself for a job well done. Seeing the results of your hard work and acknowledging them helps build positive thoughts and behavior.

Like minded people attract each other. If you remain positive in your mindset, you’ll attract the people, situations, and resources you need to fulfill your goals. Staying positive repels the negative people who want to dwell in their own negativity. Keeping a smile on your face will bring the people you need to help you succeed into your life.

Don’t just think — believe. Positive thinking is more than just saying or thinking statements that are not negative. You must believe the statements; you must feel the emotions that they should bring out in you.

As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get discouraged. Often we are working with limited resources or support, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Stay positive and keep the mindset that you have the tools you need at your disposal. Whether you actually do or not, your subconscious will find a way to bring them into your reality. With each achievement you attract, you’ll find the power within yourself to attract the next.

Abundance is an important topic to consider, but this offering is only one small part of a much larger knowledge pool. If you’re interesting in finding out how mentoring and guidance can improve your business results while teaching you advanced marketing tactics, look at this site (I strongly recommend it).

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Why Positive Thinking Can Kill Your Chances With Hot Girls

Back in the day, when I was an awkward, skinny, teenage virgin, I used to wonder why girls didn’t like me. So I read a bunch of ‘self-help’ books that all fired me up with the same ‘think positively, what you believe, you will achieve’ style advice. If you’ve ever seen the movie ‘The Secret’, you’re along the right lines.

End result: Still no girls were attracted to me.

Actually, the title of this article is kinda misleading, since positive thinking is a good thing, and certainly better than negative thinking. But positive thinking on its own will not get you more women, money, respect, appreciation – or anything else you want more of in this life. Positive thinking on its own is equivalent to shutting your eyes and saying ‘lalalala everything is great, everything is fine!’, when in reality, you know that it isn’t.

Closing your eyes and hoping the problem fixes itself NEVER ever works. The quickest way I know of to get where you want to be, in any area of your life, is to follow this 4 step process:

1. Honestly assess exactly where you are right now (so if you’re not attracting any women, it’s ok to say ‘I’m not getting the women I really want – and I’m not happy about that.’ You’re not moaning or complaining – just being honest with yourself.

2. Work out what you want and where you want to be. Do you want to turn into a super pimp, with Playboy bunnies all over you, and free entry to VIP clubs wherever you go? Or do you just want to meet one gorgeous, special girl who you share a real connection with, and settle down? Whatever you want is fine – but it’s important to know where you want to go before you set off.

3. Find someone who has been where you have been, and is where you want to be now, then find out what they did in order to get there. If possible, get them to mentor you. Don’t listen to any advice from armchair theorists who have not followed the path you need to follow.

4. Take action, and do whatever it takes to get there. Don’t allow yourself to be put off by the inevitable potholes along the way.

I know what it’s like to have women laugh at you, and not take you seriously. Or worse still, to totally ignore you when you speak to them. I also know what it’s like to have gorgeous, beautiful, fun, smart women hanging off your every word, and fighting over each other to get to you.

I know which one I prefer…

I want to show you how to get from where I was, to where I am now – without having to go through the years of pain that I went through. Of course, you could figure this out on your own – but why go through all that extra hassle and bother?

Visit http://www.smartguydating.com and let me do the work for you…

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Change From Negative to Positive Thinking With a Single Word

I learned a new word today and it has me giddy with joy. The word is insouciance. Say it out loud: in soo see ance. Doesn’t that sound delicious-like you want to eat a piece of it?

Visualize To Change Your Thinking

Insouciance is a French word that means carefree or without a care. Immediately as I roll the word across my tongue, my mind conjures up the image of me living a carefree life. I picture myself twirling around in the sunshine with my face warmed by its heat, my arms spread eagle and a big smile on my face.

As I hold this image, I see blue sky, shimmering crystal clear water, and fields of tall green grass blowing in the wind. I envision fluffy white clouds sailing along in the sky. I hear laughter and birds singing. I smell the freshness you notice when winter starts to move into spring-that deep moist earthy scent. I notice that people are passing by me with smiles on their faces, curious about what’s making me so happy.

I continue to hold this image and begin to feel the emotions associated with this carefree connection starting to physically well up inside me. Joy, peace, exuberance, vibrancy, excitement, love, abundance are all present. I radiate goodness and feel life in all its glorious splendor.

Mind Body Connection Is At Work

The mind body connection is at work. Simply thinking of the word “insouciance” instantly creates a picture in my mind of living the meaning of the word. My body responds by feeling the feelings I associate with the word.

Now as I move forward into the rest of my day, I’m filled with these feelings and their energy vibration. These feelings are being projected outward to everyone I meet and are present in every situation I encounter. This energy will serve me well today and will help me create the desires of my heart. And it all began with a word-and a thought-a very positive thought.

Should I happen to face a perceived challenge, I now have an anchor to shift my thinking from negative to positive. I will simply think of my word, and all its associations will come flooding back to me and become my new perception filter for that situation.

Take A Moment For Positive Thinking Now

Take a moment right now to reflect inside yourself. Is your mind filled with words and thoughts that stimulate your responses and help you live the life you desire? Or are you mulling over and thinking about words or negative thoughts which do the opposite? Do they hold you back-cause you to stumble? Do they take you off your desired path of conscious creation?

Your Thoughts Create

What you believe, you create in your life. Your thoughts become things. What are your words and thoughts creating for you today? If you need a word to grasp onto, I give to you “insouciance.” Now go forward and be carefree.

Esther Bartkiw is a Core Belief Engineering Practitioner and Motivational Speaker. She helps people release their fears and negative beliefs, open up conscious awareness and guides them on a journey of transformation. She can be reached at 905-630-4471 or visit her website at http://www.changefromwithin.ca
This article was written for http://www.womensquotes.com

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Success Strategies – The Power of Positive Thinking

Is there a key for people who achieve success?

It is our choice of how we look at the world. Is the glass half empty or half full? Our view of the world determines how we think about and act in any situation, which of course leads to our results. Our results lead to the life style that we lead.

We can only have one thought in our minds at a time so why not make it a positive one? Our thoughts are something that we have complete control over. They are the one thing that directly leads to our success or failure.

If you don’t like your life style, you need to look at and change your attitudes or the way that you think because that where it all starts. Is it positive or negative? (Hint: If you think that your thinking is positive you may want to get some insight from some of the people that are closest to you. Just ask them. It may not be as positive as you think …)

Having a positive attitude takes constant reinforcement. Due to past conditioning and constant bombardment of negative stuff (i.e. Have you watched the news lately?) is it any wonder we tend to think “That just won’t work…” or “I can’t do that…” It’s easier for us as humans for our thinking to go there instead of how things can work out.

Here are a few strategies to help keep you on the path of positive attitude achievement:

– Smile before leaving your house each morning. While you are at it, smile all day long. A smile sets a positive tone for you internally. It also attracts people to you in a spirit of friendly cooperation, which will aid in your achievement. How can you ensure that you smile more often?

– Set clearly defined goals for yourself. Well set goals create enthusiasm and the motivation to change. You will be most successful and fulfilled when you are working towards the accomplishment of your goals. Goals are necessary to understand attitudes. They provide us with a measurement. If you are not reaching your goals, you need to change the way you think or your attitudes. Do you have clearly defined goals that drive your achievement?

– When you suffer a “defeat” immediately go about restoring your positive attitude. Frustration and disappointment are worthless emotions. They waste both time and energy. They take away from us having a positive attitude and will hinder achievement. So learn from mistakes to make the experience productive. Look back on other victories in your life to regain your positive focus. Do you keep track of what you have achieved in your life?

It’s really quite simple: If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms you will get positive results. Our subconscious mind can help us achieve success beyond our wildest dreams. All you need to do is control your thoughts because we become what we think about.

Decide now what it is that you want. It’s going to be the most important decision you ever make.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Screw Positive Thinking! Where Self Help Goes Terribly Wrong

It is the battle cry of the self-help faithful. ” I am focusing on the positive!” There could never have been a dumber idea presented to the world. Yet all of us do it at one time or another. Let me give you a suggestion that might seem a bit revolutionary….

SCREW POSITIVE THINKING! It is stupid and destructive.

“But Tom…. Positive thinking makes me feel good.” Why yes it does and that is exactly the problem. A person using the excuse that they need to feel good in order to get through the day is crap. It allows you to avoid all your problems but….what really happens is that the problems are still there and you are just building a defensive wall out of a fragile house of cards that one day will crumble when something happens that makes it impossible for you to avoid a problem.

Don’t worry! Then some well-meaning idiot therapist will give you a pill to boost you mood even more. After you acclimate to that they will kindly up your dosage to you can hide even better from the problem. Just like Old Faithful you can count on one thing for sure…sooner or later you will erupt.

I call this the denial circuit. Last week Dr Ken was in town and we were mapping out the behavioral circuits of the brain. We came across and interesting discovery. Once we tap into the denial circuit we get even more creative about our excuses because that circuit taps directly into the creative part of the brain. It allows you to better ignore the problem and then rewards that by making you feel even better about ignoring the problem. It is a cycle that keeps going until you run into a wall.There is a free video on the top left corner of this site.

SSRIs make that even worse because they boost the chemicals in the brain that make you better able to ignore the problems and they make you feel good about doing it.

Then the dam bursts.

Why does this happen? It is simple. You can only squeeze so much feel good out of your brain before it reacts and the feel good chemicals can’t keep up anymore. When that happens you hit the wall and there is no escape. At that point you have a few choices. You can check yourself in for a free stay and the loony bin. You can curl up into the fetal position and waste away. My choice is this. You can choose to face your problems and solve them!

The problem with hiding from your problems is that the part of the brain that rewards your hiding also has no movement attached to it. You are just sitting in neutral with good feeling and no motivation to move. There is no access to the part of the brain that initiates movement. So nothing really changes other than you feel ok about being screwed up.

Yes I know this sounds nuts. Actually growing and learning sounds crazy when it is easier to just ignore. Yes it is easier to take magic pills, go into denial or just drink and drug yourself into oblivion. One thing I can guarantee is that sooner or later the eruption will occur. You will have to face the problem you have been ignoring. There is no hiding from it.

What can you do? The first thing is to make some personal changes that allow you to handle adversity instead of hiding from it. I think the 3D Mind is the best process for that. The reason I think so is that it balances the way the brain works. This is not some therapeutic junk where we examine your past. It is an actual brain exercise that helps your brain think in a new way. It shows you how to create and have movement all at the same time so that you address your issues quickly so that they never have a chance to erupt into huge problems.

OK I know… you have one of the ten thousand self-help books out there that tell you that being positive is powerful. Sorry… they are all wrong. No exceptions. No compromises.

The happiest people I know do not focus on only the positive things in life. They just deal with problems very quickly. They are creative and move quickly to solve problems, instead of focusing on where there are no problems. If you want to be one of these people then there are a few things you are going to have to do.

1. List your favorite excuses.
2. Pick one excuse.
3. What does that excuse allow you to avoid?
4. How would it feel if you could not avoid it?
5. Use your favorite self-improvement process that does not just make it easier to avoid those feelings.

Tom Vizzini http://www.essential-skills.com

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Positive Thinking Tips For Achieving Your Desires Quickly

Positive thinking is the steady flow of thoughts and feelings in our mind that are conducive, inspiring and pleasant to our growth, happiness and good health in life. They are thoughts that give us hope and expectations of positive results. It’s also a condition of our mind that allows us to anticipate success, joy and development in our life.

On the contrary is negative thoughts. That’s thoughts, words or attitudes that produce unhappy expectations, actions or moods. When we entertain negative thoughts our mind produces poisonous substances into our body system, which causes more unhappiness, frustrations and disappointments. This is why negative thinking is fundamentally responsible to lack of progress, ill health and failure in our lives.

For each of us to attain high success and achieve all our desires quickly and easily, we need to maintain positive thinking consistently in our mind. The repetition of these thoughts is what will assist your sub-conscious mind to trigger your body system into positive mood. This will now send the positive aura to the universe to attract positive things .

In other to maintain a steady flow of positive thinking we have to constantly steer our mind away from negative thoughts. Some people have complained about some difficulties they experienced in maintaining steady flow of positive thinking. The following practical steps will assist them in this direction:

1. Immediately a negative thought enter your mind take cognizance of it and start immediately to erase it from your mind. Replace it with a positive thought. Bring to your mind immediately, the lofty goal you’ve prepared for yourself.

2. Constantly visualize the end result of your goal. Whether it’s a material thing like a house or a car, keep visualizing it. If it’s a position or attainment, keep seeing yourself as already in that position, and savoring the benefits and enjoyments of it.

3. Employ the use of affirmations. The continuous repetition of positive affirmations have assisted a great number of people. Prepare phrases well suited for your need and repeat them regularly. Be careful to say this phrases with belief and and positive expectations. Doing this will hasten your manifestations.

Did you know that it takes 9 months for an average person to achieve what he could easily have achieved with his mind in three weeks? Why waiting for that long. Visit http://positivenotions.com/intro.htm to find out how you could use your mind to achieve your desires quickly and easily.

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Why Positive Thinking Can Be a Bad Practice

When you say the way you think will inevitably yield you certain results you reinforce the idea that different thinking will yield different results. People in sales will often tell their sales force to think positive. But that only works for those who are feeling positive already. If you tell a person who is experiencing negative feelings to think positive you can immerse them deeper. When you feel better you evoke better feeling thoughts. Your thinking is pointed in a more lofty direction and that’s what you want for success, a greater sense of self esteem. Your coaching would be more effective if you could raise the level of their feelings to be better place than where they might be.

The only people you would say ‘think positive’ to, are people you feel are not thinking that way. You don’t tell everyone who doesn’t think negative to think differently. And what they hear when you keep reminding them to think positive is that they think negatively. So at a deeper level they are being reminded that they must be negative thinkers. It’s worse than that, every time you harp on the idea they try harder but every effort makes real what they are resisting.

If you think healthy thinking is indeed healthy for you, you do affirm one thing that is very important, that what you think matters. No doubt about it. However, that is all you are doing, you are making it real that what you think influences the outcomes in life, negative or not. A more dominant negative person, who may for the moment feel good about himself, can be pushed into re-igniting the negative beliefs about himself when he is reminded to think positive. And if he tries hard to think that way he further stirs his negative beliefs. In that state any bit of negative evidence life brings forth may continue to flame those emotions.

It’s just not as simple as telling someone to think differently. I have coached many young athletes and students and what is important for them is to have an understanding of both where thoughts come, and what causes them to come forth. When you are deeply worried the thoughts that come to you are not happy thoughts and when you have a feeling of happiness and joy the thoughts that come to you are a match. One needs to know his or her thinking is always preceded by the emotions and feelings which give rise to them. Always, always, and did I say, always.

You alter the conversation from negative to positive or from the undesired to the desired by deliberately choosing better feelings, to have better feeling thoughts. It’s quite true that you can not be experiencing deep worry and in a moment cause yourself to experience jubilation. But you can however, with the willingness to seek out a better feeling thought, a very small happier feeling thought; you can cause yourself to get there. Reach for a better feeling thought no matter how small and then reach further and then further. You will notice changes in the physical reality as you begin to build an ability to do this. You will be thinking ‘positive thoughts’. Moreover your ability to attract what you desire in your present activity is enhanced.

By intending to move from whatever the emotions you are experiencing to even a small improvement in your feeling about whatever your immediate concern is, will cause you to point yourself in a direction of no resistance and freedom. My youngest daughter is a waitress and she realizes that the happier she can be she seems to receive far better tips. You do better in school, at work, in your studies, in all areas of your life when you can live your life always choosing to be happy. You are recognized as a ‘positive person’.

When you catch yourself speaking something or thinking something you feel negative about, never add to it by making yourself wrong. Use it to make yourself stronger by quickly looking for something that feels better. Dom DeLuise recently passed away and Burt Reynolds said that Dom never had an unkind word to say about anyone. How wonderful an example is that? In my next article on this subject I will be suggest some things you could do when you are in a ‘negative’ mood and wish to get yourself out.

Leon Michael Cautillo, Author/Instructor
Come visit In Our Time and read ‘A Global Vision’. If you enjoy the poster please consider purchasing it for display. You are invited to discover more about the magnificent and great possibility for mankind. Here you can find what there is to focus on that lifts the world and all its people to greater levels of happiness and joy.

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Thinking and Feeling Positive Is Good For Health

Emotions Have Evolutionary Value


People all understand that negative emotions have an evolutionary value as these emotions are associated with some kind of experience – fear, loss, and attack – that signals the activation of your flight or fight response. Aversion is a typical result you will have after experiencing negative emotions. Aversion is a feeling that activates and set you in motion to identify what is wrong and remove it. Negative emotions has a close relation with behaviors and actions that are associated with a sensory alert that activates us to focus on “fight, flight or conserve.”


Positive emotions also have an evolutionary advantage. They “broaden and build.” Experiencing the good feelings of positive emotions increases your survival chances because positive emotions broaden your intellectual, physical, and social resources and build reserves for you to draw upon.


The presence of good feelings increases your drive for exploration and discovery and provides the basis for positive social interactions. When you experience positive emotions, you become more tolerant, expansive, and creative and the more open to new ideas and new experiences you become.


Negative emotions narrow a person’s perspective to deal only with the immediate threat. When negative emotions are experienced, your flight or fight response is activated and you withdraw, freeze, or protect. In contrast, when you experience positive emotions, you feel safe and engage in active, playful exploration, and discovery. Negative emotions contract and positive emotions expand.


Good feelings form the experiential foundation for mentally healthy people in that they provide a foundation for growth and exploration and build the intellectual, social and physical capital for further growth and development.


When you experience negative emotions, they tell you to focus on what is wrong and eliminate it. When you experience positive emotions, however, you start looking for the virtues of what is happening. You become constructive, generous, un-defensive, and open to seeing possibilities.


Experiencing good feelings makes available an entirely different way of thinking from a negative mood. A negative mood helps us detect threats in our environment and focus our attention on protection. A positive mood moves us into growth and development, exploration and discovery.


The Three Principles of Positive Emotions


1. Positive Emotions Build Resources and Capital for the Future


The first principle of positive emotion is that good felings build the resources and capital that will become the basis for growth and development in years to come. When positive emotions are experienced you will reach outward and broaden your resources by exploration and discovery. You’ll be more creative, think quicker, and not succumb to premature closure or other forms of superficial intellectual processing.


Depressed people experience what is called a “downward spiral” of negative emotions. Depressed emotions call forth negative memories that feed more negative thoughts, that feed more negative memories, that feed more depressed emotions. Breaking this downward spiral is crucial to stopping the depression.


Psychologists have found what they call an upward spiral of positive emotion – different way of thinking and acting. The thinking becomes creative and broad-minded, and the actions become adventurous and exploratory. This increased creativity and exploration results in greater expansion.


As good felings produce expansion, more successful interactions in the environment produce more useful information about the environment and a sense of greater mastery. These successful interactions in the environment and the greater sense of mastery result in the generation of more positive emotions. These increased good felings result in more exploration, creativity and discovery in even more areas of life as the sense of mastery from the successful interactions ripples outward.


2. Positive Emotions Create an Upward Spiral


This upward and outward spiral of good felings leads to the second principle of positive emotions: Augment positive emotions in your life and start an upward and outward spiral of even more good felings and thus more exploration, discovery, creativity, and insightful thinking and more success and mastery in life.


3. Positive Emotions are Important


The third principle of positive emotions is that they need to be taken as seriously as negative emotions. Often negative emotions are taken more seriously because they have been believed to be the evolutionary backbone of human motivation. It was believed that people are motivated primarily to avoid experiencing negative emotions and that positive motivation was merely superficial.


Positive emotions are just as real, authentic, and important as negative emotions and equally important for evolutionary development, growth, and success in the world.


Positive Emotions Are Associated with More Successful Interactions in the World


Experiencing positive emotions brings more successful interactions with the world. Developing the art and skill of experiencing them will build more friendships, stronger love, better physical health, and more mastery and successful interactions in the world. Growth, positive development, and creative and successful interactions in the world (i.e. mental health) may have their foundations in the experience of positive emotions.


Happy People Are More Effective and Successful in the World


Happy people view themselves as more successful in the world. Happy people think that they have more skill than others think they do. Happy people remember more good events than actually happened and forget more of the bad events that happened Happy people see success as lasting, personal and pervasive and failure as impersonal, temporary and specific.


Happy people may lose a bit of realism but this does not lock them into ineffective functioning. Happy people are more likely to switch tactics when involved in a task that appears to be failing In the normal course of events, happy people rely on their tried and true positive past experiences while less happy people are more skeptical. However, when events are threatening, happy people, more readily than less happy people, switch tactics and adopt a skeptical and analytical frame of mind. Happy people seem to deal better with adversity.


Happier people are markedly more satisfied with their jobs than less happy people. More happiness actually causes more productivity and results in higher income. Happiness also makes gainful employment and higher income more likely. Adults and children who are put in a good mood select higher goals, perform better, and persist longer on a variety of laboratory tasks, such as solving anagrams.

Happy People Are Healthier


Positive emotions result in better physical health. Happy people spend more time playing. Playing has distinct survival benefits and is associated with greater creativity, muscle, and cardiovascular fitness. Good felings also predict health and longevity and protect people from the wear and tear of aging and strongly predict who lives longer, who dies earlier and who will become disabled. Happy people seek out and make use of more health risk information. Happy people have better health habits, lower blood pressure, and stronger immune systems than less happy people. They endure pain better and take more health and safety precautions when threatened. Positive emotions are a “prolonger of life and improver of health.”


Happy People Are More Connected With Others


The expression of good felings results in more secure relationships. Very happy people differ markedly from average people and from unhappy people in one principle way – a rich and fulfilling social life. Happy people have more close and casual friends, are more likely to be married, and are more involved in group activities than unhappy people. Happy people are also more altruistic. When we are in a good mood we are less focused on ourselves, we like others more and we want to be kinder and share our good fortune more with others. However, when we are experiencing negative emotions we become distrustful, turn inward and become defensive about our own needs.


Focusing on the Positive


Positive emotions undo negative emotions and reduce the negative physical and psychological stresses of negative experiences. Negative emotions tell you that you are facing a win-loss encounter and need to take steps to engage with the obstacles. Positive emotions tell you that you are in a potential win-win situation and guide you to be more expansive, tolerant, and creative so that you can maximize the social, intellectual, and physical benefits of the situation.


It is important to generate and build the experience of positive affective states rather than simply extinguishing negative emotions. Positive affective states become the fuel and the raw material for experiencing more growth and development, more exploration and discovery, more mastery and successful interactions in the world, and building, developing, using and leveraging our strengths.


You can dedicate this month to recognizing the importance of building a core motion towards happiness. You will broaden, build and become more successful in your world (whatever success means for you). Seek to align yourself with the wisdom expressed by the Dali Lama –

“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness.
That is clear.
Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we are all seeking something better in life.
So I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness” –Dali Lama


Are You Experiencing Positive Emotions?

Do you begin and end each day feeling excited and grateful?

Do you experience moments of pleasure throughout the day?

Do you experience gratification in the life you live and the work you are doing?

Is it easy for you to write down 5 things you appreciate about your day?

Do you feel like you are “in flow” for some parts of every day?

Do you believe that the “very motion of your life is towards happiness”?

If you answered “no” to any of the above, try taking steps to develop more of the good felings of positive emotions in your life.


Mary Ann Copson is a Mood and Brain Chemistry expert. She can determine your neurotransmitter profile and help you bring your brain chemistry back into balance with nutritional and wellness, dietary, herbal, supplement, lifestyle, and personal foundations recommendations. Moods, Neurotransmitters and Brain Chemistry

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