Tag Archives: thoughts

Mind Power – Converting Thoughts to Reality

Did you know that Mind Power can take control over your life? Yes, it absolutely can through hypnotic mind control. It’s just a matter of conditioning your brain to focus on a particular subject or idea and instructing your brain what to perceive, in that way you set whatever you wish your mind to think. That’s how the power of the mind works; it can either construct or ruin your life. The choice only depends on how you will maneuver or trick your brain.

Say for instance, you have been smoking for quite a long time and decided to stop. For your every attempt of defying the habit of smoking, still you cannot control the urge because there is already the addiction. Another case could be something about weight management, most of us would want to have a fit and healthy body yet we cannot manage to control our eating habits, consequently we become depressed and frustrated and we tend to eat some more . But through hypnotic mind control anything that you wish to happen can actually come to pass. That’s how amazing mind power could be.

Controlling the mind with hypnosis entails practice. To start with, you need to find a tranquil place where you can do the method, in there you can opt to sit, lie down or stand straight with eyes closed. Also, it is necessary that you’re calm and ready to focus for an hour or so. Since in controlling the mind with hypnosis you are actually interacting with your subconscious mind, you must make yourself believe that whatever you lead yourself to think or do will happen. And that will really happen. Focus until the end of the process. Parenthetically Hypnotic mind control is not just applicable in oneself or what is connoted as self-suggestion but it’s also proven in controlling the mind of other people. And it follows the same process.

Going back to the scenarios, if you tell your subconscious mind that you need to cut off your cigarette addiction and you follow the basic instructions then the next time smoking calls, you’ll be able to resist it. Same goes with weight management, if in the process you lead your mind into thinking that you need to cut off on carbohydrate rich foods or maybe discontinue eating unhealthy snacks, without doubt the next time you feel craving for those food, you can easily refuse to give in.

Converting thoughts to Reality is not really that hard if you notice. You only need to pay attention and focus on what you think will benefit you the most. If you want to fail or succeed in life, you just need to have the right mindset. And to have the right way of thinking you must direct your mind to believe that everything you think is feasible. In fact it’s like believing in magic. That’s the mystery of mind power, it makes the impossible possible by merely leading the mind to think it can be.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at http://www.secretofmindpower.com

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Delete Negative Thoughts and Create a Positive Mind

Are you one of those individuals whose mental time, power and energy is consumed in generating, supporting or languishing in negative thinking? If so, then you clearly recognize how this activity wastes a huge portion of your life and slows you down from achieving your goals. Indeed, a negative thought acts much like “friction” does in the physical world, it makes everything feel like work. Do you know that it is possible to delete negative thoughts from the mind and create a life that flows effortlessly?

In order to delete such negativity it becomes necessary to first understand where it comes from. If you ponder the experience of having a negative thought you will recognize that it just “pops” into the mind unannounced and without your active permission. It often seems like a random and uncontrollable event. There are however several factors that affect the intensity and number of negative thoughts one may experience at any given time.

They are:

1. The degree of stress you find yourself in (i.e. financial, relationship, health etc…)

2. The extent to which you choose to believe how beneficial such thoughts might be to you.

3. The presence of foreign substances including coffee, alcohol and other depressant drugs.

4. The cumulative history of negative memories of events in your life that are stored in your unconscious mind.

If we assume that Number 3 above is absent then we are left with 3 significant factors that can be addressed directly to deal with this problem. In fact it turns out that these 3 are actually intimately related both to the problem itself and to the solution. Let me explain.

At the deepest level negative memories stored in the unconscious mind:
a) generate the negative thoughts you experience floating into your conscious mind
b) are triggered by stressful daily events that “stir this unconscious pot” and
c) also act as “evidence” or “justify” to you why having such negative thoughts is necessary. Let me give you an example.

Suppose you have experienced a failed relationship that was traumatic to you. You will have the memory of this event stored inside along with all the negative feelings that go with it. If you happen to meet a new potential partner this new situation will often trigger some or all of the negative emotions and thoughts from the old relationship. These will emerge into your conscious mind likely as: doubts about the new relationship, beliefs (and or fears) of rejection, potentially pessimism about relationships and about your new friend and so on.

What’s more you might find yourself “justifying” the need to hold onto this negativity in order to, say, protect yourself from getting hurt again. So where does this leave you? Well living an unfulfilling life that is consumed with negativity. Happy? Hardly!

In order to permanently delete this negativity it becomes necessary therefore to:

1. Delete the negative memories.


2. Delete the need to justify the negative thoughts.

By doing so not only will you create a clear, focused and positive mind you will also release stress from your life and experience what few individuals on this planet ever do, an effortless life.

All of this can be done easily and effectively with a new process that you can learn more about and/or experience by visiting the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone consultation.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).

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Self Esteem – How to Use Powerful Positive Passionate Thoughts

Is thinking that you can create the life you want simply by your thoughts just metaphysical mumbo jumbo? If one can truly create real happiness just by thought then why aren’t more people happy?

Let’s consider the two sides of this particular coin.

Here are some self limiting, negative, sorrow inducing thoughts, statements, ideas that are often taught to our children:

– You’ll be sorry later.

– Life is full of disappointments.

– You can’t always win.

– You can’t always be happy.

– You’ll just have to learn to live with it.

– One person can’t make a difference.

– Money doesn’t grow on trees.

– There is not enough for everyone.

Here are some powerful, positive, passionate thoughts, statements, ideas that can be taught to our children:

– No need to be fearful, you are a magnificent person.

– Life is wonderous and full of excitement.

– You can be, have or do anything you want.

– If you choose to be happy then you will be happy.

– Live with purpose, live your best life.

– Having money allows you to serve others, attract lots of money.

– God (the universe) provides lavishly for you and all humanity.

With the first set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this child will create as he reaches adulthood? Looking at the second set of thoughts what kind of family, community, country do you think this particular child will create?

The first child might find himself living in a world filled with kids taking guns to school, teachers afraid to teach, countries at war, rampid disease, poor living conditions. The second child would not, his world would reflect peace, a sense of purpose, that making a difference in all aspects of his life matters. His sense of well being would bring him prosperity.

Examine your beliefs closely. Do you fall into group 1 or group 2 or maybe a combination of the two. What does your life reflect right now? Is it a match to the reoccurring thoughts you have daily? The secret, often unshared thoughts that live in your soul, the ones that make up who you think you are.

If you want to have a powerful, positive, passionate life, then why not focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Your thoughts are the most powerful thing you own, pass them on. It can make a great inheritance for your children

As the saying goes ” A man is only as happy as he makes up his mind to be.”

Copyright (c) 2007 Priscilla Parham

Become part of something that is sweeping the world with inspiration. You’ll find jokes, free audio affirmations and other secret tools to download at www.LiveTheSecret.us

. Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business and your relationships motivating change from the inside-out.

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Some Thoughts on Mindset – 5 Mental Health Secrets For Great Workouts

Your mental climate during workouts is one of the most significant factors (if not the most significant factor) that will determine the level of success you’ll experience from that workout. What follows are my favorite tricks and tactics for more productive gym sessions:

Let Go Of Results And Simply Do The Right Thing

Sometimes the desire to get a result interferes with the desire to do the right things. If you’re learning how to squat for power meets, one of your goals must be the ability to hit parallel. It’s the right thing to do. You should never let your desire to hit a big number interfere with getting to parallel. If you’re learning ho to do full (“squat”) cleans or snatches, you can’t let the desire to make the lift interfere with squatting under. Instead the goal should be to squat, whether you make the lift or not.

The “right thing” is a premise: “If I do “A” it should result in “B.” Then you test the premise by doing “A” and checking your results. If the results aren’t there, your premise is flawed and is in need of revision. If your premise is sound, you got the predicted result.

By the way, one of the best premises you can adopt is: “If I put in the work, good things should happen.” Try it.

Tighten Up Your Shoelaces

If I knew where I picked this up I’d tell you, but I honestly can’t recall. The idea is simple- when you’re getting revved up for a big lift, tighten your laces. They’ll serve as a visceral reminder to tighten yourself up. I’ve been using this little cue for years, so I guess it must be serving me in some way.

Be Careful Of What You Allow To Define You

We all have flaws and limitations. It’s important however, not to give these imperfections too much credit. After all, you’re equally defined by your strengths as you are by your weaknesses. I’m personally very careful about labeling myself as old, a geek, slow-twitch-dominant, lazy, or whatever rationalization I’ve been stewing over. The reasons for why you can’t are valid and they’ll always be there if you need an excuse. The reasons why you can are just as valid, although most of us don’t call upon them as often as we should.

Lowered Expectations

One of the most consistently rewarding mindsets you can employ is that of “lowered expectations.” I know, it doesn’t sound like anything you’d pick up from a book on high-performance psychology, but allow me to explain: Sometimes, expecting a lot out of yourself, especially when you do it all the time, can hurt more than it can help- if you frequently fail to hit the mark, mounting frustration can seriously sideline your motivation. I’m all for a hard-charging “take no prisoners” attitude, but to be honest, it often pays to give yourself a break sometimes. Anytime you can exceed your expectations (even if they’re low expectations) can really generate a lot of enthusiasm to fuel your gym sessions. Find a happy medium when it comes to your expectations.

Have A Routine, Then Break It

It’s vitally important to have a set methodology in the gym- the way you mentally psyche yourself, the way you warm-up, the way you take weight jumps, how you deal with misses, and so on.

It’s equally vital however, to conscientiously break your routine so that you don’t become overly-dependant on it. If you always use chalk, go without it once in a while. If you always use the same exercise order, break that pattern from time to time. If you always train in the morning, do an occasional afternoon workout. Get away from needing everything to be perfect all the time. Place yourself under some unfamiliar adversity- you’ll be better off for doing so.

If you’ve got a few tricks of your own to share, we’d love to hear them! Just hit the “discuss” link below.

By Charles Staley, B.Sc, MSS
CEO, Staley Training Systems

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The Advantages of Positive Thoughts

Positive affirmations are the reconditioning of the brain to create constructive results in our every day lives. Through these positive thoughts we discover how to think positive thoughts and take away the downbeat ones. How it works is that if you subconsciously believe something is correct, it will manifest into real life. This helps to achieveorder and steadiness in our lives and bring inner harmony.

Positive affirmations should be said all the way through the day and they are a powerful tool in keeping the mind focused on goals and the positive results. It is recommended that you write down your own personal affirmations outlining your goals and path, but there are examples on hand on the Internet as well. A positive affirmation can be something as plain as “I am going to be successful in anything I do today.” When writing down these affirmations, focus on what is most important in your life, whether it’s your career, relationships, moneyor health.

These affirmations also assist you to let loose of pessimistic thoughts of anxiety and hesitation, which helps to provide a more optimistic outcome. One means of doing this is to write down your positive affirmations and leave them about the home or workplace. This way they are noticeable and you can go over them right through day. This is a continual reminder to your mind to stay positive.

Meditation is a further way of communicating with your subconscious and it ought to be done in a serene and silent surroundings where you won’t be troubled. Affirmations done in conjunction with meditation may provide quicker results. Meditation does take a lot of practice to clear the mind of all thoughts, but can prove to be very beneficial for your mind and soul.

When writing your positive affirmations, make sure you write them in the present tense. Use positive words, such as “will” rather than “might”. Be clear and comprehensive about what you expect to achieve. Affirmations work by setting goals, repetition and belief. If you do not believe in your affirmation, then it will not happen. It is through a strong positive belief that we can alter the unconscious mind. The next time you want to try and modify some feature of your life that is not functioning, try a positive affirmation.

From Awakened Mind showing you how to get what you want through various life practices.

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Guide to have a Positive Thoughts

It is big challenge to keep a solid positive attitude about life since there are many uncontrolled intrusive negative thoughts flood the conscious mind affecting our motivation and enthusiasm for life. Now there is a good way to improve this situation.



In order to appreciate how it is possible to reclaim control over one’s mind and one’s life it becomes necessary first to recognize and accept that one’s conscious mind is not completely under one’s control.


Yes, I know that what you just read is akin to declaring one’s self insane but this is not my point at all. Rather it is an admission of one’s true situation and in its admission helping to facilitate a new awareness of one’s state of mind as well as creating an opportunity for a greater sense of self control. In order to make this clearer and more palpable I offer you the following exercise:


Place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking quietly to yourself from there sincerely say the following statements if they resonate with you:


1. I do not want any negative intrusive thoughts floating through my mind ever.

2. I did not create such negative thoughts and I renounce any beliefs I may hold unconsciously that suggest they were generated by me.

3. I desire clarity and peace of mind above all for my conscious mind.

4. I want to have greater clarity about the true source of these negative thoughts that I observe floating through my mind.

5. I want the source of such thoughts to be purged from within me recognizing that whatever lies I may have chosen to believe as to their usefulness to be erased from my unconscious mind now.


Now focus on the region in and around your Heart and notice how you feel there. You may have begun to experience some or all of the following: a sense of peace, calmness, joy, confidence, contentment, lightness, strength, optimism, clarity and so on. If you like any of this kindly affirm this to yourself via your Heart and it will only grow stronger.


Now I ask you to notice to what extent the following statement resonates with you in your Heart:


All negative intrusive thoughts not only did not come from you their sole purpose is to rob you of your Life Force Energy thereby killing you.


If that resonates with you then simply affirm that to yourself via your Heart and you will begin to feel a growing sense of empowerment.


If you would like to learn more about how to permanently erase/release your negative thoughts as well as the negative memories from which they are sourced and create a powerful positive mind kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory consultation.


A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

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How to turn negative into positive thoughts

Did you ever wanted a parking space nearby the mall entrance, but finally you ended at the beginning of the parking aera. I bet the thought:” I probably won’t find a space nearby”, crossed your mind several times.

So got what you asked for. The word “won’t” is a negative mind related thought. A so called negative affirmation. You probably experience more of these things in life. You would like a nicer house or car but for some reason things don’t change. Let me explain how to mind works. Our mind is the most amazing hard drive you can imagine. There are billions off= neural connections possible. Every time you think or see something your brain stores the event with sound, odeur, feeling or other senses that you’re not aware off. Sometimes when you hear a sound that event runs through your head again. The sound is called an anchor. Also smell is an anchor. Every time you experience that specific smell related with an event those thought comes in mind.

We can use those anchors in a positive way. We must realize that our mind doesn’t recognize negative words similar like “not” . For example if you say : I will not be late”. Your mind will registers: “I will be late”. The result is that you will be just in time for your appointment.

Therefore the way to use our mind is by positive affirmation like: I will be on time, I have a parking space near the entrance . Believe me it works. Nine out of ten times I have a parking space close to the place where I must be. The times I don’t have that spot is because I didn’t thought of needing a space at all or enough .

Positive thinking is like sports exercising. The more you repeat the better you become. Forget the negative thought or emotion that comes into your mind. Say: “Next” to each of those negative thoughts. Stay focused on what you want. Think in possibilities not in problems. Use positive affirmations like:

I feel more secure each day

I’m emotionally in balance

This is another perfect day for me.

Start with positive thinking right now!

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Positive and Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak out loud. When you say to somebody, “What a stunning day,” you had the thought first and then spoke the words. Your thoughts also become the actions. When you get out of bed in the morning, you had the thoughts of getting out of bed before you took action. You can’t take any action without thinking the thought first.

It’s your thoughts that decide whether your words and actions will be positive or negative. But how do you know whether your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when they are thoughts of what you want and love! And negative thoughts are thoughts of what you don’t want and don’t love. It is as simple as that!

Whatever you want in your life, you want it because you love it. Take a moment and think about it. You don’t want things you don’t love, do you? Every person only wants what they love; nobody wants what they don’t love.

When you think or talk about the things you want and love, such as, “I love those shoes, they’re beautiful.” Your thoughts are positive, and those positive thoughts will come back to you as the things you love – beautiful shoes. When you think or talk about the things you don’t want and don’t love, such as “Look at the price of those shoes, that’s highway robbery,” your thoughts are negative, and those negative thoughts will come back to you as the things you don’t love – things that are too expensive for you.

Most people think and talk about what they don’t love more than they think and talk about what they love. They give out more negativity than love, and in doing so they are inadvertently depriving themselves of all the good things in life.

It’s impossible to have a great life without love. People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don’t love! And people who are struggling think and talk about what they don’t love more than what they do love!

If you parrot negative things and squawk about the things you don’t love, you are literally jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage. Every time you talk about what you don’t love, you are adding another bar to the cage and you are locking yourself away from all the good. People who have great lives talk more about what they love. By doing so, they gain unlimited access to all the good in life, and they are as free as the birds that soar in the sky. To have a great life, break the bars of the cage that is jailing you; give love, talk only about what you love, and love will set you free!

Academic instruction isn’t the only responsibility teachers have in today’s classrooms. More and more, teachers are being called on to teach students about values … things like making good decisions, the showing of respect, taking responsibility, choosing friends, and having a positive attitude.  It’s a responsibility that could be overwhelming, considering the limited hours available in a school day, the number of kids in the classroom, and the diversity of backgrounds and personalities each child represents.

Character Education by Just Do The Right Thing” is a practical and powerful tool that equips educators to tackle values training with confidence.

By: Francis David

Francis helps parents, administrators and teachers learn about Character Education and how the Just Do The Right Thing Program can help kids of all levels find success both in and outside the Classroom.

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Positive Discipline, Positive Thoughts, And Contributing Positivity

In this article, I will be explaining the importance of, and how to improve positive discipline. And why it is so important to contribute as much positivity to the universe whenever possible.

We all have them, those negative thoughts that just seem to pop into our heads out of no-where at random. For me, this seems to happen the most while I’m driving. No matter how hard I try to stay positive and courteous when I’m on the road, my ego just LOVES to make that difficult for me. And this takes some strong positive discipline to overcome.

I understand why though. When I look back at past events in my life, I can find where these negative thought patterns and habits stem from. Most of the time, it’s conditioning from either the people I used hang around with, television shows I used to watch everyday, and music I used to listen too. That’s still embedded into my subconscious, which inevitably finds its way out from time to time.

But rather than getting angry and disappointed at myself, and trying to suppress the thoughts I’d like to change. I decided to look at them from a different point of view. I started doing my best to dismantle my ego, by letting myself know that this is just my own programming coming out, and it’s giving me an opportunity to fix it. Because the universe knows that my intentions are to solve these problems within myself, so it will put me in situations that will test me, and give me the opportunity to do it.

With the driving scenario, I notice that when my intentions are to remain positive and courteous on the road, that’s when I always seem to get tested the most. I’ll just happen to get cut off more, someone will drive really close behind me (A huge pet-peeve of mine), or someone will pull out right in front of me and make me hit my brakes, when they could have just waited a few extra seconds. All of these used to really work me up, and sometimes still do. But I’m getting a lot better at it, and my driving experience changes from something stressful, to something relaxing and calm when I don’t get angry. Funny thing is, I always seem to get to my destination faster as well.

This is just one scenario of course, my past programming is always coming out in all kinds of situations. But instead of trying to suppress it, which never works, I just change the thought from something that’s negative, into something that’s positive. Instead of thinking “Jackass! Stop driving like an idiot!” I think “Thank you for testing me, have a wonderful day and drive safe.” This change in thinking isn’t easy, it’s so tempting to think the opposite. It will take some discipline, but the results are worth it.

Because you can’t change what happened, and getting angry doesn’t solve anything. You have no idea what’s going on in that persons world, so you might as well not let it affect you and put a negative impact on your day. Once you start to get into the habit of doing this, it’s only a matter of time until you’ve reprogrammed your mind into it being permanent. And you will literally see how it not only changes your own reality for the better, but for everyone else as well. The universe responds in a powerful way in your efforts to improve yourself.

Seeking to Contribute Positivity

Looking at the current condition on the planet, I think it’s quite obvious that the negative is outweighing the positive. Everywhere you go, people seemed to be weighed down by excess drama, anger, fear, stress, and anxiety. Most people seem to always be judging others, instead of trying to improve the situation. This is why trying to do your best to contribute some positivity to the world, is not just important, but is absolutely necessary.

This can be done in everyday situations, in so many simple ways. It doesn’t matter how small it is, to the whole, it contributes A LOT more than you might think it does. And the more you do it, the more you will notice it.

For example, men, if you’re at a guests house, and you see that the garbage can in the kitchen is overflowing, take it outside for them. Hold the door open for the person behind you. Do the dishes after your woman cooks you a meal, and thank her for it. If you see someone trip and fall, help them up instead of laughing at them. Help an elderly woman with loading her groceries in her car. Let someone in front of you in a traffic jam.

This is only just few ideas, if you’re a little shy at first, then just smile and say hi to a stranger. Anything helps, and nothing is too small. Every little bit of positivity helps A LOT, and is so needed in the world right now.

You don’t need to try and force a situation where you can help. I find that when I have a mind-set like “I’m going to help someone today” then it doesn’t seem to happen as often. Instead, just let it be your intention in general, and then just go on with life as you normally would. You will find that, the opportunities were always there, but you were just unaware of them. Or social conditioning made you blind and ignorant to them. Your intention to contribute, will be known to the universe, and it will put you in situations where you can help. You don’t need to force it.

Now get out there, and help make the world a happier, less stressful place to live.

Sean Burrows loves to learn and discover new ways to improve the quality of peoples lives. He studies personal development and health rigorously and is the developer and author of:


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Positive Changes With Positive Thoughts

Changing how you do things in life can be a very daunting task. The fact of the matter is, however, that everyone has at least one area that they need to change. It could be that you need to work on your temper and how you react to others. Someone else may need to stop drinking as much, while another may need to be more outgoing in order to get a new job. Whatever it is that needs change, or tweaking in our lives we should always be striving to become better people. We are only given one chance at life, so we should make every attempt to make it the best life we possibly can.

One of the ways we can achieve change in our lives is by learning to change how we think. What I mean by this is that we are capable of changing how we think about any aspect of our lives. By changing how we think, we can effectively change how we do things as well. It may be as small as removing a couple of letters from one sentence in our head such as, “I cannot do this”, to, “I can do this.” This probably sounds very much like a simple positive thinking method. If it does, it is because in many ways it is.

I used this method of change when I talked to clients as a Work Adjustment Specialist a little over a year ago. The clients I was dealing with had various disorders such as bi-polar, schizophrenia, depression, and other various mental disorders. My job was to help them to gain a perspective and ability to become productive and effective workers in the workplace. As I talked to these people I began to see a common trait amongst all of them. The way they were thinking was very self defeating. They were essentially talking themselves out of being able to succeed. So as I counseled with them I encouraged them to try and retrain their brain into thinking more positively. Instead of thinking, “I cannot do this”, think instead, “This may be difficult, but I CAN do this.” As some of my clients began to do this, I was able to see an improvement not only in their attitude, but also in their quality of work.

It does not really matter what aspect of life you are dealing with when using this method of self-help. If you realize that change is needed on your behalf, it will take a change of attitude more than likely to ensure success. By retraining your brain into thinking more positively and not so negatively, you can nearly always overcome any obstacle in life. Let’s face it, one of the main reasons people do not even attempt change to begin with is because they believe they cannot do it. In these cases, the person must first retrain his/her brain into believing that success is even possible. Then with each hurdle faced they must continue to retrain how they think in order to continue to overcome.

One of the great things about this is that the more a person does this, the less they will have to even think about doing it. We are creatures of habit. Because of this when we do something enough times it becomes a habit of which we no longer have to think about doing. We simply just do it. So the more you think positively about you and your life, the less you will have to convince yourself of it and the more you will simply believe it.

So if you are facing having to make a change in your life right now and are hesitant about it, begin by thinking in a positive way and believing you can. Once you have convinced yourself that you are capable of making the change, be sure to keep retraining your brain each time you hit an obstacle along the way. Continually tell yourself that you are not only capable of making this change in your life, but you are worth it as well. Good luck in your journey and remember, YOU CAN DO IT!

Timothy Sweezy
Writing for me is not a profession but a passion. It is an art form that evolves with the author and is expressed for the world to see.

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