Tag Archives: Transformation

A Proven Method to Get From Stuck to Positive Change to Transformation

Although many people want a greater level of success either for themselves or for their organization, change can be difficult. I can speak from experience on this. Some people don’t know how to change. Others are caught in the trap of needing to be right. There is a powerful human need to be right. If we need to change, that means we are wrong about something. And that can be hard to get by.

Key Point! Hard and difficult doesn’t mean impossible.

Here are some easy to implement ideas which will not only help you change but can lead to transforming yourself and/or your organization.

1) Change your actions. Start solving problems by doing things better. This can happen by learning new skills and capabilities. What do you or your people need to learn which would help you overcome your current challenges?

Do you want to move from change to transformation? It’s when you take the next step towards transformation that you can create long lasting, significant, life and business altering change. Read on…

2) Examine your habits and thoughts. Examine your thinking and beliefs because these lead to habits of the way you think. And your thoughts lead to your behavior. Step outside of your current perspective, as hard as that might be, and ask yourself “What assumptions, thoughts, or behavior patterns have resulted in the same problems coming up time and again?”

When you become aware of attitudes that were previously below your level of awareness, and possibly self defeating, you can then take the step to “re-frame” your views or to look at them with greater understanding. Doing this can lead to: 1) developing more productive habits that will drive your behaviors and results and 2) being more self aware of how you interact with the world around you.

It is by continuously questioning your thoughts and habits and the behaviors they lead to, that can create a shift in your point of view about yourself. That’s transformation. And in that specific area of life, you will never be the same again.

Start your journey towards transformation today! Be more self aware, and be open to new possibilities. You will start to be more of the person that you have the potential to be once you discover what is holding you back.

If you find that it is challenging to take an objective look at yourself, from experience I can say that finding a mentor or coach can be invaluable in helping with this process.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Transitions in Life – Keys For Positive Transformation Through Change

Why is change difficult for so many? Why do we resist the constant flow of energy that propels us on our journey through life?  And why is it when circumstances in life force us to change – we resist, fight and refuse the challenge?

You may think, “Oh that’s not my case, on the contrary, I love change and challenge.” Do you? That’s great but what about when a change happens that you don’t like. Are you one of the hundreds of thousands that have lost their home or job in the last year? Are you recently divorced after years of marriage? Do you find yourself in your senior years and not liking it?  How are you handling these changes in your life? To choose change is one thing but when it is thrust upon you, it is vastly different. However, there are keys that can, and will, help you maneuver through these demanding moments, making them your best times of rewarding, transformative growth.

There are four essential keys to Positive Transformation through Change:

Acceptance without Judgment
Creating a Vacuum
Taking Action
Having Faith and Fun

The first key to success is acceptance without judgment. Before anything – you must accept whatever change has presented itself and not judge it to be either good or bad. Don’t judge the timing by saying whether you’re ready or not for the change. Placing a negative decree on the change will greatly influence your attitude and will block creative flow. Simple, childlike acceptance without judgment is the first tool to positive transformation through change.  A child, when presented with change, simply and easily goes with the flow. There is no resistance. They naturally transition from crawling to walking to running to riding a bike to driving a car. Life situations move from one to the next in similar fashion. So the first tool for positive transformation through change is acceptance without judgment. Whatever is – is.
Change often includes loss – loss of a job or relationship or home. But loss, when let go of, creates space for receiving something new. So let it go. Why hang on? Take the opportunity to start fresh. Create a vacuum. Get rid of everything you’ve accumulated over the years that you really don’t need. Give it to a charity. Have a yard sale. Put an add on Craigslist. Move your stuff out. Get rid of the idea that you have to keep your job or the home. Let go and create empty space – a vacuum. That’s the next key to positive transformation through life change. Create a vacuum so that new things, ideas, environment and experiences have room to enter. Get free for a moment, back away from the woods to get an inspired perspective. Be curious about where you could live and how you can start over- even a new state or country. Be willing to adventure outside your comfort zone.  Creating a vacuum will provide you with the space you need to move forward. Be thankful for your life and welcome any new healing and help that comes along.
Once you have accepted without judgment and created a vacuum that provides space for growth, you will then feel the freedom and courage to take action. Make a list of priorities, no more than six in any given day and commit to seeing them through. Set goals with a clear vision and set aside enough time in the day to make it happen. If you find that you have to move then perhaps one of your goals would be to contact a realtor for helping with the transition and another might be going through one closet – sorting and scaling down to the essentials. You may have several major fronts that need action simultaneously – don’t panic. Set aside one thing in each to accomplish and follow it through. Take action and commit to being consistent. Get organized with a plan that is workable.
The final key is to have faith and fun in the process. Be responsible but have faith that a new door will open, that opportunities will present themselves and that life energy is really on your side. Have an attitude open to the fun and exciting aspect of change and the freedom that a change can provide. Explore options, talk to your spouse and children about what is possible. Be creative! Change can be a catalyst for going back to school, a career change or moving to another state or even country. Life is full of adventure waiting for your participation. Invite your relationships to walk with you in your journey! Be happy, have faith and fun!
Transitions in life are gifts from the universe to help us out of stagnation. Transitions help you rediscover what you like and what talents you have to offer.  Change and can help you reinvent yourself, giving you a second lease on life. So when a life altering situation comes up, welcome the opportunity with gratitude; accept it without judgment, create a vacuum, take action and have faith and fun. By using these keys you will find Positive Transformation through Change. 

With a degree in Communications, JoAn has taught Business Communications and English classes at SIAS International University, in China. JoAn also studied multi-cultural communications and in addition to living in China and France, is also fluent in the French Language and Culture. She coaches and consults with those going through difficult life changes and helps structure positive Lifestyle habits – focusing on the various aspects of Wellness. Her approach to life is Wellness as a holistic concept. She is currently working on her first book, “Chopsticks” about overcoming the pain of divorce and reinventing yourself. The book is due out in the fall of 2009. Visit http://wealthyandwell.com/ where we are committed to bringing you the best resources to make your life Wealthier and Healthier.

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Positive Body Transformation Through Consistent Training

The reason why bodybuilding is a rather intriguing sport is the fact that it leads to a complete body transformation. Everybody fears change. Sometimes we fear change even when it is for the better. Those who are afraid of the positive change that comes with bodybuilding results fear that it will come with some unforeseen side-effects later in life.

For some people, the issue of bodybuilding is a matter of life and death. There has to be results that are tangible for one to be seen to be building their bodies. All those many hours spent in the gym require a very proper diet and careful attention to the right training methods.

For many people, bodybuilding is all about a huge body and an attractive physique. Yet not everyone achieves these goals. When skinny people go the gym, they train harder and end up overtraining. Every bodybuilder knows that the effects of overtraining can be serious and may even require hospitalization. Of course the issue of hospitalization brings about discontinuity as far as bodybuilding is concerned.

One thing that ones must know is that real transformation does not come easily. The efforts needed are very lengthy and require a lot of time. There are many programs that need to be taken into account. Unless you have decided quit your job and you are hiring a chef, there is no need for you to imagine that a transformation will take place in your body in less then six months. This is the case in almost all recorded bodybuilding cases. The only exception is if you are within the 18 to 22 age bracket.

All the photos of the people who you see in online literature about bodybuilding tips are very real. The head rests on the right trunk. But there is something about the messages carried in this photos which is often not true. The writers often promise transformation within a very short period of time. It takes more time to get transformation than what these writers promise. If the images are anything to go by, then there is more that needs to be done. The routines described in many bodybuilding websites needs to highlight the real efforts that the people pictured have made in order to succeed in bodybuilding.

The truth of the matter, however is that it is possible for you to get real transformation. Make sure that you eat right and do more that what is described in the websites. Let no time limit bind your efforts. Bodybuilding takes a long time to take place. This is not enough. The transformation needs to be maintained. You need to maintain the same efforts so as to ensure maximum fitness and the most attractive abs.

Body transformation is a life-changing phenomenon that brings you in touch with fitness, positive outlook in life and an attractive physique. In order to achieve these things, you need to go beyond the bounds of what is ordinary. You need to work without limits. Trust not your instincts. Just train and train and real transformation will really occur.

Dane Fletcher is the world’s most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit http://www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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