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Positive Words – What Are Examples and Their Effects?

Claire may not have Professor Xavier’s intelligence or Spiderman’s spider sense, but she is our superhero. Why? It’s just that Claire has the ability of saving us from the claws of despair, of frustration, of depression, of pessimism. No, she can’t read minds or turn back the hands of time. But you know what her secret weapon is? Positive words.

Affirmations or positive words are statements that Claire would make us repeat over and over again whenever we feel down or when doing a task. She says that positive words impress on the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. Once consistently repeated with attention, conviction, interest and desire, these words / phrases can help you focus your mind, let you take charge, and invalidate pessimistic ideas.

Here are a few of Claire’s positive words:

• I am healthy and happy
• Wealth is pouring into my life
• I am sailing on the river of wealth
• My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way
• I have a lot of energy
• I can do this!
• I study and comprehend fast
• My mind is calm
• I am calm and relaxed in every situation
• My thoughts are under my control
• I radiate love and happiness
• I am surrounded by love
• I have the perfect job for me
• I have a wonderful and satisfying job
• I can overcome these challenges
• I am successful in whatever I do
• There’s no stopping me!
• I am blessed and talented
• I am beautiful and intelligent
• I can be the best that I can be
• I am loved

These are only a few examples of positive words. These affirmations / words give you the power to state what you want in your life then give you a clear mental and emotional feel of those desires regardless of present circumstances. By being convinced of these positive words, you attract positive things in your life and repel bad and depressing thoughts. Remember that your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying and will eventually attract corresponding events to your life. If negative statements fill your mind, then you will definitely not be able to do anything and eventually fail. Positive words can lend you a hand in transforming your life. So go on, think positive as if your life depends upon it! Because it really does!

You will find more articles about Positive Words at SelfMadeMiracle.com

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Positive Affirmations – The Power of Your Words

You use positive affirmations to help you to achieve your goals. And fundamentally, positive affirmations are just words but it is the way in which you combine those words and the actual words that you use in creating your affirmations that mean the difference between succeeding in achieving your goals or failing.

The words you use, both spoken and unspoken, literally control the results you achieve in your life. As Bill Bartmann said:

“The words that we use to describe the thing we want predicates more often than not our own success or own failure.”

Yet, far too many people do not pay attention to the words they use to describe themselves far less the words they use to describe what they desire. In many cases the words that people use to describe themselves are often negative and erode their self-esteem making it even more challenging to achieve the results that they desire. As Gloria Steinem said:

“Self-esteem isn’t everything; it’s just that there’s nothing without it.”

They then compound matters by describing what they want as a goal. Now some individuals are very clear about what a goal is and what the term goal means to them. They are also very confident about achieving the goals that they set. However, there are others to whom the word goal actually has negative connotations.

To this group of individuals a goal is something which is generally beyond their reach. It’s something they aspire to but deep down inside they do not expect to achieve it. So they set a goal and they fulfil their prophecy that they will not achieve it. In other words they self-sabotage their attempts to accomplish their goal. It then becomes one more on a long list of goals set but not achieved.

So the next time they set a goal their sub-conscious mind checks their personal history of goal setting and goal achievement, sees that the norm is that majority of goals set are not achieved and so again sabotages the individual’s effort to achieve this new goal as well. A pattern is established and failing to achieve your goals becomes a habit because the sub-conscious mind resists change. It doesn’t like to upset the status quo.

Maybe this has happened to you and if not to you personally, you can probably think of someone to whom this happens time and time again. They set goals and are very enthusiastic for a while but before long the goal is abandoned. They don’t even go the distance in their attempt to achieve their goal. Or they repeatedly lament about the number of projects they start but don’t finish.

If you do fall into this category and you’re using positive affirmations with respect to “goals” you’re aiming to achieve, then it’s likely that you will be disappointed.

There are several different ways to overcome this problem. Bill Bartmann suggests that instead of setting goals you make a promise. Now, admittedly, some people are just as bad at keeping their promises but, generally, when someone makes a promise it is a serious commitment. To some individuals a promise is almost sacred. They would rather die than break a promise.

If you fall into this latter category then you know that when you make a promise that:

1. You don’t do so lightly, and

2. You do everything in your power to fulfil your promise.

As a result, you know and those close to you know that even if you don’t fulfil your promise that you would have done all that you could to carry out your promise and that nothing more could realistically be asked of you. However, because you pull the stops out when you do make a promise your track record for fulfilling your promises is high.

Thus, when your sub-conscious mind learns that you’ve made a new promise. It sends out the red alert. And it starts to work flat out, working with you rather than against you, to help you achieve your goal and manifest your promise or positive affirmation.

For a complete system to help you create empowering affirmations and then transform those positive affirmations into a powerful medium that will super-charge the effectiveness of your affirmations visit: http://www.CreateYourMindMovies.com

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A Few Words About Self Improvement

Every individual born in this world has been gifted with inherent capabilities and inborn strengths. It is these strengths that help a man become a strong individual. But at times, there are certain geographical or genetic factors, which curtail the development of certain traits which attribute to a normal and a successful person. These traits which result in shortfalls in the personality of a man should be developed and honed, so that a strong personality emerges out of these. There is a need for self improvement and polishing of the life skills, which already exist in a man.

The parameters on which self improvement takes place include economic development, intellectual development and emotional development. Intellectual development happens out of education and gaining knowledge. We should possess the will to gain knowledge and make attempts for the same. Education leads to the broadening of horizons and thereby refines ones thought processes. The final outcome of these is a self actualization within a person.

Intellectual development leads to the economic growth of a person. Therefore these self improvement factors are correlated and should be achieved in totality for a balanced personality. Other traits which require self improvement include confidence level, which are also correlated to intellectual as well as economic development.

Any person who is educated and is economically independent and self sustaining, then his confidence is bound to be par excellence and amount to high self esteem. Low education results into lower confidence levels and thereby leading to low self esteem.

Another key to self improvement is reading lot of books, which help you imbibe positivity and therefore a happy and contented life. You should also mingle with people emanating positive vibes and who are successful in life. Such people will generate positivity around themselves and eventually help you derive some positivity and secrets to their successful life from them. Your conversations should revolve around positive aspects of life and not discuss the failures.

Self improvement will happen only if you learn to focus on your goals and not look at life with a blank look. Search for an opportunity in every task that you get and make the best of the opportunities. Learn to prioritize in life, because there would be ample choices before you, but it is you who know, what is the best for you at a particular point of time. Leave out the meaningless elements of your life and spend a maximum of your time to accomplish the important priorities.

One major feature of a successful individual is that he has achieved success through his hard work and education. But he still is aware of his roots and is grounded. Down to earth nature of an individual is the mark of a man of mettle. He, who has not seen hardships or fails to recognize them will never reach the threshold of success.

Often they have used coaches, tutors, mentors to reach success. These professionals will have many techniques and exercises to help with your brain fitness. Finding ways to use successful strategies and be accountable to perform them are one way that mentors can assist in self improvement. Yes, sometimes self improvement takes a little help from others.

Identify the people who are your well wishers and those who emanate positive energies. People with negative energies will spell doom for you, therefore as one of the major secrets to self improvement remain away from such people. Have a long vision in life and remain away from short sighted people.

Dr. Jane Stewart is an expert in Brain Fitness. Her company http://www.optimindsct.com. is comprised of customized, individualized, exercises designed to stimulate targeted areas of the brain that can be utilized online or in person.

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Your words and thoughts have physical power – Will Smith

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Your words and thoughts have physical power.

In life many people wonder why things dont always go the way
they want them to but do not realize that in every thought they
think and words they speak starts the physical formation
of what begins to appears in our lives. It is normal to have negative
thoughts from time to time because we do not live in a perfect world,
Or Do We? The key is when a thought like that shows
up you just need to make the decision wether or not you want to
entertain that though for a long time or if you want to change the path
to a better one immediately. This is where skill comes in to play.
With all things you must practice to make perfect, all though some
are borne with more talent than other, anyone can hone the skills of
being discipline and beat there fears into submission.
it was once said “your biggest fear should be fear itself” I would have
to say this is pretty right on. Why? Because fear is a negative emotion
and because of fear you tend to pay more attention
to it which starts the physical birth of some kind of reaction.
This is why most people that fear that they are going to get hurt get
hurt more than the rest. Or think they are going to be sick and
then it happens. If you fear that you dont have enough money to
pay the bills and speak and think these thoughts and words everyday
then guess what, You are creating the physical reaction to
show up in your life. This is why it is good to marinate yourself in
unconditional love and positive good words and belief that good things are
heading your way at all times. You deserve it, It is your birth right.
Own it. except it. enjoy it. Live it. know it is in your escrow. more and more, every
moment. and when the other thoughts of fear come, Do Not Entertain
it. leave it behind and get right back on track with the truth!
Live every monent of this life like there is no tomorrow, because it is
not a rehearsal. So Start getting from it what is yours. GREATNESS!!!

Mark Sansom

Ps. I really like Wills attitude in which he attacks life with passion
Will Smith is a Cool Dude and has a good grasp on the truth.

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