Tag Archives: Work

Proven Method Tricks To Get Him Back – Sneaky Tricks Dont Work

If you’re looking for proven method tricks to get him back, I may be able to help… or I may not. It really just depends on what you have in mind.  If you truly think that it was a mistake for you and your guy to breakup and that you could have a good relationship with a few changes and a little work, than the information in this article can help. If,on the other hand, you’re looking for sneaky ways to trick him into coming back to you with no time or effort on your part, sorry, I can’t help.

You see, using tricks to get someone back (the most common one is making them jealous) is a horrible strategy to use.  Even if they do come back to you, you will be building your relationship on lies instead of love and trust.  No relationship can last or be healthy if it is formed on trickery and games.  It’s much better to take the high road, put in the time and love required and re build your relationship honestly. That is the only way you and your ex will have a real chance of staying together for the long term.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if there were any type of abuse in your relationship whether it was physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, you shouldn’t even consider getting back with him until he has spent some serious time in counseling. If you are considering taking him back even though he hasn’t changed, you are an abused woman and you should get counseling too.

It’s not enough for him to ‘promise’ he’ll get help, he has to actually sign up and go to meetings for several months before you should even consider a reconciliation.

The actual steps you will take to get your ex back are fairly simple but they will take time and effort.  It’s best for the overall success of your reconciliation to not have any contact with your ex while you are going through these steps.  You need to allow him to miss you and he can’t do that if you’re still in contact with him.  

1. Take stock of the woman you are.  This is not about changing so he will want you back, this is about you taking this time to evaluate the type of person you are and deciding what character issues you have that could use some work. This is all about you. We all have personality traits that aren’t the best, this is what you need to focus on and fix.  Whether you and your ex get back together or not, you will have other relationships and it’s always best to take the best version of you into any new relationship.

2.Once you’ve spent time working on your flaws, you need to look at what the problems in the relationship were, and try to find solutions.  It’s important to remember, that you can’t fix all the problems in your relationship all on your own, you can only fix your own problems. For relationship problems you and your ex will have to be willing to work together.

You and your ex can get back together, but if you want it to last you’ll base your relationship on honesty and love and to do that you can use these proven method tricks to get him back, just put emphasis on the method and stay away from the tricks.

You and your ex can get back together, but if you want it to last you’ll base your relationship on honesty and love and to do that you can use these proven method tricks to get him back, just put emphasis on the method and stay away from the tricks.

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How to Make Positive Affirmations Work in Your Life

Positive affirmations work. Period. They change lives. They displace negativity. They remove limiting beliefs. They open us to possibilities, change the way we view ourselves and create a happier, more forward thinking outlook. They’re extremely powerful and their accessible to everyone.

That doesn’t mean they work automatically, though. It’s entirely possible to try to utilize affirmations unsuccessfully. That generally stems from misunderstanding the process or not having a full sense of what makes the right kind of positive self-talk sufficiently powerful to overcome negative subconscious defenses. Here are a few pointers that can really take your affirmations to the next level.

First, retain credibility. You’re not going to experience the desired effect if your positive affirmations ring hollow on either a conscious or subconscious level. If the content of your affirming comments seems like pure fiction, the message just isn’t going to get through the way you’d like it to.

Second, be mindful of the power of repetition. It’s a key to successful affirmation. If you repeat a given affirmation once a week, it isn’t going to have the power or resonance of one used repeatedly every day. Remember, you’re trying to displace and reconfigure negative thinking that’s been part of your life for quite some time. That requires a consistency and frequency in your efforts.

Third, have a little patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The artifice of negativity that has unfortunate repercussions for your life wasn’t built in a day, either. You’re not going to tear it down in the course of a single week. Commit yourself to getting the job done and follow through with your positive self-talk for the long run. At some point (probably sooner than you might really think), you’ll notice a change coming over you.

Fourth, tone matters. You aren’t doing your affirmations out loud, but your internal “voice” has a tone of its own and you control it. If your affirmation is dripping with contempt or wrapped in sarcasm, it isn’t going to have the desired effect. If it’s desperate, angry or insincere, you can’t expect to experience a change. Use a sincere, forward, calm and clear voice when you deliver your positive affirmations.

You can change the way you think and feel. Positive self-talk is a great way to do it. You just need to engage in the activity with a knowledge of what makes the approach successful. That includes repetition, patience, credibility and the right tone.

So, you want to know more about positive affirmations. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more postive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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How Can I Keep A Positive Attitude At Work? 6 Tips To Keep Your Head High

How are you supposed to keep a positive attitude at work when Jim always tells you that he knows how to do it better than you and your boss always catches you daydreaming even though you only do it one time a day! Your coworkers are full of negativity and despair and it’s hard to keep your head up after talking to them and you keep getting work piled on you that you don’t really have time for in your schedule.

Work should be a place that you go to, do a job, and make some money but instead it sometimes can be the most negative place of your day that you have a hard time getting through and no longer look forward going to.

So how can you stay positive at your work?

1. Change Jobs – First and foremost if you are unhappy with your job and you don’t enjoy the tasks that you are given each day to do then you have to change jobs for your sanity. You can lie to yourself and say that you enjoy what you are doing even when you don’t but that will only get you through so many days of the work week.

Remember this. There are many people who stay in their jobs out of fear of not being able to get another one and they live their life complaining and unhappy when they could have just took a shot at a new job and spent their life doing what they loved.

2. Get Your Sleep – If you get the right amount of sleep every night then this will allow you to have more energy to deal with problems effectively throughout the day like finishing extra work or running from that annoying co-worker.

3. Take Your Breaks – There are many people who work through their breaks thinking that they will get more done in the work day but the truth is the quality of your work is suffering from this and your stress level is also suffering.

You have to take a few minutes to let your mind think about something other than work to be at your most productive self throughout the day and you will become frustrated very easily if you don’t. Even after a 10 minute break you will find yourself more productive.

4. Eat a Healthy Lunch – Do not opt in for processed or fried foods for lunch and do not overeat during lunch or your work will pay for it after lunch. When we overeat or eat unhealthy food our bodies use tons of energy to digest this mess of food, which means the energy that should be going towards work will be busy and you will not be that productive and you will feel negative about your days progress and possibly having to be there.

5. Do Not Join In The Misery – It can be hard not to get caught up in the complaining and negativity that your co-workers put out but if you want to have a better outlook about your job then you need to put a stop to it and no longer let other people drag you down.

If everyone else is complaining about the meeting that is going to soak up all of your work day then you can be the one that talks about how the meeting is going to teach you things to make your job easier or better and you are looking forward to it. If you don’t think that talking about it will do anything then at least avoid the talk and think the positive thoughts for yourself. The truth is when most people are in a land of negativity they can’t see the positive side of things and won’t engage in that kind of talk anywase.

6. Do Not Let Your Coworkers Bully You – There is so much bullying going on in today’s workplace that it’s almost as if high school has taken over everywhere.

There are the people who think they are better than you and let you know it at every turn. There are the clicks that talk about you while you walk by or behind your back. There is the boss that makes you feel as though you are worthless and not able to do your job properly. There are so many people at work that want to bring you down to their level of misery and they can be hard if not impossible to avoid.

The thing is you have to fix the problem or you will suffer through your days and drag it home after work with you and make yourself even more unhappy.

Either stand up for yourself and tell them directly that they can’t treat you like this or talk to someone higher up than them. Sometimes you boss may be the one bullying you and in that case you have to go over their head.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of the outcome as you don’t deserve to spend your time being bullied anywhere, let alone a place you are trying to do a job.


Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a self help website geared towards making your life happier and healthier and achieving goals.

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How Can I Keep A Positive Attitude At Work? 6 Tips To Keep Your Head High

How are you supposed to keep a positive attitude at work when Jim always tells you that he knows how to do it better than you and your boss always catches you daydreaming even though you only do it one time a day! Your coworkers are full of negativity and despair and it’s hard to keep your head up after talking to them and you keep getting work piled on you that you don’t really have time for in your schedule.

Work should be a place that you go to, do a job, and make some money but instead it sometimes can be the most negative place of your day that you have a hard time getting through and no longer look forward going to.

So how can you stay positive at your work?

1. Change Jobs – First and foremost if you are unhappy with your job and you don’t enjoy the tasks that you are given each day to do then you have to change jobs for your sanity. You can lie to yourself and say that you enjoy what you are doing even when you don’t but that will only get you through so many days of the work week.

Remember this. There are many people who stay in their jobs out of fear of not being able to get another one and they live their life complaining and unhappy when they could have just took a shot at a new job and spent their life doing what they loved.

2. Get Your Sleep – If you get the right amount of sleep every night then this will allow you to have more energy to deal with problems effectively throughout the day like finishing extra work or running from that annoying co-worker.

3. Take Your Breaks – There are many people who work through their breaks thinking that they will get more done in the work day but the truth is the quality of your work is suffering from this and your stress level is also suffering.

You have to take a few minutes to let your mind think about something other than work to be at your most productive self throughout the day and you will become frustrated very easily if you don’t. Even after a 10 minute break you will find yourself more productive.

4. Eat a Healthy Lunch – Do not opt in for processed or fried foods for lunch and do not overeat during lunch or your work will pay for it after lunch. When we overeat or eat unhealthy food our bodies use tons of energy to digest this mess of food, which means the energy that should be going towards work will be busy and you will not be that productive and you will feel negative about your days progress and possibly having to be there.

5. Do Not Join In The Misery – It can be hard not to get caught up in the complaining and negativity that your co-workers put out but if you want to have a better outlook about your job then you need to put a stop to it and no longer let other people drag you down.

If everyone else is complaining about the meeting that is going to soak up all of your work day then you can be the one that talks about how the meeting is going to teach you things to make your job easier or better and you are looking forward to it. If you don’t think that talking about it will do anything then at least avoid the talk and think the positive thoughts for yourself. The truth is when most people are in a land of negativity they can’t see the positive side of things and won’t engage in that kind of talk anywase.

6. Do Not Let Your Coworkers Bully You – There is so much bullying going on in today’s workplace that it’s almost as if high school has taken over everywhere.

There are the people who think they are better than you and let you know it at every turn. There are the clicks that talk about you while you walk by or behind your back. There is the boss that makes you feel as though you are worthless and not able to do your job properly. There are so many people at work that want to bring you down to their level of misery and they can be hard if not impossible to avoid.

The thing is you have to fix the problem or you will suffer through your days and drag it home after work with you and make yourself even more unhappy.

Either stand up for yourself and tell them directly that they can’t treat you like this or talk to someone higher up than them. Sometimes you boss may be the one bullying you and in that case you have to go over their head.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of the outcome as you don’t deserve to spend your time being bullied anywhere, let alone a place you are trying to do a job.

Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a self help website geared towards making your life happier and healthier and achieving goals.

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A Few Wonderful Ways To Stay Positive At Work And In Life

I’d like to offer several practical ideas about staying positive. Nothing magical here, just a few simple ideas to help shape the way you think and feel every day. They apply equally well at work and home, though here I’ll focus more on the job. I could focus largely on your work tasks, but I would like to humanize work a bit by instead talking about you and the interpersonal aspects of your office life. To stay positive:

Bring all of you to the office

This involves the full spectrum of things that define you and make you smile: your attire, the music quietly playing in the background, the office décor – you name it. To constrict who you are at work to fit some “office acceptable” version of yourself requires energy. Energy is finite. Managing impressions is unavoidable, but over managing impressions to the point of losing the unique you at work is far worse. If you like loud ties, wear them. Ladies, if you have a penchant for ridiculous scarves, bring it on. Who cares if nobody other than you in the office likes Elvis Costello? Play it. In fact, spend a little non-work time and put together a few playlists – one for addressing any type of mood that might surface. And for heaven’s sake don’t be like the brain dead planners who designed your office. Why do they feel that gray or brown are motivational colors? Admit it, for most of you, the office is dominated by gray or brown. Weird. Your cube or office need not be. I indulge in Harley-related items (signs, mouse pad, etc.). For you it might be fishing or sports or origami, beats me, but make sure that aspect of you is represented. And add color – that should be a law. Preferably red. Make it a new lamp, phone, chair, something you stick on the shelf – who knows, just add red immediately.

Bring them to the office too

Them is all of the key people in life you love and spend time with. We spend far too much time at work, thus find a way to get them represented right there in your workspace. Bring pictures of the family, the girlfriend or boyfriend, the dog. My favorite recent additions are the framed pictures of my oldest son’s art doodles. He is very into Ben 10 (just Google it). He claims the doodles depict Ben doing all sorts of miraculous things. To me, they are merely funny lighthearted doodles. They make me smile and when he sees them in my office, his smile is even bigger. How about video or audio? I have clips of my wife and both boys on my cell phone and, yes, I do pull it out when in need of a quick smile or bit of perspective.

Have something to look forward to

When we have things to look forward to, what do we do? We survive by any means necessary until they arrive! Make sure you are never without something to look forward to. This does not have to be a lavish vacation or something terribly expensive. It can be as simple as the night later in the week when you have pledged to go home early to cook dinner for the family. For me, that is a real treat. For you that might be a nightmare, so what. Maybe it is the movie night coming up with your children, the cook out with your family friends or the date night with your significant other. Get it on the calendar and in your mind and reference it just when things get a little nutty at work.

Do something nice for someone

Yes, you need to keep focused on the wonderful “thing to look forward to” for yourself. However, it may surprise you just how good it feels to do something for someone else right now. If you have time, try volunteer work. Join the Rotary (I did). Great, but if you’re really strapped for time and money, you can still help others. There are abundant opportunities to do so at work every day. You have no excuse! Compliment someone personally. Maybe it is how they look that day. Maybe it is the fact that they are always positive. Maybe it is the fact that they are thoughtful enough every Friday to wish you a great weekend and every Monday to ask about your weekend. Compliment them professionally. Did they help you massage some data? Did they cover for you when you could not make the meeting? Were they there last week to offer you some needed input on a big decision? Tell them thank you – and be specific about why you are saying thank you. Crazy idea – help them back! It is amazing the wonderful feeling to be had from simply helping another person make it through the day a bit more smoothly.

Dr. Dewett is a nationally recognized leadership expert, professor, author, professional speaker and consultant specializing in all aspects of organizational life. As quoted in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, CNN, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC and elsewhere. He is the author of Leadership Redefined. Podcasts, blog, free newsletter and more at http://www.drdewett.com Copyright 2009 TVA Inc.

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4 Nasty Mind Tricks on How to Get Your Ex Back – Tricks That Always Work

I know that you are probably hurting right now… everybody that goes trough a breakup feels like you do, but instead of just sitting there and doing nothing you need to take action. If you still love this person then you must get up and do something about it. This article shows 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, these tricks always work and you will be shocked at just how basic but yet effective these are.

Trick No. 1 Let them miss you.

This may seem hard but you need to leave them alone for a while. Don’t call them, don’t text them, don’t email them, don’t ask his friends about them. DO NOTHING. This will let them miss you, and it will confuse them about what you are doing why aren’t you taking the first step and so on.

Trick No. 2 Have fun.

It’s important that during these hard times you don’t sit in your house and get depressed. You need to get out and live your life. (or at least let you ex think this) It doesn’t matter if you can have fun at this point (if you can, that’s great, because it will get your mind off the breakup), it’s important that you make it seem as you are having fun. Go out where your ex or his/hers friends go out, if you get seen as having fun then you are most surely over the situation and not desperate. This will get your ex thinking what? so fast? etc and it will make them either jealous or make them realize just how much they missed you.

Trick No. 3 Let them make the first step.

Now that you have been seen. Now that you have stirred emotions into your exes hard you are one step away from getting your ex back. Sit back, relax and wait for them to call you. They will… Don’t feel tempted to call them yourself, let them make the first step. Once they do, you’ll be on the right track to getting back together.

Trick No. 4 Stay in contact.

Now that first contact has been made you need to keep it up. Don’t call them every 2 hrs, not even every day, call them once in a while and let them make more calls. This will show that you are not desperate but interested. Great isn’t it?

There you have it 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, they always work, just put them to the test. What are you waiting for? Now pay close attention to this.

If you apply these techniques with no underlying strategy you can do more damage than good. What I mean is if you do manage to get them back, can you keep hold of them? The main idea is to get your ex back and keep them there and for this you need a well organized PLAN! See Plan Here!

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How to Create Positive Thinking at Work

We all want employees with a can-do attitude. Positive thinking is the first step to effective action and ultimate success. An encouraging environment where workers feel motivated, valued, and rewarded can make the difference between average, lacklustre performance and energetic workers who go the extra mile.

Managers and team leaders can help to foster positive thinking in the workplace. Here are a few ways to encourage your team to do their best:

Address concerns promptly. When someone has a question, let them know they can count on you to respond in a timely manner. There’s nothing worse than having a problem and not knowing what to do about it. If your people know they can turn to you for answers, they’ll be encouraged to perform in a productive and positive way. 
Maintain your equipment and other resources. It sounds elementary, but frequent equipment failures can slow down work and frustrate employees. Have a game plan to quickly get systems and machines up and running in the event of breakdown. Let employees know how long the fix will take so they can plan their work accordingly. A positive attitude comes from knowing that a company has emergencies covered. 
Use incentives. Rewards can be small or large, but the chance to get something extra for a stand-out performance is very motivating. Some companies offer vacations and bonuses for top producers. Having something besides a regular paycheck to shoot for makes work more fun. The more fun your team is having, the more positive they’ll feel about their work. 
Provide resources. Many employees want to be better at their jobs but lack effective training materials. Seminars, conferences, leadership training and motivational speakers are a great way to excite your team. Investing in employee education tells workers you believe in their ability and fosters a positive spirit. 

Workers who have faith in themselves and the value of their work tend to be more confident, resourceful, and productive. If you believe in your team and express it, your team will be more likely follow in your line of positive thinking.

rogenSi can revolutionise your business operations. With their unique and tailored business training programs, rogenSi has helped business leaders and their teams lead, inspire change and drive sales growth within their organisations. At rogenSi, we provide clients with the strategies, skills and mindset required to increase revenue and improve service.

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February 2, 2017 // HEART TO HEART! In today’s video I talk about staying positive and allowing yourself to go through all the pain and struggles that life throws at us. I may not have all the answers for everything but I can share what works for me and what allows me to continue to stay a positive and happy person no matter how shitty life gets sometimes…
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7 Ways to Stay Positive At Work – Hari Kalymnios from The Thought Gym Lifestyle Blog

Hari Kalymnios from http://thethoughtgym.com shows you 7 ways how to stay positive at work. Indeed, you can use these tips to stay positive at home or wherever you want. It’s not about positive thinking and any other that other new age malarky. This is about real, positive results.

Things that you can do right now to bring more positivity and happiness into your life.


Enjoy and remember to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=thethoughtgym

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Creating a Positive Work Environment

Johnny enjoyed his job. He woke up early each morning excited about going to the office. He felt like he was making a difference. He was engaged and constantly challenged. He enjoyed his team mates and overall had a great time at work.

Sally was the exact opposite of Johnny. She hated work. She found it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and start her day. She didn’t fell like she contributed and was constantly in battle with her coworkers.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know which employee is going to be more productive.

Think about your past experiences, I bet you’ve had Sally jobs and Johnny jobs. I know I have. What is it about Johnny’s job that makes it so much more manageable, so much more exciting? It is the work environment. The people you work with, the job you do, the boss you have, the support you get, all of these things and many more make up your work environment.

So how can you as a leader ensure you have built a Johnny environment and not a Sally one?

1. Make sure that your team is challenged at work. Are they doing work they find interesting? Are they making a difference? Ensuring your team has challenging work is key to making a great work environment. One way to do this is to evaluate your team’s work and make sure it is evenly balanced across the workgroup. Also, look at what your employees like to do and what they are skilled at and make sure that there is an abundance of work in those areas if possible. If this is not possible, it may be time to ask yourself if you have the right people cast correctly.

2. Make sure your company and workgroup have clearly established goals. Nothing is more frustrating than lack of direction. Teams with out a clear vision of the future have the propensity to “spin their wheels.”. If your team does not have clear objectives, create them. Once they are created, share them and make sure that the team understands them and how they link to the job they do. Only then can you create clear, fair and stretching objectives for the individual that are linked to the overall company objectives. Ensuring that the employee has clear, fair and stretching objectives will let the employee know what is expected of them. This linkage of goals will allow the employee to see that they do makes a difference and will more than likely make them feel a greater connection to the organization and its objectives.

3. Make sure you create an atmosphere where fun is accepted. No your work environment doesn’t need to be like the set of an Adam Sandler movie, but it does need to accept fun. A client once told me that they were not fun, I told them they didn’t have to be fun, but they needed to be ok with others letting loose at times. All of this is still within the confines of what is right and what is not. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down a little and have some fun at work.

4. Make sure you get to know your team, both professionally and personally. Life is too short to spend 8 (or more) hours a day with people you don’t enjoy. Get to know people away from work. Understand what makes people you work with tick. Know the name of people in your office and use them. Try and learn things about your team so you can create meaningful dialogues with them.

5. Make sure to create an environment where differences are celebrated. Don’t just say it, truly live it. Different people bring different backgrounds and experiences to the table. Without difference we would have a whole office full of people like you. And if you are like me that could be scary.

6. Make sure people are treated fairly and consistently. Make sure your team knows you have their back. If you treat everyone the same and have the same rules for everyone the team will know what is expected and what is in bounds. Eliminate the showing of favoritism.

7. Make sure you are giving and receiving feedback often. Truly share openly.

8. Make sure you recognize contributions. Understand how your teams like to be recognized and try and recognize them that way. In a past corporate job, one of my managers didn’t like to be recognized in large group meetings. She preferred to be recognized in small work groups or in one-on-one situations. Knowing this, when she was up for a big award, I ensured that the recognition was in small groups and not at the large company meeting. This may sound simple, but knowing your people is critical to gaining their trust and support and creating a great environment.

Unfortunately, these are not quick fixes; they take a while to master and implement. Good luck and remember you can create an environment like Johnny’s.

Russ Faulkner is the Principal at Your Training Team, LLC. We are dedicated to helping you grow your business by focusing on your most valuable resource … Your People. We provide best in class employee development solutions to ensure our clients can compete in today’s tough marketplace.

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