TF2 – Medic Self analysis (Medic tips and self improvement) KyKitsu


TF2 - Medic Self analysis (Medic tips and self improvement) KyKitsu

Hey everyone, I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile now, I wanted to do videos on tips and tricks for medic improvement, especially with competitive around the corner, but I though why not first analyze myself first, and see what I myself do wrong first.

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Video Rating: / 5

Overcome jealousy by having a sense of humor and counting personal blessings. Learn more about overcoming jealousy with tips from a professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Video Rating: / 5

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26 Responses to TF2 – Medic Self analysis (Medic tips and self improvement) KyKitsu

  1. Mic Nor says:

    I main as a battlemedic and always PTFO. Most of the time I die it's because I am alone and my teammates stay back to spawn camp. You've got the strats man but it's all for nothing if the team doesn't prioritize.

    PS – I think there should be a penalty system for abandoning matches – like the one in CS:GO. I've joined many a servers only to be auto-balanced to the losing team that just ends up being half the winning team or less by the end of the round.

  2. Vitto says:

    pretty early ubers; cool idea but maybe do it from lobby povs?

  3. TurbAndy says:

    What about comp? A demo review of a pub is kinda ironic ;D

  4. TurbAndy says:

    Don't you play comp?
    A demo review of a pub is kinda ironic ;D

  5. TurbAndy says:

    Don't you play comp?
    A demo review of a pub is kinda ironic ;D

  6. TurbAndy says:

    Don't you play comp?
    A demo review of a pub is kinda ironic ;D

  7. Carlo Alvarez says:

    Hey KyKitsu, Awesome video! I'd love to discuss a business inquiry with you, please email me at and I can share the details with you :)

  8. Insomniuhh says:

    Love the concept. Keep it up.

  9. james snyder says:

    Watching mistakes and errors explained can be quite beneficial, so I liked this one.
    I know that feeling of wanting to give up, at least u didn't rage class change

  10. KyKitsu says:

    I'll upload annotations in the morning, gotta head to bed for work! Thanks for all the support guys, and let me know any pointers for my medic plays! :D

  11. Arnold34251 says:

    or your just a person that sees reality in a depressing way… u know

  12. Louisa Mae says:

    1 key sentence helped me: you may not want to be what they are

  13. thethirdq says:

    Great Video I really enjoy it! Hope you enjoy ours…

  14. thethirdq says:

    Great Video I really enjoy it! Hope you enjoy ours…

  15. l3m0np13 says:

    @ilovea4eva they are both the same, not exactly but they are the same.

  16. Abner M says:

    The 10th commandment in the Bible tells us not to covet what others have. Not coveting their things definitely helps in not being jealous of them. Wouldn't you agree?

  17. EdsVideoTube says:

    Dr. Paul you're depressing

  18. Tikashi Wisdom says:

    Better wisdom can be found on our channel! We have powerful and inspirational self help and information people can REALLY use.

  19. gunskill20 says:

    this mans a genius idc what u haters say this mans on a roll change the world possibly

  20. Shimmerwave says:


  21. Fire4FX says:

    Needs to make a video on how to deal with liars!

  22. Skampo1119 says:

    It dosen't make sense at all

  23. jstnhnh says:

    I bet Dr. Paul has that car.

  24. Jayskiallthewayski says:


  25. ilovea4eva says:

    it's called 'envy'…not 'jeolousy'…they're two diff. things..!

  26. XxDoggyLoverxX says:

    sweet! first comment!

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